Chapter 1

I can feel the night beginning
separate me from the living
understanding me
after all I've seen
piecing every thought together
find the words to make me better
if I only knew how to pull myself apart

-Sweet Scarifice


She walked down the deserted corridor standing next to the Hokage's assistant. She had just transferred to Konoha high school from her old private school. Her cousins was going into his last year of high school, her sister into her last year of junior high and herself her third year. Her name was Hyuuga Hinata.

She was dressed in a long sleeved black shirt and a white shirt over top. Her trousers were just baggy jeans, or mainly all her clothes were baggy trying to hide the non existent fat on her body. At her last school she was a brain box, geek, and nerd but there was something different about her. Something she didn't tell people because they wouldn't believe her. She trained herself everyday since the night of her mother's death in gym and dance. It was her mothers wish or so her father told her.

She was alone in the world. She was rejected by her father, called weak and pathetic. Her cousin, Neji: stronger, faster and better. Her sister, Hanabi: better, faster and favoured.

Hinata looked nervously around her new school. They had dropped Neji off at his classroom and he had walked in without a so much of a thanks or bye. She sighed as they approached room 204. The assistant, Shizune knocked and walked in.

"Kakashi-san, this is the new student," she said walking in and knocking a flying kunai out the way of them. The man at the desk had silver hair and a mask covering his face leaving one visible eye. He was reading what Neji called 'hentai'. She looked at him curiously then at the students who were dulling down to stare at her. She started getting more nervous and poking her index fingers together.

"Err…Oh Hai, Arigatou Shizune-san," he said looking up from his 'dirty' book

"Oh yeh and Kakashi, against rules to have that book," called Shizune as she waved to Hinata and waled out.

"Okay class shut up!" called Kakashi lazily, the class soon shut up and stared at him "We have a new student this year, her name is Hyuuga Hinata." He said before returning to his book. She gulped and scanned the room. There was a seat at the back next to a boy who looked pissed off. He had flaming red hair, a red tattoo for 'love' on his forehead and was dressed casually. He had black trousers on and a crimson shirt on with a white undershirt on. She shivered slightly and started walking.

Today was going to be a long day………..

As lunch came by Hinata rushed out the room to get away from accusing glares from others as she raced to get to the cafeteria. She bought her lunch and quickly took the tray and food to the gym. She knew it would be empty and she would be able to do something she actually enjoyed. Gym.

On the other side of the cafeteria a group of teens sat watching the new girl. As she waled quickly out the cafeteria and to the some unknown destination.

"Who's she?" asked the blond girl fiddling with the green jello that seemed to be living and moving

"The new girl, Hyuuga Hinata," mumbled a tall brown hair boy wearing a hoodie covering his face and his glasses reflecting the light

"Well duh Shino, where do you think she's going?" asked Temari

"I dunno but she has a bad sense of fashion," said Tenten huffing and scooping a bit of ramen into her mouth

"Well it looks like those bastards got the other one," said Kankurou coming over with his tray

"Hm? What?" asked Ino

"New guy, Hyuuga Neji, it seems Sasuke's gang already got him, could have used him," her muttered darkly, the four girls heads snapped to the other table across the room, there was another person sitting there. A guy with pale white eyes and black long hair tied loosly at the back. They gaped a bit until Gaara grunted at them and they stopped.

"Oi where's Naruto and Kiba?" asked Chouji

"Beats me, got detention again for beating up Sasuke's gang," muttered Shikamaru. They nodded when Tenten and Sakura stood up from their muttering and gathered their stuff.

"We have to go, I wanna go see Kurenai-sensei about our homework," said Sakura

"Whatever," muttered Gaara as he stood as well, everyone stared at him in the cafeteria as he walked nobody dared to get in the way of the vicious gang leader. He just carried on walking and stormed past Sasuke's table to get to the exit. His table sighed and Sakura and Tenten just followed walking out to secretly go see where the newbie went to.

Hinata walked cautiously into the gym, Gai-sensei had said she could use it for the lunch hour after shouting stuff about the youthful flame and other sorts for things. She changed quickly into trackies and stretched. She felt someone coming closer but assumed they were outside the gym and were teachers. When she played the music she got into place at the furthest corner of the gym. To the beat she ran forwards twisting and turning her body to land on the exact beat, her wrist supports straining at every landing on them and her hair flying into her face as she ended the first line. She then proceeded to stretch and work on different floor moves. But unknownst to her she had spectators.

"Holy shit Ten, she's good," muttered Sakura

"Lets go talk to her, maybe she'll come by Gaara's place after to meet the others?" said Tenten hopefully "We could really use her in our gang," she added hopefully

"You know it's already risky and Jiraiya and the Hokage told us we have to stop bringing in people," scolded Sakura

"Yeh butttttttttt what happens if she chooses it," countered Tenten, Sakura sighed and walked forward

"Fine," she said

"Oi your really good you know," called Tenten walking over the new girl stopped suddenly in mid jump and landed ungracefully "Ouch, sorry!"

"I-it's-s al-alright-t" stuttered Hinata standing up quickly and turning off the music

"Sorry we wanted to introduce ourselves," said Sakura "I'm Haruno Sakura and that's Tenten," said the girl with pink hair Hinata nodded and smiled slightly

"I'm H-Hyuuga H-Hinata," she said nervously "I'm s-sorry i-if y-you w-wanted t-t-to u-use the g-gym," she stumbled collecting her stuff quickly

"No! No!" cried Tenten trying to calm the nervously "We wanted to come meet you,"

"Oh," said Hinata stopping suddenly

"Chill out we want to be friends," said Sakura

"Oh Okay," said Hinata calming down.

"We also wanted to know if you wanted to come over to a friends house after school to meet some of our friends," said Tenten, Hinata paused and thought, Neji's taking Hanabi home and I offered to walk so maybe for a bit…..but I hope they don't hate me after….

She nodded and smiled at them.

"Okay, I'll come," she said stopping her stumbling

"That's great!" they cheered jumping up and down to each other "We'll get you from outside the school gates at the end of the day!" said Tenten as the bell rang for next lesson.

Okayy people this is my first time actually doing an actual pairing in a high school setting so no flamez pls………..--'