A/N: Please don't hate me. ;_; you will not believe all the bullcrap I've been getting! I mean school work by the way. It's just absolutely terrible! Then I got terribly sick and plus, I haven't been doing so hot in school, so, I've been having to stick my nose to the books. BUT CHRISTMAS BREAK IS HERE and so is the next chapter! :D

I've also been trying to brush up on my writing skills too, and making the setting a bit more descriptive in the story, so I really hope you'll enjoy that change :)!

It's going to be a lot longer than my other chapters, so I hope this will suffice for lost time...maybe not... :/ But I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Please review!

Merry Christmas/Christmas Eve!

DISCLAIMER: Again, I don't own anything related to the Legend of Korra.

Mako's POV

Damn it all! Of course Tahno would show up when least expected to screw everything up! I should've been more aware. It's like he knows when I'm slightest bit happy, and appears out of the blue to lacerate what small amount of bliss remains for me. I couldn't analyze the whole situation thoroughly at the moment, seeing how I was literally near to being dragged by Korra, who was running at the speed of 300 miles per hour.

I don't know why, but a few seconds after I mentioned the time, she ran at avatar state speed. She doesn't seem like the kind of person to care much for school, what's got her worried? Hell, like I was going to be able to ask. I can barely breathe as it is. Soon enough, we were standing at the front of the school, close to having to hold on to each other for support.

"Since when did you learn to fly?" I barely puffed out, trying to lighten the mood. Despite her heavy breathing, she glanced over at me, rolling her eyes and laughing roughly. She reluctantly heaved her back off the tainted white walls of the school and threw the door open, hauling ass once she was inside. I really wanted to ask what was up, but it's like they say: curiosity killed the cat. Ha. I guess I learned that the hard way.

We made our ways up to class, just making it as the bell rang. I saw Bolin look over at me, raising a questionable eyebrow, but grinning. Great. He's assuming things again. This is going to be a long day.

I felt a cold glare boring into my back as I walked to my designated seat. I didn't bother to look back. I'm hoping to deal with lectures later; not now. "Nice to see you finally made it, Ms. Mitsuko," I heard Ms. Beifong say, calling Korra out specifically. What the heck? Why not me? As I sat down, I looked to see Korra frozen in her steps, gripping at her bag with an exasperated expression on her face.

"Um, yes, Ms. Beifong." I expected a different answer, but she's actually refraining from using flippant responses. Impressive.

"I expect that you be a bit early next time. Because next time, I won't be so kind as to leave the door open a few seconds late. No excuses either. This is your first and final warning. Do I make myself clear?" she mandated, her tone of voice extremely acidic. I could feel the tension from across the room, and I just knew she was going to explode any minute. But surprisingly, she just took a deep breath and slowly let it out as she answered "Yes, Ms. Beifong," her voice tinged with frustration. And here I was thinking she had zero tolerance. Interesting.

She then finally made it to her seat, noting all the stares around her. I know it's only the second day but sheesh, have some kind of decency to be distinct about staring; it seemed to really be getting to her. I saw her lips move, muttering something I couldn't make out. I didn't really bother to ask, seeing as how class was about to start.

I felt the thoughts of the infuriating, early morning events reach me and I felt myself searching for a distraction; my eyes fell on Korra. Just like yesterday, (not like anything has changed) she looked gorgeous; despite her agitated expression. Her hair was put up into a high pony tail, her bangs looking a bit damp and tousled from the long run. She wore a purple shirt, which revealed most of the flawless contours of her back and dark blue jeans that fit perfectly at each curve.

I felt someone elbow my arm and I looked over to see Bolin, with a mischievous half-grin, nodding towards my desk. I looked down to see a small post-it note slapped on my desk, with the familiar sloppy handwriting scrawled on it.

"Taking notes, are we? ;D - Bolin" Okay, the incessant taunts from him are beginning to turn into a real bitch.

I felt my face burn at reading this, turning to Bolin with an incredulous look. He tried covering up his snickering by pretending to cough violently, but with a smile stained on his face. I didn't mean to stare. My hand temporarily covered my face as I rubbed my temples hard. Such a frustrating morning. As I balled up the note, I looked up from the desk to see Korra turn her eyes to me for a split second before the sound of knocking at the door caught her attention.

