Author has written 7 stories for Donkey Kong Country, Left 4 Dead, Coraline, Corpse Bride, and Legend of Korra. Hi all, and thanks for visiting my page! There's not much to say except I love video games, writing, travelling and surfing. Thank you if you've decided to take the time to read my stories, and even more thanks if you reviewed them. Hopefully they will keep you entertained. I enjoy reading long stories with well-developed characters. If you would like for me to take a look at any of your works, feel free to send me a message. I also make movies. For those of you interested, here is a link to my Youtube channel: Pet Hates/Dislikes in Fanfiction: 1. OOC (out-of-character): Seriously, I cannot stand OOC-ness in fanfiction. If I watch a movie about a badass awesome character, I do not want to read a story about said character being all weepy and emotional (particularly if the character is a girl - it's borderline sexist). 2. Multiple POVs Having a story switch between someone's 1st person POV, then to another person's, then to 3rd person, etc... Several times throughout a chapter. It's jarring and unprofessional, particularly when the author explicitely states whose POV it is. It's best to choose a POV and stick with it throughout the story. If you want to explore another person's POV, you should do it in a sequel, or else divide the story into parts that are told from a different person's POV. 3. Dragging things out: Two major examples of this are: - When there is a 'mystery' going on in the background of the story - even though it's totally out in the open and obvious, to the point where characters in the story are openly commenting about it. And yet it takes several chapters to even learn a tiny detail, before being told, "...and so the mystery deepened". If you want to weave a mystery throughout the story, that's fine, but don't make reference to it every chance you get, and keep it subtle. Better yet, slowly reveal details every time it DOES get mentioned so that there is actually a point to it. - When two main characters keep leaning in to kiss or whatever, only to be interrupted at the last minute by something. It's tolerable once, maybe even twice, but not ten or twenty like I've seen sometimes. If you're going to have your characters kiss, then have them kiss already! |