Ryu- Yay, it's finally summer for me. Now here's the last chapter, originally, it was the chapter before the last chapter, but I decided to put it all into one chapter.

-xShiroi-chan – Yeah, well it's not his fault, people have more than one heart.

xXxSmidgexXx – I'm glad you liked it.

Clarrolx – Here's the next and last update.

FanFic-1070 – Well, now you don't have to wait anymore.

fan girl 666 – Well, there had to be something really special.

Hibari-chi – Yes, the epicness has been released.

Blah... - Anyone would, but they'd probably be more likely to do it for free, and about the stomach thing, well, see to the end for an explanation.

nagihachan – Don't worry, hopefully this chapter will clear things up.

Masuda-san – Well hopefully it will come to you by the end of this chapter.

SilentSnowDreamer – Yes, anything that is intense happens quickly, er, I probably shouldn't have said it like that. Anyway, yes, that is why she is still a trainee.

Death Played Through

So it was another morning, another day. It was normal, meaning it was back to how it was before the Gods had entered his life. That being Tsuna's life, who was going to receive quite a shock.

Seeing that his Gods were not present, Tsuna decided to go for a walk, more like contact his lawyer and write his will. Tsuna wanted to make sure that if another psycho-path Devil popped up and killed him for good, he'd be able to make sure his things go somewhere safe.

So, that took an hour, and one tenth of his one million yen check. The next thing was to reserve a space for burial and get a coffin. Two hours and one half of the original amount of his check. Next was to pay for the funeral preparations. One hour, and the rest of the check.

After Tsuna finished, he felt much better. "Well, if I unexpectedly die, no one will have to do anything." Tsuna said to himself as he decided to walk to the Bucking Bronko Daycare. When he got there, he saw that his friends were already leaving.

"Hey, where are you all going?" Tsuna asked.

"Oh for some reason, no one showed up, so Dino let us take the rest of the day off." Yamamoto said.

"Ah, Tenth, it's so good to see you again." Gokudera said as he bowed multiple times at Tsuna.

"It, it's good to see you too. You don't have to bow." Tsuna said as he stopped Gokudera from bowing anymore.

"Since it's been so long, why don't we celebrate, my treat." Gokudera said as he dragged Tsuna away without letting said person refuse or say anything.

"Haha, you two have fun, I need to take care of something." Yamamoto said as he winked at Tsuna, who knew what he was talking about.

So, Gokudera drove the car as Tsuna sat in the passenger seat. Tsuna had just wanted a quiet day, nothing too exciting.

As Tsuna sat, he remembered what DT had almost said.

"Don't worry, you have one more- mmfrmmh hm!"

'I wonder what she was going to say. When am I going to die?' Tsuna thought.

You will die in....

'Oh, I forgot about AKG (aka All Knowing Glass)' Tsuna thought as he looked at the dome.


'Wait, what!?' Tsuna yelled in his head.


'You have got to be kidding!' Tsuna yelled in his head.


'I hate my life' Tsuna thought as he saw an incoming truck and Gokudera trying to swerve out of the way.

Don't worry, it could be better in your after life.

Tsuna didn't have any time to think as the car and truck crashed.


"Time of death, one day after the unexpected death." DT said as she wrote in her book. "Well, at least Death was kind enough to let me do this." DT said as she approached the dead body of Tsuna.

No, he just didn't want to hear Tsuna's screams

DT's eye twitched. "Oh shut up!" She yelled.

Shutting up now

DT groaned as she released Tsuna's souls from his body and sent it upwards.

Sometime later....

Everything was black and dark, but Tsuna soon began to see a white light.

Tsuna had to close his eyes so it would not hurt. The next thing Tsuna knew, he fell onto a hard surface. Tsuna opened his eyes to see a very familiar eye.

"Hiii!" Tsuna shrieked as he punched it.

"Oya, that really hurt."

"I told you, you shouldn't have done that."

