'sup o w o)/
I know I haven't updated Teiko Koko. been drowning in writer's block for that story, to the point I just wish I had never uploaded it.
never mind
... and I figured, this is the very first KnB story I came up without actually bothering to write it in bahasa first. so if you did not notice, other KnB stories I wrote is originally written in Bahasa, then I translated it into english and send it to my beta reader before uploaded. oh, and this story isn't beta'd, so excuse me for the grammar crime I did here and there
I should translating a new AkaKuro oneshot of mine into english, but been too lazy. in exchange, here, I bring you a (hopefully) multichapter fiction of GOMxKurokoxGOM(?). this is a fresh idea I write just a moment a muse paid a visit to me lol. I actually was fooling around, then read an AoKuro about Kuroko is an imaginary and Aomine is frustated about it. then, this happened. ... I know this story does not actually have anything like in that story xD; my mind is strange sometimes.. believe me, a first ever novel I finished is inspired by a cup of coffee my driver given to me, and the story isn't 100% involved about a cup of coffee, but something else big xD
oh well, let's just begin.
Kuroko No Basuke (c) Tadatoshi Fujimaki sensei
Teikou's Fourth Auditorium Ghost
Teikou Middle School Basketball Club.
A super strong school with more than a hundred club members, boasting several successive championship wins.
But, even in that glorious history, there is still a team that can, without fail, be called the strongest. A generation with five players with a talent like you would see once in ten years, called the "Generation of Miracles", specialized in five different positions for each five persons in the group.
Years by, the said generations became pro, and even won the National Japan Basketball League together, only to quit basketball just two years after altogether, continuing their own lives with five different occupations that had nothing to do with basketball, cutting their relationships as if there had never known each other in first place, but still have each other's numbers kept in their phones, secretly hoping that they would return to what they were before.
It all happened for only a reason. Only a person could made such destruction in all five.
Back in their Teikou days, despite nobody knowing him and not being in any match records, there was still one more person the five geniuses acknowledged as superior, yet destroyed them by a mere one action. An irreversible thing that drove them the way they are now.
Teikou Middle School, nowadays.
After school, as always, Momoi started to prepare stuffs for Teikou's first string basketball club training, while the two lower strings will be taken care by another two girls who helped her with managering stuffs. Taking her leave immediately, she excused herself from the two girls, telling them she's about to get some towels from laundry room.
Being a manager in a boys basketball club sure is a thing. Despite being a first year as she was, she had already a lot of stuffs to do. Taking care boys in her age is a real pain in her ass. But, she did her stuff willingly anyway, as she wanted to see her childhood friend grow to become Japan's basketball player number one.
She smiled at the thought, then shook her head to focus on picking up the already ready-to-use towels.
Momoi glanced to the way where she thought the voice came from, and found some girls from other clubs approaching her. She smiled widely as she ran into them as well.
"Kanae-chan, Mii-chan!" She hugged them, returned by the other two immediately. "So you two finally back from volley seminar camp?"
"Yes!" The brunette girl, Kanae, smiled.
"Ah, let us help you, Momoi-chan!" The other girl, Mii-chan, picked up some towels from her, easing her burden. The towels really piled up since they're not only for the first string, but for the two lower strings as well.
"No, no! You don't have to!" Momoi panicked. "Besides, don't you two have to practice as well?"
"The coach decided to let us have a day-off from club activity, since the others are still tired from the seminar camp, so we decided to help you around to keep eyes on the boys!" Kanae giggled, picking up some towels. "Besides… I want to see Midorima-kun's practicing!"
"Ah~ I want to see Murasakibara-kun as well~" Mii sighed dreamily.
Momoi rolled her eyes. Though she knew, being the youngest first string made certain five boys famos and liked by girls.
"Ooh, and, Momoi-chan, have you heard a story about the basketball club fourth auditorium?" Kanae blurted the topic out of nowhere.
"There's a story about it?" Momoi questioned. Being a new manager she was, all she knew about that auditorium was that building is old and always empty, and only school cleaners would enter that building in school hour to clean up the dusts.
"Yes! And we just figured it out from our senpais in volley club!" Kanae exclaimed. "They have friends from basketball club who told them about the auditorium!"
"And what's the story…?" Momoi was unsure, but she got a bad feeling about this.
"That… that fourth auditorium resided by a ghost!"
"Good work today, everyone. And coach just phoned me that he'll be back in a week. Till then, he expects us to train harder for the practice match with Kirisaki Middle School. Now, practice dismissed." Nijimura said, as he dismissed everyone. He went with the others as well to have a quick shower before home.
