Sorry, had to, computer was right there and I was thinking about Kuroko being a model… ^.^' If you're not looking for Shounen-ai, please, hit the back button… If you're looking for straight out yaoi, inform me, would you?

"Kuro-chan, turn just a little bit to the side!" The photographer shouted out kindly, almost happily, and the one he addressed followed the request, making a stubborn face as was requested as well. She looked absolutely beautiful, her light blue hair having been given the curls only seen in movies, manga, and anime; even though it originally reached mid-back length, now that it was curled as such it reached her shoulders only. Her deep blue eyes showed little to no emotion on a regular basis but, when requested kindly, she could cause any expression to show up by only sheer will. The outfit, given especially for this shoot, matched the personality she was supposed to portray. Apparently, a popular (and quite rich) mangaka was having issues figuring out what her main character should look like, after all it was quite difficult to find an original idea anymore, and had requested for a renowned photographer to get her a picture of a beautiful, refined, rich, snobby like girl. The photographer had known 'Kuro-chan' from previous jobs and asked her if she would help him out, as she was known to take any sort of odd job as well as being the most beautiful female model at this point of time.

After the shoot, Kuro-chan went to change into normal clothing, simply sticking to a plain t-shirt and capris and taking her hair down from the curls that were simply unnatural and annoying, and walked out of the building. You see, Kuro-chan, real surname being Kuroko, was not one to talk. In fact, no one aside from her manager truly knew what her voice sounded like. Thus, she felt no need to actually stick around to greet the camera crew or thank them for taking the time out of their schedule to take the photographs. Her manager would do it for her. After all, it was under her manager's orders that she didn't speak to anyone that was not family. Kuroko ignored all the looks and whispers she gained as she walked down the street openly, not bothering to disguise her identity. No one had the guts to go up to her to ask for her autograph though; simply because she radiated an aura that told them that she was on a completely different level from them. Kuroko did not know this though.

"Tadaiima." Kuroko whispered as she walked through the door, her voice a lower octave than that of a regular female. She took off her shoes at the entryway of her apartment before going straight to her bedroom. She opened the door and an immediate attack of a Siberian husky pushed her down to the ground. "Hey, Nigou." She let one of her rare smiles out as the overgrown dog was overly excited to see her again. She had gotten Tetsuya Nigou a few years ago, having been given him as a gift from her manager for making her debut when he was a puppy, and they were now close friends. A buzzing sound went off next to her and she grabbed her light blue colored phone to see a text message from her manager.

School tomorrow! \( ^.^)/

Hope you're prepared… Your first year in an actual school!


Kuroko simply sighed. Yes, it was the great model Kuroko's first year to actually go to school. She had been home schooled for the past sixteen years but it appears that her people skills are in question, causing the media to go into a riot. It was just another way to get rid of another person who had made their own way to the top. Kuroko pushed her long hair behind her ear as she looked back at Nigou. An idea popped into her head and she grabbed the phone she had set down just a second ago to open the message back up and send a reply.

Kuroko made her way through the school gates, her longer-than-others school uniform skirt swished around her knees about an inch above the knee length socks that were also part of the school uniform. She had added her own touch to the outfit by switching the black neck tie with a light blue one instead, having the school insignia printed onto the necktie. She kept ahold of the leash attached to Nigou as he kept glancing around excitedly. She could tell the husky wanted nothing more than to jump on any one of the new people and introduce himself to them. She kept the leash short though in case he did, in fact, try to do so. She glanced at the map that she had been given along with the time table that she had gotten to find her homeroom class. She continued walking as she located it and, just as she had finally zoned in on the number that she was looking for, she felt pain erupt in the back of her skull and tripped, falling face first to the ground. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?! Aominecchi! Look what you made me do! She's dead now!" The voice of the panicking and crying blonde came very loudly right before Kuroko pulled herself together and pushed herself up. "Ah! A zombie?!"

Kuroko turned around, rubbing the back of her head, before replying. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I am no zombie." Then the order from her manager ran through her head and her eyes widened. How could she forget such an important order?! Sure, she was there so she could build her people abilities, but that didn't mean that she could talk quite yet! It'd give her secret away!

