Reviews for Possession
Nanako-chan chapter 3 . 11/13/2017
Yes, you can, Hikaru. You just narrowly managed to avoid needing to.
Nanako-chan chapter 2 . 11/13/2017
Huh. Not that I don't essentially have a sociopath sibling of my own causing me grief, but at least said sibling isn't outright obsessed with me... Just sort of, when it's convenient for them. And we are blood, so there's that. Geez... It makes an awful lot more sense why Hikaru was willing to make that last push. I'd definitely do the same... the thing with the door? That would be the straw to break the camel's back, if it wasn't already broken. Poor guy...
Nanako-chan chapter 1 . 11/13/2017

(Strangely, I'm actually not really that surprised... I've kind of lived something similar, but a number of reasons made it so that, out of necessity, I only ever fantasized. The bigger surprise to me is that he went through with it.)
Demon-night24 chapter 3 . 8/21/2017
creo q me estoy enamorando de tus trabajos ,de hikaru no go XD son simplemente atrapantes ,siempre me gustaron las historias algo oscuras y tristes ,asi que esto y los otros fics tuyos que lei ,me dejaron muy contenta,por un lado puedo ver que Akira podría ser igual a Sai ,incluso Sai dice que ve lo mismo que El ve y al mismo objetivo e incluso mas por que Akira se vuelve aun mas importante que Sai ,el hecho de que lo mate como a Sai también se me viene a la cabeza y me encanta como lo terminaste dejas en duda: " ¿aquí acaba?" simplemete hermoso ...
RequiemforZenith chapter 3 . 5/2/2016
Oh my Lord the feels. I legit had to stop reading a couple of times. Pure genius this is. STILL CANT GET OVER THIS.
lambda.lawliet chapter 3 . 1/17/2016
This is darker than black coffee. Well done.
ilko chapter 3 . 10/24/2015
This story gave me chills. Is there anything you can't write? I appreciate the open ending-I'm choosing to believe that Akira is wonderful and considerate and helps Hikaru recover from the trauma that has been /his entire life so far/, but I can't say that the glimpses of him we've seen from his interactions with Sai aren't alarming...
Areen chapter 3 . 8/23/2015
Well,i was hoping more like rape and...ur...did hikaru kill sai? Why? I thought they gonna hv forbidden love or something
RustedEagleWings chapter 3 . 12/20/2014
This is an absolutely haunting story! Absolutely brilliant. Great job.
mot chapter 3 . 10/26/2014
This is good.
devilsama666 chapter 3 . 8/11/2014
This was chilling and exquisit . I've never read an insane Sai but you did him quit well . The last part was the most tragic . I do hope Akira is not like Sai . Anyway good job and keep it up !
lazyass out !
R'khu chapter 3 . 3/11/2014
a fantastic story!
and I really like the questions at the end of the third chapter, made me think about some things I had not thought ...
all possibilities are interesting, I can not decide which I prefer!
Seventeenth Shenanigan chapter 3 . 2/19/2014
Dear gods. Oh heavens. What the shenanigans just happened. Homg HOMG HO MA FREAKIN' GOD. That...was...a radical take on, like, everything I ever knew about Hikaru no Go. I think I feel the dark impulses tugging at me now, the whispers slowly encroaching and ever so slightly, like that slow trickle of water leaking from a dam, filling my hands with the need to hold on to something and never ever let go...

What have you done to me. This corner of my mind is currently twisted into a strange helix that somehow turns in on itself and goes all 4D-ish and I don't even know but THAT WAS FANTASTIC. Holy shenanigans all the things you didn't say. You have this Idunnokindamasterful control of silence and little reading between the lines things that I can't consciously understand but they're the kinds of things that give you that tendril of irrational uneasiness that comes with the darkness of a familiar wood. It's pretty great.

Thank you for your work!

(Sorry this is a little late QQ 3)
TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 3 . 2/9/2014
Fuck what just /happened/? Oh my god, and I thought just the first chapter was bad, back before II and III were written. Sai's psychopathy was completely unexpected, and I first I thought something was wrong with Hikaru, but then /Part II happened/. Holy shit. I am in complete awe. I love the sequencing of the events that you decided on. Maximum impact. :'D
Tuulikki chapter 3 . 2/4/2014
I can't really believe Akira would be like Sai (too much bad luck for Hikaru!) but it makes sense Hikaru would see it that way. I hope Akira realizes he'd better proceed carefully.
Such a dark little fic. It would be interesting to see a happy fic from you, but I'm not complaining. I just love these dark ones, too much. ;)
Oh, and I did have some kind of a feeling that it was all because Sai was somehow, I don't know, suffocating Hikaru, but I didn't guess just how far it went. Freaky. But somehow it's really easy (frighteningly easy) to imagine Sai this way... There is something possessive about him.
Great work, as always!
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