+Follow Me Into the Dark+
Anime / Manga: Vampire Knight (Guilty)
Main pairing: Kaname X Zero.
Disclaimer: The anime and manga Vampire Knight (Guilty) belongs to Matsuri Hino.
This is the night of the vampires,
It's so dark and so cold.
Take my hand and be my light,
Take my hand and warm my heart.
Follow me,
Follow Me Into the Dark.
The pure blood slid his hand several times on his neck giving it some light massages. He was tired, the paperwork did not leave him rest and sometimes an inexplicable pain attacked him. The nightmares were also part of the package. He looked out the window near the desk and forced himself to continue reading. He couldn't concentrate anymore. He looked at his watch and realized it was midnight. The brunet sighed deeply before leaning back and swaying his chair back and forth. He did not know what was going on, everything he tried did not work and something that worried him most of all was that he could no longer drink Yuuki's blood. Not just for the fact that she would always have Kiryuu present inside her memories and that she regretted being there with him abandoning her human life ... now, so far away from Kiryuu, his blood was also no longer wanted as before. He slowly closed his brown eyes. Each time he drank from Yuuki, was that damn hunter in the depths of her memories. He was always there, no matter what happened between him and his sister. He could swear that she would never cease to love that bastard. He can still remember both, Yuuki and Zero at the reunion watching each other so deeply into the eyes. The pure blood could take Yuuki away from Kiryuu, which he had already done but he could not force the girl to stop thinking about the hunter. Something else he had known through Yuuki's blood was that she wanted to go "home." She did not show it, but she considered Kaien Cross as her father and as his daughter she wanted to be by his side. Kaname was sure that Yuuki loved him ... but not like he loved her. He thought that having a blood bond with her, all would be resolved but in one way or another he could not complete it.
And suddenly an upcoming neck ache brought him back to reality. Besides his sister, the only person who has bitten him was Kiryuu. Kaname strongly feared, he had formed some sort of bond with the boy ... but that was the only answer to his lately discomfort. The hunter needed his blood.
The pure blood stood up and took his coat on the way to the door. He had to clarify his doubts.
" Kaname-sama?" He heard Aidou's voice in the hallway before he reached the mansion's front door.
"You should be with Yuuki, shouldn't you?" He asked directly
"... She fell asleep while doing her chores. I'm sorry." The blond bowed a little.
Kaname sighed. She wasn't getting used. She was still clinging to her human life.
"I have things to do. I hope this time you don't let her escape if she wants to."
"Of course Kaname-sama!"
The brunet closed the door behind him and as fast as he could, he decided to go on hunter-hunting.
From what he had heard from Cross, the boy had moved into an apartment not so far away from the school. After several hours the pure blood was in front of the door of that department. It was not so difficult to find. Kiryuu had a peculiar mixed-smell and it was easy for a pure blood to locate a level E and much more if they share some kind of bond but there was also the fact that Kaname had good information sources.
The door was slightly open. Kiryuu apparently had the bad habit of leaving doors always so. The pure blood doubted for a moment if he really wanted to give his blood to the boy. Zero hated him now and surely not like before ... but when the ache worsened, it alerted him that the level E was closer.
He walked slowly into the department. It was almost empty, with only some clothes on the floor and a bed near the window.
Kaname saw through the window how the rain began to fall while sitting on the hunter's bed.
The rain calmed the brown haired making him let his guard down but he quickly strained when he saw the silver haired boy coming out of the bathroom. Kiryuu was completely soaked and his body trembled slightly. A smile adorned the face of the pure blood when the hunter threw a quick look at the nightstand beside the bed where Bloody Rose was.
"What the hell are you doing here ... Kuran?" He asked with his eyes fixed on the table.
"You need my blood" He answered making the level D look at him.
Zero kept silent but then he coughed a little. He was weak and starting a fight now with Kuran was not a good idea.
"I don't want it ... and if you don't want your beloved Yuuki crying for her stupid bloodsucker, you better go," He warned.
The brunet took a look around.
"I will be completely sincere, I need you to take my blood now" His eyes changed color for a moment but quickly returned to normality.
"Why?" The silver haired asked, beginning to feel a bit dizzy.
"It's something personal. After all, I can't understand why you doubt so much about this, I'm helping you, something which I should not do after what you and your comrades did to Aidou.
"I don't need your blood…I've got the tablets"
"So you can digest them now?" Kaname dangerously slid his nails down his neck. It was rough, leaving noticeable marks.
Zero gulped loudly while his eyes turned crimson.
"Kuran... I want you to go now"
The pure blood, now convinced that the other would lose the battle, scratched his neck. Blood began to drop on his clothes and also on the white sheets.
Zero did not know how or when but in less than a blink he was placing his hands on Kuran's shoulders trying to beat the urge of licking the blood away and bite with all his fury the neck of the other.
Kaname felt his heart stopping for a moment. Kiryuu's scent was just toxic ... and truly addictive.
"You achieved more than a year without drinking real blood, right? You're not as weak as I thought you were" He felt the hunter's angry bite.
The mention of his weakness made him furious and the pure blood had used that against him.
Kaname tore the hunter's shirt when he felt the other was exaggerating. If he let him, he would even try to eat him alive.
