Author has written 42 stories for South Park. Hello, I am an Aries, a Boar, an ISFJ, and have Blood Type A. I am a female of the United Kingdom who was born in the year 1995. I try to be nice to everyone, but if you're an arsehole, then that isn't happening. I like sweet foods, long moonlit walks on the beach, and making gay fictional boys kiss. Peace out. Elephantine Endeavour Fanart by charlydarko (http :// charlydarko . tumblr . com /post/ 111054193323/ i-made-this-after-to-read-a-wonderful-fanfic-b#) and askthemountaintown (http :// askthemountaintown . tumblr . com /post/ 125943253409 / i-read-this-fanfic-where-cartman-won-a-stuffed) and koomorichan (http :// koomorichan . tumblr . com /post/ 134360449242/ something-i-did-a-few-months-back-after-reading). Llama Llama Kyle Fanart by nicholelovesyouu (http :// nicholelovesyouu . tumblr . com /post/ 127810872742/ httpswwwfanfictionnets110616931llama-llama). |
hollycomb (25) MissMaryMason (10) OnigiriReject (3) | OverSweetNightmare (17) SynapticFirefly (46) | xEmerald Isle (17) Yummykyman (4) |