![]() Author has written 8 stories for Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, Brothers Conflict/ブラコン, Eyeshield 21, and One Piece. Hi, skittles-san here, I love yaoi but I live in centric land so yes; it's a difficult life for me. : Favourite Manga/Anime: D.Gray-Man, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kuroko no Basuke, Prince of Tennis/ New Prince of Tennis, Naruto, Sengoku Basara, Tactics, Shingeki no Kyojin, Diamond no Ace, Apocalypse no Toride, K Anime, Silver Diamond, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Bleach, Kamitoki no Resist, No.6, Yowamushi Pedal, Dramatical Murder, Kurogane, One Piece, Favourite Movies/Books: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Power of Five Series, Prince of Tennis: Battle of the British Castle(?), Favourite Genres: Adventure, Family, Friendship, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Horror (Except for ones that have character death, just no), Humour, Supernatural, Fantasy, Spiritual, Crime, Possessive Semes, Cross dressing (boys cross dressing as girls, not vice versa) protective characters of main character...unless it’s a girl (make sense?) centric fanfics (Echizen, Kuroko, Tsuna, Natsu, Sawamura, Luffy,) Cute!Main Characters, AU, Magic, Favourite Pairings (SemeUke): D.Gray-Man: BottomAllen Yullen, Laven, Poker, OTnumber Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Bottom27 1827, 6927, 5927, 8027, GuardiansxTsuna, GuardiansxGiotto, AlaudeGiotto, DaemonGiotto, GGiotto, AsariGiotto, 10027, 0027, F27, C27, D27, BelMam, Xanxus27, XaxnusSqualo, OTnumber Kuroko no Basuke: Bottom!Kuroko GoMKuro, AkaKuro, AoKuro, KiseKuro, MuraKuro, MidoKuro), HimuKuro, TakaKuro, IzukiKuro, YosenKuro (some), RakuzanKuro (some), Kirisaki DaiichiKuro (some), (Teiko)HaisakiKuro, OgiKuro, KiyoKuro, NijiKuro, KasaKuro, KaijoKuro (some), ShuutokuKuro (some), TouoKuro (some), ImaKuro, MayuKuro, OTnumber Prince of Tennis: Bottom!Echizen Thrill, Pillar, Sensual, Cap, Sugar (MaruiEchizen), NiouEchizen, Neko, Ah-Uh, Royal, Brat/Promising Aces, RikkaidaiEchizen (just not Jackal), YuushiEchizen, Super Rookie, ShiraishiEchizen, Edo, Snoozing, Super Raising (YuutaEchizen), Willpower & Courage (AkutsuEchizen), Young Lions (HiyoshiEchizen), SengokuEchizen, IrieEchizen, KajimotoEchizen (Masterpiece?), ZaizenEchizen, AoiEchizen, ShinjiEchizen, Silver, YanagiInui, Milk, No Socialbility, SaekiEchizen, OTnumber Naruto: Bottom!Naruto SasuNaru, ItaKyuu, GaaNaru, SasoDei, KakaIru, NejiGaa, KibaNaru, SaiNaru, ShikaKiba, KibaHina, LeeSaku, ChoInu, ShinoKiba, FugaMina, FugaMinaMada, OTnumber Sengoku Basara: Bottom!Yukimura MasuYuki, SasuYuki, MitsuYuki, OTnumber Shingeki no Kyojin: LeviEren, Marco/Jean (or maybe it's the other way round :)) Diamond no Ace: Bottom!Sawamura MiyukiSawa, ChrisSawa, FuruSawa, HaruSawa, TetsuSawa, KuramochiSawa Bleach: Bottom!Ichigo ByaIchi, HitsuIchi, UlqIchi, Tensa ZangetsuIchi, UryIchi, ShiroIchi, GrimmIchi, RenIchi, KenIchi, UraIchi, KaienIchi, ShunUki, ShuuIchi, OTnumber Vampire Knights: KanaZero, ShikTaku, KainAido, KaitoZero, RidoHaru, YagaKai, IchiZero, Fairy Tail: Bottom!Natsu Gratsu, Jeltsu, Zertsu, Rogtsu, Stitsu, Loktsu, Lyotsu, Cobtsu, Laxtsu, Hibieve, OTnumber Pandora Hearts: GlenJack, GilOz, BreakOz, Betrayal Knows My Name Male Yuki LukaYuki, TsuYuki, HotsYuki, ShusYuki, ReiYuki, KuroYuki, SensYuki, Alice in the Country of Hearts: BloodJulius, AceJulius, Mirai Nikki: AkiseYuki, No.6: NezumiShion, K Anime: KuroIsan, MunaMiko, FusYata, Stray Love Hearts: CainRen, MineRen, Vocaloids: KaitoLen, GakupoLen, KaiGakLen (bottom Len only) Arcana Familgia: NovaLib, Harry Potter: Drarry, BlaiseRon, Percy Jackson: LukePercy, GroverPercy, NicoPercy, Merlin: ArthurMerlin, GwaineMerlin, ArthurGwaineMerlin (bottom Merlin only) Sherlock Holmes BBC Series: SherlockWatson, Doctor Who: EleventhTenth, Ouran High School Host Club: