one by one (we all fall down);


Leaving is easy, but also hard. Kuroko doesn't really remember things as they were anymore, and he supposes that's a good enough reason to want none of it anymore. He does it without telling anyone. No one expects it at all in the beginning, nor do they suspect anything. After all, he is a third-year student. After all, he is supposed to be focusing on his studies. Leaving the team isn't much of a big deal, and when Aomine asks him why, he tells him that he's just tired.

"Oh," Aomine says, not understanding. "Get more sleep, then. Don't want you looking like a raccoon before our last game."

"I will," Kuroko says. He doesn't know if Aomine would understand; didn't even know Aomine before basketball. Doesn't know if Aomine would care. Then decides it wouldn't matter either way, even if he did.

He tells Akashi only when he prods, but doesn't expect much of a reaction. He doesn't get one, either.

"I see," Akashi muses, crossing his arms. "That's a shame."

"Is it." It's not really a question. It's not meant to be one, anyway.

"I thought something like this would happen." Akashi says. Kuroko bristles.

"Did you?"

Akashi thinks about it. "I didn't think you'd last as long as you did, however. It was quite unexpected."

Kuroko watches him. The atmosphere is heavy. His tongue feels thick in his mouth. Akashi holds his gaze steady, eyes boring into Kuroko's own, challenging him.

Kuroko's breath shudders. "...You taught me my basketball."

Akashi picks at his fingernails. "That I did."

"You made all our plays."

"I did."

"You were our game maker."

"I suppose."

"You believed in us."

Akashi closes his eyes.

Leaving is easier, then.

to be continued.

notes perspective thing. written on one of my tests in history (did well on this, so scribbled everywhere on it don't judge me) a few weeks ago. will be updated in parts and installments. prod me if I forget!