Spirits, help them. From what I've seen so far, the teach flips at the slightest interruption. I saw Ms. Beifong's head turn abruptly to the door at the first knock, glaring at it. The door was then opened by a scraggly looking man with a really strange outfit; he must be one of the principal's new co-workers. I haven't seen him around much and plus Mr. Tarrlok choses new assistants every year, it seems. He glanced to Ms. Beifong with an apologetic look in his eyes, and then quickly averted them to the class.

"I apologize for the interruption, but I was ordered to find avatar Korra. Would she happen to be in this class?" the man asked, looking around the room as if the avatar would have some physically indistinct attribute unlike the rest; kind of like Avatar Aang, I suppose. Well, obviously she's different when it comes to her looks, bu- shut up, Mako.

"She's over there." I looked to see Ms. Beifong with the same agitated look, her thumb pointed directly at Korra. Korra looked on at the old man with genuine confusion clouding her face. It looks so adorabl- GRR. STAHP IT.

The man then turned towards Korra, and stiffened his arms by his sides, bowing to her. "It's an honor to meet you, avatar Korra," he proclaimed. He must really support the avatar, wow. Korra then began sliding slowly down into her seat, like yesterday. All the attention and pressure must be getting to her.

The man went back to his original posture, coughing a bit to regain his formal tone.

"I despise having to interrupt your morning lesson, but it seems that Mr. Tarrlok has quite the urgency to speak with you. If you would, please follow me down to his office." Geez, did she mess up already? Last I remembered, she left immediately after school and I didn't hear anything about her in trouble. Well, besides that incident after school...

I guess she didn't really have a clue either, by the incredulous anger that stroke her face as soon as the man finished his sentence. She really must've not expected that today. But why would you overdramatise over going to the office? I've heard Mr. Tarrlok can be a dick, but seriously. Despite her extreme reluctance, she stood obediently and walked towards the front of the room. Ms. Beifong crossed her arms, eyeing Korra as she went.

"You'll be expected to find notes some way for your absence, Mitsuko," she said expectantly. Gosh, what is her problem? I saw Korra's eyes literally twitch at that but she held her temper in, somehow. "Understood," she muttered nearly under her breath. She glanced back at me again, holding her gaze this time. I gave her a questioning look, wondering what the heck was going on. She just shrugged her shoulders and gave a confused look as well. She then turned as the man opened the door, bowing slightly as he gestured out the door.

"After you, Ms. Avatar," the man said politely. Even with his kind gesture, she looks pissed off, literally close to stomping out the door. The man gave a small apologetic smile to the class once more and closed the door silently behind him.

Very confusing, I might say. Oh well, it looks like I've to save the questions for later.

As the class began, I felt my mind linger once again on my anger and frustration towards Tahno. He had no right whatsoever to condescend Korra like that.

And as much as I wanted to hurt him, for my own particular reasons might I add, I can't. Let's just say that Tahno is second to the boss in the Triple Threats. Hell, I could get mutilated for what I said and done today. He just has that much control. I have no clue why though; he's absolutely abominable and infuriating to everyone in the gang, except the chief.

Because despite his abhorrent personality, he's the most powerful asset we have. Enviable by every other triad out there. And although he's pretty incompetent physically likewise when it comes to combat, he can handle himself surprisingly very well with simple pocket knife.

He's somewhat of an informant...scratch that, he can pretty much find out everything about anyone. I'm surprised he even pretended to be uninformed about Korra or her status as the avatar. Delusive little bastard.

So basically, no matter how much I hate him, we need him, so he's staying for good. End of story.

Still. I hate the way he acted towards Korra. But... I don't think it's just how Tahno unjustly condemned her that bothered me. I mean, it's bothering me a little more than it's supposed to. Maybe because of a secondary reason that is too dangerous to touch. Like I said. I can't let emotions cloud my judgement.

Anyways, gangs today cause the majority of the anxiety of non-benders. They not only ridicule and take advantage of them, but they threaten, bully, extort, hurt and even kill them sometimes. I would've thought that he knew this fact all too well, so why would he be so hypocritical as to push all the blame on her?