Unlike others, a tanned first year decided to stay to practice some more. But, he knew, nobody was allowed to use first string auditorium after practice, so he headed to the two and third string auditorium.
But he later found the two auditoriums were filled by the others from basketball club. He wonder why lately, more and more people practicing til late just like him as well. He sighed.
Oh, why don't he use the fourth auditorium? He was sure no one would mind if he 'borrow' that place a bit. Besides, this arrogant excuse called school wasted a lot of money to build four gyms while letting one of them left unused.
"Oh, Dai—Aomine-kun, where're you heading to?" Momoi appeared out of nowhere.
Aomine turned to her. "To the fourth gym. It's too crowdy here, I can't play basketball peacefully." He said. "By the way, what's with you calling me "Aomine-kun"?"
"Hey, I just had to; if I call you Dai-chan, people will talk!" She whispered, getting a roll of eyes from her childhood friend in return. "Besides… are you sure you want to go to the fourth auditorium?"
"Why are you asking asking me that?" Aomine raised an eyebrow.
"Because… because!" Momoi started to freaking out. "There's a rumor going around that, recently, a ghost has been showing up around there!"
"Hey, what a pair of shoes. That's the brand Kobe Bryant used, right?" Ignoring his childhood friend, he praised a pair of shoes from a random kid passed by.
"Aomine-kun!" Momoi whined.
"Geez, quit that crap, Satsuki. Ghosts don't exist, and I'm sure we are already in that age where we couldn't believe mystical things. Believing ghosts do exist is just like believing a tooth fairy would come and bring you chocolates if you put your milk teeth under your pillow in exchange."
"I know you're still hurt when you found out that tooth fairy did not exist."
"I didn't say that!'
"Whatever! Just don't blame me if you clash into the ghost!"
"You shut up!" Aomine groaned as he taking his leave to the fourth auditorium, not wanting to have longer argument with Momoi.
Stupid Satsuki, he thought. There's no way ghosts exist, he thought. He'll definitely show her that nothing's unusual in the unused gym, he thought.
As he got closer to the said building, he could hear a faint sound of dribbling balls. Judging by the sound, he was sure there's only one or two persons from his basketball club practicing inside.
"Hel~lo." He said lazily, as he opened the door.
There's nobody inside. Let alone a person, the sound of balls dribbling disappeared a millisecond after Aomine opened the door.
He froze.
The-there's no way nobody inside, right!? There's just a sound of somebody's practicing inside, right?! So why, why…
Aomine shrieked a so manly scream as he ran into the nearest corner, shielding everything around him with his arms as if protecting himself from harm beings that would attack him in any minute he let his guard off.
"…Ah?" Then, he realized that it was just a simple hello. So he turned his head to the source of the greeting and found a human. Yeah, it definitely was a human.
The said human is a guy, probably in his year due to the short height he had. He looked fragile with such white skin and light blue locks he had. He also wore Teikou's shorts number 15 and a plain white t-shirt.
Oh, he was from the team.
"Y-you! You scared me!" Aomine pointed to him.
The guy pouted. "It's not nice to point out a finger just like that. But I do realize I'm at fault. I apologize for such introduction, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya."
"Ah…" Aomine scratched his head. "I'm Aomine Daiki."
"I see…" The deadpanned expression somehow chilled Aomine to no end. "Are you, by any chance, want to overpractice in this gym as well?"
"Uh, I guess so. The other auditoriums are filled already. I can't play in that kind of place."
Kuroko pulled a small smile, made Aomine a bit surprised. Sure Kuroko'straight expression a bit scarying him, but to think that this guy could look good in only smiling a bit made Aomine blushed for unknown reason. But he roughly put that aside.
"Oh, so you're in the regulars? I thought I haven't see you! You must have a really, really weak presence, haven't you?" Aomine laughed.
"That's not very nice, Aomine-kun." Kuroko pouted again. "But yeah, I'm in the regulars."
"I see, I see. Well, I'm gonna stay in the bench for the next match, but hopefully I'll be starter if I work hard!" Aomine said proudly, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's work hard together, okay?"
Kuroko was stunned.
He haven't see such a basketballhead for a good long while, so meeting a person like Aomine somehow filled him. Like he already found what he longed for years. What he yearned for years.
Kuroko knew, he was empty. But he was sure, if he could watch a person like Aomine some more, he could fill what's needed to fill in him. He could fill the big gap he felt in his heart.