"Eh? She's alive?" The blonde in front of her looked very familiar and she recognized him from some of the parties that her manager had forced her to go to, if she remembered correctly his name was Kise Ryouta. She glanced at the one that Kise had been talking to to see a shell-shocked tanned male with dark blue hair. He looked familiar as well, almost like that guy from that basketball magazine that Kuroko would sneak into her apartment. "Hey, you're that girl, Kuro-chan right?" Kuroko nodded once, getting uncomfortable as the two males stared at her longer than was needed, and turned around to go find her classroom. "Ne, ne! You're coming to our school?! Sugoi! Another model at my school! This year's going to be so fun!" The blonde matched footsteps with our blue haired friend, a large grin on his face.

"Please don't fake anything near me." Kuroko muttered, walking away from the now frozen grinning blonde.

The blue haired female left the two males, one shocked and the other just frozen. "That's…" The darker teen, Aomine Daiki, started, his face slowly changing to glee. "That's Kuro Te-chan! She was in a photo shoot with Mai-chan, voted more beautiful despite her non-existent boobs!" It was obvious from the way that Aomine was acting that he had believed so too. "She's even more so in real life!" That comment, obviously said unintentionally, just proved it.

"She… How did she know…?" Kise grin had faded after being told that she saw it as fake.

"Who cares? All I want to know is what class she's in!" Aomine seemed to be excited about the rest of the year, despite his lack of interest in school. After that, they resumed their one-on-one game while feeling as though they were being watched. This, after all, was true; if you were to look through a classroom window on the third floor to meet the multi-colored eyes of one Akashi Seijuurou, their basketball team captain and friend. Having seen the encounter between his members and the idol, Akashi turned with a smirk. Knowing that this year will be quite the interesting school year.

"Class, we have a new student today. You may recognize her as soon as you see her." The teacher was obviously trying his best to appear competent and handsome, failing at it very much, before opening the door for the 'new student' to step in. As soon as she did, Aomine became excited, Kise froze again, and Akashi smirked at the development that had happened.

"It's Kuro Te-chan!" Many girls in the class became excited as well to have such a beautiful and popular girl in their class.

"Whoa! Look at her!" The guys had also become excited but for a completely different reason, blushes appearing on their faces, aside from the miraculous five exceptions. A certain green haired megane continued reading his book, not even sparing the new girl a look, while the purple haired giant liked his snacks way more than some new girl.

"U-um…" The teacher seemed to not know where to start and, as Kuroko's eyes moved towards him, he continued with a blush and a horrible stutter. "Y-y-you know th-that dogs are n-n-not permitted on-on school g-gr-grounds, r-right?" Kuroko's head tilted to the side as she frowned in confusion.

"Nigou isn't allowed to come to school with me? Won't I feel lonely then?" Kuroko spoke again, trying to cover her lower tone of voice by heightening it. It sounded strange, almost as if she had a sore throat and was losing her voice, but it didn't change any of the other classmates' impressions on her. Akashi's eyebrow raised in the slightest bit as he observed the new student even more so than before, paying close attention to small details.

"Let Kuro-chan keep her dog here, it's not like anyone here has an allergy to animals." Akashi spoke up; after all, as the student council president, he knew everyone's allergies and other health related things. In his defense, the files were meant to be read so that he could help any student that needed it or be there when they needed it. It had absolutely nothing to do with curiosity, boredom, etc. etc. Besides, the files were just sitting there innocently and he was reading before he even realized it.

"Ve-very well." The teacher's stutter was for a very different reason now as he felt the head student's gaze in his direction, piercing into his skin to see anything inside of him, even his most dark secrets. Such as his attraction to only those girls that are younger than him. By younger, it would have to be at high school age. Not that he did anything to act out those attractions, he just felt them.

The day went on without incident, Kuroko blending in with the female body quite quickly and males already trying to woo her without making her think they were creeps or anything. It was about lunch time, when almost all of the other classes in the 10th grade hallway had gathered to see if they could have lunch with Kuro Te-chan, that there seemed to be a shock to run through the student body. Kuro-chan had completely disappeared! Where could she have possibly gone so easily?!

