Okay… I'm making a deal with you guys.

I will have a contest where one of YOU comes up with an idea for your ideal multi-chapter fic. I will write summaries for the first TWENTY people that send them in.

Also, i will be updating a chapter every 3-5 days for EVERY SINGLE ONE of my incomplete stories.

But why? Why would I do these marvelous things? Because I made a video. Not for a fanfiction! It's a legend of korra AMV to the song "Radioactive" By Imagine Dragons. Now I know there are a TON of them out there, but I like to think that mine is pretty good. I will do everything above… but only if I get a certain about of views.

My goal for now is 500-1,000 by Saturday.

Yes, 500-1,000 BY SATURDAY. If you want to just keep refreshing… fine do it. I just need to get it to the page when someone searches "Legend of Korra Radioactive"

So please, even if you don't want any of the features just go check it out. It will be under "Legend of Korra- Radioactive maryclairewarren" I'll also put the link in my profile. I hope you guys do go look at it I worked REALLY hard on it :\

SO… PLEASE? (remember the awesome features!)