Well, here's the second installment. It was actually a lot longer than I planned it to be. I missed out this whole part, but I decided to put it in the next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 2- Pinky and Hoss.

Blaze managed to get registered, which by the way, took far too long in her mind. Amy sat awkwardly in the old fashioned chairs by the door. Her legs were close together, and her hands were entwined, resting on her lap. The reception desk lady let Blaze use a pen as she filled out a mountain of pages regarding health and safety. When she got to the page regarding dormitories, Blaze didn't know what to put.

"Umm, sorry," Blaze said, apparently annoying the lady as she lifted her head with a scowl on her face. "I'm not sure what dorm I'm in. No one told me."

The lady sighed irritably. "Do you have any friends at the school already?" Amy stood up and walked towards them.

"Uhh, I'm her friend ," Amy said, smiling a little. "And I have a spare bed in my dorm."

"Well, there you go, hon." The woman smiled dryly. The unwelcoming smile made Blaze shudder, but she ignored it and continued to fill in the pages, with Amy breathing down her neck. When Blaze finally finished, the lady gave her a piece of paper, which was her timetable, and the two set off towards Blaze's new dorm.

It didn't take long to get to it. They stopped in front of the door. Theirs was 105. Amy took the key card out of her bag and swiped in the electronic lock. It took about a minute, but the machine buzzed and let the two in. Blaze took in the dorm with awestruck eyes. The room was amazing. Though it didn't seem like much, Blaze was used to double bed's with gold and platinum stitching. The two beds were in the two corners of the room, with bedside tables in between them, both with mirrors along with make-up and jewellery boxes, though Blaze doubted that there was anything in hers. A bathroom was adjoined to the left of, what Blaze was guessing, her bed.

"I know it's kind of messy... But it's home." Amy said, looking at the room with Blaze, even though she'd seen the room a hundred times before. Amy sat at her own bed, swinging her legs up so that she was more laying on it than sitting. She grabbed a remote on her bedside table and turned a TV on, which Blaze hadn't seen, since it was right above her head. Blaze walked towards her own bed. She dropped her bag on the floor and curiously snooped through the draw of her bedside table, but nothing was in there. Blaze brought her legs onto the bed, like Amy had, and for the first time in that day, realised how tired she was.

"Gosh, I'm tired," Blaze stated. Amy looked kind of disappointed. "You can keep the TV on, though. I'm used to falling asleep with noise in the background."

Amy took a look at her clock. She frowned.

"But it's only, like, eight o'clock," Amy said, but Blaze had already closed her eyes.

The next morning, Blaze awoke to an unusual scene. The room that had been quite messy the day before was now tidy. Amy was at a cupboard next to her bed, and seemed to be putting something away, perhaps a vacuum cleaner. Amy turned around and noticed Blaze was awake.

"Oh," She said, blushing slightly. "I don't normally vacuum, but I didn't want my first impression to be a typical messy teenager who bitches about everything." Blaze laughed a little.

"I wouldn't think that of you," Blaze said, throwing the quilts off and realising she was still in her uniform. Blaze frowned. "I never changed last night."

Amy shrugged. She must not have really cared, but if her parents had seen her behave in such a manor, they would have held onto it until their graves.

"What does it matter," Amy asked, picking up Blaze's timetable from her dresser and taking a look. "Looks like you have biology first."

"Is that bad?" Blaze asked, raising an eyebrow at the uncertainty in Amy's voice.

"No, no..." Amy started. It seemed that she didn't want to finish the sentence. "It's just that... I think Silver is in that class."

Blaze snorted, "First off, I can take care of myself," Blaze looked at Amy, whose expression was somewhat sad, but she did a good job of covering that emotion with the excitement that never seemed to leave her. "And secondly, how do you know what classes he's in? You sound as though you stalk him,"

Blaze headed towards the bathroom, but she could see Amy form a small blush on her muzzle. Blaze headed to the sink, and turned the tap on so she could get ready to have a wash when she realised something.

"Hey, Amy?" She called through the door. "Has my suitcase arrived yet?"

Blaze opened the door and walked up to her bag, which was still on the floor from when she dumped it there the previous night. Inside was the standard stationary: Books for each subject, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners. The usual school stuff. But Blaze had also packed bathroom supplies, since she knew that the luggage system that her parents had paid for would be useless.

Amy shook her head, "They haven't delivered it to here," She said, packing her own bag with books for her days subjects. "You should check in the Student Centre. They might have it,"

Blaze shrugged and grabbed her schedule from were Amy had placed it. Suddenly her stomach made a small growl.

"Hey don't we have breakfast or something?" Blaze asked. Amy chuckled.

"Do you not remember the tour I gave you yesterday?" She asked from the bathroom were she was now getting ready. Blaze turned red. The truth was that she had completely forgotten about what was were in this school, she'd been to so many it just seemed like setting up Jenga at the rate she was going.