Wait...who am I to blame him for this?... Hell, I'm a part of this gang. So, really, I have no legitimate support in my point. But I'm forced to cooperate.. Either way, I participate in creating more havoc. Which, in a sad way of thinking about it, makes me...

A hypocrite. A detestable hypocrite.

"...Bro. Bro!" I snapped out of my dismal daze to see Bolin looking at me with concern. I looked up and around me to see people crowded in small groups, hearing many voices blend together in the room.

"You alright?"

I hesitated a bit before replying. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. We doing group work now or something?"

"Yeah. Apparently, we got to do some online-assignment group work."

Oh goody. I made my face reticent once again, for Bolin's sake. I can't have him worrying anymore... at least, not for now.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Korra's POV

I hate owing people. It's one of the worst burdens to bear. If I had just beat guys up in time, I wouldn't be in this mess. I felt a long trail of profanity run through my head as I followed behind the man to Tarrlok's office.

Overall, everything was silent down the halls, considering how the majority of the people here were in class. The only sounds audible were the light padding of the feeble man's feet and my heavy tread down the lengthy halls. I noticed the man would glance over at me from time to time with a worried look. I guess I must look really pissed, huh? I heard the man's light-hearted chuckle and looked to see amusement in his eyes. "Don't repine, dear. You're in no trouble at all," he assured. I stopped in my tracks.

Korra, bite your tongue. It isn't his fault. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, I asked through clenched teeth with a struggled smile "So what does he want me for?" Again, he plastered another grand smile on his face.

"You'll see." Great. Another one of Tarrlok's spontaneous schemes.

Soon enough, we were at a door which was supposedly the principal's office. Supposedly. But it didn't suit Tarlokk's flamboyant sense of style. His offices often contain lavish furniture and extravagant decor; whereas, the room I was presently standing in distinctly resembled an average waiting room.

There was two windows in the room, each of which were veiled by red curtains that were currently pulled back to reveal the bright sunlight of the outdoors. The walls were perfect white, the cream-colored tiled floors the same as the rest of the building. There were two small mahogany wooden tables placed with two wooden chairs between, and outside them. I looked in front of me to see a thick, wooden table with an epidemic of papers cluttered together in several piles along with other substantial office supplies, personal family photos, and a young man amongst the pile, scribbling away diligently. I then saw a small, quaint looking name card on his desk, saying "Iroh." The Iroh? No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't be working at a place like this. He looked up at us, finally sensing our presence after some short while.

He's...wow. He resembles Mako, in some small ways. He has pale skin, and raven black hair slicked strictly into place, but had stray tuffs of hair that had fallen out of place here and there, probably from working so long. He has golden eyes that were hard with intensity, a square jawline and an expression that was pretty hard-set. He wore black collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway, and a red tie to compliment it. The man at the desk stood abruptly.

"Can I help you?" the man asked, his voice stern but...smooth. The old guy stepped forward to answer.

"I was told that Tarrlok wished to speak with a...student. Please inform him that she has arrived." The man then bowed once more before closing the door behind him. Huh. I wonder why he didn't tell him about me being that Avatar. Strange. I walked over and sat on one of the chairs, mulling over whether or not I should just ditch, right here and now.

I have my reasons for having such strong hostility against the well-appreciated councilman. Yes, he's polite, charming and respectful. But so is any other political figure in public. It's just a front he puts on and eventually, all masks have to fall some time or another.

His, has yet to fall.

But it is breaking. Slowly, but surely.

He's gotten into the knack of putting me into unpleasant situations. Making me join a secret task force that was completely futile, making me attend a public school instead of a getting a regular tutor, which also hinders me from my airbending practice. Not to mention all the snarky insults he gives me. I'm getting pretty damn sick of it.

And he seems to enjoy it too. Having the power and expert manipulation to do these things. That pretentious, conniving piece of sh- "You okay over there?" I snapped up from my thoughts to see the young man looking at me with a slightly amused expression and a small grin sliding across his lips.

I felt my face heat up a little with embarrassment. I didn't realize I'd been glaring at the ground the whole time. I rubbed the back of my head a little sheepishly and gave him a small, fake smile. "Hehe, yeah, I'm alright."