MoriHoney, KyoyaTamaki, Inuyasha: SessInu, KouInu, SessKouInu (bottom Inu only) Uta no Princesama: TokiyaOtoya, Dramatical Murder Bottom!Aoba ClearAoba, NoizAoba, TripAoba, VirusAoba, KoujakuAoba, RenAoba, OTnumber Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: YukinaKisa, Kuroshitsuji: SebastianCiel, UndertakerCiel, Eyeshield 21: Bottom!Sena ShinSena, HimuraSena, PantherSena, AkabaSena, YamatoSena, RikuSena, JuumonjiSena, KakeiSena, TakaSena, MizumachiSena, CliffordSena, KoutaroSena, IkariSena, OTnumber Norigami: YatoYukine Yowamushi Pedal BottomOnoda ImaizumiOnoda, NarukoOnoda, MakishimaOnoda, ManamiOnoda, MidousujiOnoda, ArakitaOnoda, OTnumber Kurogane Bottom!Hiroto ShidouHiroto, AoharuHiroto, YuriHiroto, AsagiriHiroto, YodakaHiroto, ToujouHiroto, KoukiHiroto, OTnumber Knight in the Area SuguKake One Piece Bottom!Luffy AceLuffy, SaboLuffy, LawLuffy, KidLuffy, ZoroLuffy, SanjiLuffy, MarcoLuffy, ShanksLuffy, OTnumber Natsume Yuujinchou TanumaNatsume, NatoriNatsume, MatobaNatsume, Things I don’t like: Most main/supporting girl characters, Yuuki Kuran (VK), Sakano Ryuuzaki (PoT), Sakura Haruno (Naruto), Elena, Kyoko Sasagawa, Chrome Dokuro, Hana Kurokawa, M.M, Yuni (just because people were more shocked when she died then when Tsuna was being killed off) (KHR), Rukia, Orihime, Hisana (Bleach), Kagome (Inuyasha), Girl Yuki (Betrayal Knows My Name), Alice (Alice in the Country of Hearts), Hiyoki Kozue (S.L.H), Felicita Regalo (Arcana Familgia), Lucy Heartfilia, Ezra Scarlet, Lisanna Strauss (Fairy Tail), Ema Hinata (Brothers Conflict), Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club), Haruka Nanami (Uta no Princesama) Nami, Blackbeard, Admiral Akainu (One Piece), OC, Mean!Ukes, Ukes being made Seme, Gender Bender fics, any pairings that aren’t mention above (unless I’ve miss some out), any pairings to do with the females just mentioned, mary-sues, fics centred on ocs or the girls mentioned, reader inserts, self insert, author insert, annoying girls, RyoheiHana pairing (KHR), characters who are mean to the main character, friendships with 2 guys and one girls, main characters made to be mean or obnoxious or annoying, mpregs story that always has the pairing having a girl – no, just no – moments when the boys have to save the girl because they’ve suddenly become weak, emotionally girly crap, het romance (because most stories end up being cliché and the same), the time Sakano Ryuuzaki snapped at Echizen for Horio stupidity, Daemon turning against Giotto when Elena died, Sakanoxanyone pairings, Kagomexanyone pairings, Sakuraxanyone pairings, Yuukixanyone pairings, IchigoRukia, Lucyxanyone pairings, Ezraxanyone pairings ESPECIALLY Jellal, Namixanyone pairings DaemonEleana, DracoHermione, TV programmes because they’ve all become repetitive and cliché (girl falls in love, tragedy, girls feels heartbroken, girl becomes picky and annoying, girl ends up going back to original boy, happily ever after) Eleana Gilbert (Vampire Diaries), Bella (Twilight), ANNOYING, STUPID Triangles, not matter if it’s a yaoi triangle still don’t like them, Reverse Harems (girl surrounded by group of hot boys, though Yaoi-oriented harems now that’s a different story), superficial girls, dumb girls, annoying girls, useless girls, can’t do anything girls, girls who can’t pick which guy they want even though they basically already know, Gwen (Merlin), girls causing conflicts between friendships, having every boy character fight over the girl (doesn’t matter if they are main/supportive/oc), character/first POV base stories because it makes it seem like your in the story instead of being based around that character, HimuMamo, when authors don't use their tags efficiently (ie: taking away the option to get rid of all oc stories, even though most pass by them when they find out they have a OC), Crossovers with original characters pairing