This story takes place in a fantasy illusionary world that the setting is'anything could happen'.
The Two kingdom (Seirin and Touou) that from thousand years ago is in bad term for a reason that only the kings of each kingdom knew, finnaly choose to make peace because of a reason that only the kings of each kingdom knew. And to make sure that peace is going to last long, each kingdom had an agreement to engage one of the prince and princess each kingdom have.
-Seirin Kingdom- {Flower Garden}
"Aaaahhh...I don't want this" said the pink princess of the Touou kingdom while pouting, still holding a cup of tea
"What is it...Momoi-san?"ask bluenette that sitting right across her. Maintaining his perfect poker face
"Why should I, of all people should get engaged to this pervert idiotic that actually a prince?"pointing at the man that sitting at top of a tree, eating apple without any proper manner for a royalty.
"Who said I wanted to marry you, ugly Satsuki?"answer the man that was the first prince of Seirin Kingdom, Aomine Daiki
"Well...Father said that you should marry Momoicchi since you guys are about the same age and a childhood friend"said blonde haired man that started to sit and eat blueberry filled sandwich
"No way! I want to marry Tetsu-kun!"said the first princess of Touou Kingdom, Momoi Satsuki while walking and hugging the third prince of Seirin Kingdom, Kuroko Tetsuya
"Momoi-san...I can't breathe..please let go of me"said Kuroko while holding Momoi hands that practicaly choking him
"Oh...Sorry I hug you too hard. But still, I would prefer Tetsu-kun over Dai-chan. Can't uncle change his mind?"
"That's Impossible. Father already swear that he won't force Kurokocchi to marry someone he didn't love. Because of late Mitsuki-san I think"said the blonde that actually Kuroko's step brother and Seirin's second prince, Kise Ryouta
Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, and Kuroko Tetsuya is Seirin Kingdom's Prince. But, Kuroko's mother is different from Aomine and Kise's. Aomine and Kise's mother is the Queen and Kuroko's mother is a concubine. It seems that Kuroko's mother is princess from the unknown land, and the king fell in love with her at first sight.
Of course being that kind of man the king is (Kiyoshi Teppei), when the king first met Kuroko's mother (Kuroko Mitsuki that is) he proposed to her right after he spill his tea on Mitsuki's dress when she's walking past the king. Without introducing himself,he ask her to marry him and being an airhead with so little presence, Kuroko Mitsuki accept his proposal without thinking twice. Since The king's parents already decide a partner for him, thus Kuroko's mother become a concubine. And then she's gave birth to Kuroko Tetsuya that splitting the same image as her. And that is the King's story about his fateful meeting with Kuroko's mother that he's so proud of (The story about The died of Kuroko's Mother I saved for another time.. When this story become a mix of 'anything that could happen')
"Ehhh...Tetsu-kun, didn't you love me?"
"I'm sorry but right now I'm more interested in studying than loving somebody. And I think, I could never find someone that could accept me...not with this kind of me"explain Kuroko while bowing towards Momoi
"With this kind of me?what are you talking about?"ask Momoi curious
"STOP!"said Kise and Aomine together
"W...what's the matter?"said Momoi startled
"This topic ends here. Tetsu,shouldn't you be practicing your archery?"said Aomine with serious face
" that you mention it...Then, until next time"said the bluenette while standing and then bowing and say goodbye to them. Momoi only watch Kuroko's back as he walk away..
"Satsuki...Never you will ask about that matter to Tetsu again."said Aomine with sharp look and intimidating tone
"Yeah..Sorry Momoicchi,but this matter is counted as SS classed confidential secret of this kingdom. So even if it's Momoicchi...I'm sorry but the one that knows about this is only Father, me, Aominecchi, and Kurokocchi himself..."said Kise with a weak smile
"What? there is nothing that I don't know about Tetsu-kun! I have all of his data!"
"Yeah..but you can't read his potential don't you? Aomine
"Well..that's...that's true. But isn't that because of his super little pressence?"
