Author has written 19 stories for Spyro the Dragon, How to Train Your Dragon, Star Fox, Legend of Zelda, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
To update as of August 8th, yes I'm still alive. I may or may not have another smbx project in the works, but it's going to be much shorter this time around, but the levels are made better. I'm expecting around 10-15 levels, 6 of which are already done. The story goes such as this. Mario is wakes up in a strange dark world only to find Peach has died. However, her soul has been unable to pass on, meaning Mario must travel the dark lands in search of her lost soul. However, a fallen angel also seeks to find Peach's soul before you for an unknown reason. A small spoiler involves you in a Time Forest in search of someone called "The Divine Traveler". Making your way through the orange wooden oaks, you find a shrine. Upon entering you find that it's empty. Turning around to leave however only results in finding out the doorway you entered has disappeared. A trap it seems. However, looking back, you find the divine traveler waiting for you. She seems to know who you are, almost as if you've been through so much together already. But you've never seen her before. The divine traveler knows what's going on however. She explains of how she is a traveler through time and space and this is simply the first time you meet her. After a short explanation, she finally introduces herself as Celebi. -The end of spoiler. So this small spoiler is just the first real level in this episode. I know I have a fanfic that isn't done, but telling a story through smbx like this is almost like a interactive fanfic. I guess that's why I started another episode. It gives me another way of telling a story rather than just mashing buttons on a keyboard until a wall of text pops up, otherwise known as a chapter. Here's a link to my own first smbx project which was in the works for three years.
Feel free to check it out but if you want to play it you'll need to download the smbx program which you could do at that website.
I have also implemented 3 endings and an easter egg ending to this episode. A good, neutral, and bad ending as well as that easter egg one. I thought it would be interesting to have. The last two things I need to do are to test everything and edit the soundtracks. I have the soundtracks amplified accordingly to my specific version of smbx but in the newest version all sound effects in the game are louder than my specific version. Therefore I have to decide whether to amplify my soundtracks to the level of the new version or keep it as it is.