Tsuna looked and saw Hibari and Mukuro. "Jeez Mukuro, don't do that." Tsuna said.

Both Mukuro and Hibari immediately stopped talking.

"You remember us?" Hibari said.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Tsuna said.

Hibari and Mukuro looked at each other, but before they could say anything, a shout interrupted them.

"Tenth!" Everyone turned and saw Gokudera. "Tenth, oh I'm so glad you're okay." Gokudera said as he ran up to Tsuna. Both Mukuro and Hibari looked at each other again.

"To Heaven City." Mukuro said as he grabbed both of them and headed toward said city.


Tsuna, Gokudera, Hibari, and Mukuro soon found themselves in a large white, round room. Hibari turned to face the new souls when he was interrupted by a shout.

"This place is extreme!"

Everyone turned and saw DT and Ryohei.

"Yes I know, now keep walking." DT said as she pushed Ryohei further into the room.

"What the heck is turf-head doing here?" Gokudera said.

"Apparently, he was in the same truck that hit your car." DT said. Silence hung in the air after she said that. "Anyway, since you all remember your past lives, you get special promotions." DT said.

"Wait, all of us?" Tsuna said.

"Yes, all. Hibari and Mukuro both remember their past life, or lives in Mukuro's case." DT said. Tsuna was about to say something, but DT interrupted. "Don't ask, just go to school." DT said.

"School?" Everyone sans Mukuro and Hibari said.

A few years later....

Everything had turned out fine, fine as in Tsuna and his friends learned about Heaven and what happens. The bad thing was that Tsuna had gotten Lal Mirch as a teacher, and that hadn't ended well, but, it was now graduation.

This was where the students traded in their plain white robes for the more detailed robes. When Tsuna went up to get his, he was confused.

"Eh, why is my robe different from anyone else's?" Tsuna asked. The teacher was surprised.

"Oh, you didn't hear. You're the next high lord." He said.

There was silence, then everyone shouted "EH!"

A few more years later...

Tsuna was now in his office, well, it wasn't really called an office, he just liked to refer to it that way. Things had settled down quite nicely. Tsuna was titled Higher Light, and had chosen his Virtues. Though Tsuna was still confused.

Even though he had the title of Higher Light, he also had the title Virtue of Patience. Tsuna still didn't get the system, and before he could think any more, his Virtue of Diligence burst through the door.

"Tenth, the new Greater Darkness is here." Gokudera said.

Tsuna sighed, ever since he ascended, the Greater Darkness had given him a hard time, now he wasn't sure about the new Greater Darkness.

"Fine, let's go meet them." Tsuna said, and reason for saying them, was, just like the Higher Light, the Greater Darkness also had a second title, except it was a sin.

Tsuna had found that out when the Varia had barged in one day.

"Vooooiiii! Brat!" Squalo yelled as he walked in, followed by the rest of the group.

"What are you all doing here?" Tsuna said.

"We just got bumped from our positions, so now were angry." Squalo said.

"What do you wanted me to do about it?" Tsuna said.

"Keep us entertained." Fran (Flan?) said. (1)

Tsuna shuddered as they walked. That had been the worst day ever, worst yet, Tsuna still didn't know how they got into Heaven, even though AKG said that they were apart of Vongola.

Soon, the two reached the meeting room, that was located on earth, since they tried to keep a treaty up. In the room was the rest of Tsuna's virtues.

Yamamoto- Humility

Ryohei- Chasity

Lambo- Kindness

Hibari- Temperance

Mukuro and Chrome- Charity (How this happened, Tsuna also didn't know)

"So, where are they?" Tsuna asked.

"We're right here Tsu-chan!"

"Oh no!" Tsuna said as he turned and saw Byakuran jump with his arms open and lips ready for kissing. "Hiiii!" Tsuna shrieked as he hid behind the closest person, that being Mukuro. The result was Mukuro and Byakuran kissing.