"Hmm...that's only half true actually. Look, sorry but you have no right to know about Kurokocchi. Please...don't look more about this. If you know, it going to be a scandal for this kingdom"said Kise and then go away, followed by Aomine
"Wha...What the..."
"So it actually exist..information that I can't get...Even though I'm a first princess... SS type confidential informaton huh?"wishper Momoi
-Seirin Kingdom- {Archery Field}
There stood Kuroko...positioning himself to fire a arrow. He sigh and fire the arrow, but missed the target. He then sigh again and sit on the wooden floor and sighing again
"You're not concentrating...What happened?"Ask green haired man from the door while straightened his glasses
"Ah...Midorima-kun. You were visiting here? When did you come?"Ask Kuroko while standing up and bowing towards Teikou Kingdom third prince, Midorima Shintarou
"I'm just arrived. Anyway,what with that pathetic form of archery?you're not doing it right!I'm going to fix it"said Midorima with irritated look
"Straghten up your back! Your shoulder is shouldn't be like that! Oh god this has gotten troublesome. Here let me show you"said Midorima while taking another bow from the corner of the field and showing the right posture of archery to Kuroko
"Like this?"ask Kuroko while trying to imitate Midorima's form
"Relax your shoulder a little bit more...yeah like that"said Midorima while watching Kuroko fixing his form. After hearing that, Kuroko let go of the arrow and the arrow hit at the center of the target perfectly
"You have a good eye, so it's not so hard for you to hit the target perfectly once you got the right form"said Midorima while straighten his glasses again
"Thank you Midorima-kun..this has become a valuable lesson to me"said Kuroko while bowing again
"Your I have to go and greet the king. See you later"said Midorima
"See you later"reply Kuroko and then Midorima go away, and Kuroko resume his archery practice. Remembering the form that Midorima had taught him, he continue to fire an arrow that hit at the same spot as before
"Excuse me, Kuroko-sama. I have something to tell you"said a woman from the door wearing a maid uniform.
"Yeah...What is it?"said Kuroko while walking towards the maid
"Please...Die"said the maid while holding a sword that hidden in her skirt,and suddenly attack Kuroko. Kuroko tried to dodge but the sword cut the flesh of his right hand. Blood flowing out while Kuroko's left hand try cover the wound.
"Who sends you?"ask Kuroko while bringing out a knife and positioned himself to attack that woman
"Hah!are you an idiot third prince?did you think that I would reveal who sends me here?and what you can do with that small knife?"
"Yes..I think that you would tell me who send you here"answer Kuroko calmly
"hahahahaha!you really an idiot!now DIE!"scream the woman while once again attack Kuroko. Aiming her sword at his heart. Kuroko once again dodge, but again unfortunately the sword cut the flesh of his shoulder. This one is more bigger than the one in the right hand. Kuroko hissed and then crouched
"I'm sorry about this"said Kuroko while crouching and drive the back of his knife to her stomach
"Uggh...damn you, cursed pri...nce"said the maid while slowly losing consciouness and then fainted. Kuroko lift and carry her towards the castle
Seirin Kingdom {Castle Hallway}
"Kurokocchi!what happened to you?"Ask Kise while rushing towards Kuroko
"'s nothing. More importantly, please treat her. She's only fainted though"said Kuroko while handing the woman in his arm to Kise
"What...who is this maid?why is she fainted?"ask Kise
"She tried to kill me. That's all."answer Kuroko
"Tetsu!I'm looking for you!where have you been?wait...this smell..Tetsu, you bleeding!what happened?"Said Aomine while walking towards Kuroko smilar to Kise before and suddenly his face turned dark
"Ah Aomine-kun.. Her sword...cuts me...twice. I'm sorry Aomine-kun,Kise-kun I feel lightheaded so excuse me"Said Kuroko then walk away towards his room. Left only Kise Aomine and the fainted maid at Kise's hand in the empty hallway. The hallway was silent until Aomine started a conversation
"Kise...what shape is the moon tonight?"ask Aomine serous
"hmm?It's crescent moon tonight. Don't tell me..."
