A/N:As promised, a chapter dedicated to Hinata. This is a bit of a dodgy chapter but I hope you all don't mind it . I'm sorry for making Neji so nasty but it's needed for the story! I'm sorry all Neji lovers, please don't kill me!

WARNINGS:Incest (cousinxcousin), Violence, slightly disturbing/upsetting scenes aka molestation, OOCness.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters used unless stated otherwise.


Chapter 8 – You Are Mine

Hinata sighed as she finally set the bags she had been carrying on the bed. They were filled with gifts for her friends and family as well as wrapping paper and other accessories needed to make the gifts look nice. She had spent quite a bit of money on the gifts and she could only hope that her friends and family appreciated them. She collapsed on her bed, her soaking wet clothes making the clean sheets damp and soggy, and giggled to herself when she thought of the funny scene at the festival of Kiba trying to beat Chouji in an eating competition and failing with the consequence of snow being put down his jacket. Watching Kiba shifting around like a child with ants in his pants made the young Hyuuga laugh for a long time while the rest of her friends laughed and mocked the dog lover before an all out snowball war began. She hadn't been able to participate with the game as she had too many bags to be left alone so she became the unofficial holder of all their belongings that they couldn't continue to hold as they pelted each other with compacted snow. It had been refreshing to watch all of her friends have fun without the pressures of school or even family weighing them down. It had been a long time since she saw them all carefree and acting like the teenagers they were. If only Sasuke and Naruto had been there to share in the joyous occasion.

At the thought of her blond friend and the dark haired teen, Hinata's mood turned upset as she thought of what the Uchiha was doing to her friend. What her cousin was doing to her friend. It wasn't fair. Why did they both have to choose Naruto of all people to use? Why couldn't they have picked someone else? Someone more deserving. No. Hinata shook her head. No one deserved to be played then left heartbroken over money. Why couldn't they have found something better to do than to hurt an innocent person? Why were they doing this? More and more questions filled the young girl's head but she found no answers. She never knew what was going through her cousin's head and she certainly didn't know what went through Sasuke's head. She just hoped that for Naruto's sake, Sasuke stopped playing the game before either of them got hurt.

Before Hinata could ponder anymore on her friend's predicament, a soft knock echoed through her quiet bedroom before the door opened and the head of her sister, Hanabi, appeared in the space allowed.

"Hey Hina-chan, Kaa-san said dinner's nearly ready so you need to come down." Hinata stared into the equally pale eyes of her younger sister. They looked so much alike yet they were so different. Hanabi was strong while Hinata was weak. Hanabi was confident while Hinata was shy. They were complete opposites but they got along well enough to be considered close. Hinata sat up in her bed and sent a small smile towards the younger girl.

"O-okay. T-tell Kaa-san I'll b-be down in a-a minute." she replied softly, her body shivering from the now uncomfortable soaking wet clothes. Hanabi nodded at her and left her sister to her own devices, humming a Christmas song as she went back downstairs. When she was left alone, Hinata stripped out of her clothes, placing them in the laundry basket beside her wardrobe and putting on warmer, less constricting clothing as her body slowly warmed up. She gently brushed her hair and allowed it to dry naturally as she glanced once more at the bags sitting on her bed before she followed the path her sister took not moments before.


Hinata flinched slightly and refused to look up from the floor as she walked passed her cousin, Neji, on her way to the dining room. She didn't want to go near him. She didn't want to speak to him. She didn't want to be in the same room as him. She was afraid of him. Fate, it seemed, didn't want to let her get by so easily as just as she quickly looked up to make sure he hadn't seen her, Neji had turned around and was watching her with blank eyes, trying to scamper away like a scared little mouse.

"Hinata." At the sound of her name she froze on the spot. Her heart beat quickened and her breath came out faster as she heard him walk towards her. Her pale eyes were wide and her small hands clenched the fabric of her top as he stopped behind her, his breath ghosting over her exposed neck as he leaned closer to her ear. Just as he opened his mouth to say something to her, Hanabi burst out laughing. Both Hyuuga's looked at the youngest Hyuuga, one in confusion and gratitude while the other in anger and disdain.

"Look guys! You're under the mistletoe, you gotta kiss y'know. It's tradition." Hanabi smiled as she pointed up at the space above the two teens. At the same time they looked up and true to her words, there was a small green plant with white berries hanging innocently above them, waiting to catch the next unsuspecting couple by surprise. Hinata stared at the small plant in shock. Why hadn't she seen this coming? Her family were always keeping to the traditions of Christmas. Neji also stared at the mistletoe for a while longer before he looked down at Hinata and smiled. She froze as she watched her cousin change his attitude at the presence of her family. In the presence of their family. It was unnatural.

