AN: I'm so sorry for the long wait but I've been so busy I haven't had much time to update my stories. Okay, I've decided to make this story in installments so this shall be the end of book one. There will be a sequel although I'm not sure when. R&R please!


2 years later

"Uzukage-sama, the Godaime Hokage is at the gates." a guard informed the silver haired male sitting on his throne. "He is asking to have an audience with you." Kakashi sighed deeply before answering.

"Let him in," he ordered. "Let them keep their weapons but keep an eye on them. Have SWIRL escort them into the throne room."

"Hai, Uzukage-sama!"

"I'm not going to talk to him." the voice that came from behind him was stern, her tone final. She emerged from the shadows wearing a light blue kimono with a long train that trailed behind her as she walked. Husband and wife wore nothing to show that they were the leaders of their village except for the lavish clothes.

"It's been two years Natsu," he reminded her. "Isn't it time to forgive him?"

"I have long since forgiven him, but that doesn't mean that I want anything to do with him." he reached out for her as he rose, his height still towering over her lithe frame.

"It's your choice." he promised as he pulled her into an intimate embrace. "I just wanted you to get closer to your real family."

"I chose which family I wanted to be with when I left Konoha two years ago." she reminded him. Before he could reply, there was a voice coming from somewhere further inside their castle.

"Do you have to go see?" Kakashi asked, unwilling to break their close proximity.

"I should check on the twins."

"Which one?"

"Both of them," she gave him a chaste kiss before pulling away from him.

"Alright, he's going to be here soon anyway."

"I'll see you later." she whispered.

"Uzukage-sama, might I announce Godaime Hokage of Konoha, Jiraiya-sama."

"Welcome to Uzugakure!" Kakashi rose from his seat, silently thanking that Natsu had already left when the Toad Sage was announced.

"So you're the Uzukage," Jiraiya commented as he surveyed the throne room. His eyes flickered around the spacious room, the beautiful décor dotting the place as he walked towards the throne with two of his ANBU flanking him. "It is good to see you again Kakashi."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same, Hokage-sama," Kakashi said in his lazy drawl.

"I'm not surprised," Jiraiya smiled still even when he felt a pang in his chest.

"What did you want to discuss with me?"

"Cut right to the chase, why don't you?" he was still jovial even through the undertone of dismissal. "I want to make an alliance with you."

"I'm afraid I have to decline."

"You haven't even listened to the conditions yet."

"I don't need to know your conditions to figure out what you're trying to do, Jiraiya-sama." a pair of smoky eyes glared at the older man.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you think we wouldn't know what you'd tried to do to your other 'allies'?" Kakashi retorted. "Do you think I'm stupid enough to not see what you're trying to do? I've lost what little respect I had of you when you decided it was a good idea to take over Suna."

"Now, Kakashi, I hava a perfectly good explanation for that."

"And what would that be? They we're becoming too strong?" he tried hard to calm himself but it was difficult. "Suna was only getting back on their feet after the Fourth Kazekage's maniacal exploits and you and you're deluded council decided they would be better off under your control. I'm sorry Hokage-sama, I'm just not willing to do that to my people. And if you haven't noticed, we don't need you."

"Will you just listen to my proposal?" Jiraiya boomed, his voice echoing across the whole room.

"I've heard enough, take them out of here." SWIRL appeared behind the entourage from Konoha even before they could protest. They, however, were blown back by a burst of chakra from the leader. In a moment, there was silence.

"You dare attack us?" incredulity flooded Kakashi's voice at what had happened. Before Jiraiya could reply twin balls of energy flashed into the room heading directly at him. He could only stare in fascination as they spun rapidly toward him. At the last minute, they werved barely missing his ANBU and then spun back towards the throne where they landed on either side of Kakashi. "Jiraiya-sama, meet my sons, Akihito and Hirohito." he introduced them.

"Your sons?" Jiraiya could only stare at the twin boys who no doubt were Kakashi'schildren. They both had silver-blonde hair, one with his up in spikes, the other's was shoulder length and had a fringe, smoky blue eyes, no doubt the fusion of their parent's and he saw something in those eyes that scared him. They hated him. "How old are they?"

