Sena the Sexy Kitten of Deimon High!
Chapter 4
Sena was on a high; his team just won their first American Football game. Sena celebrating with his team win he heard a familiar voice.
"Has anyone seen Sena?" The voice of Mamori asks in a worried voice.
'She's always worried when it comes to me since I'm "weak" compared to her.' Sena thinks in frustration. Sena runs to change out of his gear and changes back into the cheerleading outfit.
"Yeah he is over there taking pictures as he cheerleads." A guy answers.
"What?! Cheerleading?! Hiruma!" Mamori yells as she storms over to where Sena and Hiruma were standing.
"Hiruma, you pervert! How dare you make Sena dress like this!" Mamori yells completely forgetting that Sena likes to cross-dress.
"Kekek Oh, yeah what are you going to do about, use your powers as a Disciplinary Officer to try and shut down the team?" Hiruma asks.
'She better not! Childhood friend or no childhood friend! My Hiruma-Koi has worked too hard for this.' Sena thinks with a growl.
"I won't do that. You are in the middle of a tournament, right? You guys will be disqualified if I do that. Instead, you are not to have anything to do with Sena anymore! I'm having him quit the American Football Team!" Mamori declared loudly. Kurita had tears in his eyes and he started to freak out, not wanting to lose Sena. Hiruma was pissed.
'How dare she try and take my Kitten away!' Hiruma thinks his jaw clenched.
"Mamori! I am not quitting the Team and you cannot make me quit! It is not your decision writher I stay on the Team or not!" Sena yells finally at his breaking point with dealing with Mamori's over protectiveness. Mamori was in shock that Sena was yelling at her.
'This must be Hiruma's evil influence. My Sena would never yell at me like this.' Mamori thinks in denial. Sena moves around Mamori who was standing in front of Hiruma so that he was standing beside.
"And another thing I and Hiruma are dating. So you better stop bad mouthing him." Sena says holding Hiruma's hand. Hiruma, Sena, Kurita and the rest of the team walked to the train station leaving Mamori standing there in shock.
-On the Train-
Sena and Hiruma were sitting away from the team since nobody wanted to sit next to them. Kurita and Mamori (Sad to say she came out of her shock in time to catch the train) were sitting across from them with Mamori glaring at Hiruma who had his arm around Sena.
"First victory! First victory! The Devil Bats' first victory! At this rate, we might get pretty far in the tournament! As long as we aren't matched up against the Oujou White Knight." Kurita says in joy.
'Yeah, I agree that would be a nightmare to have to go up against them this early.' Sena thinks with a shudder.
"Hiruma, who is our next opponent going to be?" Kurita asks.
"The Oujou White Knights." Hiruma stats bluntly.
'Shit!' Sena curses in his head and Kurita almost faints.
"Oh yeah, Hiruma, who is that Eyeshield?" A guy asks.
"Hiruma-San, introduce him to the Track Team!" The Track guy says (Sorry I forgot his name).
"Man, I wonder who he was?" Hiruma asks with a smirk on his face as he gives Sena a side look. Hiruma then continues.
"In American Football, even when the opponent scores 99 points, we'll win if we score 100 points. The most important thing American Football is offense. We block and secure the running route. If we do that, then Eyeshield 21 will definitely…snatch those 100 points!" Hiruma declares. Sena was pumped up.
'We will definitely win! I will show everybody that I have what it takes to be the best and fastest Running Back ever!' Sena thinks as he cannot wait for the next game.
-The Next Day-
'So our next game is against the Oujou White Knights, I cannot wait!' Sena thinks in excitement.
"Sena," A voice yells.
"Mamori-Neechan," Sena answers.
"As long as you're on the American football team, I've decided I will always be with you." Mamori says even though she is secretly going to get Hiruma away from Sena.
"What," Sena says in shock not wanting Mamori around so he can play in peace but if she is around how can he be Eyeshield 21?
"I will make sure none of the guys bully you." Mamori explains as she opens the door to the American football team's locker room.
Mamori was in shock, she could not believe how filthy the locker room was.
"Okay, I am going to clean this mess up." Mamori announces in determination. Mamori and Sena set to the task of cleaning the small locker room.