"Of course Hanabi. How silly of me to forget such an important tradition." Neji said, his voice sounding every bit like the gentleman he was raised up to be. He leaned in and placed a light kiss on her cheek and pulled away, sending her a mocking smirk before the smile returned as he walked into the dining room. Hinata stood where she was, shaking like a leaf. She couldn't believe she had let him kiss her like that. It unnerved her, the way he shifted his attitude like he had two different personalities. She hadn't realised how long she had stood there until her mother appeared next to her, a concerned look on her pale face.

"Hinata-chan, are you okay? You're shaking." Her mother pressed a hand against her daughter's forehead and frowned slightly.

"I-I'm f-fine K-Kaa-san. I'm s-still a...a li-little cold f-from earlier." Hinata stuttered, her face heating up at the thought of making her mother worry over her. She tried smiling to help ease her mother's worries but even to her own mind, it seemed more of a pained grimace than a smile of reassurance.

"Are you sure? I could have one of the maid's bring you something to eat while you go to bed ear-"

"I'm...I'm f-fine Kaa-san. H-honest." Hinata took her mother's hand and led her to the dining room where the rest of the family were waiting, not noticing the frown on her mother's face deepening before disappearing altogether.


Dinner was awkward for the young Hyuuga as she was seated opposite her cousin. Throughout dinner, Hinata only contributed to the conversations around her when they were directed at her but otherwise, she stayed silent, eating her dinner without making eye contact with the teen opposite her. The very same person she could feel staring at her more often than not. It was making her more self-conscious of her movements than she already was. Once or twice she had dared look up, only to barely hold back a whimper at the glare she got off her cousin. Obviously, her family were oblivious to the interaction as Neji continued to have smooth conversations with his family and eat his own dinner while staring at the young teen whenever he could. She couldn't understand why he was doing it. Was it an attempt to scare her? Intimidate her? Make her paranoid? Or was she, perhaps, thinking too deeply into his reasoning? Making a mountain out of a mole hill? She shook her head and took a bite of her food. She didn't know what she was making out of it all but whatever his reasoning, it wasn't like him. It wasn't like Neji to pay so much attention to her (whether it be good or bad) and it scared her.


After dinner and desert, Hinata retreated back to her room. Her cousin had yet to approach her again and for that, she was grateful. She didn't know how much she could take. She couldn't handle having him glare at her or even look at her with an unreadable expression. It was creeping her out especially since she couldn't be sure to what extent Neji would go. Hinata shook her head and sat on her bed for a few moments. Her head was swimming with uncertainty and unanswered questions but she shoved all of that aside as she had presents to wrap. With a small smile, she began to unpack the gifts from the bags on her bed before she began the patient task of wrapping the objects as neatly as possible in the most festive paper she could find. Distantly she could hear her mother and father listening to Christmas songs downstairs as well as Hanabi laughing at something. Her family were happy. Something that seemed to rarely happen except at Christmas. Hinata was glad that her mother and father were having a good time and that Hanabi was laughing. She just hoped Neji didn't ruin it all by staying moody all of the festive season.


Hinata sat back with a pleased smile after she stacked the last present on op of the small pile of gifts. Each gift was covered in metallic lilac paper with silver and white snowflakes printed on it with a silver or lilac bow placed on top. She had just finished wrapping Kiba's present. At the thought of the dog loving boy, Hinata blushed and bit her lip. She wondered how he would like her gift as she had gotten it specifically for him. She had admired the brunette for years from afar after her crush on Naruto had disappeared. She admired Kiba's loyalty and trust. She admired his confidence and the way he made sure that nothing could bring him down. He was always looking out for his friends and Hinata could only wish she could be that confident and reliable. Her admiration for the boy soon turned into a crush. She had loved the boy for a while now but she had never had the guts to actually confess. She was scared he'd reject her. She was scared she'd lose his friendship over a small slip like that. She was scared of what might happen. It was always her fear that kept her back. It was always her lack of confidence that prevented her from taking the initiative. Something always stopped her and she was getting fed up with it.

A soft jingling sound cut through her thoughts as her phone vibrated and played a familiar song as someone called. With graceful movements, Hinata leaned over and picked up the phone, answering it on the fifth ring.


"Hey Hinata!"

"K-Kiba-kun!" Hinata's eyes widened at the identity of the caller before a smile crossed her lips and a small blush settled across her cheeks.

"Ah I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

"Oh! N-no, I was j-just wrap-wrapping p-presents."