He rose a wary eyebrow. "You sure about that? I mean, I understand that our esteemed councilman isn't exactly the most... scrupulous person, but you look as if you're about to battle against the legendary Unagi," the intolerably, smooth voiced man joked with a light chuckle following it. I felt myself laugh along on instinct, accepting the man's attempt in lightening up the dark mood I was creating around me.

"Are you kidding? I've seen vicious, flying lemurs more scrupulous than him!" I joked back, feeling my mood become a little lighter. Another laugh escaped us both, and I felt the air become more normal.

"So, what brings you here today?" he asked curiously. Fuck if I know. I groaned a little unintentionally. "Heck if I know. I was called up without an explanation, which is usual, coming from schools. But I'm not sure," I answered honestly.

"Well, I'm sure it isn't anything too terribly bad," he said, trying to cheer me up.

Yeah. It isn't anything terrible. But I'm sure as hell he will make it seem that way.

"Meh." I shrugged and began to refocus my vision on the floor, going back to my previous thoughts.

"Oh, please excuse me for not introducing myself. My name is Iroh," He said while standing and giving a small bow. "and I take it that you're the avatar, yes?" Ju- wait. How does he know?

"Uhm, yeah. How do you know that? So far, everyone I've met didn't exactly know who I am, seeing as how Tenzin has tried his best to keep my appearance confidential from the majority of the publics' knowledge. All they know is my name..." I asked, a little cautiously. He blinked, a little surprised. Then he chuckled, and gave an assuring smile.

"Forgive me for being blunt, but I glanced at the inscription of your name on your bag when you walked in," he answered, laughing a bit more at seeing me snatch my bag and search for my name.

And sure as hell, it was there. As conspicuous as neon lights, written in the familiar, southern water tribe symbols. I really need to pay more attention to these types of things.

"Impressive deductive skills," I joked, giving a small grin. He grinned as well, signing off a paper on his desk.

"So, what's the honorable Iroh doing here in our little city? I'd have thought you would be off on some secret mission." I saw him flinch but he sat up and gave another small smile. "Councilm- I mean, Principal Tarrlok asked for my assistance on an important mission, yes, and of course, I leapt right to the opportunity. But this," he said, motioning towards all the paperwork. "Is not exactly what I had in mind," he said with the slightest hint of a pout. Ohhh. So this is just an errand Tarrlok threw in along with the mission. Yup. Sounds like him alright.

"Ah, sorry about that."

He shrugged, "I'll get through it," he assured. He seems like a really cool guy.

I heard another door open on the opposite side of the room and it revealed the too well-known Tarrlok with a wide grin. "Ah, Avatar Korra, so very nice to see you," he proclaimed, bowing down courteously. "Please, come this way," he said, holding the door open. I sighed and grabbed my bag, glancing at Iroh. He gave another small, encouraging smile. I smiled slightly and walked inside the room that was surely going to be my personal hell for the day.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mako's POV

"Study chapter 3 notes tonight. You're dismissed."

I picked up the papers and books, shoving them into my bag. Geez, Korra's been gone throughout the whole class period. Lucky. I wonder what was so important she had to skip a whole class. As I walked out the door, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Bolin with yet another mischievous smile. "You seemed more broody than usual today, Mako. Were you missing your soul mate?" He teased. Ugh. I huffed in frustration.

"Bolin, for the last time, stop it with all the crazy taunts. Besides, we can't even be legitimately classified as soul mates, we just got together," I clarified. His grin only grew wider. "Ah, maybe not now. But I can just smell a glorious love forming between you two already, I just know it," He said in a lovey dovey voice, hugging his arms around his torso and swinging himself from side to side. Geez.

"Bolin, c'mon bro, that's enough," I repeated, the slightest bit exasperated. Bolin guffawed and swung an arm around my neck. "Calm down, bro, I'm just messing. I'm really happy that you finally found someone else. I really am," he said, smiling a genuine smile. He really is the greatest. I returned the smile. "Thanks lil' bro."

"No prob!" he chirped. He then abruptly wrapped his arm tighter around my neck, almost choking me and shaking his hand through my hair again, messing it up.

