Here with a new story. Wonder if I'll continue it... It was just a random dream I had long ago and finally decided to write it. Hope y'all enjoy. It might not be a long multi chapter story since I have others to update and I suck with multi chapter stories.


Summary: Akashi is an undercover detective, one of the best. He has solved many troubling problems and never failed to seal a case. Until one special case showed up, involving abnormal stones. The only lead Akashi could find is to someone named Kuroko Tetsuya.

It was a quiet and dark night in Kyoto. Pleasantly peaceful. The bright lights in the city making a sight for anyone to see. There were lots of people on the sidewalks, some families walking with their young ones or couples laughing with their beloved.

A certain redhead could watch it from a warm and cozy cafe he certainly did enjoy. Recently it's been getting colder since it has become fall, and soon, it would be winter. Frost could already be detected on the ground almost every morning in Kyoto.

'How long?' The redhead wondered. 'How long until this silence is broken?'

There was always action in Kyoto. Criminals, per say. Police constantly risking their lives to keep the innocent safe while detectives spent constant nights awake trying to solve cases. People were tricky in Kyoto, or at least, the criminals were.

Kyoto was probably the most dangerous city in Japan. Although most didn't know that until they moved to Kyoto and witnessed the horror themselves. Some are tricked by the happy families and lovely couples, but those are the lucky ones. The smart ones that knew how to protect their families or themselves.

However, others weren't so smart. Constantly, people were robbed or injured. It was rare, but once in a while, a murder as well. Although this was no problem for Akashi Seijuuro, the best undercover detective in Kyoto.

He has solved many cases. Even some from the past, from a few years ago or before he was born. He never had trouble with any case and that's why people wanted to hire him. Of course, he had many names so he couldn't easily be found by citizens. Although the police know about him, on his behalf, and whenever they have a confusing case they call him.

Whenever there was a peaceful night in Kyoto, people took advantage for as long as they could. It was rare to have such a break in a city of criminals. Akashi was always suspicious of those peaceful nights. He always imagined that at some point on a nice night he would be called in for a case.

Quiet nights always mocked him. Teasing him. Give everyone false innocence and then the next day some kind of crime is committed. He was always tense on quiet nights in Kyoto.

'What will pop up tonight? And if not tonight, what is in store for us tomorrow?' Akashi asked himself, his fingers tapping on the table. He nearly jolted when he heard a phone ringing and his hand instinctively went to his pocket. It wasn't the phone that was ringing.

He could hear a man behind him answer his phone happily. Akashi sighed, returning his hand to the table. Was he too tense? Perhaps this really would be a quiet night and he could relax for once. He hasn't remembered a day where he actually got to calm down and relax ever since he became a detective.

Of course he would never quit his job. He was too good at it and he could help people this way while serving justice. Besides, he was used to it. He heard another phone ringing and after a moment he realized it was his own. With another sigh, Akashi answered his phone.



"Ah, Atsushi." Akashi greeted. His childhood friend, named Murasakibara Atsushi, had also joined him in his career. He was lazy and unnecessarily tall, but he was smart under his lazy cover. He decided he would help Akashi and the police force, and he kept his promise. "Is something the matter?" If Murasakibara is calling, then something must have happened.

"Where are you?" Murasakibara asked.

"Downtown. Why?"

"You'll see any second now."

'What?' Akashi was confused by the sentence and looked out his window. What would he be seeing? He kept his eyes focused, looking around. "Atsushi, I don't-" He stopped speaking when he heard a sudden scream from outside.

He looked out his window again until he found out where the scream came from. There was a body on the ground, an arrow sticking out of the back of the neck it seemed. What a painful death. "Atsushi, what is going on?" He asked quickly but calmly. He didn't go outside, not yet. It would be dangerous to rush out into danger.

He could hear police sirens in the distance and he knew the police must've knew this was going to happen.

"Someone has been spotted on the rooftops up town, and we tried to catch them but they injured several of our officers." Murasakibara answered. "Seems like some kind of archer. Our forces are chasing him now. I can tell he is already downtown, am I correct?"

"Yes, he just killed another person." Akashi said, watching closely. It seems like the archer is somewhere on his side of the street, so if he walked out and stayed by the door, he couldn't be shot. 'What could this be?'

