Dear Readers,
It's been a while since my How to Train Your Dragon adventures came to an end. Boy, did I enjoy those years of writing! It's sad that they have now passed, but new passions have taken hold. My current focus is a piece of fanfiction set in the universe of Avatar: the Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra. Before you raise your voices to declare that a "chapter" like this added to the end of a finished story is no place for such a request, please be aware that I did put up a post on the appropriate forum, and with the amount of people who've followed this story over the years, my chances of finding someone passionate, gifted, and willing to fulfil my request are much, much higher this way.
I am (surprise, surprise!) after a beta reader for this story I've been writing. The story itself has been underway since about the start of the year 2015 (though the setting and surrounding thoughts have been whirling around for somewhat longer), and is now about seventy percent complete. Due to the constraints set by other activities in my life, it is unlikely that the story will be finished long before the end of this year, though I estimate that early 2016 will see the final chapters put into place. With that in mind, this is something of a medium-term project. The willing reader would need to be available to read through about 150,000 words of material in about 3-4 months. This isn't a huge as, but the point is that the final pieces won't fall into place until about three months from now.
If you're a fan of the Avatar universe, enjoy proof-reading other's works (and, preferably, have a good eye for plot continuity and believability, spelling, grammar, story ideas – it isn't finished yet, and I'm open to changes – and so on), then leave a "review" of this "chapter". Depending on the magnitude of the response I get, I may or may not get back to you, but I promise to do my best, and I will certainly post a follow-up message once I find someone willing and able and stop searching. If I get a huge response, then I'll need to be pretty selective about whom I respond to, so please don't feel upset if I never get back to you directly.
On a final note, the story itself is highly philosophical, and one reason I'd like a beta reader is to help me ensure that I'm not being overly presumptuous in my writing. I have my views, but I do my best to argue against them with this story, and the adventures of the main character are all about these experiences and challenges. That said, I will also draw a line beyond which criticism will not be accepted. The story needs to remain true to its roots, and there are immutable facts which I accept (about the story, but not necessarily about our reality) which cannot be contested.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and, if you feel so inclined, getting in touch with me.
Best wishes to everyone and thank you all for reading my works,