Disclaimer:Naruto is not mine

Being a dad means looking at your baby all night the first night home

Contrary to popular belief Shikamaru did not fall into bed upon the sun setting and while away the hours in blissful sleep only to wake up the next morning and four hours later go back to sleeping. He knew better than that. Especially after Kiba announced his pregnancy. Babies woke up in the night because they were troublesome, troublesome creatures, Shikamaru wasn't an idiot. He figured he would be waking up a lot. Kiba could sleep through the apocalypse.

Shikamaru had no false hopes that once Vivi and Kiyoshi were born Kiba would join. In fact, Kiba would probably get worse and fall into a coma for nine hours. Shikamaru was right. The first night Vivi and Kiyoshi were brought home, Kiba fell asleep like there was nothing wrong in the world.

Of course, he did make comments about how nice being a family was and how beautiful their children are but he didn't worry about them waking up and snuggled underneath the covers. Shikamaru hoped that his children would be well-behaved.

You don't hope when you marry an Inuzuka. It only leads to despair and sadness. When Kiyoshi and Vivi cried for the first time that night, or maybe it was one of them Shikamaru was too tired to tell the noise apart, Shikamaru got up and did his fatherly duty of rocking them to sleep that first night home.

And all the other nights home as well.