Well, to answer that last question, why don't we take a look in a certain gym where the captain of the basketball team had called for a meeting the evening before, wanting to improve on something quickly. Kuroko was currently eating her lunch on the far side of the gym where none of the first stringers could see her; with her hair in a bun and hidden under her newsboy cap, it almost looked as if she were a guy. It seemed as though no one noticed her as long as her hair was short and part of her face was hidden, as well as having plain, non-flashy clothing. She had left Nigou in the classroom to continue his nap; after all, wouldn't it be rude to wake him up just so she could watch the basketball players practice?

She watched in awe, nearly forgetting to eat even a small portion of her meal, as the Generation of Miracles created a picture perfect scene, even without the other team present. After all, you could practically feel as if they were playing another team in this time. But something was off. It was after the tanned teen had dunked the ball, almost brutally, into the hoop that Kuroko realized what it was. She stood up and wrapped her bentou back up. She was no longer interested in watching now that she noticed what was missing. She let her hair down, putting the cap in her bag that she had brought with her, before walking away. Or attempting to, as the red haired captain suddenly appeared and grabbed her arm, preventing Kuroko from leaving.

"Isn't it a little rude to show up, uninvited, watch a little of us practice, then walk away without even announcing your presence?" The red head asked, observing the expression Kuroko made as she attempted to pull her arm away without using any force.

"Gomen. I was under the impression that you wanted to practice without interruptions." Kuroko wanted to leave quickly. This red head seemed to know everything about her, even the things that she needed to keep silent about, which gave her an odd feeling. A feeling of… fear? Excitement? Desire to do something for them all to know who she really was?

"You seem a little disappointed. What is it that you don't like about my team?" His gold eye seemed to bore straight into her blue ones; after all, it was the only one that she could look at. The red one scared her too much for some reason.

"There is nothing wrong with your team." She denied anything to do with disappointment with the team. It was more the teammates' personalities that were in the wrong…

"Then what is it?" He seemed determined to find out her answer.

"The… teamwork. There is none. It's, more or less, just passing the ball to whoever can score. That bothers me more than just a little." Kuroko had dropped the feminine voice that she had been trying to use this whole time. It was starting to hurt her throat. The multi-colored eyes narrowed for a mere second before relaxing again. The question he asks, though, sounds more like a demand.

"Then why don't you join the team and show us how to do this… teamwork." By now, the whole team was nearby and they had all heard the demand, causing even Murasakibara to drop the pocky box that he had been grabbing a stick out of.

"I apologize, but I do believe that a girl cannot join the boys' basketball team, and I think you already have a manager." She pointed over at the barely noticeable pink haired girl who seemed to be slightly annoyed with the girl who had shown up on her turf.

"That's true but I don't quite believe that you, yourself, are a girl." Kuroko's eyes widened in shock, almost dropping her bentou at that statement.

"Y-you seem to be mistaken. I am a girl, it's written on my birth certificate as well. I might not have the chest to prove it but I am most certainly a female." Kuroko seemed to strive for any answer that could come to her mind so that she could continue the façade. The captain narrowed his eyes in annoyance, someone was arguing with him about something. He'd prove himself right, right now. He grabbed her other wrist, placing it in the hand that had moved from Kuroko's forearm to her wrist, and held both in one hand. His hands weren't that big to begin with but with Kuroko's smaller wrists, he was able to do it easily.

"Wha-? Akashicchi, don't do it!" Kise's expression changed to one of panic as he realized what he was about to do, knowing exactly what could happen should he seriously offend one of the top models in the world. Instant jail time, bankruptcy, unable to employ for any sort of job, any one of the many evils that comes with offending someone with a lot of power in the world. Kise was too late though, not that Akashi would have listened to him anyways, and Akashi flipped Kuroko's skirt up. Kuroko's eyes widened in disbelief, Aomine started blushing before he realized what he was being shown, Midorima never even looked (he knew already, after all), Kise covered his eyes in fear and embarrassment, Murasakibara just picked his pocky back up so he could continue eating, and Momoi looked as surprised as Aomine at that moment. After all, it was just proven that Kuroko was, indeed, a guy. Even if it was done in a rather perverse way.