"They're only two." Kakashi stated, amusement flooding his eyes as Jiraiya's widened. "You should know who their mother is, after all she is your granddaughter."

"Where is she?" Jiraiya was furious! Here he was trying to make an ally with this new nation and he had been turned down, after which he was then almost attacked by the two "two year old" boys and now he finds out that their mother is his lost granddaughter. "Give me back my granddaughter! I have been looking for her for the past two years! Give her back to me!" he demanded.

"What makes you think she'll go with you?"

"She's my granddaughter, I'm her only family left."

"In case you're not looking, these two are her sons and I'm her husband. She has a new family now, she doesn't need you. She hasn't needed you since you left her fending for herself in Konoha."

"Tou-chan," the twins spoke simultaneously, their voices oddly harmonious.

"Is he~"

"The one~"

"Who let~"

"Those other people hurt kaa-chan?"

"Aki, Hiro, meet Jiraiya-sama Godaime Hokage of Konoha, also known as the Toad Sage, one of the Sannin and your great grandfather."

"He's not our grandfather, Hiru-jii is."

"Aki, Hiro!" a feminine voice echoed down the hall from behind the thrones. "I told you not to go into the throne room because your father is in a meeting!" furious blue eyes trained on the twins still standing by their father's feet. Behind her followed a red haired boy and a blonde haired girl both with jade eyes. The boy wore a red battle armor with a large gourd strapped to his back, the girl had her hair in four ponytails and a huge fan was strapped to her back.

"Gomenasai kaa-chan," the two blonde boys said in unison. "We just wanted to see who he was talking to."

"You two are way too articulate for two year old boys." Gaara muttered from behind his mother.

"We're smart aniki!" the two boys simultaneously answered.

"Natsu." Jiraiya called out to her but she paid him no heed.

"Let's go, you've interrupted this meeting already."

"Wait, Natsu don't go."

"It's the demon!" one of his ANBU shouted just as he launched himself to attack. Kakashi was already behind her, Gaara's cork was out of the gourd his sand leaking onto the floor and floating around both him and his mother. Temari was also at attention, her fan open, three purple moons revealed. The ANBU found himself to be frozen, unable to move. Jiraiya and the other ANBU looked behind him to see chakra strings attached to multiple parts of his body. "Let me go! The demon must be killed, her spawn has to be destroyed!" the ANBU tried to struggle against his bonds but he found himself staring into two pairs of unusual eyes.


"Hiro," they called out to each other even when they didn't need to. Smoky-cerulean eyes turned red as they watched the man launch himself at their mother calling her a demon. Pupils turned into slits as their eyes turned red. The peculiar design of their father's Mangekyou Sharingan, the oddly shaped shuriken, had somehow infused with Kyuubi's own slitted one creating an all new bloodline in itself. Calmly, the pair walked towards the man who had already been trapped by their oldest brother and took off his mask.

"You called kaa-chan a demon and then you tried to attack her."

"For that we will punish you."

"One hundred forty-eight hours of your worst nightmares and your greatest fears." they said in unity. "Tsukuyomi."the man's chocolate brown eyes glazed over as his face contorted in pain. The twins collapsed in exhaustion, both being caught by either Gaara or Temari and then brought back inside the castle's chambers. Natsu followed behind after sending a look at her husband.

"You still can't control your ninja."

"What did they do?"

"They did what they said they did," Kakashi said as they watched the man writhed in pain, his face contorting in an expression of pure terror. "They punished him for his attempted attack."

"He hadn't even done anything!"

"Not yet!" Kakash stalked towards the older man. "You would have waited for something to happen before you punish him. Natsu is tired of doing that, I am too. What your man did and what you have failed to do, you have just declared war on Uzu. Get out of here."

"Their eyes, what happened to their eyes."

"It's the Hatake-Namikaze bloodline. We call it the Kyuubigan."

AN: So this is the final chapter of The Hatake-Namikaze Bloodline, since the summary did say it was about her life I decided to just write this up as the first of a series.

So, for the last time in this story.

Tell me what you think, ne?

Love lots,
