This is my first story, so please feel feel to give me constructive criticism. I'll ask however, that you don't hate.
"What about you, Link? What will you do now?" Zelda asked him. Link pondered this for a moment, before answering.
"I want to stay here on the surface as well. With you, if you'll let me," he responded. She smiled at him, and that smile warmed his heart.
"Of course! You and I could live together. We'll build a house down here. It'll be perfect," she told him. Relieved, Link started forward towards Faron Woods, assuming Zelda would follow close behind.
As they walked together, Zelda chattering all the way, Link pondered on this new life he was choosing to begin. He had just vanquished Demise, but his last words stuck in his head.
"An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"
He had killed Demise, right? Then why was he so uneasy? And even if Demise had the ability to return to this world, his spirit had been trapped inside the Master Sword. As long as that blade was in its pedestal, there was no way Demise could return. And even if the sword was released from its place, it would still be difficult for the Demon King to reincarnate himself to his true form.
Link shook his head. He was being completely paranoid. So what if Demise came back? Link wouldn't let him near Zelda. Never again. He clenched his fists. Zelda noticed.
"Hey, what's with all the gloom and doom, Link? It's over, you're safe. I'm safe. All of Skyloft is safe because of you. You should be happy," she said. Link nodded. She was right. As always.
Since they didn't have a home yet, they had to sleep in the Temple of Time. It seemed odd to Link. Only a short while ago, the old lady named Impa had been there to guide him on his journey. Now she was gone, forever. Where to, he didn't know. Hopefully some place where she would be happy. The ground was rough, but as long as he was with Zelda, he would be fine. His mind drifted into unconsciousness..
Link awoke to the sound of laughter. Not sweet laughter, like Zelda's, but cynical and mocking. Wait, he had heard that laughter before on numerous occasions. He jumped to his feet, bringing his hand to his back, before he realized that he no longer had the Master Sword with him. Aside from his bow, he was defenseless. And his bow was useless against this foe.
"Why, aren't you looking surprised! Didn't expect to see me?" Ghirahim called, laughing again. He looked much the same as when they had first fought. But how could that be? Demise had finished him himself, and used him as a sword, which had in turn disappeared into nothingness.
"Ah, it doesn't look like you have that stinging, biting blade with you today. Isn't that unfortunate!" With that last word, Ghirahim charged at him. His black rapier ran through his flesh like it was butter. The last thing he heard was his own screams of agony...