I feel like I made Akashi a pervert… hm… Well, there we have it, the opening of a new fanfiction, yet another one where Kuroko is a female model while still being male… If you want one like that, there's a really good one called Invisible… It says GoM and Kuroko but it seems that there are other pairings… In my opinion, I think that Akashi is probably going to end up with Kuroko rather than Kuroko have a male harem…

So… Anyone want to vote?

The first character (or choice) to reach ten votes gets to be the main pairing… k?

Kagami Taiga

Kise Ryouta

Akashi Seijuurou

Midorima Shintarou

Aomine Daiki

Murasakibara Atsushi

GoM Harem (Not including Kagami)

GoM+Kagami Harem


Which one shall it be? By the way, if you choose threesome, please tell me which two you want Kuroko to be with?

Tadaiima- I'm home, I'm back, really it's something you say when you enter your own home, sometimes said by someone who lives alone though usually when they life with someone else.

Ne, ne!- In other words, Kise is pretty much saying 'hey, hey!' in a way to grab someone's attention… It's also great for a conversation starter.

Sugoi!- Can mean Cool or Awesome, depending on how you say it. In this case, Kise is saying awesome.


Bentou- A boxed lunch, usually home-made.

Gomen- The shorter way, compared to Gomenasai, of saying "I'm sorry"… It's sort of our equivalent of 'sorry' but a little more respectful than that.

An omake, anyone? Sorry, but it seems that my brain is coming up with many ideas for this fanfiction but this might be the only one that I'll post for this week and probably next week as well…

Before lunchtime, during a small break…

"Kuro-chan, do you have anyone you like?" A girl with blonde hair and dark blue eyes questioned, her face not showing the hint of a fake emotion.

"Don't just ask someone that randomly!" A black haired female showed up, looking shocked at the question that was just asked, before turning towards the boy disguised as a girl. "Ne, is there any beliefs running through photographers and such about you? Is that why you're shown everywhere, in many different companies?"

"Well…" Kuroko started, thinking a bit about it before remembering a rumor that he had heard at one point when he was leaving the modeling agency after a job. "I heard once that everything I've ever worn, sell out almost immediately after the ad or commercial where I wear or use it is shown to the public, when it wasn't selling all that well before. I was once called the 'phantom model' because of how quickly these things disappeared. I haven't heard any recent rumors but it would seem that it's still happening since I went to a local clothing store and the woman's section was nearly wiped clean. There were even some guys standing near a shirt I had recently worn, arguing over the last shirt available, before a grandma came up and took it, walking away before the men realized it." The girls stared at Kuroko in shock before seeming to agree with the statement.

"Yeah, you're right. I tried to find an outfit that you had worn once because I thought it was cute but I couldn't find it because the woman's racks were near empty, with only rejects left in that area." The blonde stated, looking thoughtful.

"I've never been able to find any item that Kuro-chan has worn in any pictures. They're always sold out or just not sold at that store." The black haired one thought out loud.

"Really? It's interesting what an A-cup girl can do." Out of nowhere, a pink haired girl had appeared, a smile on a fakely interested expression. She seemed to be squeezing her arms together to make her boobs seem larger than they did before. The two girls that were talking to Kuroko before sweat dropped before becoming completely silent.

"Hello. My name's Kuro Te, what's yours?" Kuroko didn't read the awkward atmosphere and extended his hand for a handshake, ignoring the fake expression that she was showing him. She dropped the smile and stared at him openly.

"I'm Momoi Satsuki. I only have one thing to say to an A-cup like you; stay away from Dai- Aomine-kun." She glared at him before standing back up and walking out the door to go back to her classroom.

"… What's up with her and my cup size?" Kuroko turned towards the other two girls, who seemed to want nothing to do with Momoi.

"Ah, that's just how she measures the worth of a girl, it seems." The black haired girl tried to be vague about it. Kuroko just frowned.

"That's the wrong way to judge someone. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm, at the least, a B-cup." In fact, Kuroko has never truly checked the possible size of his chest- if he were a girl that is.

Meh, Idk what that was… Eh, I await your opinions!
