A/N: Okay, so I seriously wasn't going to upload this until I was finished with the whole series (I'm only on chapter 5 so far), but I was like screw it. So here you go. XD I actually got this idea from a game with the same name, and while the whole story isn't about a wedding, but a marriage instead, I'm still keeping this name. I like it. XD I couldn't get through the game though. :1 Darn... Oh well! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years eve and day! Have a wonderful year as well. ^^ Please don't forget to review and tell me what you thought of this fanfic! Please follow if you enjoyed it so you can keep updated with it! I hope to hear from you all soon!


Song of the day: Black Tinker Bell

By: Chocolate

A Forged Wedding

Modern AU, based off of the Japanese game:
"I... Don't think I heard you right. What did you just ask me, Rivaille?"
"I'm asking you to marry me for a month. How did you not hear me right?"

Rated M for sexual content, adult language, violence, mentions of child abuse
Couple: Riren (Rivaille and Eren)
Anime: Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack On Titan)

Chapter 1:
The Proposal

If I were to list off the most embarrassing, most humiliating, most awkward, and by far, the stupidest moments I've ever been through in my life, this whole month would be the first and most important thing on my list. I've never been through anything like this in my life, and I'm not sure if I can ask anyone for help, because I am positive that no one has ever been through a situation like this. I can't even go to my best friend for help, because... Well, I can't even tell people the real story behind my situation.

I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about, huh? Well, I wish I did too. I guess I can start from the beginning though. It may help everyone if I try to straighten this out, including myself.

You see, I work at this big law firm centered in the most crowded and overdrawn city in this state. That's right, New York City. It sucks all hell for parking, but it pays well, and it's getting me and my sister through college. I don't do any of the serious business the rats- Er… I mean lawyers do, I'm an assistant to one though, and boy, he is the definition of a lawyer.

His name is Rivaille. A lot of the people in our office call him Levi, and on occasion I do too, but only when I'm not paying too much attention and I forget who it is I'm talking to. I really try not to, because he gives me this look, a look that says, "If you call me that again, I'm going to throttle you." I dared to call him short one time while talking to Petra and Hanji during break. I didn't know he walked into the room.

Suffice it to say, I couldn't walk straight for a week.

It's true, he is short, but he's utterly terrifying. He has these eyes on him that, even if he's trying, couldn't look happy. He couldn't make them softer, couldn't make them widen even a little, whether he's shocked or not, and at some times, I honestly thought he couldn't blink. If he did, he did it while I wasn't looking or he blinked too fast. I can't really be too sure.

He also can make you feel about three feet tall, even if you're the taller one. I'm taller by five or six inches, and every day I am reduced to the fetal position at my desk and hoping he'll walk away. I don't know how he does it. It's possible that it's because he really will kick anyone's ass if they mess up in any way or do anything to insult him. His motto is that pain is the best form of discipline. I can tell you right now that he's tried proving that to me about twenty-two times so far. I lost count after that.

I know what you're thinking. Why am I working for a man like this, and then why am I putting up with it? Why am I taking this mental and physical abuse and simply letting him beat me on an almost daily basis?

Like I said before, both my sister and I are in college, so this job pays my way through it. We both pay rent and have to buy our own food too, because we both live on our own. We've been on our own since we were about sixteen when our parents passed away. She is adopted into my family, so she's lost two sets of parents. The mental anguish is nothing much anymore, but having to take care of ourselves is a constant reminder of it.

So there you have it. I stay by this sadistic lawyer's side so I can get a better life. Ironic, considering he may just end it at any minute.

It's not that I hate him. On the contrary, I actually look up to Levi. I admire him, because he is a hard worker. There isn't a time I've seen him where he isn't working on something important. Strangely enough, he makes me want to work harder just by watching him do it. I feel like I can accomplish something, anything really, because if he can do it, then so can I. So it's not all too bad working for him, however, I can say this for sure; after that day a month ago, I really, really wonder why I keep this job myself.

