A/N: Hello again! ^o^ This is my first chapter based fic that I wrote. I've prewritten everything (I just need to proofread and edit etc.) so updating won't be too long (hopefully) Also Please, please, please read the warnings, I can't stress that enough. My fic has a trigger warning: there is rape, abuse/torture, yaoi, yandereness and sexual themes. If you are not comfortable with any of that, please hit that back button right now. Anyways, there is also some possible OOCness, I tried my best to keep them in character, but sometimes things change :) Without any further ado, I hope you like my story~

Disclaimer: I do not own KnB, only this crazy fic :)


Kuroko and his basketball team, Seirin finished their practice game for the day. Kuroko was exhausted but was feeling exhilarated from the intense game. Everyone has come a long way since the start of the year and Kuroko smiled softly at that. They all headed to the locker room to change into a new set of clothes.

"Hey, Kuroko!" he heard his best friend and team mate, Kagami called out to him. "I think Kise is here." he said hearing an abundance of girls shrieking down the hall.

Kuroko hadn't told anyone, but he has feelings for the blonde. He asked Kise to meet up with him every other day after practice to hang out and the blonde has never disappointed him and was always there at the right time. "Ok, I'm almost done." he said throwing on a clean shirt before packing his bags.

"Kise has been coming here rather frequently, huh?" Hyuga commented and Kuroko turned slightly red.

"He's just visiting here, that's all." Kuroko said and wished everyone a goodnight before leaving the locker room.

The rest of his team mates stared at the door as it closed slowly. "Hm, what do you think of it guys?" Hyuga said scratching his chin.

"Well, Kise is a good looking guy." Izuki commented while splashing some water onto his face. "Though I can't imagine Kuroko into anyone."

Kagami just stared down at his shoes. What was this feeling? Was he feeling...jealous? Kagami grunted at the thought and picked up his gym bag and left the room also.

"Woah...what ticked him off?" Hyuga said watching as the red head stormed out of the room.

"You guys are too nosy." Kiyoshi said standing up. "Let's not probe into their lives, huh?"

"Oh, well you can talk." Hyuga muttered and Kiyoshi placed his arm around his old friend.

"Who's up for some BBQ?" Kiyoshi exclaimed and everyone in the room nodded and screamed in excitement.

Kuroko walked anxiously around the school, following the sounds of shrieking fan girls. Wherever there are fan girls...there is Kise. He turned around the corner and there he was, standing tall, handsome and smiley as usual.

Kuroko felt his heart pound and he walked towards the mob of girls. Kise looked over their heads and his smile widened. "Oh, excuse me ladies, it's great chatting with you but I got to go see someone." he could hear the disappointment in his fan's voices but they left him off the hook...for now. "Hey Kurokocchi!" he hollered happily and hugged the phantom boy tightly.

The girls were oblivious to the blonde's actions towards Kuroko; some even squealed at the sight. "H-hello, Kise-kun..." Kuroko said hugging him back. Kuroko felt his cheeks warming up as he felt the embrace from his old teammate. Even though Kise could get any girl in the world, he chose to be with Kuroko. The bluenette buried his face deeper into his chest, smelling the familiar scent of the blonde and blushed harder at that thought.

"Hey, you OK?" Kise asked letting go of him slightly so he could take a good look at him.

"Yeah, I'm just...happy to see you." Kuroko said softly, looking away from the blonde's eyes in embarrassment.

Kise smiled wider. "I'm happy to see you too, Kurokocchi!" he exclaimed and they both walked out of the school. They both decided to go to a small restaurant down the street. After they ordered, Kise would always be busy telingl stories that happened at Kaijo. From his own basketball practices to some of the tests he had failed. KUroko would always enjoy hearing them, especially at how the way Kise would be so animated and into his storytelling. Kuroko loved everything about him...he just wished he had the courage to tell him that.

"Oh, by the way Kurokocchi..." Kise said first before taking a sip from his drink. "Aominecchi and Midorimacchi will be visiting you too!"

Kuroko paused and looked up. "Oh ...really?"

"Yeah, since we're all on break, they are planning to come and visit too." he said and Kuroko stared back at his food. "Kurokocchi, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing..! That's great to hear." he said and continued to eat, before a bigger hand came and held his own. "Kise-kun?"

"Hey...we can still hang out together on our own." Kise said as if he read his mind. "But it's always nice to see your other old teammates too, right?"

Kuroko smiled and nodded again. "Yes, you're right."

"Hm...I'm not sure about Murasakibaracchi though." Kise said thinking aloud. "Don't even bother with Akashicchi!" he continued and rolled his eyes making Kuroko smile. "But Murasakibaracchi may come by as well, have you talked with him lately?"

Kuroko shook his head. To be honest, he lost almost all touch with the Generation of Miracles. He only talked with Kise and sometimes Aomine, but the rest of them he hardly talked to. It was mainly due to school and the basketball games they would have with each other. Sometimes after winning or losing a match made their relationship that much harder to maintain.

"Anyways, we'll all visit you! Maybe we can have a big party or something!" Kise said in excitement and KUroko nodded.

After the meal, Kise walked Kuroko back home. Kuroko stared down at Kise's hand and so badly wanted to hold it. KUroko's heart pounded and didn't know what to do. Will Kise like him back? Kise was nice to everyone and was liked by everyone as well. He sighed in defeat as he couldn't muster up the courage to make the first move.

Kise looked down at Kuroko and noticed the smaller boy was looking upset and was quieter than usual. "Kurokocchi?"

Kuroko snapped back into reality and turned to him. "I'm so sorry, Kise-kun." he looked away feeling his eyes water up. "No, I can't cry now!"

"Why are you apologizing, Kurokocchi?" he asked stopping his tracks and crouched down a bit to see him. He saw tears down Kuroko's cheeks and it broke his heart. "Kurokocchi...please don't cry." he wiped the tears softly away and hugged him close. "Do you want to talk about it? Is it me..?"

Kuroko paused at the last question. No, why would it be you?! Kuroko shook his head immediately and gripped his shirt tightly. The familiar smell of Kise made him less tense as he slowly peeled himself away to face him. "Kise-kun..."

The blonde looked at the bluenette with worried eyes, wiping the last droplet of tears down his cheeks.

"I...um...I...wanted to..." Kuroko hiccupped from his tears and Kise smiled softly at the adorable moment. "I wanted to...hold your hand..." he said turned around shyly.

Kise's eyes widened and laughed softly. "Ah Kurokocchi, you're so cute! Of course you can hold my hand!" he took his hand and entangled his fingers with his. "I wanted to hold yours as well."

Kuroko looked up seeing Kise smiling lovingly at him. "Thank you, Kise-kun." The two walked the rest of the way towards Kuroko's house with their hands connected. Occasionally Kise would playfully swing their hands back and forth making Kuroko grateful that it was too dark for the blonde to notice his reddening cheeks. As they reached his house, Kuroko stopped as he saw a figure sitting on the steps of his door.

"Kurokocchi?" Kise asked and looked at the direction he was looking at.

The figure stood up to his full height, and the dim light casted a dark, mysterious shadow across his face as he made his way to the other two. "Hey Kuro-chin..." that voice and nicknaming was way too well known as both male's eyes widened as he stepped closer.