Akashi watched as people began running, probably hurrying to get home and away from the archer. They probably wanted to jump in their beds and pretend nothing ever happened or decide to move out right away.

"Atsushi, are you with the force or at the station?" Akashi asked, watching outside. Some people from the cafe are either running out or ducking under tables, just in case.

"I am still at the station. If anything else happens, tell me right away and we will write it down." Murasakibara said.

"Understood." Akashi said, watching someone else get shot in the chest. He hated sitting by but he couldn't simply run out there. What could he do?

Akashi suddenly stood up, looking outside with slightly wide eyes. It looked like lightning was zooming through people, some dropping to the floor, twitching or shaking. Blood sprayed everywhere when the light zoomed by or when an arrow pierced someone's body. What is happening to this city?

"Atsushi, did any of our men spot something that looked like lightning?"

"No. What is happening?"

"Something... Something with incredible speed is running around and causing people to fall with seizures." Akashi said, his hands twitching at the sight. How badly he wanted to go out and end the chaos but he couldn't.

"Incredible speed? How fast?"

"Probably the speed of light I don't know." Akashi never says 'I don't know' so Murasakibara knew it was serious.

"What is-" Akashi was shocked when he heard Murasakibara suddenly stop talking.


After a few moments he got a reply. "I'm sorry. Something just happened by the station. There seems to be a big cat here... I want to say a panther but it's bigger than a lion."


'I know Kyoto is usually crazy but this is madness!'

"Aka-chin, I think you should come up to the station whenever you can. Be careful." Murasakibara said. They would need his help to deal with this, but with the archer, lightning, and big cat, it would be impossible to go anywhere. Murasakibara was telling him to stay put until they head further downtown.

Once Murasakibara hung up with Akashi agreeing, the redhead sighed. How many times must he stay calm when there is death all around him? One thing he did know was that whatever was happening was not normal.

The chaos went on almost all night. The police were no use. The killings continued until they eventually stopped before the sun rose. They just... disappeared without a trace besides the massacre they have done.

Akashi, despite being tired from staying up all night in the cafe, headed to the station immediately. He made sure no big cat was lingering around the station before heading inside.

As expected the station was chaotic, just like last night in town. There were papers everywhere, some torn up. Akashi spotted multiple huge scratches along the desks and walls. 'Did the big cat get in the station?'

There was blood on the ground and walls as well but not so much. He just hoped not too many people were hurt. He walked around, seeing some people hiding under their desks. Akashi told them it was safe to come out before continuing. Where was Murasakibara?


Akashi turned when he heard his name. He was relieved to see that Murasakibara was alright. He walked closer, tilting his head. "Atsushi, are you injured?" When he got a no for an answer he continued. "What happened?"

"That cat I mentioned had somehow got in. It left probably ten minute before you got here." Murasakibara said. "I don't think anyone was able to call the ambulance. I just called one."

"Good work. I'm glad you're not injured but how many were?"

"Only two. No deaths. But what happened in town?" Murasakibara asked.

"There was death everywhere. As you said, there was an archer. He shot people but there was also something else." Akashi said.

"The lightning." Murasakibara murmured before looking outside. The ambulance had arrived it seemed. "I don't think we should talk about it here. Let's let them do their jobs. Let's go in the Record Room."

After making sure the paramedics could find the injured, the duo headed to the Record Room where the records of criminals, past cases, or any theories and suspicions were listed.

"I don't think anything like this has ever happened." Murasakibara said as he sat down in a chair by a desk with a computer. On the computer was more information on past cases and such.

"Let's just go over what we have." Akashi said and Murasakibara nodded in agreement. "We have an archer that appears to never miss. Every shot I saw him make, it always hit target. Then we have the lightning that traveled on the ground, either cutting people or causing them to have seizures. Then, as you witnessed, we have a big panther like cat that is bigger than a lion. Is there anything we missed?"

"I do not think so. Surely we would have heard about it or seen it." Murasakibara answered.

Akashi nodded, sitting back in his seat. How could anyone pull this off? It seems so unnatural, different... abnormal. "Atsushi, why don't you search up for any abnormal cases?"

"Eh? From how long ago?"

