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![]() Author has written 38 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Ninja Turtles, Love Live! School idol project, South Park, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Hello! My Fanfiction name is EreriSquad (Before that I was xxxSonamyLover101xxx) But you may call me Chelsea! I have been a fan of Fanfiction ever since I was between 8-9 years of age and made my account when I was 15-16 years old. Name: Chelsea-Louise Hair: Blond/Brown Eyes: Hazel Date of birth: March 21st 1996 Favourite Movies: All 8 Harry Potter films, all the Twilight films, TMNT (All movies), Disney movies (Except Frozen), Paranormal horror movies Likes: Sonamy (OTP since the beginning of my Sonic crazy), TMNT (All Turtles) Sonic X, Sonic Boom, Only Fools And Horses (Old British comedy from the 1970's but it is too funny to ignore!), Chocolate, Chicken meat and Love Live! ATTACK ON TITAN! (also the Levi x Eren shipping ;p) Dislikes: My job (Get no respect from managers) Disney's Frozen, Sonamy haters, very slow internet service, people thinking that they are all that, spiders and clowns Music: Love Live music Favourite Sonic girl characters in order: Rouge, Amy, Sally, Cream and Blaze Favourite Sonic boy characters in order: Silver, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails and Sonic About Myself: Well I'm 24 years old and I'm from the UK. Loves watching Love Live and singing to Love Live! and that's about it really ;p I'm a little boring. Been going crazy for Ereri A LOT recently too! Don't judge meh! ...S... Put this Sonamy is love, Sonamy is life...place this one your profile to show you love and passion for Sonamy Couples that I support in Sonic World: Sonamy: These two are my top couple in the whole Sonic fandom. Amy is pink (Girls colour) while Sonic is blue (Boys colour) Amy loves Sonic more than anything else in the WHOLE world and would do anything to protect him and be at his side during battles. I can tell that Sonic is just shy around her since she is a really pretty hedgehog, if he HATED her then he wouldnt save her at all. And I can tell that he is MORE comfortable around her when he's alone with her than being embarrassed by his friends. Knuxouge: These two just make me laugh. Rouge means 'RED' in French and Knuckles is red *hint hint*. I can tell that Knuckles tends to get nervous around girls that flirt with him so he's not use to it, when Rouge flirts with him, he gets MORE red than ever. Their relationship is like a love/hate. It has been confirmed on a Sonic X website that Rouge has a crush on Knuckles so this pair is SORT OF canon. Taiream: This couple is just too cute to ignore. Tails and Cream are the best friends/sidekicks to Sonic and Amy. Cream is such a cute little bunny and I can see that her and Tails are really close due to their age. Tails deserves another chance at love when Cosmo risked her life for him and her friends and I think that Cream will be the perfect girl for him in the near future. Silvaze: This couple is just so awesome. Blaze and Silver have been friends since childhood so its kinda made them as childhood sweethearts. They can both use awesome powers, Blaze can use fire and Silver can use psychic. Blaze admitted that she likes Silver being 'naive' before she 'died' (Come guys, if she died then she wouldt be in ANYMORE games) and Silver looked pretty upset when she left him. Shadally: I think this couple could work. I mean that Sally can still have someone LIKE Sonic and Shadow would be the perfect match for her since he looks a lot like him. I think Shadow can handle Sally very well even though he likes to be alone but i can so picture him teaching her how to use guns to protect herself in the future and falls in love with her like she will fall in love with him Scourosy: I have recently started to ship Scourge and Rosy they are such a psycho pair and it can work, love the fact that Rosy is soooooo scary and psycho and heck she can even scare Scourge a little...other than that, they are a good looking couple in the Anti-Universe. I may have not read the comics but it doesnt hurt to do some research on the characters Couples that I don't like in Sonic World
