I'm so sorry to everyone who has been reading my fanfictions from the very beginning. I bolted right in the middle of a climax for two of my stories, and then left you hanging for over two years now. I truly deeply thank you all and am so sorry. I hope I never leave you guys like that again.
Now that all of the serious stuff is out of the way, let's get ridiculous. When we last left everyone, Astrid was about to crash the wedding and Hiccup just brought said wedding to a screeching halt. Now let's see what happens.
Chapter Eleven - Hiccup
"Well this is it now, everybody get down! This is all I can take, this is how a heart breaks!"
I tried not to flinch when every eye turned to me with wide eyed astonishment. In the moment that passed after I made my statement, I surveyed the room. Isabella was glaring daggers at me, and her father next to her looked vaguely amused. Gobber's face was stretching into a wide grin. My father's expression was unreadable. At the other end of the room, Astrid, Leech, the twins and Toothless stood with the hall's doors wide open. Astrid was staring at me open mouthed and equally wide eyed, and for a second I wondered how she got away from the guards.
Then everything seemed to unfreeze, and the hall broke into an explosion of noise. Isabella threw down her flowers with an angry screech, and it was only her father's strong hands holding her down that kept her from leaping at me. From behind me, I heard Fishlegs chuckle and I turned to look at him. He was smiling and shaking his head.
"By Thor, you just messed up the entire plan," he muttered through his giggles.
I was about to ask him what he meant by that, but at that moment, Garlo roared at everyone to settle down. The entire hall fell silent and everyone turned to look at us once more.
"Well it's too bad for you, Hiccup," Isabella hissed at me. "But you can't object. Unless you want the Skullheads to completely annihilate your pathetic tribe, you have no choice but to marry me." She added this last remark with a smug smirk, thinking that she had won.
"You don't want peace," I stated loudly enough for everyone to hear. "You never wanted peace. You just want what you always got. Your way. Well it's too bad for you, Isabella. Because I challenge you to a Viking's Duel. For the fate of our two tribes."
The entire crowd gasped as I spoke. Once a Viking's Duel had been declared, there was no backing out of it. But she had driven me to this. My tribe and I were not hers for the taking. I would not let us become her playthings. And the realization of that had already crossed her face.
But her expression turned dark in an instant. "Very well," she snapped. "I accept your challenge. If you win, we'll sign the peace treaty and leave and that will be it. But if I win, you have to marry me, and I get control of your tribe. Deal?"
I stared in shock. There was no way I could just promise my tribe over to her! But before I could speak, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see my father, looking very serious.
"Go ahead, son," he said softly. "I trust you."
Blinking my gratitude, I turned back to Isabella, who was staring at me expectantly, her hand out stretched. "Deal," I said loud enough for everyone to hear, and took her hand.
Ten minutes later saw everyone gathered around the former dragon killing arena. I stood beside Toothless, while on the other side of the arena, Isabella stood with a large, pink Monstrous Nightmare by her side. Gobber stood in the middle of the arena to address the crowd. As soon as he started to speak, Berk and Skullheads alike settled down.
"All right, listen up," he shouted to the crowd. "Here's how this is going to work. Both opponents will be fighting out their duel on the back of their dragons. They may use anything inside of the arena as a weapon. And whoever knocks their opponent off of their dragon first wins. The duel will commence in five minutes!"
The crowd roared its approval. Gobber and Spitelout began pulling out the weapons rack, while Garlo made his way over to Isabella to speak to her. I heard my name being called and turned to see my dad, Astrid and Leech coming over to me. My dad looked very proud of me, Leech was bouncing with excitement, and Astrid had a strange mixture of joy and outrage on her face.
"I can't believe you, Hiccup," she growled when she reached me. "I had this entire plan set up perfectly, and I was going to burst in and be all dramatic and heroic and stuff and you just had to ruin it by beating me to the punch!"
"Sorry Astrid," I said, rubbing where she punched my shoulder. "I had a feeling that you guys were up to something. But I knew that if I wasn't the one who stopped this wedding, I was never going to respect myself, no matter what happened. You understand, don't you?"
Her expression softened. "Yeah, I do," she replied. "I'm proud of you, Hiccup."
"Oh man!" Leech shouted suddenly, breaking into our moment. "Did you see the look on my sister's face? It was amazing! She looked so angry, I thought her eyes were going to pop out! You're already my hero, Hiccup!"
