A/N: The last chapter is here! And it's super mushy. But I love mushy last chapters. There'll be an equally as mushy Author's Note at the end of this chapter too, as per usual. Thank you so much for reading, guys, and I hope you like this final chapter!

When Kyle woke up the next morning, he could have sworn the terrible, extraordinary events of the previous evening had just been a feverish nightmare. He could have read a chapter or two of Wuthering Heights; he and Eric could have ascended the stairs together and wished each other a good night before retiring to their rooms; and he could have chatted to Bebe as he went about his bedtime routine before falling into a deep, content sleep. The sight of his deranged father, the gun, the sight of Eric finally shedding himself of his beastly form felt palpably real - the searing, excruciating pain in his gut even more so. No time seemed to have passed between the previous evening and the present moment. Suddenly he was lying in bed when one minute he was bleeding on the floor with a frail gasp on consciousness.

But his head felt as if it were wrapped in the same warm, comfortable sheets he was swaddled in. His tongue felt coarse and heavy, his eyelids, mouth and limbs felt weighted too. He couldn't yawn or stretch to break the seal on this stifling fatigue. He could only turn his head and he heard the crisp fabric of his pillow rustle as he did so. That pain emanating from his gut slowly returned to him, a dull throbbing ache. In vain he tried to lean forward, to inspect it further, but was reprimanded by an acute jolt of pain that travelled through him. He seethed and nestled into the pillows, and then like a salve on his tender condition he finally registered the soft, warm hand in his own. Sensation was returning to him gradually, a thumb brushed against his knuckles.

"Good morning," Eric said beside him.

Kyle turned his head and almost gasped at the man beside him. He knew it was Eric, he could tell by his voice, his eyes, and it seemed as though Kyle had finally found him. Eric was so breathtaking in his genuine form that he shone through the hazy clouds of confusion. They dissipated, and the world rushed back to Kyle. He smiled, wobbly and weak.

"Good morning..."

"How are you feeling?"

"Groggy, and I'm aching terribly," Kyle replied. "What exactly happened, Eric?"

"Well, how much do you remember?" Eric asked, rubbing coaxing circles on Kyle's hand with his thumb.

"I remember my father tried to shoot you, and I stopped him..." Kyle stopped. Panic crawled over his skin. He remembered jumping in front of Eric, but was still unsure if he was successful. A part of him didn't want to believe that the ache in his gut was actually a bullet wound. "I did stop him, didn't I? Is that what this pain is?"

Eric only nodded, his eyes glistening and lips pursed.

"Yes, that's what it is," he finally replied. His voice was taut. "You did an amazing thing, Kyle, you saved my life. I cannot thank you enough."

Kyle shook his head, he never thought of gratitude when he leapt in front of that bullet. He thought of nothing except saving Eric.

"There's no need to thank me. I could never have let him hurt you. What happened then?"

"Gregory called a doctor and we took you to your room," Eric continued. "He bandaged your wound and also gave you some morphine for the pain..." he said his next words carefully. "We also informed the police of what your father did."

Kyle nodded, gaze wandering the sheets as he imagined the police coming to the house and arresting his father. He heard his pathetic excuses, and saw only fear painted across his face. Kyle willed himself to feel something, but he couldn't. How could his father do such a thing in the first place?

"I don't know what on earth possessed him to do that," he murmured, shaking his head.

"He must have been afraid of losing you."

"Perhaps," Kyle replied. "He is a very cowardly man."

He lifted his gaze to Eric and found he couldn't look away. His eyes roamed over Eric's soft chestnut hair that skimmed his familiar topaz eyes, his short button nose, his sweet, plump lips, and his round, full face. Kyle thought him boyish with his sparkling, mischievous eyes, strong and sturdy with his firm hands and broad shoulders, and more handsome than he could have possibly imagined. He was sure that if Eric lowered his thumb he could have felt Kyle's racing pulse.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

Kyle blinked, shook his head.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," he replied. "You just look so different, I can hardly believe it."

Eric ducked his head for a moment, and Kyle loved seeing more hair fall into his eyes. He wanted to brush it away, feel it between his fingers.

"Is that a good thing?" Eric asked, chuckling.

"Of course it's a good thing," Kyle replied, chuckling too. "It's a wonderful thing."

"It's all thanks to you, Kyle." Eric beamed. "When you saved me you broke the curse."

Kyle froze, in disbelief that this was all his doing.

"I did?" he asked, his voice cracking.

Eric's face was flushed and he was staring deep into Kyle's eyes when he nodded.