with the other characters instead of their own characters (i.e: H.PxKHR: Hibari/Harry...or some shiznit like that), Harry Potter Crossovers...just no, no, ImaizumiNaruko, MakishimaToudou, Any girl from Fairy TailxNatsu, AKAFURI, MarcoAce, SmokerAce, anyonexAce except for Luffy, ZoroSanji, anyonexHarry unless it's Draco, MarcoSanji, I don't like the name/term crack pairing (because though they may be confusing cause how the hell would that happen, but they are not funny. Sorry I'm a little eff about this since I ship some of these so called "crack" pairing and to me it makes it sound like a joke or something), SaboLaw (can someone please explain this to me because I don't get it), anyonexSabo except for Luffy Please ignore, it may offend those who like O.C. - My debate on O.C/Extra Characters I don't like them, never will, never want to. They get on my nerves pretty quickly. Mostly they all end up being girls and girls are annoying - I can say this because I’m a girl. I don't know how someone can deal with adding more people to the plotlines, especially when it comes to programmes/books/every other areas who like have so many original characters, I barely can handle originals let alone think of others. Sometimes O.C can cause conflict between friends and that's something I will not tolerate, nope never, ever...though if they do something to like idk help the original characters but are not the centre of the fic, I might think twice about reading it. O.C to me can never be stronger than the originals because that's putting like shame to the creator whose worked so hard to create them and here someone comes along just because they think it's okay. It's not. - Does this make them a Mary-sue? The reason - to me at least - people write fanfiction is to give love to the fandoms we have joined, so adding a O.C and making it about them doesn't really make sense to me. Because you’re giving love to someone else and not the characters you've fallen in love with, which was the WHOLE reason why you joined the fandom. O.C just gets in the way of people's pairings. Authors generally connect them to the most important characters as a childhood friend, sister, cousin and thus because they are connected to them they become really important and strong automatically and that’s stupid. The reason why some O.C is created is that this is a way they can be in the story without making it seem like it... NOTICE: So if your stories have any of the above criteria, please PM me and I shall take a look. Thanks :) Quotes: Xiu to Keith: “...As long as I can play with you” (Most gayest line I've ever heard in a straight movie .) – Prince of Tennis: Battle of the British Castle Copy and Paste: If you think girl characters suck, copy and paste this to your profile. If you only write yaoi, copy and paste this to your profile. If you don’t like oc, copy and paste this to your profile. If you don’t like gender bender fics, copy and paste this to your profile. If you HATE Mary-sues, copy and paste this to your profile. If you live in centric land like me, copy and paste this to your profile. If you are obsessed with Fanfiction, copy and paste this into your profile. If you ship so many pairings it’s ridiculous, copy and paste this to your profile. If you rather stay home, read Fanfiction, watch anime or play consoles instead of going to parties, copy and paste this to your profile. If you live in a country where gay marriages are legal, copy and paste this into your profile. Wishing you were a better author for your readers, copy and paste this to your profile. If you wish people were nicer, copy and paste this to your profile. Wishing flamers didn’t exist, copy and paste this to your profile. If sending hateful messages to people is cowardice, copy and paste this to your profile. - People judge things when they don’t understand it. Ciao for now... |