"Thanks, Leech," I said, laughing a bit at his excitement. Finally, Stoick stepped forward.
"I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you, son," he said. "And I'm sorry that I had to put you through all of this. And I hope you'll forgive someday."
I felt a tear run down my face at his words. "It's ok, dad," I told him. "You did it for the good of the tribe. I've already forgiven you."
Overfilled with joy, he quickly reached down and almost crushed me in half with a hug. I didn't get a chance to hug him back...or breath...because at that moment, Gobber hobbled over to us.
"We're about to start," he said. "Now just remember everything I taught you and you'll be fine. Good luck, Hiccup."
"Thanks, Gobber," I managed to gasp before my dad finally released me.
The three ran towards the arena doors as Gobber took center stage again while Isabella and I both mounted our dragons. I could feel Toothless tense up in anticipation, ready to take off at the word.
"Now I want a good clean fight," Gobber said. "On my mark, the duel will commence. On your marks..." Toothless spread out his wings and I adjusted his tail to the proper setting "...Get set..." Toothless crouched lower, ready to fly... "GO!"
Immediately he leaped into the air, and Isabella and her dragon crashed into the place that we had occupied. Adjusting ourselves, we turned in the air, quickly dodging out of the way of the fireball that was launched at us from Isabella's dragon. Then her dragon took flight as well. Her anger seemed to be fueling her every move, and her eyes blazed. But she wasn't the only one. I was finally free of all the burden I had been feeling these past several weeks. Finally, I didn't have anyone telling me what my future was going to be. A weight had been lifted from my heart, and Toothless and I were not going to lose.
"We need to get to the weapons, Toothless," I muttered in the Night Fury's ear. He growled in agreement and made a dive for the weapons rack. Isabella and her dragon immediately gave chase. We flew towards the ground in a blur of motion. I knew that Toothless was faster and stronger than Isabella's dragon, but we knew better than to get cocky. We weren't going to make Isabella's mistake and underestimate the enemy.
There was intake of breath behind us and I could feel heat building up. At that moment, I knew that Isabella and her dragon were going to try and destroy the weapon rack before Toothless and I could get to it. Knowing this, I leaned forward and Toothless folded his wings, going for a straight dive. A large fireball was directly behind us. We were ten inches from the ground, Toothless opened his mouth, and we pulled away just as the fire ball blasted the weapon rack.
Toothless swooped up and turned in midair to face Isabella's dragon once more, my shield in his mouth, which he then tossed over his shoulder to me. Fury was painted over Isabella's face. Before she could react, however, we charged at her. She barely managed to pull her dragon down in time. The monstrous nightmare rammed her head up into Toothless's belly as he passed by, veering us off course.
I held on tight as Toothless straightened himself, determined not to fall. I had invented dragon riding; there was no way we were going out that easily. Once Toothless had recovered, he made an about face and we rushed at Isabella again. Her dragon opened her mouth, ready to shoot fire at us. I couldn't see Toothless grin, but I knew what was running through his mind at that moment. I didn't even have to give the command, and a moment later Toothless let out a shot of fire of his own that flew straight into his opponent's mouth. The Monstrous Nightmare began choking and coughing, staggering in the air. Seeing our opportunity, I urged Toothless forward and we slammed into Isabella and her dragon.
Time seemed to run in slow motion. The Monstrous Nightmare bucked backward, throwing Isabella from its back. She let out a scream, and we watched as before her dragon could catch her out of the air, she hit the ground and lay there. Then, there was just absolute silence. Not a single sound was made and no one moved. Then, suddenly, there was a loud roar as the crowd began to cheer. And above it all, Gobber managed to cry out one thing.
"I declare the winner of the Viking's Duel to be Hiccup!"
Well, there you go. I'm going to wrap everything else up in the last chapter, but I wanted to get this out as soon as I could. I'm sorry the actual duel isn't longer, but I'm not really good at making fight scenes or action scenes. But hopefully this is satisfying enough. Again, I am so sorry for leaving you for so long, but the second movie kind of made me depressed and I kind of got off the series for a long time. I hope someday I'll come back to this franchise and write the sequel that I was intending for this. But right now, I'm in college and I'm also obsessed with other stuff right now. So, once I watch the first movie again I'll probably relapse into this again. But until then, I'm sorry I left you hanging for so long. Especially since this is my most popular story by a long shot.