"Yes, you did."

"You're very handsome, Eric," Kyle admitted. He had to acknowledge it sooner or later.

"Thank you." Eric grinned. "I think we make a fine couple, don't you?"

"Yes, we do," Kyle replied, before glancing at his bandaged wound. "Although perhaps not right now, I must look dreadful."

Eric shook his head.

"You look as lovely as ever."

Kyle blushed at the flattery he was only used to reading about in epic, sweeping novels of chivalrous heroes and beautiful damsels. Never did he think he would receive such compliments himself.

"Thank you," he murmured. "You're very kind."

"I'm being honest," Eric replied, earnest and intent. He reached out to touch Kyle's cheek, and even though his fingertips only brushed his skin Kyle still felt as though Eric held his breath in his palms. "Even now I want to hold you, and kiss you, and-"

Eric stopped himself. Kyle felt himself grow warmer beneath Eric's fingers. They were quickly snatched away and Eric gulped, trying to compose himself.


Kyle's eyebrows furrowed and he tried to shuffle closer to Eric. He didn't want him to be discouraged from talking like that. Kyle could've listened to such sincere, tender words all day long.

"Why are you apologising?"

"I don't want you to think me forward," Eric explained, no doubt stifled by a propriety that had been instilled in him from youth.

But Kyle didn't want propriety, or suppression, or doubt. Eric didn't need to impress him, for Kyle was already captivated. He wanted them to be able to express themselves, to be able to tell each other anything, and not hide their feelings. He shook his head.

"I don't think you're forward, Eric."

"I've wanted to kiss you for so long, but have been unable to," Eric explained, leaning forward. "Now that the curse has been lifted there are so many things I want to experience with you, but I do not want you to be uncomfortable. I'll wait as long as you need me to, Kyle."

Kyle's chest seemed to tighten with affection. He felt as if he didn't have the capacity to love Eric as much as he did, he never thought it was possible. But he did love him tremendously. He loved him enough to risk his own life, after all, and he would have done it again.

"You're a wonderful man, Eric."

Eric grinned.

"I think you may have had something to do with that."

"But I want to experience all these things too," Kyle said, giving Eric's hand a squeeze. That one simple action made him feel braver. "I never had any desire for it before, but perhaps I had never met the right person. Now I know I have... and I don't think I can wait any longer. Please kiss me, Eric."

Kyle felt Eric's hand tense in his own. He saw his eyes widen with surprise and intrigue. His pupils had already started to yawn with arousal. Fear pricked Kyle's assured desire only slightly. He was in awe of his own tenacity, in awe of Eric, and in awe of the passion he elicited in Eric too, when Eric was staring at his lips like they were the most sumptuous dessert he couldn't wait to sample. Eric dove in to claim his lips, cutting Kyle's breath short but he soon sighed into the kiss. Despite the gentle press of lips, a feeling Kyle could only describe as electric tingled throughout his body, awakening his synapses and enlivening his nerves. Kyle lifted his hips, and his toes spread at the warm, wet friction their lips were creating. Eric's hand roamed into Kyle's hair and Kyle tilted his head to receive Eric's kiss, dizzy and greedy, only wanting more. Soon, a careful tongue prodded at Kyle's mouth and Kyle – inexperienced and yearning as he was – let him in, reaching out to blindly grab Eric's bicep and hold on tight. This is what Kyle had been waiting for all these years, and now he had finally experienced it, how could he have ever settled? He whimpered when their lips separated. They mirrored each other's delirious grins, panting and lips gleaming.

"I'd never done that before," Kyle revealed, remembering his unpleasant incident with Leslie in the car. "Not with anyone I wanted to at least..."

Eric snickered, pressed his forehead against Kyle's.

"I would never have known," he replied lowly before he kissed Kyle again.

Their pecks were swifter but no less indulgent, as if they wanted more but couldn't keep up.

"You know there really is no rush..." Eric said breathlessly in between kisses. "To do anything... we can take our time."

Kyle nodded, and kissed Eric again in reply.

"I love you," Eric admitted, ragged and quiet. He still stared at Kyle's lips.

"I love you too," Kyle replied, stealing another kiss.

He was starting to become addicted, but Eric seemed willing to keep him in supply. However, they were soon interrupted by several knocks on the door.

"Sir?" Pip asked. "Is Kyle awake?"

"Is he all right?" Kenny added.

"Oh, please can we see him, sir?" Bebe begged.

Eric pulled away and smirked at Kyle. But Kyle nodded, he was curious as to what the staff truly looked like.