"Grrr" Zero growled, feeling the hand of other on his back trying to tear him away.
After a while the hunter's fangs left the pure blood's neck but they stayed in the same compromising position.
Kaname looked up realizing Zero was staring at the ceiling. Slowly he let his hand caress the back of the now satisfied hunter.
"Ngh "the younger complained but it was better understood as a whimper.
The pure blood had to hide a smile but he felt caught again in the hunter's scent.
Slowly he took advantage of the closeness to shamelessly smell the level D. Zero somewhat puzzled by Kaname's actions tried to escape but the brunet held him so strong that he was forced to stay in the same position.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He strained a bit.
He remembered Yuuki doing the same, the last time they met. Apparently both Kurans had a fetish with his aroma.
"I don't know," He gained the attention of the level D who now looked at him directly.
"You don't know how ... you do not know how much I've been waiting to have you so close to me, so I can blow your brains out with one shot". He accommodated a bit on the legs of the pure blood.
"And why don't you do it?" He felt his heart skip a little.
"Hmm? I don't know either... perhaps because you're hugging me the way you should be hugging Yuuki?" Zero whispered.
If it was a trap he would not fall for it.
Kaname did lose himself under the hunter's gaze. There was something that connected them ... Was it jealousy? Hate? Contempt?
For sure all of that and of course also a blood bond that was trying to not be ignored anymore. It was confirmed ... The bond was there although incomplete.
"With her, it doesn't feel the same way" He whispered before closing his eyes and kissing Zero's lips.
Zero frowned confused about the confession, but he instantly kissed back.
Maybe it was just lack of love? Or solitude? Perhaps also madness? It had been a few seconds when he wanted to eat the other alive.
The kiss was short and unimportant or so they thought.
He felt his lips still touching Kaname's, but both were afraid to take one more step. Within seconds they were away from each other.
"That never happened ..."
Zero with a grim smile adorning his face, stretched out his hand as much as he could toward the bedside table and in an instant both were ready to attack.
"That never happened…Kuran" He was ready to shoot the vampire.
"You wasted your chance…" Kaname disappeared in front of his eyes and before the bullet could reach his destination.
Zero shook his head in disbelief while grabbing his chest. What had happened could not be true! He felt something he had never felt before.
Kaname walked aimlessly through the streets being beaten by the heavy rain. His neck didn't ache anymore and he was starting to feel sleepy.
Arriving at his mansion, he went quietly to his room. He didn't want to see Yuuki and it was obvious after he had betrayed her.
"With her, it doesn't feel the same way" He remembered his own words.
It was true. At first it seemed to be that Yuuki was all he needed ... but with Kiryuu there was always a strange feeling he could not describe. Although this time he had to confess that he had felt something he didn't want to stop.
Thoughtful he surprised himself pounding the table.
There was no doubt that this was the reason which made everything impossible between Yuuki and him. He could not have a blood bond with her since he had an incomplete one with Kiryuu. It was stupid from him to think that having a blood bond with the hunter was impossible. For a blood bond, you need a strong feeling and an exchange of blood. Almost always is that feeling love but it seems like everything that comes from the hunter is a little different, the feeling was mutual hatred and jealousy. Though perhaps it could be love ... they had something in common when he gave Zero his blood... the love for Yuuki. Both of them loved Yuuki in the same way and intensity.
After a hot shower, the pure blood didn't wait until dawn to fall asleep and recover all the lost sleep.
A few months followed the event and suddenly a decision altered the new world Yuuki knew.
"Go back to school?" She couldn't believe what she heard at all.
"I think it would be the best for you"
"But Onii-sama ... I'm fine here, with you."
A painful thought invaded Kaname's mind ... he did not feel the same way.
"Every time I drink from you…it's always the same. You're screaming inside that you want to go back…and I want you to be happy"
The brunette petite approached her brother. She didn't know how to express herself or what to say in front of his brother but she was sure about something.
"I want to be with you ... I don't want you to be alone" She said taking Kaname's hands.
The older one looked at the girl's hand. There was only affection he felt for her now and not love ... Perhaps his love for her was just an obsession.
"Think for a moment Yuuki. Don't you miss the school, Cross, your friends ... and Kiryuu?
Yuuki tensed for a moment when she heard Zero's last name.
"I don't want to take you away from the happiness, you can have now ..."
She was somewhat pensive.
"Onii-sama do you want to go back too?" She asked worried.
"I'll be honest ... you do know that Rido is not dead and no place is safe but at least there, I can keep you safer."
"I ..."
"Don't you want to be with Cross-san? I know deep down you love him as your real father and it is logical after all he has done for you. Don't you want to have some fun with your friends? Don't you want to see ... Kiryuu-kun again?" He tried to convince her.
"I do want ... but I don't want you to suffer and sacrifice yourself for my sake".
"If you want, it's solved then ... your happiness is my happiness..." He stood up.
Yuuki hugged him tightly and he quickly realized that she was crying.
The girl was really happy, she wanted to return ... and she wanted everything back to how it was before.
A/N: Hi, I'm Charlotte and this is a fanfiction I wrote about my favorite pairing. I wrote it first in Spanish and now I'm trying to translate it. It's my first try at translating something and my English really sucks so please don't be surprised if it's not that good.