I don't want to say something cheesy like, "It started on a sunny Saturday morning," but I guess setting the tone would be good. On the contrary to the previous statement, it was a dark and raining Monday afternoon. Power had come and gone a couple of times in our office, and people were on edge, but only because they wanted to go home. I was no exception. After the third time the power flickered (and inevitably making me lose the document I was working on) I was about ready to get up, grab my bag, and leave myself.

I cursed at my computer, threw my hands up into the air, and grunted with defeat. I had been working on that document for Levi for two hours now. There was an auto save function, but only if I ever saved. Two hours of work down the drain, two hours to which he'll force me to make up.

"God damn it," I growled and pulled my legs up into my chair.

"Did you lose your work too?" I lifted my head up from my knees and saw Petra, Erwin's assistant (Levi's boss), looking over the divider leading to her personal office. Her nose barely peeked over the side of the divider, her hair barely curling on the edge and her big, brown eyes staring at me in the dark. I found it slightly cute, because the divider wasn't tall, in fact, it was a few inches shorter than me, but Petra was about five foot four, just a bit taller than Levi.

"Yeah, and it fucking sucks." I whined and rolled my neck back to crack it. Petra lingered for a moment at the divider before leaving it in favor of standing with me. She held up a small package of something, but in the dark I couldn't see anything.

"Here, have some." She offered and nudged it forward.

"I can't see it. What is it?" I asked and pulled the mysterious item from her.

"It's just chocolate. I thought you could use a little pick me up." She said with a smile. I smiled back at her, a sigh of relief leaving my lips.

"Have I ever told you that you're my favorite person, Petra?" I asked. She giggled into her hand and went back to her office, but she peered over the divider once more.

"Yes, but you could stand to say it a little more." She said. I chuckled as I went about eating the chocolate she'd given me. It wasn't a special chocolate or overly expensive, but man, what a stress reliever. This little piece of chocolate and heaven was the perfect pick me up.

"Well, you're my favorite person. Thank you for this, I really needed it." I said while waving it at her. The lights in the building flickered, but they didn't turn back on. I heard her groan on the other side in her office, but she waved her hand over the side of the wall for me in appreciation.

"Can't we just go home already?" I could hear the complaint come from the next office over. I rolled out on my fun wheelie chair a bit to see Aurou with his head on his desk and his butt just barely in his chair. He looked as if he was about ready to fall asleep, and I don't blame him. We all could use it.

This new case we were working on was driving us nuts. Divorce cases are the worst kind, leaving us tired and grumpy with our own lives. People bring that crap to us and we suffer for it. We ended up with one divorce here already because of a previous one brought in, and that in turn brought on a whole bunch of awkwardness to the table, because the people who got divorced were Petra and Levi.

In all honesty, they never seemed to lovey dovey to begin with. I thought, at first, that it was because they were trying to keep professional at work. I heard later from Hanji that they had a few problems at home. When a case for a divorce came in, they ended their relationship as well. It came as a bit of a shock, and it was also saddening, but they were very adult about it. They broke up quietly, no arguing and no fighting, and it's been that way since. They talk to each other like longtime friends now, and surprisingly enough, they look a bit happier being friends than being married. Well, Petra did. It's hard to make Levi look happy.

"Hang in there, we're almost done." I said to Aurou. He groaned into his mouse pad and pulled his phone out. The brightness of his screen nearly blinded me in the dark, so I ended up back in my office. When I felt the chocolate break in my hand, I went back and held it out for him. "Want some chocolate?" I asked.

"Psh, no. I don't want any of your nasty chocolate." He waved at me with the bright light of his phone, making me wince and retract my hand.

"Alright, but Petra gave it to me." I said with a small sigh.

"W-Wait!" He called out. I looked at him as he held out his hand. "Never mind, I'll have some. Why would I deny a kind gesture from a good friend?" He asked with a nervous laugh. I rolled my eyes and placed some chocolate in his hand.

It figured. It wasn't much of a secret in the office that Aurou cared for Petra. The only people who didn't seem to notice the affection was them themselves, but they were always oblivious to it. Aurou always acted like Levi, a bit of a childish thing to do, but he didn't seem to care. Petra, however, seemed to find it disconcerting. He didn't seem to notice that either.