"Hey!" I shouted in protest, even though I was grinning. He laughed. "Now, who's the best brother in the world? Go on and say it! I know you want to," he said, his hold becoming slightly tighter and tighter every second. I chuckled. "Alright alright, you are, now let me go!" I barely choked out, and he let go. For him always being the protected one, he's surprisingly pretty strong.

"Mako." I heard a painfully familiar voice call behind me. Simultaneously we turned to see none other than Tahno a few feet away, leaned against the lockers with a scowl. Ugh, I've had enough of this guy already. I immediately tensed up, and stepping forward, showing a small sign of defense for Bolin to keep him out of whatever he was going to start. I don't care if there was to be an all-out battle between me and ten other people from the gang, I'd keep him out of it. So far, I've done well in protecting him from the Triple Threats' tyranny. I won't let that stop now. Once again, I made an aloof exterior, shoving my hands in my pockets.


"We need to have a little chat," he affirmed in a grave tone. I saw Bolin try to advance forward with a hostile look in his eyes, looking like he was about to say something. I put my hand in front of him, hindering him from going any further. Bolin already knew that I didn't like Tahno too much, for reasons like how he always calls me out for petty things like my appearance or what I do, plus he's just a total douchebag anyways, so it's not like many people enjoy his presence.

But I put on a fake smile, for his sake. "You can go on without me. Go on and talk it up with Korra while you're there," I suggested. His eyes flickered over to Tahno, then me, but he nodded and turned, leaving us behind. Ugh, I might as well get this done and over with. I dropped my bag to the floor and sighed.

"So, what's up?" I started off, sounding more like I was starting up a more amicable conversation than what was expected. Yeah, it's a bad start, but oh well. Tahno laughed darkly and moved a few steps closer to me, almost in my personal space.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm just wondering what in hell were you thinking this morning. I'm torn between wondering if you have a death wish or if you really are just that ignorant. But I couldn't decide, so, how about you tell me so as to clarify?" he said, sounding more sinister than usual. Hm, should I go with honesty and tell him off, or just back down like a bitch and start apologizing like every other member does? I took a deep breath and began talking.

"Well, to be completely frank, you was being a huge hypocrite." Well, I can't stop now. Fuck. "I mean, we all know that people who take unjust advantage of their bending, like you, cause all of this mess, right?" Yep, I'm screwed. I expected something along the lines of cursing or some attempt to cause physical damage. But no. He just chuckled and looked at me with amused smirk.

"You never have failed to surprise me, Mako. I like you for that. But, you must admit, there are some holes in your point."

I had a feeling this was coming. "You say that the world's dilemma is caused by violent gangs, or as you said, people like me. But what about you? You are at fault just as much as-"

"Look, I already knew that much, but that doesn't change the fact that pushing all of your wicked deeds on her was completely wrong," I snapped. Again, he laughed. "Well, I think it's safe to say that you have already developed some feelings for this girl, hm? Even if they are minor right now...you wouldn't want replay of that last tragic event, would you? I didn't think so."

I became angry as he referenced to the Sato's (almost) mugging. Before I could respond, he did something strange. He sighed, sounding disappointed somehow. "But, I think we can avoid that. It had a terrible outcome anyways." Something isn't right. What's he up to now?

Then I knew something terrible was going to happen when I saw those heartless, gray eyes grow bright, probably with a bad idea that just came to his mind. He began walking closer to me, again with me tensing up in response. Again, he surprised by just placing a hand on my shoulder, and giving me what was supposed to be a somewhat friendly smile.

"Have fun with your little girlfriend... while it lasts." He said, growling the last part as he brushed past me. What..?

"Oh, I almost forgot." I heard him say behind me. I turned. "Be at the hideout tonight. Zolt wants to have a long conversation with you. It's about... upcoming plans." He informed with a wicked smile. "See you then," he said, finally leaving. I found myself just standing there, in total shock, and confusion. This isn't going to be good. I have the most familiar premonition...just like last time, when Asami almost got mugged. And just like last time... I might be the cause of it. Ugh! I'm so sick of this repetitive cycle of being forced into doing people's dirty work. I'm sick of feeling controlled.