Sonaze: Not gonna happen, they both come from different dimensions and Blaze is pretty much a walking fireplace and she burn Sonic to death if he does something wrong, Blaze isnt a type of person who would date anyone who is so cocky she is more serious about her duty and she would hardly see Sonic so...no its not gonna work out. Yes, I know its canon in Sonic Rush (So I heard) but Blaze DIDNT blush in the whole game and yes she did blush in the 'Black Knight' but Sonic is just being friendly with her and pretty much saved her life. So its not gonna happen Sonelise: Do I even need to start with this pair?! Who the hell can see Sonic together with a human girl?! When I saw Elise kiss Sonic in Sonic 06 I wanted to puke, SEGA were VERY stupid about a human kissing an animal like that, Why didnt Amy kill her on the spot? I would of loved to see her do that but still Sonelise is one of the most weird couples I have ever seen on Sonic fandom seriously guys...get your heads out of the gutters about this pair Shadamy: Okay I only see Shadow and Amy as a brother and sister relationship, since Amy can pretty much take care of herself but i think it would be nice if Shadow became her brother or something so he can protect her if Sonic's not around, so yeah i only see them as brother and sister not in a romantic way Shadouge: Now, I know they work for GUN and they are partners. But if Rouge ever when out with Shadow things will not go far I think, I know Rouge flirts with Shadow AND Knuckles sometimes but, Shadow wont say much IF he did date Rouge and if they went on missions as a couple...they'll be too much in love and they wont get the job done. For all those are Shadouge fans, I'm not being mean its just...my opinion Taismo: This is where things get a bit confusing. Cosmo is an alien type of girl who is a seedrin and Tails is a twin tailed Fox. they both come from different planets and it just...wont work out. Yes! I know Cosmo killed herself to protect her friends from the Meterex but she TOLD Tails to push the Sonic Canon button and kill her...Cosmo is DEAD!! D-E-A-D!!!! she's not coming back Chaream: I know that some people find this couple cute but umm, i know they are the same age but isnt Charmy...a bit hyper for Cream to date? I dont think Cream likes crazy people besides Amy. Plus I think Charmy MIGHT get on Cream's nerves. For all of those are Creamy fans, not being mean just saying my opinion. My Attack on Titan fankids!- Isabel Carla Ackerman Eyes and Shape: Stormy grey with green rims around her eyes, titan scaring under them and are cat shaped (Mixture of Levi's and Eren's) Skin: Slightly tanned Hair: Dark brown with Levi's bang style and long length Siblings: Farlan (Twin brother) Parents: Eren and Levi Powers: Titan Healing, titan control and carries the Ackerman bloodline Personality: Isabel is more serious than her brother but she can have fun when she wants to be. She loves to clean at VERY high standards, cooking and practising her combat in training. Isabel loves to drink lavender tea and her favourite food is oranges. She loves to hang out with her best friend Yukki Arlert (Jearmin fankid). Isabel HATES being called 'Izzy' but she makes an acceptation for Hanji as she calls her that all the time. You can tell that she is Levi's daughter as she has his famous glaring face but she has Eren's smile! Farlan Rivaille Ackerman Eyes and Shape: Emerald green, half lidded like Levi's and titan scaring under them Skin: Pale Hair: Raven black but very messy like Eren's Siblings: Isabel (Twin sister) Parents: Eren and Levi Powers: Titan Healing, titan control and carries the Ackerman bloodline Personality: Farlan is more chilled out that his sister but he can easy pick a fight with anyone when he wants. He does love to clean up, he finds titan blood disgusting if it lands on him in battle. Farlan loves to eat books in is own time either before bed or after training, he adores the outside world out of the walls. Just like Eren, he wants to kill all the titans so he and his family can be free. He's not a huge fan of tea but he does love his apple juice and his favourite food is chicken stew. He loves to annoy Yukki since she is really small but he's only throwing banter at her for a joke. Yukki Arlert Eyes and Shape: Big and round, long eye lashes and golden coloured eyes Skin: Pale but not too pale Hair: Strawberry blonde Siblings: None Parents: Jean and Armin Powers: She's smart Personality: Yukki is a very shy girl, she had trouble fitting in at the Survey Corps HQ. Jean and Armin adopted her when she was a baby, well they found her outside of the walls in titan territory on a mission. She adores to read books with Farlan and her dad Armin. She likes to play wrestle with her other dad Jean. She and Isabel train everyday when they are in the training academy. Yukki loves to drink warm milk and her favourite food blueberries. She also adores the horses, so she likes to help out the other members to feed, groom and clean out the horse stables. I hope you'll enjoy all of my stories and leave some nice, advising and commenting reviews for me :), enjoy yourselves...oh, PM me if you like to have some friendly chats or for role playing (I love doing those with people) I have plenty advise and story ideas if you ever get stuck. EreriSquad OUT!!!! |
Community: | chipwrecked stories based after and during XD |
Focus: | Cartoons Alvin and the chipmunks |