I had a feeling that she thought he was making fun of her and their fallen relationship, which he wasn't, but that's what she perceived, and he was too blind and stupid to look at it in that way and apologize. I'm sure he doesn't mean it, but he doesn't see it either.

"Chocolate from Petra," He quietly cheered in his office next to me. I rolled my eyes again, and then snickered when I heard him yelp in pain. No doubt he'd bitten his tongue again. "Ouch!" He cried.

"Good, maybe he'll bleed to death." I heard Petra grumble from her office. I decided to ignore them, because if I got into the middle of that, it'd be the end of me. They'd kill me before Levi could even get his chance. I'd rather live to see a sunny sky tomorrow, thank you very much.

The lights flickered again. I groaned in agitation and leaned back in my chair with my forearm over my eyes, hoping that either the power would eventually come on or we could just go home, because this was ridiculous. There's no point at being at work when there's absolutely nothing to do. Sure, there's stuff to do, but we can't do anything in the dark, and our work is mainly on computers, which leaves us only with paperwork that needs to be filed. I can't do that in the dark and neither can anyone else here. We aren't robots; we can't do everything we're told no matter the atmosphere.

I sighed as I lifted my arm away from my face. There was a bright light in my face all of a sudden, and behind that bright light was a horrifyingly white face with bright, neon-pink paint, and big, black eyes staring down at me. I screamed bloody murder and fell out of my chair, but once recovering from the fall, I could hear the all too familiar laughter of Erwin's second assistant behind the mask she'd been wearing.

"That's not funny, Hanji!" I barked at her. Said women pulled the mask off of her face and set it down on my desk, revealing her laughing face that was near tears from the humor of my fright.

"I-I'm sorry, Eren! It was just too easy!" She cried through her laughter. She was practically leaning over my desk for support, her hand at her stomach as the stitches began crushing her ribs. Good, maybe that'll teach her not to do that again.

I growled as I got up from the floor and pushed her off of my chair. She then ended up on the floor to finish the rest of her laughter while I patted myself off and sat back down.

"I'm glad to see you find this funny." I grumbled. She finished her laughter off with some small giggles that she could barely hide, but it was enough for her to get herself standing up again and for the tears to stop flowing from her glassy, brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, Eren, I really am. I actually came over here to tell you something, but I saw the opportunity and took it." She flashed a big grin at me, a few more contorted giggles leaving her as she pulled her glasses off to rub her wet cheeks.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" I asked, all too not amused. Hanji finished her giggling and put her glasses back on so she could see again.

"I was just talking with Levi. He wants to see you in his office now." She said rather somber like. I dropped my head back against my chair and groaned.

"I knew this job wouldn't last long." I griped and stood up.

"I'm sure that's not it, Eren. He probably wants to ask you about the documents he sent you." Petra said over the divider.

"Those are the ones I just lost!" I whined and pointed to the black screen of my dead computer.

"Oh..." She mumbled.

"You're done for," Aurou said from his office. I childishly stuck my tongue out at him, though he didn't see the gesture. I stood up from my chair and looked over myself, making sure my appearance was okay before I turned to the others.

"Any words of advice?" I asked hopelessly.

"Don't bend over." Aurou said again. I scoffed in his direction and turned back to the two girls staring at me.

"Well...?" I prompted.

"We loved you, Eren." Petra said somberly.

"We'll miss having you around." Hanji bowed her head and removed her glasses, as if praying for the dead.

Oh whoopee.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." I waved a flaccid hand at them and dragged my feet to Levi's office.

What could he possibly want? Was it really about those documents? I can't help that the power cut out all of my hard work; although, I could have bothered to save them at some point. He wouldn't fire me over something small like that... Right?

... I'm screwed.

I reached Rivaille's door and gave an audible sigh. I reached a hand up to knock, but hesitated for a moment. I looked down at myself one more time, and then ran my fingers through my hair. Rivaille had a terrible penchant for cleanliness, and not just around the office. Everyone always had to look their best, and by best, he wanted clean. I was so tired last night that I didn't take a shower; I hope that's not what this is about.