"Ah cool! So I was wondering, my parents are having this big Christmas party on the twenty-third and I thought maybe you'd like to come."

"O-oh I er..." Hinata's blush intensified as she tried to answer.

"You don't have to if you don't want to!" Kiba rushed over the phone. "I just thought it'd be nice y'know? Besides, the guys are gonna be there too so you won't be completely alone and I'll be there too."

"O-oh um...o-okay. I'll just...um...l-let my p-parents know and um..."

"Sweet! I'll pick you up at seven then."


"'Kay. I'll see you soon Hinata. Merry Christmas."

"M-merry Ch-Christmas K-Kiba-kun." Hinata hung up the phone and couldn't help but gasp when she remembered what Kiba said.

He's coming to pick me up for the party She thought as she felt her face heat up to resemble a tomato. She stood up and stretched her body, stifling the yawn that tried to escape as she finally noticed the time. Before she could move to go get changed for bed, she heard her name being called by the one person she really didn't want to see.

"Hinata." Whipping her head round, she stared wide-eyed at Neji who calmly stared back.

"N-Neji-nii-san!" She gasped. Instead of answering, the taller teen stepped into her room and closed the door behind him, standing in front of the wooden doors like a security guard on night watch. She turned to face the male and waited in silent panic for the reason for her cousin visiting her bedroom at, her glanced at the beside clock, 23:34PM.

"Hinata." Her eyes went back to the teen in front of her and she locked eyes with him. He had that unreadable expression on his face again. The one that scared her the most. Neji broke eye contact first as his attention was drawn to the pile of presents that rested innocently on the floor. He raised an eyebrow at the neatly wrapped gifts before looking back at Hinata. He stepped towards her and smirked when she took steps back away from him.

"And who might those be for?" He questioned as he drew closer to the pile.

"Th-they're f-for K-Kiba-kun and th-the o-others." Hinata stuttered, her hands shaking form the fear that flooded her system. Neji sneered at the packages, his eyes ablaze with hate and disgust. Once he was near enough to the pile, he kicked the nearest present and stamped on another. Hinata gasped in shock then watched in silence as the presents she worked so hard on to find and wrap nicely were destroyed before her very eyes. Tears fell from her pale eyes as she backed into a wall, shaking her head in disbelief. How could her cousin do something like that? How could he destroy all of the presents meant for their friends? Why? Why would he do something like that? Why?

Neji leaned down and picked up a slightly damaged present and read the name tag; To Kiba, Merry Christmas, Love From Hinata. He glared at the petrified girl in front of him before throwing the present against the opposite wall.

"He shall not have you." He muttered under his breath, his expression turning thunderous. He advanced on Hinata quickly making her whimper as she tried to back away further but the wall behind her hindered all movement. He placed a hand beside her head and pressed his body against hers, caging her against the wall. He looked down at her with contempt.

"You are pathetic. I will not let him have you. You are mine! It was written by Fate herself that you are mine. Only I can have you." Neji hissed, his pale eyes burning with possessive anger. Hinata's eyes widened as Neji leaned down and roughly took her lips in a kiss. She struggled against him, hitting his chest, pushing him away but he wouldn't budge. He used his free hand to trap her arms above her head as he continued to abuse her mouth. He forced her lips open and violently mapped out her mouth, running his tongue over her teeth, gums and even her own tongue. She whimpered into his mouth as air become a burning need.

"No!" She cried out as she moved her head to the side. Tears cascaded down her face and her body trembled. Neji glared at her and growled deep in his throat. He pushed away from the wall and used his now free hand to hold her face in place before he once again kissed her, biting her lips and scraping their teeth together in his frenzy.

Hinata was panicking. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't move as Neji had made sure of that but she couldn't call out for help either because Neji was still kissing her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the hand that was holding her face travel down her body. She shivered in terror as his hand brushed her hip. Her eyes snapped open when his hand trailed underneath her top, caressing the skin just above her trousers before a finger dipped beneath the waistband.

"MMPH!" She bit his tongue and struggled as fear gripped her heart. He was realy going to... She couldn't think. Her mind was blank as panic swept over her like a tidal wave. Neji grunted and pulled back his tongue, breaking the kiss as he touched his tongue and lip gently making sure he wasn't bleeding due to Hinata's resistance. When he found no blood, he snarled at the terrified girl before striking her across the face. He stepped away just as she crumpled to the floor. He watched with blank eyes as she cupped her cheek.