"As far as you can get." Akashi said. This seems almost like magic or witchcraft. He highly doubted it, but with everything happening, anything's possible now.

It took a few minutes of searching, but Murasakibara couldn't find anything on the computer. "I'm sorry Aka-chin but there's nothing about abnormal cases. Only things like insane case or satanic cases."

'Could it be related with some kind of satanic insanity?' Akashi asked himself before shaking his head. That seems too far fetched for even this situation.

"I didn't think I'd need to ever do this..." Akashi murmured, standing up. "Atsushi, let me use the computer. But I'll need you to look away for a minute."

Murasakibara was confused but got up so Akashi could use the computer. It must've been important if Akashi wouldn't show him of all people.

Akashi sat at the computer and began typing a code. Of course to get police information you need a password that only police officers gained. It was the same for the government but only a few people knew the password for it. However, Akashi had that password.

He has helped the government solve a few cases as well which not many people could do. He has gained their trust and thus, he received their password. He was allowed to look at their information so long as it was for justice only. This took years of trust, not just a few cases.

"Atsushi, you can look now." Akashi said after a minute. He began searching for creations the government might have found or created but nothing showed up about the things they have seen.

"Do you think the big cat and archer are normal? It's just the lightning right?" Murasakibara asked.

"No. You would know if that cat was normal or not. I haven't seen it but you know it's abnormal, don't you?" Akashi asked but received no reply.

"What about the archer?"

"Every person he hit, it was always in a vital spot. No one could get that lucky." Akashi concluded. He continued searching for a few minutes, not giving up.

Many studies of human behavior and chemicals that caused bad reactions came up. Strange creatures and awkward fossils appeared but was not related to what they were dealing with. 'So the government hasn't even found out about this?'

"Wait." Akashi said aloud to himself, staring at a file. It was simply called 'Stones'. "Stones?" He found it peculiar. Why would the government bother with stones? It must've been something important.

He clicked on it, skimming through it. There was a picture of three small rocks, each looking like a rainbow was reflecting off them. 'Strange.'

[ It is not exactly certain what they do but these stones allow abnormal changes in the human body. The furthest anyone has gotten is behavior change. It turns the most honest and kindest into insane and mentally confused people. Just getting close to it without a strong sense of mind can effect the human body. ]

"Sounds dangerous." Murasakibara commented.

[ However, two cases has occurred. One is that someone in the lab has been strong enough to withstand it's changing powers and could get close enough to pick it up. Upon touch, the man has been changed not mentally but physically. The change only got as far as fur sprouting from the skin but the change must've been painful, as the man has died in the middle of change. ]

"Could it be the big cat?" Murasakibara asked.

"Let's finish. They said two cases." Akashi replied.

[ The second case was even more of a surprise. One of the scientists in the lab that had gotten close to it has became mentally confused but that is not what is abnormal. They had been pregnant at the time and still had the baby. When it was born, the child was changed. With leathery wings and small black claws, it wasn't completely human no more. We suspected it was because of the stones radiation. It wasn't born normally either. It had in fact clawed its mother until it was free, ensuring the mother's death.

We had suspected the child to die like the man who touched the stone but it had lived. Instead of being insane, the child was actually quiet and innocent. At first. Though as it grew up, we suspected that the stones powers took place and turned the child insane by the time they were a teen. Placed in a special asylum before any damage could be done, wings and claws still intact and unable to be dealt with, the stones have also been hidden in a secret location, too dangerous to be studied. ]

Akashi and Murasakibara were silent for a moment before Akashi hummed. "What are you thinking about now Aka-chin?"

"Nothing really. Just might make a visit to a certain place..."

After some research Akashi has finally found the asylum that the child has been placed at. It's been years since they have been locked up so they must've been an adult like him. They were actually almost his age. It was information he has gained in his research.

The Asylum was in Tokyo which was a ways away but he still made the trip. It was important so it was no trouble for him. Perhaps this mutant could help him or give him any leads.

As he walked inside, Akashi went over the information in his mind. 'Possibly dangerous but highly doubtful. There has been no reports of violence from the mutant ever since he has been placed in the asylum. Dragon like wings and claws on hands. They also told me he was dangerously smart...' In his bag was pictures and information about a case that stumped the police and was almost impossible to solve for the average mind but after a few days, Akashi has solved it.