"Just wait a minute and I'll show you the way to the cafeteria." Said Amy as she walked out of the bathroom, drying her face. Blaze smiled, but soon after felt a wave of guilt. Amy was being so nice, and Blaze was just going to get kicked out like she did with all the other schools. But still, Blaze continued to smile.

"Okay," She said as she followed Amy out and locked the door behind them.

As soon as Blaze walked out of the dorm building, she recognised the layout instantly. The two girls walked into the cafeteria to chaos. Students were milling around all over the place, some were talking, some were running around the tables, and others were throwing small amounts of food at each other.

"Blaze, what do you want to eat?" Amy asked as she picked up a tray for Blaze and herself. Blaze wasn't particularly hungry, even though her stomach would gladly start a debate on that subject. She found herself looking around the cafeteria, but for no one in particular. 'Are you serious?' A voice inside Blaze asked. She decided to answer the voice with one of the smartest comments she could think of: 'Uhh... are you my conscience?' The voice laughed. 'Cause I've never heard that one before. No, I'm just a figment of your imagination here to tell you that you're not just "surveying the area" as you like to say. You're looking for Silver!'. At this point Blaze had had enough.

"Shut up!" She said out loud. Amy had a mixture of confusion and hurt on her face.

"I... Sorry, gosh," Amy looked away. "Remind me not to ask you what you want for food in the future,"

Blaze blushed slightly. She could still hear the cold chuckle of the voice in her head.

"No, Amy," Blaze said, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back around. "I'm... I'm not really hungry. I'm going to go find us a seat, ok?"

Amy raised an eyebrow, but decided to set the conversation to bed. She waited in line for her food, while Blaze sat down at the nearest empty table she could find. She sat there, leaning on her hand as she waited for Amy. Then, she noticed someone walking towards her out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey, beautiful," The figure said. "Is this seat taken?"

Blaze half expected it to be Silver. She sighed, "Don't bother flirting," Blaze said, not looking up to see the source of the voice. "I won't be staying,"

"And what could you possibly mean by that?" The voice, which obviously belonged to a male, sat down in front of Blaze. He wasn't Silver, that's for sure. A red echidna sat in front of her, smirking like an idiot. His ruby red dreadlocks flowed- Blaze wasn't sure 'flowed was the proper word- down a little way past his shoulders. His overcoat, unlike the one she'd seen on Silver the previous day, was a silvery grey, with a crimson tie. He wasn't in the ninth grade, but Blaze wasn't sure what grade he was in.

Blaze was a little taken aback at the fact that it wasn't who she thought it was. She lifted her head and stared into the echidna's violet eyes. Blaze realised that his eyes, and her fur were probably around the same colour.

"... And who are you?" Blaze lifted an eyebrow. The echidna chuckled.

"Well, I'm not Silver, like I bet you thought I was," He said, still grinning.

"Really? I had no idea," Blaze said sarcastically.

"Haha, funny," He said, also sarcastically. "You know, I speak sarcasm quite fluently,"

Blaze couldn't help crack a smile at that. The echidna noticed and grinned even wider.

"You're the new girl, right?" He asked, a serious expression suddenly appearing on his face as if by magic. "Blaze?"

"Yeah, yeah," Blaze said calmly, although she was confused about how this random person knew her name. "And your that random echidna who likes to joke around and not tell me his name."

"Oh, right," The echidna extended his hand over the table, and for the first time Blaze noticed his gloves. They were regular and white, but they were more like mittens, as they had no slots for his fingers, but only for his thumb. But on his knuckles were two, medium sized spikes. "I'm Knuckles,"

Blaze looked at the echidna as if to say, 'Are you for real?' But his expression was still as serious as it was before. Blaze snorted.

"Ok, and what are you doing here?" Blaze asked. Knuckles was about to answer, when Amy came back, her tray hardly filled with food. She noticed Knuckles was sitting opposite Blaze and her face lit up.

"Hey, Hoss." She said. Knuckles grinned.

"What's up, Pinky?" Said Knuckles as he and Amy bumped fists. Blaze couldn't help but laugh. 'Hoss? Pinky? How do I manage to get friends like these guys?' Blaze stopped laughing to find both Amy and Knuckles giving her strange looks. Blaze cleared her throat awkwardly.

"So Knuckles, you never told me why your here." Blaze said in a calm tone.

"Well, you have biology today, right?" Knuckles asked. Blaze took a worried look at Amy.

"How could you possibly know that?" Blaze asked. Though she hated to admit it, she felt somewhat scared of the crimson echidna. She felt like he was stalking her.

"Because I think you're in the same class as Rouge," Said Knuckles. Blaze instantly felt better knowing that he wasn't stalking her, but Silver's 'one-day-ex-girlfriend.'

"Right...?" Blaze asked, still confused as to what Knuckles was doing with them.

"Well," He replied smirking, but Blaze could also see the start of a rosy red blush forming on his muzzle. "I was hoping that you could do me a favour,"

So, um... yeah. I hope you enjoyed it. Again, if I have bad grammar, or what have you, just let me know. But nothing rude. Thanks!