"Yes, yes, come in," Eric called, returning to his chair and smoothing out his clothes.

The door opened and the staff poured in, chattering away and talking over each other. Kyle sat up in bed, chuckling at their excitement and taking in all these new faces.

There was a well dressed blond man, who stood with straight shoulders and his hands behind his back. He had glossy, wavy hair that was tucked behind his ears, and he resided over the others with an air of disapproval. But he couldn't stop keeping an eye on them for even a second. Next to him was a man with hands in his pockets, dark, greasy hair and sun beaten skin. He glanced around the bedroom with indifference, hands in his pocket as if he were oblivious to the remarkable transformations that had occurred. Then there was the giggling, delighted couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other now they had the chance. She had her fair hair tied back with a grubby ribbon, and full cheeks flushed with first love. Her boyfriend had his arm wrapped around her and was gazing into her eyes, grinning with all his chipped teeth. He was still rather handsome, with cool blue eyes and a mop of blond hair.

There were a few blonds actually, including a bright-eyed gentleman with smooth shoulder-length hair and his hands clasped patiently in front of him, and a boy who still appeared quite young. He had a peculiar tuft of blond hair that Kyle couldn't help but smile at. He bumped his knuckles as he chatted to a blond girl who Kyle knew instantly. She had mentioned her abundance of marvellous curls when Kyle had once despaired over his own unruly hair whilst combing the knots out of it, and she had told Kyle stories about the men in her hometown pub that had commented on and leered at her voluptuous figure when they really should have known better. Kyle was delighted to see her so happy now, twirling a curl around her finger and occasionally bouncing on her heels as she talked.

"My, you all look marvellous!" Kyle grinned.

"Do you really think so, Kyle?" The young, blond boy asked, in a voice Kyle knew belonged to Butters – rather, Leopold.

"Absolutely! We'll have to be reintroduced!" Kyle replied. "Although I think I can make a few good guesses."

Eric chuckled beside him, and he and Kyle exchanged shy, knowing looks before the staff started to crowd around his bed. After all, this was a time for them all to rejoice.

Although it was a time for celebration in Tenorman Hall, for Kyle it was also a time for recovery. He was bedridden for two days, and had frequent visitors – the staff bringing his meals, a doctor checking on him once a day and a policeman inquiring about a night Kyle only remembered in fragments and could have never truly explained. Eric was by his side through it all. He delighted in the doctor's positive comments, squeezing Kyle's hand when they were alone; he comforted Kyle when the policeman's interview had left him perplexed and drained, scooping him up in a gentle embrace; and they chatted until the witching hour, until their voices strained and their eyelids became heavy. Eric often fell asleep beside Kyle, but he didn't complain. After spending all day with him, Kyle felt it was silly to expect Eric to return to his own room when they clearly still wanted to be with each other, even when they weren't awake. Kyle was happy to fall asleep to the sound of Eric's soft snoring, and wake up to his peaceful face, or a smiling, hoarse 'good morning'.

They finished Wuthering Heights too, with Eric volunteering to read the remainder of the novel. Kyle had wondered whether he had perhaps been too boring when he read aloud before, since Eric did such great impressions of the characters and spoke so emotively. He would be laughing at Eric's rendition of a booming Heathcliff and simpering Cathy one minute, and misty-eyed the next as Eric read another beautiful passage. When Kyle felt well enough, he and Eric went to the library to find a new book to read. Although Eric had advised against it, Kyle climbed up the ladder to explore the highest shelves, passing books down to Eric until his arms were bulging with classic novels. But they couldn't decide on one book so chose two for themselves. Kyle didn't mind the compromise, and adored the image of the two of them cosy in bed, engrossed in their novels but content in each other's quiet company on hazy, summer nights.

They were now having breakfast in the dining hall, and Kyle was staring out of the window at the bright, cloudless day. The large roses soaking up the sun, the faint birdsong, was alluring in a way Kyle had never noticed before, and the lilting daises in the breeze were almost beckoning him. He wanted to explore the grounds carelessly with Eric, and for Eric to feel like he belonged there once again. Too long he had only roamed the grounds in the darkness, behind a thick veil of invisibility. But the darkness hid the garden's beauty too, and it saddened Kyle to think that for years Eric could never truly appreciate it.

"You look better with each passing day," Eric remarked, pulling Kyle away from his thoughts. "There's more colour in your cheeks and your eyes are brighter."

"Thank you, I feel in much better spirits." Kyle smiled.

"I'm glad."