"Hello." Akashi was greeted by a man who began leading him through the halls as soon as he stepped in the asylum. No one really visited the asylum so as soon as he made the call to meet one of their patients, it had to be him as he was the only person to walk inside.

However when he called, they were surprised that he wanted to meet one of their most dangerous patients. He had told them it was for a case and reluctantly agreed. They seemed more concerned for Akashi rather than aggressive. Perhaps they were deadly scared of the mutant.

"He's in this room. Please lock the first door before entering the second." The man warned him.

'So he has to have two doors huh?' Akashi thought as he nodded to the man. He opened the door and walked inside. It was just a small room that could only fit about three people. There was another door across from the door he just entered. 'Ah, it's like a space shuttle or submarine.'

He closed and locked the door behind him, glad for the small light above him or else he would be in pitch black. He turned, staring at the door in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he walked closer before opening the door.

It had decent lighting inside although it was dark in all the corners of the room. However, one corner was almost pitch black which was strange. He walked inside, shutting the door behind him and locking it once more. He still hasn't spot the patient yet.

Akashi decided to study the room. There were ropes everywhere. Some on the hard walls and some hanging from the ceiling. There was also a few ropes going from one end of the room to the other, like a trip wire in a circus, the ones that people walk across. In one corner he could detect high stacks of books. So they like to read?

On another wall had steel bars that were placed firmly into the wall. He doubted someone with super strength could rip it out. They were almost like those bars that birds could climb in their cages when they couldn't fly.

"What an interesting room." Akashi commented out loud, hoping to get a reply.

"Why thank you." A soft voice replied, coming from the pitch black corner. "They added them when they found out I like climbing."

Akashi heard some movement and he suspected the patient was either getting up or climbing a hidden rope in their dark corner. "I can tell you like to read too."

It was silent for a moment until the voice came again. "And I suppose you do too." The voice came from the ceiling so Akashi suspected he climbed a high rope.

"Indeed I do. How did you know?" Akashi asked, walking to the middle of the room which was empty.

"Your eyes." They answered and Akashi was a bit surprised but he didn't show it. "Your eyes explain everything. Like how your surprised by my answer."

"It's a bit unfair if you can see me but I cannot see you." Akashi decided to reply with. He heard a small hum before a sigh. He looked up towards the dark corner, wondering if the mutant would show it self.

"But you want something. What is it that you could want?" The patient asked. However, Akashi could see a bit of movement in the dark and claws appeared. They were clinging to the long rope that stretched from across the room. 'What balance.'

"You are very observant, aren't you?" Akashi asked with a bit of amusement. He heard a shuffle and the claws tapped the rope a few times, almost as if the patient was thinking.

"You are observant as well. I can tell you are observing me even though you cannot see me. You also observed my room too."

"Very smart." Akashi said, slowly sitting on the cold hard ground. He took the bag he had and removed the information and pictures of the troubling case. He wouldn't tell the mutant that it was solved. He wanted to see what they would think. "Do you like puzzles?"

"I enjoy puzzles. Riddles, books, whatever you can offer." The claws disappeared off the rope and soon Akashi heard a thump on the ground. 'They jumped off from that height?'

He heard footsteps coming towards him however they stopped at the edge of the darkness. "What do you have to offer?"

"It's a case the police cannot quite solve. I have heard of your intelligence and I came to ask for your help." Akashi answered, looking towards the darkness.

He heard humming coming from the dark. There was suddenly a clicking sound and Akashi realized it was the claws again. "Then give it to me. I'll take a look at them." Akashi watched as hand reached out from the darkness. There was black sharp claws on the end of the fingers, replacing the normal human nails. Akashi took note of how the skin looked pale.

Akashi moved over and handed them to the patient. He was so close yet he couldn't see them yet. How unfortunate. The patient gently took the pictures and paper before disappearing back into the darkness. "Are you able to see in the dark?"

There was no reply. Akashi waited a few minutes, wondering if the patient wasn't as smart as they said.

"It wasn't an accident."

Akashi was surprised by the sudden voice. "Oh, it wasn't?" He asked, feigning surprise.