-A Few Hours Later-
"Woah, it's sparkly clean, incredible!" Kurita says in glee as he walks in the now clean locker room.
"No that's incredible," Mamori says as she points to all of the bags and box of pastries Kurita was carrying.
"What are all of those for?" Sena asks.
"It's a party for the two of you, for joining the team." Kurita explains as he sets the sweets on the table.
"Oh, Kariya's cream puffs are definitely the best! The double layer of puff pastry is so…" Mamori trails off her mouth full.
"Velvety smooth," Kurita finished for her.
"They use milk instead of water for the shell!" Mamori says in excitement.
"I like the filling too… the little black bits." Kurita says in agreement.
"It's the vanilla beans! They're so…" Mamori was interrupted by the door to the locker room slamming open. Hiruma came stomping in with a box under his arm; he kicked the sweets off of the table, he then flipped the top of the table (showing that it was reversible) to its football field side.
"Oh, you're all here, good. I'm gonna explain the game against the White Knights." Hiruma says lazily as he dumps the contents of the box of the table.
"You could have waited until after we moved the cakes! You are so self-centered." Mamori yells angry that the cakes were ruined.
'It's refreshing to see a normal reaction to him.' Kurita thinks to himself.
'Hehe, that's my Hiruma for you.' Sena thinks with a warm smile, that Mamori did not like.
"The scale molders' club "gladly" worked all night to make these figures for us." Hiruma says with a cackle.
"Wow, there so life-like." Sena says in awe.
"All right, let's go over our strategy," Hiruma says as he picks up the Eyeshield 21 figure. "This one's gonna take it and run the whole time, that is all."
"I can do that." Sena says agreeing, even if it was not much of a strategy.
'All of the trouble for that.' Kurita thinks looking at the figures.
"That's my kitten." Hiruma says as he squeezes Sena's bubble butt.
"Stop molesting Sena!" Mamori yells not hearing anything earlier because she was cleaning up the cake mess.
"When you said he'll run the whole time… you mean no passing at all? Even, say, on a third down with 10 yards to go?" Kurita asks.
"Nobody can catch anyway, right?" Hiruma asks even though it really wasn't a question.
"Do you understand what they are talking about, Sena, because if you don't I can teach you since I memorized the American football rulebook last night." Mamori explains.
"Yes, I understand, the guys taught me." Sena says annoyed at Mamori for babying him again.
"Even if he did not know how the game worked I would teach him, since you could not have memorized the rules in one night." Hiruma scoffed.
"I did so learn it!" Mamori snaps.
"Oh-oh, well, what will you do if there is something that you can't answer? I'll give you three advanced questions. If you get of them wrong, then you can't argue with me ever again. Which means I can touch Sena anyway I want. You'll be an obedient little worker." Hiruma explains.
"Fine, let's go! On the other hand, if I answer them all correctly, then you have to promise not to bully anyone ever again!" Mamori snaps.
Hiruma vs. Mamori:
"First question: how many meters in ten yards?" Hiruma asks.
"That's easy, about nine meters." Mamori answers smugly.
"Wrong! You must be accurate to the decimal point." Hiruma cackles.
"T-That doesn't have anything to do with the rules of football!" Mamori snaps but then stats thinking then answers:
"It's 9.1440183 meters." Mamori answers. Hiruma flinches in anger he was sure she would not get that one.
"Second question: name all the ways that possession of the ball can change!" Hiruma snaps shooting his gun in the air.
"After points are scored, when a kick is caught, when the offense doesn't advance 10 yards in four downs, when the ball is kicked out of bounds, the end of the first half, when defense intercepts the ball, when a punted kick stops." Mamori lists.
"Last question," Mamori says smugly.
"C'mon, you guys. It's time for some strength training." Hiruma says leaving the room.
"Wait a minute!" Mamori yells following him out of the room leaving Sena and Kurita alone.
"We better go after them before they kill each other." Kurita says also leaving the room.
'I wonder what tomorrow will bring.' Sena thinks as he leaves the room.
Strength Test Results
Sena: 20 kg=44 Ibs
Hiruma: 75 kg=165 Ibs
Kurita: 160 kg=352 Ibs