Kyle's gaze returned to the garden when Eric took a sip of his tea.

"It's a beautiful day," Kyle pointed out.

"Yes, it is," Eric replied, looking out of the window too.

Kyle shifted in his seat before he asked; "Shall we go for a walk around the grounds?"

Eric looked up from his tea, setting it down and smiling.

"That sounds lovely."

Eric pointed out certain historical features, and his own childhood memories associated with a tree or a flower patch as they walked around the grounds arm in arm. Kyle listened to each story intently, glad that Eric was so willing to share. He loved the feeling of the sun on his face after a few days spent recuperating in the house, the summer air inundated with the scent of flowers and glistening with pollen, and Eric's strong, firm arm linked through his. The warmth, brightness, sweetness, and security he felt washed away any lingering resentment and confusion. It felt unnecessary, stifling but easy to shake off. It belonged to a past life, he didn't need it anymore.

"You have the biggest smile on your face, do you realise that?" Eric asked.

Kyle flushed, but his smile didn't disappear.

"It must be because I was thinking of wonderful things," he replied.

"What were you thinking about?"

Kyle sighed, he was brimming with so much joy that he hardly knew where to begin.

"Oh, everything," he said. "I was thinking of how cheerful everyone is, how wonderful it is that everything has fallen into place. I was thinking of how the whole world seems so much more exciting now. I don't think I've ever been happier."

A smile spread across Eric's face and he sighed too.

"Me neither," he replied. "I would never have guessed that such a dark period of my life would have led me to meet someone like you, that you would bring so much light and promise to my life."

Kyle's smile crinkled and he rested his head on Eric's shoulder. He didn't want Eric to see his blissful, overwhelmed tears. But Eric must have sensed he was in need of assurance, acknowledgement, when he placed a kiss in hair.

"Do you think about the future often, then?" Kyle asked.

"More so lately, now that I actually have one."

"And what does the future look like for you?" Kyle asked, raising his head.

"For us, you mean." Eric grinned, giving Kyle a soft, playful nudge.

"Right, for us," Kyle replied, beaming when the words came out of his mouth. "I want to be a part of whatever you have planned."

Eric smiled tightly, emboldened by Kyle's encouragement.

"Well... I would like to sell the house and move away."

Kyle bristled, curious and wary of the enormity of Eric's plans, astonished that he had even considered such a daunting step so soon.

"Really?" he asked. "Where would you go?"

"Anywhere that isn't England," Eric replied. "I want to see the world! France, Italy, India, America-"

"America," Kyle smiled, mind rushing with all these far-off destinations. "That sounds wonderful, it all sounds wonderful. I would love to visit all of those places with you."

He never imagined he would leave this island, but he couldn't imagine anything better than visiting all these different places with Eric; living there, working there, making an abundance friends dotted around the globe, and memories too. Adventure - it was all Kyle had wanted.

"If we sell the house we could," Eric replied, still grinning. Their enthusiasm was infectious. "I love this house, and I have so many memories here. But it is falling apart, and I could never repair it. So many country houses now are being sold to councils and turned into private estates, I could make a lot of money from it. I have spent so long imprisoned here, Kyle, it is time for me to let it go."

Kyle nodded. Of course Eric would want to leave behind the place he had been confined to for a decade. No matter how precious and beautiful.

"I understand, and I will follow you wherever you go, Eric. All I've wanted in my life is adventure-"

Kyle stopped himself when Eric's arm slipped out of his own and wrapped around his shoulders. He squeezed him gently.

"I will give you that in spades, my darling," Eric replied. He kissed Kyle's hair and murmured, "I will try my very best to give you everything your heart desires."

Eric's words sent a tremor through Kyle and he was burning. With affection, yes, but also anticipation for all these adventures that had barely begun.

"I know you will." He smiled, looking up at Eric and gazing into his eyes. "You already have."

Grinning, they then sealed the deal with a kiss.

A year later

Kyle and Eric left their bedroom and walked down the corridor with their suitcases in hand. They were smiling, eyes roaming the walls, ceiling, floors, and banisters as if they were savouring this last ever walk. Kyle heard the staff chatting to themselves, and peered over the banister to see what was going on. Gregory was busy relaying the orders Eric had already given to him, making sure they were executed properly. Kelly and Bebe chatted and giggled as they cleaned, whilst Pip and Leopold chipped in with the dusting and polishing too. Kenny and Christophe were lounging against the doorframe of the drawing room, their duties not extending to inside the house. The last of their hard work had already been completed.

