"You don't seem to understand, Ib." Garry pressed his palms into his eyes, watching the distortion of light though the blackness. Releasing the pressure on his sockets, he threw his hands into his lap and blinked rapidly until the flashing colors and shapes faded away. Ib sat across from him, still looking confused and disgruntled. In the years since they met in the art gallery, she had developed into a strong young woman. She had cut her once gloriously long hair and now it hung just past her chin. Her garnet colored eyes had become piercing with intelligence.

The young woman sighed, rubbing her temples in gentle circles. "No. No I don't. I came here hoping to share good news with my closest friend, and find myself conversing with a half drunk bastard." Her eyes narrowed. "Garry. All I'm looking for is a little bit of support. I'm getting married. I thought you would be happy for me." Although everything about her demeanor came off as defensive and angry, the hurt in her gaze was unmistakeable. She shifted her weight to the edge of the couch and lifted herself off of the cushioned seat. "Clearly, this was a mistake."

"Ib, wait. Let me try to explain myself..." Garry coughed in an attempt to clear his throat. It had been eleven years. Eleven wonderful years of sharing her happiness and sorrow. Being that call at an unspeakable hour of morning, the voice of reason, or the couch for her to sleep on whenever her parents became too overbearing for her to stand. "Please... Sit back down..." His look was nothing short of pleading and Ib found it hard to deny her best friend such a trivial request.

Garry sat up straight, causing his back to crack several times as he did. He should have seen this conversation coming. He knew that eventually he would have to own up to the things he had been hiding from her. It was just... sickening that this was how it was going to happen. His lips pressed together tightly and he breathed heavily through his nose. "I just don't see the reason in marrying a man you hardly know. I mean really Ib... You have such a bright future. You have the rest of your life to settle down.." His voice trailed off at the sound of her snort of distaste.

"Hardly know? Garry, we've been dating since I graduated high school. He is a wealthy man. I will be taken care of, and whatever college or career choice I make, he has the power and connections to get me there. Don't start with me on how it will effect my future." Ib brushed her hair back with her fingers. "Besides... I love him. I love Darren very much." She eyed him carefully. By this point she knew when he was pulling things out of the air to make an argument. "Tell me... What is really bothering you..."

It was Garry's turn to snort, only his was much more out of disgust than anything. This was one of those rare moments when her age was apparent. Only twenty and she was getting married. Certainly, her fiance had all the money and connections she would ever need. But what Garry didn't buy was the fact that she loved that man. Two years was not enough time to fall in love so deeply that you could spend your life with someone. Try eleven years. Then you might understand the amount of love you harbor for a single individual. With bitter resignation, Garry slipped off the couch and got on his knees in front of his dear friend. The room spun slightly as he did so. Her remark on his state of sobriety hadn't been very far off. He'd had one too many drinks since she'd gotten there.

Taking her hands in his own, he squeezed them gently. "Ib... You have to understand. The nightmare we share... No one will ever understand it. In fact. No one will ever really know what had happened. We can tell it as some horrific campfire story, but only you and I will know the truth. Know the fear of facing down Mary. The sleepless nights. The panic that instills in us whenever we hear the name 'Guretena'" He paused, trying to gauge her reaction. Her expression had become cold. In her eyes was the fear he knew she was feeling. It wouldn't surprise him if she felt her heart pounding out of her chest. "To the rest of the world, our story is thrilling fiction. To us... Well... Its been a shadow in our memories. I bet the fear has never really dissipated for you. I know I still wake up in cold sweats, ready to scream for help."

Ib bit her tongue. Not because she wanted to avoid speaking, but to avoid the scream that threatened to rip through her every time they discussed the gallery. "G-.. Garry... I don't know what you're trying to achieve by saying these things. Aren't we supposed to move forward? Leave the scars in the past?" Her breath caught and she took the time to even her breathing out once more.

Garry took her silence to continue speaking. "All I'm saying, Ib... Is that... In the gallery I protected you. I would have sacrificed my life to make sure you got out alive. I met a kind young girl who saved me. I have been trying for years to repay you."

"Garry, I-... That was the least I could have done. Anyone else would have-"

Garry cut her off. "Would Mary? She wanted to be human. A real person. More than a painting on a canvas. But she was evil at the very core of her. Just like everything else haunting those hallways. My one chance to survive was you. And you gave me mercy. Ib. I can spend the rest of my life trying to repay you, and it will never amount to enough." He wasn't sure which one of them was shaking. Perhaps it was the both of them. "Ib... You can't marry him. I'm the only one who will ever know or understand. I can't let anyone else protect you. After you saved me... You became my priority. In all these years, that hasn't changed." Garry took a breath. His voice was beginning to crack, but he wouldn't stop until he had said everything he needed to tell her. "I'm just... Convinced that there isn't a single person. Man or woman. In this world who could keep you safe." He forced himself to look into her eyes. There was a mix of emotions swirling around in those deep red irises. "Ib, I-"

Before he could finish, Ib stood quickly, throwing his hands out of hers. "No. NO! I won't let you do this. You had your chance. For years. Stop. Take whatever it is that you were about to say and swallow it. Keep it there. Let it rot there forever. I won't let you ruin this for me." Ib rushed to the door of his apartment and didn't look back. "Call me when you've got your shit together Garry. I still want you at my wedding. I still want you in my life. But not like this. You can't hold things over me like that. Especially not that fucking nightmare." Slamming the door behind her as she left, Ib's foot steaps could be heard stomping down the stairs.

Slumping backward onto the floor, Garry stared after her. "I love you..."