I'm sick of being trapped.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Korra's POV

"Have a seat," Tarrlok insisted, gesturing me to a chair. With a silent sigh, I reluctantly sat in the well-furnished seat, dropping my bag to the tiled floor with a thud. I took in my surroundings; yeah, this fits Tarrlok's style perfectly. The walls were a dark blue with what looked like the changing currents of water engraved into the walls, swirling around in a never ending dance. The windows were different from the rest of the building; rather than being just glass, it was adorned in rectangular shapes intertwining with each other, with a gold-like color trimming the material. On the ceiling hung a huge chandelier, made entirely out of crystal clear glass; and around the room were several wall lamps, carved with intricate designs. On the walls were an array of frames, all of which either contained newspaper clippings of his achievements, or the occasional portrait of fellow accomplices and friends. On the opposite of the excessively spacious room stood a single, dark brown desk with the water tribe symbols revolving all around the edges. Who funds all this shit for a simple office?

"I see you've found the need to upgrade your office," I pointed out dryly. He chuckled. "Quite impressive, is it not?" he asked with a proud smile. Impressive? More like straight up ridiculous.

"Absolutely striking," I replied, prolonging each word without bothering to veil my sarcasm. I've yet to look at that unbearably smug face of his. Another annoying chuckle followed. "Ah Korra, no need for the theatrics. After all, this little session may take a while." I knew it.

I uttered a long, exasperated groan, gave in and sat up, crossing my arms. "Get on with it then," I nearly snapped. He as well took on a more business like posture.

"As you wish. Just to make sure, are you aware or at least familiar with the name of a man, Amon? Leader of a group called the Revelation?" I felt myself gasp at the familiar name. The masked man's sinister, husky growl rang again in my head like an alarm.

"I'm coming for you..."

"Korra?" I snapped up to see Tarrlok with a very rare look of concern. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I've heard of that," I replied quickly, removing the look of angst that must've crossed my face. He rose a skeptical brow.

"Is.. there something more important we need to discuss?" Korra, hurry. Create a diversion. NOW.

"Oh, no no, it's nothing. But yeah, I've heard of them. I saw some annoying twat on the street pass flyers and rant about it one day in town. Of course, he wouldn't reveal much information to me, due to me being a bender and all," I explained a little hastily. Unexpectedly, he completely avoided asking me anything else about that little brooding moment, and went to another subject. He cleared his throat.

"Well, I'm rather surprised you already know about this kind of information. I didn't know Tenzin was allowed you this much free rein," he remarked with a raised brow. "He doesn't." I corrected curtly, before he could make anymore assumptions. "This happened on the first day I arrived in this city."

"Ahh," Tarrlok murmured in acknowledgement. I'm wondering if I should or shouldn't reveal to him about that attack yesterday...

"Well, let me brief you on the basic information. They are a troop of seemingly very well-trained non-benders lead by, supposedly, another non-bender named Amon; whose objective is to wipe out benders. That's all of the information we've gathered so far. According to an attack scene was reported yesterday..." He explain, trailing off into deep thought. He found out about that? Oh well, no need to worry now. I might as well ask.

"You mean the one on Toshiaki Street?" His eyes went a little wide, giving me a confused look. "Yes...how do you know about that?" Would it be safe to say I was there...? I mean, there were gangs down there. What would happen if he assumed I was associated with them? Ugh, I can just see the headlines now. "Is the Avatar TWO FACED?!" That damned prick. I'd be better off lying. "Nah, I heard something about it yesterday from gossip on the street. But you're a more reliable source of information, I'm sure. What exactly happened?" His expression became very stern, and he leaned in, continuing on.

"Well, I found out when several people ran into the police department, screaming their heads off. I happened to be there as well at the time, so I went in search with the police force. We came across a barred tunnel that didn't seem too suspicious until we saw motorcycle tracks on the ground. Once we had got inside, we found the equalists, still in the act of piling... bodies in large vans." I shivered.

"There were at least a dozen of them, already filled up. We tried our best to stop the vans but...we were just too late. We lost them by midnight" he explained with a vexed look crossing his face. It's kind of weird how he sounds more upset about not being able to catch them rather than being upset over the fact that many people got hurt. I guess for him, it's pride over the safety others.