"No. It was sabotage." The voice answered. The hand had returned, sliding a single photo to Akashi. It was taken from a subway camera. It was a picture of people getting on the train from a side angle so the walls were shown too.

A single claw reached out, pointing to a teen boy who looked completely normal. "He is the one who did it. He was the one who caused the train accident."

"Oh? Why do you think that?" Akashi asked. "He isn't even looking at the train."

"No, he is." The voice replied. The claw moved, pointing at a long mirror on the wall. "He was looking at the train from here. From his angle, he has a perfect view of who gets on the train."

It didn't take long for Akashi to find that when he solved the case. It was obvious in his mind but it was something the police didn't find out. "Well, how do you know that he was able to do any of this? To blow up the front of a train on a bridge?"

"Look at his pockets." Akashi did as he was told. The teens hands were in his pockets. He heard a ruffle before another hand slid more picture pictures next to the other. It was just different angles and different times but the teen was in every one. "He always has his hands in his pockets. Though if you look close, on his hands is oil."

Akashi had only spotted this off of luck with his good eyes.

"He had been in a rush. If you look at his shoe in one photo, it has the same substance oil on it like his hands. He had to do it quickly while making sure whoever his target was got in the train."

"How did you spot this?" Akashi asked.

"It's like I Spy. You have to look at everything everywhere before finding your objective. You can't dive in blindly." The patient replied, making Akashi go silent in surprise although he didn't show it. "Continue."

"Now," He slid in the last of the pictures. It was of the bridge at different times in the day. "He wouldn't be able to do it without some kind of cover. See this car that stopped on the bridge, right next to the tracks? He has it so that his oil tank is not facing the camera. He pretended he was out of gas and decided to refill it out of the way of the cars but right by the track."

"Now, no idiot would stand right by train tracks when a train could come at any moment. He knew that the train wasn't going to come."

Akashi honestly didn't think of that but he didn't say it.

"While he was filling his car, he made sure some slipped out on purpose so it could fall on the tracks. Now that alone wouldn't be able to blow up a train or bridge. Probably cause a fire but nothing more."

He pointed back to the subway and pointed at a man walking inside the train. "He is acquainted with the other. He has some kind of explosive on him. Doesn't matter what, but it's enough to get the gas and fire to become an explosion."

"How do you know?" Akashi asked.

"He is tense, plus look at him in this picture." Akashi watched the claw point at another picture. The man was in it as well. He was looking at a photo of what appeared to be a family. "That is his family."

"How do you know this?" Akashi asked. He didn't even think of this.

The patient moved the papers with information on it, such as the Times and deaths on the train.

"He knew he would die to carry this plan out. The only reason he agreed was because of this man." Akashi watched as he pointed to a name on the paper of those who died. It was a famous name of someone who was rich. "He had a will that his money would be passed on to his only daughter. And that daughter is actually his daughter." He pointed back to the man looking at the photo.


"The man has lost his family because his ex-wife left him for the rich man and took the daughter with her. The man was of course furious at the wife but he loved his daughter. He knew that if he killed the man that his daughter would be happy with getting the money."

"That's a big theory." Akashi said. "How are you so confident?"

"There's no harm if I'm wrong anyway. The case is already solved."


"I know you wouldn't bring me an unsolved case like this. I can already tell that you solved it." The voice answered. Before Akashi could reply, they continued. "Very smart indeed. I would have believed it was unsolved if you hadn't given it to me. I can tell you are smart. You probably solved this in a matter of days while the police were ripping their hair out, didn't you?"

Akashi was silent in surprise. Has someone just... surpassed him? "Yes. You are right."

"Then why do you need my help?" They asked.

"Something happened in Kyoto that even I cannot solve. However, I have found something that could be it. It also lead me to you." Akashi reached in his bag and got out photos of the stones. "Ever seen these before?"

He heard silence from the darkness. Were they thinking? "They found them..."

"Who found them?"

Akashi didn't get an answer although he heard movements. He was shocked to see the patient walk out of the darkness. They were short, probably a little shorter than him. They looked young although they were the same age.

They had light blue hair with cerulean eyes that were bright despite being in an asylum for many years. Their clawed hands hung at their sides, and behind him, black leathery Dragon wings drooped. "I don't know but no one was supposed to find them. They're too powerful for any human to handle."