"crescent moon huh? We don't know what will happened tonight. I report to father now. You should take that woman to the prison. Tetsu shouldn't have hurt her."said Aomine
"Kurokocchi is too nice...even to this woman who tried to assasinate him. Did we going to do it tonight?"ask Kise while leaning on nearby pillar
"Maybe. considering the amount of blood in his clothes...not that I mind. I already devoted my life to him, so I do everything it take to make him live"said Aomine while walking away from Kise
" can't speak about that openly. If Momoicchi hear you she's going to be broken hearted... "said while Kise smiling
" Don't worry...I have no intention whatsoever to marry Satsuki. I also going to talk about that to father. If I'm not here, Tetsu won't last long. Tetsu need two of us"
"I see...well that's true. Don't regret this decision later 'kay?"said Kise while blinking his eyes
"NO way...I never regret anything if its for Tetsu"then Aomine dissapear. Or more precisely, he jumped the castle's window
"Aominecchi!you're not allowed to jump inside the castle!"shout Kise to the running man in the yard below him
"Hahahahaha...don't you always do it too?"reply Aomine while waving his hand towards Kise
"well..That's true. Whatever...I think i should take this girl to prison before she wakes up"said Kise while humming and make his way down to the castle's dungeon
Two hour later (07.15 p.m)
Seirin Kingdom {Kuroko's Room}
-Kuroko's POV- (I actually want to avoid writing story from only one person's point of view. But Kuroko's inner tought is quite important for understanding the story (that's because he didn't speak much)so...enjoy!)
That woman...her sword broke past the barrier surrounding me. What is actually this sword?. And she know my past. Cursed?well...from normal person point of view,maybe I could called cursed. Did tonight I have to do it?... I can't always be like this. I can't always make trouble to Aomine-kun and Kise-kun. But what can I do?this body just won't work the way I wanted... well, at least I'm still blessed.
"Kurokocchi It's me. Can I come in?"
"Sure...The door isn't locked"I reply softly. After I said that, the door opened. Revealing my blonde brother figure, along with a three maid bringing a few cup and plate and put them in the table of the balcony
"Let's eat together!"said Kise-kun cheerfully. Kise-kun takes my arms and guide me towards veranda.
"Oh...thank you. You guys can go now"I said while sitting. The maid the bow and leave. Then, I start to eat
"Kurokocchi...why is she attack you?"ask Kise-kun, opening a conversation. What a bad topic to start a conversation while eating
"Hm?who is this 'she'?"I said pretending don't know what Kise-kun is talking about
"Kurkocchi...don't be so mean. You know what I'm talking about"said Kise-kun while pretending to cry
"I don't know the reason why is she attacks me. She's only said that I'm a cursed prince. That's all"I said after swallowing a spoon full of rice
"Cursed?She knows about it?"ask Kise-kun surprised
"Yeah..It's seems so"I reply. The moment after I said that were silent. Only a sounds of chewing and gulping that could be heard. Kise-kun finished earlier than me and I finished about 10 minutes after Kise-kun.
"Kurokocchi...what happened to your barrier?"ask Kise-kun after I finished eating, taking a glass of water, I drink then answer him
"She pierced it"
"Using this sword I think?"I said while showing him the sword that used by that maid
"A demonic sword huh?"said someone from the fence of the balcony. I immidiately look at the fence ad see my other brother, sitting at the fence
"Aomine-kun...You aren't allowed to climb inside the palace. Why can't you just enter normally from the door?"I said while gesturing him to sit with us
"No way...too far"said Aomine-kun while sitting and drink a water from my glass
"Then...what did you mean by demonic sword?"ask Kise-kun
" means demonic sword. Sword that had been enchanted a spell by a demon. But this toy can't possibly hurt you. Break through your barrier is one thing, but being hurted is impossible."said Aomine-kun playing with the sword
"Then why Kurokocchi is could be injured?"
"Ah...please don't worry. It's just me being clumsy"
"No...that's impossible. This is you we're talking about. Don't lie, we know you the best. I could only think that Tetsu's body is weakening."