"But, there were just as many people left, thankfully just unconscious. We tried asking them about what happened but, majority of them were still confused. We brought them to police headquarters and tried to get as much information as we could out of them. They're still gathering information as we speak." He groaned in frustration and slammed his fist down on the table, breaking the silence and making me flinch at the sudden loud sound. "But we still have no definite answer as to what their motives are! We need to find out what their leader's reasoning is for all this madness. But as of now, we have not even one of their fighters to interrogate."

Oh wow...I didn't know it was that bad...For once, I thought maybe he was concerned about the city's well-being. Sometimes, it's just really hard to tell with that condescending, arrogant visage of his. But my new opinions on him burned to ash when I saw that same, devious smile grow quickly across his face.

"But that is where you come into play," he began dramatically, pointing to me. "As you should already know, this school is filled with benders and non-benders alike. But, it has now come to our attention that all non-benders are a threat. And when I say all of them, I mean allof them. I need you to begin making subtle, private investigations on every non-bender you find suspicious, and report back to me every two weeks. How does that sound?" He asked "politely," that patronizing smile still there.

No. Oh hell no. I stood up abruptly, feeling outraged. "You want to know what I think, Tarrlok? I think you are the most insufferable, stubborn piece of sh-"

"Watch your language, young lady," he warned gravely, interrupting me. "This is a school, after all. I didn't ask for the superfluous name calling." I tried calming my temper down to be somewhat rational, for once.

Inhale, exhale, repeat.

"Why exactly do you need me of all people to interrogate others?"

"I thought you would ask that. You see, many of us who are working on this case are in their old age, making them suspicious if they were to suddenly start following people of and around your age. But you, with your age and innocent appearance, no one would suspect you. That, is why you are the perfect pawn, Avatar Korra."

That still doesn't cut it for me. "Do you not realize I have a lot more important things to do? School? Learning how to air-bend?" I asked, my tone filled with incredulity. He scoffed and his voice rose with irritation.

"So, I take it that your personal life is more imperative than the city's well-being? Is your redundant training for one petty element and play time with that street urchin worth more than innocent lives that could be taken?" I froze and felt my breath catch in my throat. I'm so fucked. How does he know about that? He smirked in satisfaction.

"Yes, I know about that little affair. And I can just see the press' faces now when I reveal all this veryinteresting information to them," he threatened, that smug smile of his getting impossibly wider.

"You will help, whether you want to or not. So, as usual, we could do this the easy way, or if that fails... well, I think you know what the alternative is. I have you right in the palm of my hands and there is nothing you can do about it. So, it's your choice." He sat back, a winning grin staining his face. I wanted to hurt him. I honestly wanted to severely hurt him. I wanted grab him from where he was sitting, hurl him into a wall and literally mutilate him.

But I can't. I hate being controlled, more than anything in the world, but there really is nothing I can do. Because he's right. I would have to do it either way. It's the sad truth. I was literally shaking with anger, my hands balled into fists. But I have restraint; even if it is limited. I let my pride get the best of me, and didn't bother to answer him. I quickly grabbed my bag and turned, fast walking the hell out of there before I could smash his face in.

"I expect to see you in a few weeks then, Avatar," he called cheerfully, chuckling. I stopped in my steps, not at all caring for the consequences of my next actions as turned to him with a deadly glare. "FUCK YOU!" I heard him tsking behind me. "That's a write-up right there, Ms. Mitsuko," he said with not a single hint of regret in his tone. I roared in frustration, stomping out the door and slamming it nearly off its secure hinges behind me.

I was still huffing in anger when I turned to see a wide eyed, apprehensive Iroh, staring at me with an anxious expression. He cleared his throat cautiously.

"Is..everything okay..?" he asked warily. Like hell everything's okay! I groaned and ignored him, leaving the room. As I nearly stomped down the halls, I looked to the clock to see that class was about to let out. And just before I could open the door, the bell rang, signaling for our dismissal to our next class. Great. I've had my day's fill of hearing crap from teachers already. I'm so sick of Tarrlok and his crap. I'm sick of being forced into doing his dirty work. I'm sick of feeling so...trapped.

A/N: Is this too cliché? :l I hope not..

Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy new Year :)

Thanks for reading~ Please review!