As handyman, Kenny had fixed whatever remaining appliances needed to be fixed. Tenorman Hall no longer needed to be suitable for hospitality, for living in, only for exhibition. He had sorted out some issues with the lighting, most notably the chandelier in the grand hall. It was to be the opulent centrepiece that would take one's breath away when they stepped into this splendid, empty house. As gardener, Christophe had to cut back the grass, the wild flowers, and the weeds. He had also dug up a multitude of new flower beds. Kyle had lost count of how many times he had seen Christophe come into the house with a shovel in hand, dirt dotted on his face and caked into his boots. Gregory would scold him, and Christophe would roll his eyes, asking if he could fetch him an ashtray to put out his cigarette. Kyle chuckled at the thought, smiling away the brief pang in his chest.

He had only lived here a short while, but nowhere had ever felt more like home to him. When he had left here his heart had pleaded for him to go back. Would he feel the same way now? When they were leaving for good? He glanced at Eric, and knew he would be ridiculously content wherever he was, wherever their hearts took them because they would be following each other.

"There they are!" Bebe exclaimed, when she spotted them at the top of the stairs.

Eric and Kyle exchanged beaming, fortifying looks as they descended the stairs. With everyone gathered around the bottom, smiling up at them proudly, Kyle wondered if this moment would be the most ceremonial he and Eric would ever experience. It certainly felt as though they were embarking on something as challenging and exhilarating, yet as meaningful and rewarding as a marriage. Starting a new life together, in a new, faraway place seemed to the type of commitment Kyle would not only be comfortable with, but thrilled by.

"Isn't this exciting?" Kelly gushed.

"But terribly sad too," Leopold remarked. "We'll miss you both so much!"

"We'll miss you all too. You've been such helpful and faithful staff," Kyle replied. "Not only that, but you've been great friends."

"Yes, we cannot thank you enough," Eric added. "After all I put you through I am eternally grateful for your support."

The staff all glanced at each other, sharing one overwhelmed expression. Kenny then stepped forward and threw his arms around Eric, making him stumble. But Eric soon returned the hug and prompted a round of embraces. Their farewells were not exclusive to Eric and Kyle, since the staff would be returning to the nearby villages where their families resided, or taking up new posts soon. Kyle had just finished comforting a crying Leopold when he spotted Bebe. Her eyes were bright and glistening, and she was smiling at Kyle sheepishly with her hands clasped at her skirt. Kyle set his suitcase down and they threw their arms around each other, sharing a tight embrace.

Kyle heard her sniffle and felt wetness at his shoulder.

"I'm trying so much not to cry-"

"Oh, Bebe, it's all right," Kyle interjected. He gently tugged at one of her curls.

"You will write, won't you, Kyle?" she asked, pulling away. "I would love to know how you and Eric get on in New York."

Kyle nodded, squeezing her shoulders.

"I definitely will," I replied. "We have all your addresses and I'll write as often as I can, I promise."

Bebe pursed her lips and they piqued upwards into a satisfied smile.

"Thank you." She nodded.

"Thank you, Bebe," Kyle said, pulling her in for another hug. He didn't know how else to express his enormous gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you when I first came here."

"You're welcome," Bebe replied. "I think we both just needed a friend."

Kyle nodded once more, smiling though his eyes had clouded with tears. He spotted Eric throwing his arms around Gregory and Christophe's shoulders. They had refrained from hugging their fellow members of staff, refused to succumb to sentimentality, or surrender their professionalism. But if Eric wanted to give them a hug, as good servants they had to obey. Or no doubt that was their justification, Kyle thought. He made his way over to them and hugged them too before they could decline.

"Thank you so much," he said in the quiet space between their shoulders.

"It was our pleasure, Kyle," Gregory replied when Kyle pulled away. "We wish you and Eric a lifetime of happiness together."

"We always knew you would be the one to break the curse," Christophe added.

Kyle glanced at Eric and he immediately averted his gaze. He glanced at the recently polished wood carvings in the walls instead.

"Well, then thank you for believing in me, and in Eric too. I know he appreciates it greatly."

Gregory and Christophe nodded in appreciation, and the chatting seemed to die down. The intensity of such a swift, and yet arduous era coming to a close drew Kyle's gaze to Eric's, as if it was a force bigger than the both of them.

"I don't think there's anything else to say," Eric said.

Kyle shook his head, lips pursed and nose burning. Still, he cleared his throat and tried to speak.

"I suppose we should be heading off then," he added.

"Right, let me get your bags," Gregory replied, keeping his head down as he rushed to collect Eric and Kyle's suitcases.

