The Last Survivor
A Left 4 Dead Fanfiction
Lol I know how this looks considering that this story is over and the we're several chapters into the sequel XD but my sister talked me into writing kind of like a bonus chapter for my first and still most popular story. So that's what this is here! :D
This will be extra things kind of like the special features on a dvd where you can listen to commentary, I'll write in deleted scenes that didn't make it into the final cut of the story. ANNNNDDD! There's a special ALTERNATE ENDING that I think everyone should see that I'll be putting here too :)
Now this is mainly just for fun, but if you guys like it, well than awesome and I will write more extras :) I need something to help me move along with writing the next chapter of The Last Survivor: Mutation. WHICH IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY CHECKED OUT THE SEQUEL TO THIS STORY YOU SHOULD, that'd be awesome :333
My commentary on this will be in bold font the same as my author's note's so I hope it's not hard to differentiate.
Also remember some of the scenes in this chapter are NOT CANON, they are either deleted scenes from chapters, or alternate versions of them. But the real ORIGINAL story is as it stands and that is that. This bonus chapter is strictly for fun and to help me get back into the swing of writing chapters for the sequel and to answer some F.A.Q. that I'd like to address.
Anyways, Disclaimer: I do not own Left 4 Dead.
I hope you guys enjoy :)
Chapter 5: Safety (Commentary)
A breath of relief went through me as she holstered her magnum then reached her hand out to me.
"Christina." She said, I smiled wryly she couldn't have just done that in the first place?
(Many times I've been asked why did the character Daisy ever change her name to Christina in the first place when she first encountered Kyle. Well the answer is simple, she was very guilt ridden during the days where she was forced to lure survivors to the bandits holdout repeatedly and she couldn't bare hearing them call out her actual name when they were ambushed. So she decided to just tell them a different name to try and make the whole situation easier. Also the reason I chose Christina for her cover name was because at the time I was slightly influenced by my friend who loved Christina Grimmie the singer. But I cannot stress this enough, Daisy looks and acts NOOOTHING like her. I made sure to emphasize that by giving her a different ethnicity, glasses, smaller nose, lower voice, different hair style, more of a petite frame, and the personality is completely different. I of course never said this because I didn't want people to think that I was just trying to place a celeb in the story.)
Random Factoid:
(I've considered a couple of times actually drawing the characters of The Last Survivor series and submitting them to maybe Deviant art or something to help people get a better grip on the characters looks. Because I've tried to describe them, but I still get messages asking for more details. So let me know if you think I should.)
Chapter 6: Settle (Commentary)
There was one black thought in the back of my head however that really bothered me but almost made me laugh at the same time. I was afraid that because of all the cold showers I was taking, I might lose my manhood because of it. That's when I just got thinking that I hadn't really thought about things like that ever since the infection started. Which I don't really think anyone could blame me, who the hell would be able to think about sex in times like these. But that's when I realized that I was safe in here, and alone, where nobody could see me. There was also a girl outside, who now that I thought about it was kinda hot. Long brown hair, small petite frame, amazing curves, and other sexy features that made me shiver but not because of the cold water. But because a part of me was stirring that I hadn't thought about for a while now. Well technically a part of me was rising not stirring.
"Well it should probably be a little while before he gets out" Christina thought as her hand finally met the zipper of her jeans. "Maybe I do have some time for myself." She thought tugging the button of her jeans open and pulling the zipper down…
(It's looking back at scenes like this that makes me want to kick myself, I know people enjoy sexy alone time but I feel like such a tool looking back sometimes and seeing the ridiculousness that I wrote. You can literally feel the puberty oozing out of the computer as you read it XD. I was so young and foolish at the time of writing this, but that goes for most of the sexual content in the first half of this story, I feel like it was too rushed, that I could've done more to draw it out and build it up more. At least you guys can look forward to seeing better written sex scenes in the sequel! Kind of whoring myself out there letting people know repeatedly that there's a second Last survivor story out there, and there will be a third, fourth, and fifth one too :D)
Chapter 8: Just One Drink (Extended Scene)
It was a girl.
She was dressed in a very ragged grey bra and panties, with no shoes or anything else really, her hair was about as long as Christina's but I couldn't tell what color it was in this light. She was crying softly and I could hear her tears tap against the cement floor, the absolute sadness being voiced through her cries.
3rd. Person. P.O.V.
How long had she been sitting here? She couldn't recall, but something had entered the room with her and it was getting closer. She didn't want anyone to come near her now, she just wanted to be alone! Wasn't that what they wanted too?
"Just leave her!" ...voices ech...r head...blood...ho...get m...careful...nowhe...
Did they come back? Why would they come back?
(This was going to kind of segway into a flashback chapter that would elaborate a bit more on how Gabbi got bitten and infected in the first place. But Gabbi's memory is suppose to be choppy and faded, so I wanted to write the words all split up and incomplete because she can't form the complete memory yet. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but I thought that since we hadn't even been introduced to Gabbi yet at this point in the story, it would just confuse the crap out of people and I was very against spoiling stuff so I didn't want to have to explain what I was trying to do with that little segment. It ended up being cut along with the more detailed flashback that would've occurred later on.)
Chapter 13: Name (Commentary)
Gabb… what does could the rest of that word be? Well it seemed as if now I was going to find out, because finally she paused and pointed at the I in the word infected.
"…Gabbi..." After that word silence seemed to shoot through the entire saferoom so fast that you could actually feel how eerie it was.
(Same as with the character Daisy, I've been asked a great many a question, about the fan favorite character Gabbi the Witch. Like where did I get the name for her? Simple answer, I had a friend in high school who wanted to be a part of the story so there ya go.)
A.N. This is just a small selection of extra stuff that I'm putting in for now and I'll definitely add more later if you guys liked this. Let me know if you'd like to see more features like this, including the alternate ending. This was just a test so I wanna make sure you guys are on board before I keep writing more of these extras :)
Lemme know and I will update this chapter in the future. I won't add more chapters, just this one Chapter 31 will be updated. Thanks guys, I hope you liked this and I'll see you later!