"What are they exactly? Do you know?" Akashi asked.

"I don't know exactly but I do know they are powerful. I always sensed their power when I was younger." They answered. "No normal human can withstand them."

Akashi didn't answer for a moment, still studying the patient. He would need him. He needs his help. He hated to admit it but he truly did. "What is your name? I'm Akashi Seijuuro. Undercover detective." Akashi greeted.

"Oh I have heard of you." Kuroko answered which had Akashi tilting his head. However, before he could ask, Kuroko continued. He held out his hand in which Akashi took and politely shook.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, world famous detective that has solved troubling cases all around the world."

Akashi was taken back by the information. It was impossible but was certainly a surprise. If Kuroko was a detective why was he in an asylum?

"If you're wondering why I'm in an asylum, I have no where else to go. This is my home. I act insane sometimes to stay."

"But you can be free if you act normal." Akashi said.

"There is no place in the world for me. I have already been tainted by the stones powers. I have no family, no home besides here. This is my home and I like it here." Kuroko answered.

"So you have solved cases from around the world?"

"Yes. From America to Europe and to here. Everywhere." Kuroko said, letting go of Akashi's hand. He ambled towards a rope before clinging to it. Swiftly he began climbing until he made it to the ceiling.

"I see." Akashi said, clearing his throat while watching Kuroko climb and crawl on the ropes. 'He has amazing balance.' "Well, what do you know about the stones."

"Each has a different power. A lovely gift that's a hidden curse." Kuroko answered. "The first stone gives anyone any ability they want. Whether it's invisibility, super strength, or speed."

'Speed. Could that be what I saw downtown?' Akashi wondered.

"However, for that, a price ensues. It weakens the body the next day, leaving that person vulnerable." Kuroko continued, hanging from the high rope with one hand.

"Next stone. Allows anyone to be skilled in any combat or weaponry. It can ensure extra strength in hand to hand combat or can improve accuracy for guns."

"And bows?" Akashi asked.

"Bows, crossbow, spear, whatever you want." Kuroko said. "The price for this one is bad vision."

'How ironic.' Akashi thought.

"Last one is probably the most painful of them all. One can turn into any beast they want, fake or real. They can imagine it anyway they want although there are limits on sizes. The price? Each time it's used, it takes off 5 years off your lifespan."

"How do you know this?"

"The stones told me. I can hear them giving information but it's inaudible to human ears." Kuroko answered.

"Why did you keep the information a secret from the government?" Akashi asked, watching as Kuroko let go of the rope. He landed on the ground although it was obvious he wasn't hurt.

"They thought I was insane, they wouldn't listen. Plus they already decided to hide the stones. How idiotic they were to keep them together." Kuroko said.

"I see." Akashi murmured. This information was useful. Very useful. He would definitely need Kuroko now. "Tetsuya."

Kuroko looked at him, hearing his first name. "Would you like to help me?"

"What's in it for me? I will gain nothing from helping you." Kuroko replied.

"You can gain freedom."

"I said I like it here." Kuroko said.

"Ah, but do you like these hard grounds? Cold steel and old ropes? Dusty books that isn't your reading level?" Akashi asked making Kuroko turn silent.

"What do you offer?"

"A new home all to yourself. You can live wherever you want and I'll get it done. You can have your own home that you don't have to pay for and your own new ropes and things to climb on. Plus new and better books." Akashi offered.

"Why are you trying so hard to get my help?" Kuroko asked although he knew the answer.

"Because you're the only one who can help." Akashi said.

Kuroko stayed silent, obviously thinking. He sighed, glancing at Akashi with those blue eyes of his. "I suppose it's killing a prideful man like you to beg. Fine. But do I get to choose where I live?"

"Yes. Any place in mind?" Akashi asked.

"Not yet but I'll let you know." Kuroko said.

"So you'll help." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"I guess I have no choice. Otherwise there is a chance that the human race is wiped out." Kuroko answered with a sigh.

Honestly, he was happy in his little home. Why did people have to find those annoying stones?

Akashi: 22 - Infamous detective throughout Japan, mostly in Kyoto

Kuroko: 21 - Secretly born child that has been radiated by the stones when in the womb. Born with black leathery wings and sharp claws. Has an unrevealed ability.