"And I'll open the gates," Kenny added.

Eric and Kyle held hands as they followed Kenny out the door. But before they could step outside they glanced over their shoulders and saw the staff watching them.

"Goodbye, everyone!" Eric said waving.

There was a chorus of "goodbye!" and "have a safe trip!" that rang in Kyle's heart like rejoicing bells.

"Thank you!" he replied, waving back.

They then stepped out into the bright, sunny day. It was a day as glorious as the year previously, when they had first discussed their plans for the future. They trotted down the steps, to where the car was waiting on the drive. It was a new, open-top one that they agreed was a much needed improvement to their old car. Kenny had agreed too, and had pored over every shining detail until Kelly was jealous of not being the centre of his attention. Gregory was putting the last of the two suitcases in the boot, and Eric and Kyle wordlessly turned around to stare up at Tenorman Hall. On the wonderful summer day, it looked like it had weathered a mighty storm. In a way, Kyle supposed, it had.

It was still marvellous, however. Kyle hoped that the council would do a good job of taking care of it, and that they would succeed in attracting the locals to visit. More people needed to witness its beauty when it had for too long been forgotten. Eric decided to leave all the furniture, only taking small, cherished items like the silver mirror with him. So much of the furniture was highly valuable and steeped in history that Eric couldn't refuse when the council pleaded with him to keep it in the house. It would have been too painful to sell it all, Eric and Kyle reasoned, and they could always buy more when they arrived in New York. All that extravagant furniture could belong nowhere else but Tenorman Hall.

It would have been too much fuss to take the furniture all the way to Southampton and load onto a ship, anyway. Kyle was thrilled by the idea of being on the ocean, tasting the salt in the choppy air and seeing nothing but steely blue water for miles. Once in New York they would stay in a hotel on the Upper East Side, before looking for a townhouse in Park Avenue. That's all they wanted to decide on after the sale of Tenorman Hall. Their lives had been controlled by relentless time and expectation, and they wanted as little of that as possible in their new life together.

"I can hardly believe this is the last time I'll see Tenorman Hall," Eric commented, still staring at it.

Kyle nodded. "So many things happened here..."

"It's been in my family for generations. I wonder if they ever considered that one day such fantastical things could have happened in this house."

"I don't think anyone could." Kyle chuckled.

"Nobody would ever believe us," Eric agreed, in a more sombre tone. He turned to Kyle and grinned. "But I like that the story is just ours. No one could ever replicate it."

"Exactly," he smiled. "All these years with my head spent in books I never thought I would live out a fairytale of my own."

"Really?" Eric asked, fitting his hands at Kyle's waist and pulling him closer. "You're extraordinary enough."

Kyle snickered, and closed the humid gap between their lips. They were interrupted, however, by the sound of the boot slamming shut.

Flustered, they glanced at Gregory and saw that he was waiting with a wry smile on his face.

"Your luggage is all packed."

"Excellent, thank you again, Gregory," Eric replied, smoothing down his shirt.

He turned to Kyle with that fearless grin Kyle found so much courage in.

"Are you ready for another adventure to start?"

Kyle nodded, and reached up to place a kiss on Eric's nose.

"Let's be off then," he added.

Gregory opened the doors on the driver and passenger side, and Eric and Kyle shook his hand before they got in. Kyle stared out over the grounds, over the shimmering horizon as Eric stared the car. The deep, growling thrum of the engine was a challenging, but encouraging sound, beckoning them to begin this brilliant journey. They waved at Gregory as they drove off, and at the staff that had gathered at the front door. The pebbles crunched beneath the wheels as they made their way down the drive. They waved at Kenny too, when they saw him waiting by the large, manor gates.

Soon they were speeding down the country roads, hair blowing in the wind and exhilarated, satisfied laughter barely audible over the sound of the engine. Kyle realised it was one of those perfect moments that happen so often when you're free and in love.

A/N: Despite all the angst and drama I put these characters through in my fics, I really do love happy endings. It's definitely what you wonderful readers deserve! A huge thank you to everyone who read, followed, favourited and reviewed! Your appreciation and feedback really means a lot to me. I had issues with writing this fic, since my track record for completing historical AUs isn't the best, so I'm glad I can finally say I've conquered that. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of you guys! As for future multi-chapters, I always feel like I need to take a break from writing them once one is completed, but I honestly don't know what I'll end up writing next, pfft! I do have a couple of oneshot ideas I want to write, so stay tuned for more fics! Thank you so much again, guys, you've been brilliant!