And he was certain, right now, he was pleased.
"It's good meeting a person like you, Aomine-kun." Kuroko smiled. "But I believe it's already too late, you should head home now. It's already past eight."
Aomine shrieked. "Eep! It's already late and I haven't even dunked a single ball! But mom's gonna angry if I stay any longer! Ja, Tetsu!" And with that, he left.
So did Kuroko, after he raised an eyebrow on the name Aomine given to him.
"Aominecchi! So mean! I waited for you for hours in the second gym, but you did not come!"
It was still early in the morning on the gate of Teikou Middle School, Aomine yawned and Momoi was busy texting with her friends. He thought this morning will be more peaceful, and when he heard Kise's whining from afar, he knew he was wrong.
"Geez, shut up, Kise! It's still too early to make me mocking you!"
"Nobody's asking you to mock me, Aominecchi!" Another whine.
"Morning, everyone." Akashi appeared, as Midorima and Murasakibara followed him by his right and left.
Momoi flipped her phone closed. "Morning, Akashi-kun! Morning to you too, Midorima-kun, Murasakibara-kun!"
"It's so lively, isn't it Aomine?" Akashi asked calmly, but somehow made Daiki felt he was being mocked by his vice-captain.
"More like noisy." Midorima grumbled, making Aomine pleased that somebody had already in his side.
"Can't agree more with Mido-chin~" Said Murasakibara with his mouth full.
"Uwaaah! Everyone's being mean to me!" Kise fakingly cried. "Right, Akashicchi?"
"Murasakibara, it's not nice to eat snacks so early in morning. Have my sandwiches instead."
"Okay, Aka-chin~"
"Even Akashicchi's ignoring me!"
"But, really, I wonder where did you went after practice, Aomine-kun."
"Ah…" Aomine rubbed the back of his neck. "Not really, I just intended to play a bit longer in the fourth gym."
"And you did?"
"Nope, all I did just meet a regular from our team. It seemed that I got really caught into our conversation that I didn't realized it was already so late, so I didn't get to play." Aomine shrugged.
It seemed that Aomine's story poked the other's curiosity. "Really? Who?" Midorima asked.
"I think it's Kuroko Tetsuya or something… I decided to just call him Tetsu."
Akashi raised an eyebrow. "There's no regulars named Kuroko Tetsuya."
"Huh? But he said he was from regular. And I definitely sure his name is Tetsu. He even wore Teikou shorts, though he didn't wear the upper half of the basketball uniform."
"Nobody in the team practiced with the basketball uniform on, Aomine. And you know that.."
"But I was sure of that!"
"Geez, boys, relax!" Momoi decided to clash in. "I also do not know anyone named Kuroko Tetsuya in first string, let alone have anyone in our basketball club with that name!"
Aomine's eyes widened. "Really?"
"He must be some alumnus who decided to borrow Teikou's gym for a bit. And jugding by how easy he borrowed the entire building, he must be a prodigy." Midorima said, fixing his glasses.
"Sounds coherent, but it's better to confirm it to our captain."
Everyone agreed.
However, Nijimura wasn't pleased when he was questioned about this Kuroko Tetsuya.
"Out of all things you can ask to your captain, is this the only thing worth my time?" Nijimura sighed.
"Hey, what's with that?!" Aomine twitched in annoyance.
Nijimura brushed it off. "Anyway, are you sure you met this Kuroko Tetsuya last night?"
"I can swear to my throat, I met Tetsu last night! He wore Teikou's basketball uniform shorts!"
"Calm down, Aomine." Midorima sighed.
How can I, Aomine thought. He didn't know why, but he found it frustating that somebody he just met wasn't unknown, as if he never existed in first place. Not to mention the curiosity he had, wondering who actually is this Tetsu guy…?
"I know him. But he's not in our team for sure." Nijimura said.
An "Huh?" questioned by six juniors cluelessly.
Nijimura nodded. However, his facial expression hardened.
"Could it be he's from other clubs who happened to have shorts just like us had?" Kise asked.
"Nope, our uniform is special. Besides, I said he is not in our team, but he was in regular."
"Was? So he's an alumnus, then?" This time Midorima asked.
"Nope. He never graduated from Teikou."
"Then what is it!" Aomine eagerly said.
"Kuroko Tetsuya… was our senior."
"Kuroko Tetsuya was our senior who hung himself in the fourth auditorium in his third year ten years ago."