Disclaimer: I'll say this once. I do not one any of the characters. J.K. Rowling does. Too bad for me.
As I woke up it dawned on me that the fight was now all over. No more Riddle. No more being away from the Weasleys, from Ginny.
Ginny. I wondered if she'd take me back. I got out of bed and realized I was still in my robes
from the night before. I took them off and used Aquamenti to clean them and then used a drying charm to dry them off. I put them back on, grabbed my invisibility cloak and the Marauders' Map and left the 7th year dormitory. I walked into the Common Room to see Ron and Hermione lying together on one of the burgundy couches.
"Took them long enough," I thought. I looked around to see George, Bill, Fleur, and Charlie spread out in various areas.
"Hey guys." I said somberly.
"Oh, hello Harry. Didn't see you there," muttered Bill. I thought about Fred. Poor, poor Fred. He was 20 years old—to young to die.
"I sorry about Fred." I was. It was all my fault Fred was dead. If only I had—
"Don't even think about Harry. It wasn't your fault; he died smiling, helping making the world a better place for us to live in. We knew, we knew what we were getting into." George had come out of his stupor.
"Thanks, George."
"Don't blame yourself for the others either."
"Yees, 'Arry. Don't blame yourzelf." Fleur added.
"Have you seen Ginny?" I asked.
"I think she's in the Great Hall with mum and dad." Bill replied.
I threw the invisibility cloak over myself and made my way down to the Great Hall. I found Ginny with her parents—near Fred's body. She was so beautiful, even when she was sad. Her red hair was masking her face. I walked up to Gin and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and I realized that I was still wearing my cloak. I immediately threw it off and her eyes lit up. At least she's happy to see me. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied quietly. I let out a breath I hadn't been holding and motioned towards the lake.
"Do you mind if I wear this, I don't want anyone to see me—except you." I asked. She blushed and shook her head.
We went out to the lake and sat down by the tree that held so many memories from the previous year. Then we sat down and leaned against a tree. I took off the cloak and she leaned against me. It was so peaceful, and she was so beautiful.
"What did you want to talk about?" She asked. I came out of my reverie.
"Us, what happened this past year. You deserve more than anyone to know."
Then, she slapped me. Hard. I always knew, deep down, never get a Weasley woman angry, unless you wanted to be yelled at and/or in pain.
Then the dam broke. "Ginny, I'm so so sorry. I just couldn't put you in harm's way. I was so scared of losing you, but I still stand by my decision." I cried and she held me as I cried.
"Shhh. Harry we're here now, together."
"I promise, I never will leave you like that again."
"Thank you Harry, you have no idea what that means to me."
"I love you Ginny Weasley." I said exactly what I felt and I felt sure as hell a lot better saying it.
"I love you too." Then she started crying; she buried her face in my chest I hated seeing her cry. I wasn't used to this. She hadn't even cried in the Chamber five years previously. I did what I felt I should do, I put my pointer finger under her chin and lifted her face to look at me. Then I kissed her, washing my worries away. I was worried she wouldn't kiss me back, but she did and I hoped it would wash away her pain for the moment. We broke apart about minute later and that was when I told her the whole story from start to finish, leaving out nothing.
"Ron, that git. How could he leave you and Hermione like that?" She got up to go hex Ron.
I caught her hand. "Don't. We were all having a hard time."
"Don't try to stop me Harry."
"Can't hope to stop you, only to contain you, or in this case your anger." I said. Hexing Ron was not the answer. "In the end it all worked out."
"Fine, I won't do any permanent damage."
"Gin, you mum is already mourning one child, she doesn't need to mourn another." At the mention of Fred she broke out in tears again. Shit, not again. "Ginny, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought up Fred."
"You know Fred always told me about your story. How your parents were killed by Tom and how you survived when many older wizards had died." She was smiling now. "He always encouraged me when I'd say I'd marry when I got older." She laughed her amazing laugh. "Oh shite, I said that out loud didn't I." I nodded, smirking. "You'd better wipe that grin off your face or I'll do it for you."
"Gin, I need to talk to Kingsley and McGonagall."
"One question." She asked. I nodded; I couldn't resist those gorgeous eyes. "The elder wand fixed your wand, how is that possible?"
"It's more powerful than your average wand. It can things a normal wand can't." Then it hit me I had an amazing idea that I needed to ask Dumbledore if it would work. "Gin, will you come with me to see McGonagall, I have an idea."
"Sure Harry."
I threw the cloak over us and we made our way to the gargoyle that
guarded the Headmaster's office and quarters.
"Um, Harry?" Ginny looked up at me from under the cloak. "Do you
know the password?"
I took a wild guess. "Dumbledore?" The dark grey statue didn't
move an inch.
The gargoyle moved from its perch to allow us up.
"You can't be serious." I said. The password was MY NAME! I hate when people draw attention to me like this. It's damn annoying. Argh! I turned to see Ginny's reaction and she was laughing.
"I'm sorry," she said. She put on the cute face that I couldn't resist.
"You know it's not fair that you have me eating out of the palm of your hand." I teased.
She grinned and said, "Come on, let's go up."
We climbed the staircase and I thought about what I had uncovered the last time I had been on it. Snape had been on our side the whole time. I had been so insensitive over the years and hadn't trusted Dumbledore.
"Hello, Mr. Potter. Miss Weasley." Professor McGonagall sat on Professor Dumble—her desk. "Might I assume that you have come to tell me of what you, Miss Granger, and Mr. Weasley have been doing for the past year?"
"Actually, Professor could I speak with Professor Dumbledore?" I asked. I didn't mean to be rude, but I did need to ask Dumbledore something.
"You may Potter, but, pardon me, why is Miss Weasley here?" She asked.
"The thing I need to discuss with Dumbledore concerns her." I replied as I walked over to Professor Dumbledore's portrait. "Professor Dumbledore, sir?"
"Ah, yes Harry?" he asked, his eyes sparkling brightly just as they had when he was alive.
"Well, I know the Elder Wand belongs with you and is a very powerful magical object, but I thought if it can defy one law of magic can it defy others?"