All Hell broke loose, quite literally almost. Mukuro and Byakuran began to fight, everyone else just on the sidelines.

"Wao, this is what happened in school." Hibari said.

"What do you mean?" Tsuna asked.

"You remember that they always fought back when Byakuran had been a God, right." Tsuna nodded. "Well, it was because of an accident, and thrown words that caused it." Hibari said.

"Old man!" Byakuran said.

"Why are you calling me old, you're the one with white hair!" Mukuro said.

"But I wasn't the one who lived hundreds of years before becoming a God.' Byakuran said.

Soon after, the fight was ended and both participants had black eyes and bruises, but the meeting had ended well. That didn't mean it went well, Byakuran kept make gogley eyes at Tsuna, who had to restrain Mukuro, and surprisingly Hibari also.

All the while, Tsuna noticed that Byakuran had brought someone not a sin, who Mukuro had been smirking at most of the time. Tsuna had guessed it was someone mentioned before, and he was right when the person had been introduced.

"This is Guido Greco, he's my assistant." Byakuran said.

So, the treaty had been re-established and Tsuna had to run all the way back to heaven, why, because Byakuran had begun to chase him.

"Tsu-chan. Wait up. I just want to -beep- you, and then -beep beep beeep-." Byakuran said.

"How is this life any better!?" Tsuna shouted.

You get to stay a virgin

"That's not good, it just makes Byakuran chase me more." Tsuna said.


"I don't get it, this book said if I work hard enough, I'll get his love." Byakuran said.

"I think you misunderstood, just like with the other book." Guido said.

"Just because I mixed up th hearts, does not mean I misunderstood." Byakuran said.

"Whatever you say." Guido said.

At least he's buying your lies

'Quiet Mukuro-sama'


"Okay, Tsuna is now officially dead." DT said.

"Aw, writing the rest of his life was fun." Fate said.

"Too bad we weren't assigned to overlook his life now." Destiny said.

"You two aren't qualified."

"Says the person who fell in love and ruined the balance. Oh, I wonder why they let Old Destiny back." Fate said.

"Hey, I'm way over him okay." OD said.

"Then what's this shrine?" DT said as she pushed the book shelf, revealing a large shrine of pictures and such.

"Hey, get away from there!" OD said.

"Intervention!" Fate and Destiny yelled.

The End

1. People are debating if his name is Fran, or Flan, because of how Katakana works.

Ryu- Okay, here's the end. Sorry it's done so quickly, I messed up a bit, and had to do a bit of extra work. Hoped you liked, and here are the meanings to my hints.

With power, corrupts, but when power is out of reach, the soul can be lost

-People will do anything for power

Thou shalt not kill, for thou becomes evil, but if thou kills to protect, is thou evil, or good?

-Killing is considered evil, but protecting is considered good. So, you can be both good and evil.

To get wine and water in the same glass without spilling. The slowing of atoms is required. Then the two must be ground, and then put into the glass.

-You can freeze the two substances and then grind them into little pellets. Then you can put them in the cup without spilling. Quite meaning, you can't spill rocks or pebbles.

Even Fate and Destiny can fall in love

-Love can blind you

If you put a lamb with horses, it is not always certain that the lamb will be safe. If you put a lamb in a lions den, death is high, but not the only option

-The horse can be frightened and kick the lamb to death. The lions can be a sleep, or not care.

If there is no king, then the heir takes the throne. If there is no heir, the next royal takes the throne.

-Byakuran wanted to be the Higher Light, but Tsuna was in the way. So if Tsuna was not there, Byakuran could do as he pleased.

Even a child is capable of killing

-Anyone good can still be bad

Those with full stomachs, go straight for dessert

-It is actually proved that even if you are full, you can still eat more. If you are given what you like, then the stomach makes room. The meaning is that you can still gain more even though you have enough.

Ryu- Hopefully, you get why I used them.