AN: I have no excuse to leave for so long, but i had stuff going on in school and i had to be devoted to my school work. I had to get my grades up and had no time for writing or for inspiration. But it feels good to be back and to be typing again. I hope i haven't lost any of my wonderful readers that review. But i hope everyone will forgive me. Thanks!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Naruto or Vampire knight because if i did than i would be famous in the whole entire world!!!
Chapter 5: School Day
Naruto groaned as the alarm clock went off. Naruto opened his eyes and stared daggers at the tiny clock laying on his table. Naruto got up and threw the clock at the wall.
Guess I'm gonna have to get a new one again. Naruto thought. It's been the 10th time since this month that Naruto has been waking up in such a bad mood. And each time he had the same dream every night. What the weirdest thing was, that he didn't know who to tell. Every-time he would get a glimpse of a beautiful woman screaming his name telling him that he should run away. Then the dream was over like that.
Naruto shrugged it off thinking it was his subconscious playing with his dreams. Naruto got out of his bed and went to the mirror looking at his reflection. What he saw was a sixteen year old blond boy, with bed hair that could rival anybody that wanted to challenge him. He grabbed the dresser for support and his chest started to tighten. His breathing became irregular, he tried to grab his left hand to stop himself from grabbing the razor. But he was to late. He dropped to the ground and lean on the dresser for support. He closed his eyes as he felt his left hand slash his right wrist. And each time he would hiss in pain, but he like it was his way of releasing his stress. He felt as the blood began to drip on his skin. Naruto opened his eyes and stared at his right hand.
He felt no remorse.
Nobody cared that he was lonely, the people in the day class never really like him. They only wanted to talk to him because he associates with the night class. The girls they hated him because they felt that Sasuke payed to much attention to him. And he really never knew the reason behind that either. The guys hated him because Naruto never got in trouble, because he was the headmaster's son. Naruto dropped the razor and got up and went to the shower.
He began to strip his clothes off and turned on the shower's water. He tested it until it had warm water running. He stepped in and began to wash his skin off. As the blood mixed in with the regular water, he started thinking about his duty with his watching between the night and day class. His duty along with Neji was to make sure that nobody went from the day class and into the night class at night. They were responsibility for not making anyone step into the night class dormitory. Naruto blushed remembering his first night at Konoha Academy. That night was a bit fuzzy, he couldn't remember everything but he hoped that it would come back to him sooner than later. Naruto stepped out of the shower and had took out his first-aid kit. He began to wrap bandages around his right wrist. When he finish getting dressed, he look at himself in the mirror and was so thankfully that whoever made this special uniform with long-sleeve blazers. Now nobody would be able to know about his 'little problem'. He pined his badge on his blazer and grabbed his bag and walked out.
Everyone in the day class were so excited, to see the night class do their daily walk to their classes. There were talks about Sasuke coming, what he would be wearing and how many people would he look at.
Naruto rolled his eyes.
The day class gossip more than he ever would. It started to get annoying but he couldn't stop them, because they would just glare at him. Naruto looked at everyone talking with their friends, he wished he had friends that would enjoy his company. Naruto stood by a tree and leaned on it for support and kept his head down. Then it suddenly, got quiet and Naruto raised him head and saw the night class gate opened. Everyone from the day class gasped as they saw the students from the night class. The students all wore darker blazers than he did. But then Naruto saw a girl from the day class try to grab Sasuke's arm, Naruto moved as fast as he could and stopped the girl from grabbing Sasuke's arm.
The other students from the night class stood their in shock he moved so fast that not even their special eyes could see that coming.
Sasuke smirked and made eye-contact with Naruto. He continued walking as if nothing happened. The other night class students followed him seeing that they over stayed their welcome.
Sasuke stared out the window as he watched Naruto argue with the girl that tried to touch him. He couldn't believe that Naruto was now in charge of night duty. He continued to wonder why their was dried blood coming off of Naruto. Sasuke brushed it off thinking that his scent of smell was off today.
Lee was one of the most eccentric vampire he had ever met. Lee and Sakura were the only ones he could trust. They wouldn't betray him, they were complete loyal to him. So if they ever asked him a question, he would tell them the complete truth depending on what the question was.
Lee approached Sasuke and Lee sighed out for the first time, that got Sasuke staring in shock but Sasuke's face remained stoic.
"So about that blond boy does he have a connection with you". Lee asked.
" He does seem to have a weird vibe rubbing off him" . Lee told Sasuke as they were the only two in the classroom. Lee looked outside where Sasuke eyes were staring at.
Sasuke chucked as Naruto threatened the girl.
"The reason Lee, is because the vampire council insisted that we shouldn't be able to interact with humans. But i came here to show them that i will get this project done the Uchiha way. But that blond boy will be my downfall". Sasuke said his last words in a whisper so only Lee would hear him. Sasuke looked out the window for the last time and left. Lee looked out the window and smiled. Maybe this boy could change Sasuke for the good. He thought.
Naruto had let go of the girl's hand and sneered at her" What do you think your doing??". The girl looked at him and jeered at him" What I'm doing is that, i want to be near my Sasuke-kun and you ruined it for me. I had only one chance and you messed me up".
" You listen to me you bitch, I'm in charge of you stupid fangirls and fanboys touching any of our night class. They are not to be bothered they are here to learn just like you are. If you ever try that again the outcome will not pretty" .Naruto emphasized on the last word. That got the girl scared and she ran away in fear. Naruto couldn't believe that his tone was so dark. What was really happening to him? He needed answers!
Naruto walked with the day class as they began walking into the heart of the academy so they could go to their next class. Some of the girls started to whisper to themselves and would look at Naruto, any chance they got and would start laughing at him. Naruto didn't even pay attention to them and wasn't aware of someone grabbing him. The deep voice said" I can give you the answers you are searching for". Naruto closed his eyes and grabbed his gun in slow motion, so his attacker wouldn't realize that he actually had one. Naruto kicked his attacker in the chest and was able to turn around. He opened his eyes and they darken to a deeper blue.
" How can you help me?". Naruto was seething with anger, how could this person just attack him like this in broad daylight. Naruto pointed his gun at his attacker chest. His attacker took off his hood and smirked at him" Don't you remember me, Naruto-kun".
AN: I know that their uniform was a grey and white but because Naruto now has duties as the protector of the day class, he is now able to where a blazers jacket like what the night class boys wear in the manga but only in a lighter color. So i hope that didn't confuse anybody!And remember reviews are wholeheartedly appreciated!