" never showed a sign that you're body is weakening. So we never act"Said Aomine-kun again
"Ah...maybe I didn't te
"Tetsu-kun!"called someone from the door, the voice I recognized as Momoi-san. For a seconds, I heard Aomine-kun clicking his tounge and Kise-kun said 'here comes the noisy one'. My imagination,maybe
"Momoi-san...what's wrong?"I said while stand up and walking towards her
"Let's take a walk at the garden!you's romantic to look at the rose garden at night riightt?"ask Momoi san while clinging into my injured right arm. I hissed slightly because, when Momoi-san cling to me it made the wound sting. But of course it goes unnoticed to Momoi-san
"Sure...I see no harm in doing so"I said while escorting Momoi-san towards the rose garden
Seirin Kingdom {Rose Garden}
Normal POV
"What is wrong, Momoi-san? Did the rose garden didn't statisfy you? Or would you like to see the lily garden?"ask Kuroko. A hint of worry was heard in his usual monotonous voice. But his face showed nothing
"No...the rose was pretty. It's really romantic to walk with Tetsu-kun in here. know, if these guys is not here it would be perfect!"said Momoi while pointing at three man that chattering about something pointless while walking perfectly three step behind Kuroko and Momoi
"Satsuki, don't point your finger at someone so close to you. It's rude"said Aomine while brushed off Momoi's hand
"Not that Aominecchi can say. His own attitude is the complete opposite of his last two words"said Kise while smirking
"You really should restudy your manner, Aomine. It doesen't fit your title as the first and crown prince"said Midorima while straighten his glasses
"Oh...shut up Midorima. I have no interest in becoming the king. Tetsu should be the king!"said Aomine while pulling Kuroko closer to him
"Yep...Aominecchi is not fit to be the king. Of course, I also didn't fit to be a king. Kurokocchi is the best y'know...he is kind,strong,sometimes stubborn,have a cute bed hair,his personality is cute too! Also...also...
"You're getting out of topic"remind Midorima
"And what did Tetsu's bed hair have something to do with being a king?"ask Aomine
"Well...his bed hair is really cute right Aominecchi?"
" could say so"
"What..what?is Tetsu-kun bed hair is that cute?"ask Momoi joining their conversation
"Yeah!Kurokocchi bed hair is the cutest!"answer Kise while showing thumbs up
"Uwahh...I want to see Tetsu-kun's bed hair!"said Momoi while jumping a little
"That's not going to happen...the person that have seen Kurokocchi's bed hair is only me,Aominecchi and the late Mitsuki-san!.."said Kise proud
"You guys...will you please stop conversing with my bed hair as a topic?my bed hair is not cute or good to see"said Kuroko that have been silent all this time
"ehhh..."whine Kise
"No more conversation about my hair. And will you guys please go? Momoi-san is seems bothered by you guys too"said Kuroko calmly even though there's a hint of anger and embarassment in his voice
"Kurokocchi so straight. Well that's allright. Let's go Aominecchi, Midorimacchi"said Kise. They turn around and begin to walk. As they take a few step,
"AAAAAAAKKKKKKKKHHHHH"scream Kuroko. Kuroko's fell to his knee and begin sweating a cold sweat. Face twisted with pain. And he circled his arm, like trying to hug his back
"KUROKOCCHI!" "TETSU!" "TETSU-KUN" "KUROKO!" said Kise,Aomine,Momoi,and Midorima stimultaneusly
"No way!Kise!deploy a barrier around us!let's go!we have to move!sorry Midorima,Satsuki but this is Tetsu's personal matter so I can't tell you what happening right now"Aomine said while carrying the pained Kuroko in his arm and standing behind Kise. Kise then wishper a soft 'I'm Sorry' then stretched his arm. Suddenly the three of them vanish. Like dissapear into the darkness.
To Be Continue...
Okay... I warned you(the ilusionary world thing). this is going to become crazy with fantasy theme...well, English is not my first language so if I done something wrong in this story just tell me. I do my best to fix it. Review please!( oh yeah..I planned this to be a two-shot ). and sorry for Teppei Kiyoshi fan because I paired him with my OC (Kuroko Mitsuki)