Hinata's breath came out in harsh pants as she held her throbbing cheek. How could Neji do that? Why? Why wasn't she strong enough to fight him off? Why her? She hadn't told anyone of the bet he had with Sasuke so why? Why was he doing this? She began to sob as fear gave way to pain. She felt violated. Violated by her own cousin. She barely had time to recover from the previous event when she was hauled to her feet and shoved into the pile of what remained of her presents. She yelped as something sharp connected with her hip as she hit the floor. She held her hip and tried to sit up. Neji knelt in front of her and raised his hand towards her. Hinata flinched. To her surprise and utter confusion, instead of hitting her again, he moved a strand of hair away from her eyes as softly as a lover might with a softened look in his eyes. She stared wide eyed at him. It was as if he had a second personality.

"It was Fate that bought me to you. It is by Fate's whim that you are mine." he said, his voice deep and gentle. He leaned closer so that their faces were only centimetres apart.

"N-no." Hinata shook her head, her eyes not leaving the face in front of her. Not pleased with her words, Neji scowled and grabbed a fistful of her hair, bringing her closer to him still. She whimpered again as her hair was tugged forcefully and another kiss was pressed onto her lips. The kiss was just as savage as the ones before and again Hinata could feel the claws of fear scratch at her heart as she slowly realised just how far Neji was willing to go.

"Hinata!" Hanabi's voice echoed through the silent room as both teens heard the younger child's soft footfalls ascend the stair that led to the closed door of Hinata's room. Neji sneered again before he broke the kiss, whispering one last thing in her ear before he got up and exited the room before Hanabi arrived.

"Good night Neji-nii-san!"

"Good night Hanabi-chan." Hinata shook as she heard her sister converse with the very person who had just assaulted her. She hugged her knees and rocked slightly, her tears never stopping. How could he act like nothing had happened? How could he just go on pretending like that?

Hanabi entered her sister's bedroom and quickly ran over to her rocking sibling. Her pale eyes took in the surrounding and her eyes narrowed. Just what happened in here?

"Hina-chan, are you okay? What happened?" The older of the two looked up and fresh tears fell. Hanabi quickly enveloped her sister into a hug, offering any comfort she could.

"Hina-chan what happened? Do you want me to go get Neji-nii-san?" Hanabi asked once the older Hyuuga had calmed down a bit. She made to stand but a firm hand grasped her wrist.

"No!" Hinata screamed, her eyes wide with terror. Once she saw Hanabi's concerned face, she forced a laugh from her throat and a smile. "I-I mean i-it's n-not some-something to b-bother N-Neji w-with. I-I just...f-fell a-and b-broke all t-the p-presents f-for m-my f-friends, th-that's all." She said, thinking of something that may seem plausible to the younger girl. Hinata begged her sister to believe her in her head, begged her not to ask questions or to point out the obvious lie. Luckily, it seemed her sister had bought the lie as Hanabi simply smiled and called her a clutz.

"Are you going to be okay? You look like you took a nasty fall." Hanabi questioned as Hinata ushered her towards the door. The older girl gingerly touched her cheek and winced. She had been hit quite hard.

"I-I'll be f-fine. I-I'll p-put some i-ice o-on it." Hanabi looked at her sister with suspicion but let it pass.

"Okay then. Night Hina-chan." The young Hyuuga walked back out into the hall and towards her own room, unaware of the tears that began to fall down her sister's face again.


Hinata closed the bedroom door quietly while silent sobs ripped through her body. She ignored the broken presents as she walked directly into her bathroom, her eyes immediately catching her reflection in the mirror. Her cheek was still red and swollen except it was staring to turn a light purple in some areas. She pressed a finger to the swollen area and cried out in pain. How was she supposed to cover this up? What could she say? It looked too bad to be from a fall, even if she did supposedly fall on a pile of presents. Hinata took a shaky breath and turned on the tap, splashing her face with the cold water. Her body shivered at the change of temperature but she paid no mind to it. Drying her face slightly, Hinata walked back into her bedroom and collapsed on her bed. Her eyes stung as she fought off another wave of tears. Why couldn't she stop crying? Why was she so weak? Why? Why? Why?

Remember Hinata, you are mine.

Neji's voice rang through her mind and she heaved. She could feel his hand trailing down her body, feel his tongue in her mouth, feel his body pressed against hers. She shot off the bed and barely made it to her toilet before she threw up, her body convulsing as she heaved into the toilet, tears streaming from her eyes and her body shivering with remembrance. After her body stopped heaving and she could breath without throwing up, Hinata sat on the cold tiles of her bathroom floor curled up as she rocked herself, her lonely sobs the only sign of comfort she received. She was alone in her turmoil and it was starting to break her.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Please Review! Tell me what you think of Neji now? And what about poor Hinata! D= Let me know what you think please ^-^