Hi everyone! I know it's been awhile. I mean, it's been over a YEAR. But, I hope I can start uploading chapters for this story once more in hopes to complete it. If you'd like to find out about upcoming chapters, PLEASE GO TO MY PROFILE AND SCROLL DOWN TO THE WRITING SECTION. I talk about deadlines and what to expect in the future. Thanks so much and please enjoy!

Chapter 7: Waiting

I elbow another person in the stomach as I fight my way through the teeming crowd of students who excitedly make their way out the door. I wish I could say my weekends started out on a good note, but I wouldn't exactly say getting pushed around and shoved by a bunch of obnoxious kids is exactly the highlight of my day. I mange to fight my way to the edge and just barely make it before tripping over somebody's shoe. I feel myself do one of those slow motion falls before being caught in somebody's arms.

"Amy! Are you okay?" Cream glanced down at me with a worried expression while she offers me her arm. I brush myself off and shakily stand up. Like I said, I love the start of my weekends.

"I'm fine; dealing with stupid kids is nothing new to me. You, however, have excellent timing. Thank you." Cream turned away shyly, she had never been very good at accepting compliments.

"Oh, I was just lucky I got here in time. Are you all ready to go?" I shift my backpack to my other shoulder as I pull out my phone. 3:27. Our ride would be here soon.

"Yeah, Rogue said she would pick us up at 3:30. I think she had to stay after class or something." I look up as Blaze came sprinting down the hall, her hair in a messy pony tail and a bag slung lazily across her shoulder.

"Blaze, what's up?"

"No time to talk Cream! I'm late for track! I'll meet you at Rogue's place afterwards. Later!" Blaze pushed open the doors and hurtled herself out, me and Cream staring after her.

"Well, it's nice to see that she's so enthusiastic about being captain this year," I say slowly. Cream jerked her head towards the doors that a frantic Blaze had just gone out of.

"Most of the crowd is gone, we should be able to exit the building safely." I nod and together, me and Cream push open the doors and let ourselves out into the chill of the autumn air.

The wind is brisk, making me snuggle deeper into my coat. The last bus pulls out of the lot and only a few students remained, some waiting to be picked up and others were heading to their afterschool activities. Small groups were chatting quietly in the corner, probably doing something they shouldn't.

"Afternoon ladies, need a lift?" Rogue pulled up in her beat up truck with the windows down and her lipstick on. Somebody was ready for the weekend. Cream and I hopped in, trying to avoid the trash that littered the floor. Cream scowled.

"Rogue, you need to take better care of your stuff."

"That's what I told her!" Cosmo said from the passenger seat, her voice sounding slightly exasperated.

"Oh, shut up and get in or I'll make you walk." I quickly buckle my seat belt and kick away an empty soda can. Rogue punched the pedal and we were speeding away.

"Rogue, can you please turn down the volume? I'm trying to study!" Cosmo turned away from her textbook to give Rogue a dirty look who simply laughed.

"Cosmo, the weekend just started! Close your books and relax for a moment!" While Rogue and Cosmo quarreled, Cream casually flipped through the TV channels. I glance up at the ticking clock. 3:47. Where was everybody?

"Dang it, Amber took the last soda," Rogue silently cursed her older sister out while rummaging through the remaining things left in the fridge. I get up and stare out the small, dust-piled window; I could feel myself starting to get fidgety.

"What's wrong Amy? The others will be here soon, just sit down for a minute." Rogue flung herself on the couch and stared out me over the rim of her mug.

"I know, I just feel really nervous for some reason."

"Why is th-"


Rogue gave me one last glance before getting up and heading towards the door. I shift from one foot to another. Was it Sonic? No, the commotion at the door told me otherwise. Silver, Tails, and Knuckles all shuffled in, their hands full of bags filled with soda and snacks. Rogue gleefully digged through the soda and everyone began to get comfortable. Except me. I nervously look at the clock and switch between standing and sitting. Rogue kept sliding me weird glances but she didn't say anything and I couldn't think of a reasonable explanation for my anxiousness. If anyone should be anxious, it should be Maria. I mean, the whole atmosphere did feel off with Shadow, Blaze and her not being here. By 4:50, everyone was quietly watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, and munching on some popcorn. A rushed knock on the door put the movie on pause as Blaze entered the room, her hair in a bigger mess than it was before.

"Sorry we're late guys, track ran a little longer than usual." Silver followed Blaze into the kitchen and Tails resumed the movie, but I wasn't able to pay attention to any of that. There was only one thing that had caught my attention. We're. Did he….?

"Uh, hi everyone, hope you don't mind but I brought some soda." Sonic closed the door behind him and sheepishly held up a bag, the soda cans lightly clinking against each other.

"Thanks Sonic! You're a doll." Rogue pinched his cheek and happily took the bag from him, ushering him to join everyone else. For someone who usually had a supreme air of confidence, I was surprised how shy he was being. I meet eyes with him and lightly pat the spot next me. Sonic slowly shuffled over and sat down, tucking his knees to his chest.

"I'm happy you could come, I hope this isn't too inconvenient for you."

"Oh no, I'm glad you invited me." Both of us lapsed into silence, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. I felt incredibly content just having him sit next to me, happy that I could see him outside of class. However, the hour was growing later and there was still no sign of Maria. By 6:00, I was starting to feel a little tired and the movie had ended long ago.

"Rogue, we're going out to get more soda." Tails, Knuckles, and Silver all stood up, shrugging on the jackets.

"Why the hell do you all need to go? Knuckles is a big boy, he can go alone." Tails and Silver exchanged nervous glances, it was pretty obvious. Everyone was bored, and people were starting to get cranky.

Tails rubbed his neck and glanced outside, anxious to get some air. "It's okay Rogue, I actually feel like stretching my legs for a bit."

"Yeah yeah, I get, I get it. Go on, get out of here." The small group hurried out, Knuckles car pulling out of the driveway and into the autumn night. Sonic was the only remaining boy and he glanced around the room uncertainly. Cosmo and Cream, noticing his uneasiness, invited him to a game of cards and Sonic happily joined in. A pair of headlights shined in through the window and I glance at the clock. 6:15. Could Knuckles and them be back already?


"That was fast," Rogue muttered as she went to answer the door. "Geez you guys, were you doing the speed limit? That was super-… Maria. I'm glad you're here."

I'm very sorry! I hadn't planned to split this into two chapters but if I continued with this one, it would've turned into a novel I know this isn't exactly a very suspenseful ending but, perhaps next chapter, there might be a… kiss? Any updates will be on my profile so feel free to check it out, reviews are very much appreciated Until next time, friends! - globaldictator9