I nodded once I felt that I was as presentable as presentable could be. I knocked on the door and waited. There was a few seconds of a pause before someone called for me to come in. I did as told, stepping into the clean and perfect office before shutting the door behind me.

"You wanted to see me, Rivaille?" I asked. Levi was leaning against the edge of his desk, looking outside the wall-length windows to watch the rain fall. The curtains had been drawn back, letting light into the room. It wasn't much, but it was enough so I could see his dark silhouette against his desk.

"Yeah, I did," He muttered in the deep voice of his. He looked away from the window and back at me, his gray eyes seeming to shine in the darkness and making me shiver with fear. "Come here, Jaeger." He said and motioned for me towards him with his hand. I did as told and walked up to him with my hands nervously clenching by my sides.

"Sir, if this is about the documents with the Thompson family, I lost them when the power went out! I was only a few pages to being done, I swear!" I suddenly blurted out. I was nervous; I couldn't help it. I know this case was causing grief with everyone, so I knew that if I messed up, I'd only cause more stress for everybody.

"That's not what this is about... Although I'll have to make sure to deduct an hour of pay from your paycheck for that." Levi said nonchalantly. My shoulders slumped in defeat from that; I knew something like this would happen. He's a complete sadist. "I need to ask a favor from you."

"What can I help you with?" I asked dejectedly. Levi pushed himself off of his desk and slowly walked over to the windows, his arms crossing over his chest like he was deep in thought and his quiet footsteps against the carpet being the only sound in the room I could hear. He remained quiet for a moment, his eyes watching the rain fall outside like a hurricane. His foot tapped at the floor for a moment, a quirk I noticed a long time ago that he does when he's particularly irritated with something. Just my luck.

"My great grandparents are coming from France to visit me." Levi spoke up. I stepped closer to him, not wanting to be rude from mishearing him.

"Okay," I mumbled, a little drawled out to show my confusion. "Your great grandparents?" I asked.

"Yes, my grandmother is ninety-eight years old and my grandfather just turned one hundred and one a week ago." Levi said. He really didn't sound all too enthusiastic about the ordeal, I'm not sure why though. I'd be rather ecstatic to hear that my great grandparents, who had lived a century, would be coming to visit me... That would be if I had any.

"That's impressive," I said as enthusiastically as I could.

"Yes, it is," Levi uttered.

"It must be something to be so old, but still be traveling." I continued.

"I've never had the time to talk to them about stuff like that. My grandmother just got into a wheelchair, but my grandfather is still walking. They both wanted to see me for his birthday." He explained.

"That's a great idea. I mean, you only turn one hundred and one once, and who knows how long he'll have left?" I asked. Levi glared at me from the corner of his eyes, staring me down to three feet again from the comment. I hadn't meant to insult anyone; I was just making a point. I bowed my head down apologetically, mumbling a short apology for the comment.

"It's alright. Sometimes I question the same thing, that's why I said it was okay for them to come by." He said, turning his gaze back to the chaos outside. I relaxed when freed from his gaze, my shoulders slumping again. "I think it's about time for a visit. I haven't seen them for over ten years."

"So... Am I going to pick them up from the airport or something?" I asked while tilting my head.

"No, that's not it." He tapped his foot on the floor again.

"What's the favor then?" I asked.

"You see, a few weeks ago, while I was on the phone with my grandmother, she was asking me about how my life was going. She asked me about how my job was, how my friends were doing, all of that stuff." He started. "She asked me if I had anyone special in my life since Petra and I got a divorce, and I was stupid enough to tell her that I did." He continued.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone." I mumbled.

"I'm not; I was just saying that to make her happy. That was before we planned for them to come see me. I had told her I had gotten married again, eloped really, and she was ecstatic to hear it." He said. "But now they're coming down to see me, and they expect to meet the person who scooped me off of my feet."

"Oh, that really is a problem." I muttered. "I don't understand though, what is it you need my help with?" I asked. Levi tapped his foot once more before turning his whole body in my direction. He looked up at me with a rather confused expression, like he didn't know the answer himself, but he made it clear with his next words.

"I need you to marry me, Eren."