Somebody to Love
Amy (15) left her friends 5 years ago due to losing her friendship with Sonic. However after a terrible relationship with an ex-partner, all Amy wants now is someone to love, and returns back to ask Sonic, not for his hand in marriage, but his sperm!
Chapter One
I sat there nervously, biting the end of my gloves, causing my tips to get wet. I was sat alone in a small white room with a metal desk in front of me. I felt intimidated, sitting in a small plastic chair half the size of the metal desk. I had one leg over the other and was patiently waiting for the woman to return with a form in which I needed to sign.
Eventually, the woman dressed in blue entered, shutting the door behind her. She smiled warmly at me then sat down in her higher chair with papers glued to her grip.
"Sorry about that Miss Rose, here are your sheets" she tapped them on the desk to place them in a neat pile and handed them to me, making me reach out to collect them. "As you know, fertility treatment is another option to conceive. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" she looks weary at me, lifting her eyebrow curiously. But I just nod my head.
"Yes, this is what I want" I told her.
"May I ask why you haven't chosen sexual intercourse as a main option?" she asks me. This makes me blood boil as it pushes me back to my previous relationship.
"I do not have a partner" I state firmly, glaring into her eyes. She was interested; I could it in her eyes. She was waiting for me to explain my life story to her…as if she wants to know.
"I…see. And you have no one who is likely to donate for your needs?" she eyes me closely, and I shrugged my shoulders. "It's better to collect sperm from someone you know, better than a complete stranger" this was possible true. At least I would know what my baby would look like. "Do you have anyone in mind who would be willing?" she pulled out a piece of paper from her draw and grabbed a pen before looking at me for her answer.
But who? I began to think about my previous partner. The abusive, drunken male who I had to obey constantly. I remembered his thick red palm that he used to hit me. That crooked smile that made me shiver. There was no way I was going to find him just to as for his sperm.
"Mam?" I was distracted by her voice. The woman staring down at me with worry. "Do you have someone in mind?" she asked.
I could have said yes, and walked out. But there was something that was telling me that I needed more time to think. Sure I knew plenty of men but none that I could trust and take seriously with. Maybe someone I know close?
"Well then Miss Rose, would you like to come back next week with a donated semen or will you like me to contact the nearest donor unit for you?" she was pushing me, and I could feel myself tense more from the way she was trying to get rid of me.
"I'm sure I can find my own thanks" I stood up from my chair and looked across at her, she was smirking back, watching me as I picked up my bag and left the room with my papers still attached to my hand. Closing the door behind me, and stamped my foot with frustration.
How am I going to find someone who will help me enough for me to have their sperm! I tried to think about this for longer, walking home still with my papers in my grip. I wanted to read them but I felt too embarrassed to do so. I could feel my own eyes draw down at the typed words, but my mind was too focused. Who should I chose to be my baby's father? Not that he will be involved. It was a struggling question, which I didn't have the answer too.
My home wasn't far, in fact it was a permanent room in the only five star hotel around Mobius, and weird enough, I was the manager.
Entering the hotel doors, I was greeted by Sebastian the doorman. A nice calm elderly man with thick white hair and a long snout dressed in a long black suit.
"Afternoon Miss Rose, how was your meeting?" he asked me kindly. I respected this man, he was always so polite, and after the 4 years I had been working here, he was the one that I could have a proper conversation with, without including the words team, saving the world and him…
"My meeting was a disaster" I said to him, walking past to be greeted by the two women sat behind the check in desk.
"Amy!" one was my roommate, a feisty orange and black tiger with one specific black ear on her right. She ran up to me first, showing her sharp smile and pouncing up and down on the spot in front me.
"Lucky! Seriously…calm down" I told her. She smiled joyfully and breathed, allowing calmer exhales.
"I'm so sorry Amy…so how did it go? Are you going to be a mum?" she asked, delighted for me. Lucky knew my goal in life, to have a child of my own. I had spoken about it to her so many times, and she was really happy for me. But as my face tightened, her smile dropped into a frown. "Amy…what did you do?" she eyed me and I rubbed my arm and looked down at the uncompleted sheets still in my hand.
"Nothing. I have to find someone's sperm" after I said this, she tried to keep in her laughter. Lucky was someone who couldn't keep a straight face if you said a sexual word, this included sex, penis and shaft.
"S-Sperm" she repeated slowly. I watched as her bottom lip began to wobble and her eyes started to water.
"Lucky, take this seriously. I need to find someone" I gave her an innocent look and she shrugged back.
"Just get some from a donor bank?" she shot back, still containing her laughter.
"I am not giving birth to some random stranger's baby, I need to find someone I know who will help me" she just gave me a shrug and walked back to the desk, before gesturing me to join her. At the desk, sat the other woman, a long hamster with chubby cheeks and pink lipstick, her name was Holly.
"Amy needs…sperm, who should she get it from?" Lucky asked Holly quickly and the hamster shook her head, tipping it up to face me.
"Aren't you a friend of Sonic the hedgehog? Can't you get it off him?" that name haunted me, and I shot a nasty glare back at Lucky for even asking in the first place.
"Ooh you just said his name! She will beat you up for that" Lucky announced. Holly stared at me, unsure what to say or even do. But I was calm.
"I was. And No! That's a terrible idea" I blurted out at her, and avoided eye contact, however she had a point. When I was a young girl, I had always dreamed of having Sonic's children. Perhaps it was worth a shot? Wait! No…I can't go back there.
"Amy? You should try it, if you were a close friend, I'm sure he would give up even a tiny bit. It's not like he's using it" I smirked at this and the thought of me turning up randomly after so many years and asking for him to spunk in a cup would really smooth things with him. Especially after I left so suddenly. After he left me and singled me out for so long. It just didn't feel right.
"Ok…I'll go see him about it. But I'm not promising anything" I faked a smile at them both and went to my room, at the highest floor.
I knew at this moment, I was going to regret what I had just said. After all these years of not even speaking or seeing him, and now I was on my way to meet him. The hero of Mobius, in fact the famous fastest thing alive, or even the universe's greatest savoir. And I was going to ask him for sperm…
It's not like women have asked him before right? I'm sure many have, then again, that's if they caught him. I chuckled at myself as I entered my room, a theme of gold flashing in my eyes. How I loved managing and even living in the most expensive hotel. Everything was gleaming, shiny and gold. This included the bed covers on my king size bed, and the curtains hiding my starlight balcony. This was what I called home, and it was all mine!
"Amy! Amy!" my ears twitched of her voice, as I moved away from the door for Lucky to sprint in. "Amy…have you rang him yet?" her voice echoed in my ears and I couldn't seem to tell whether I wanted to attack her with selotape or just throw her out of my room. "Have you?" she repeated herself again, and this time I dived on my bed and deliberately threw my silk gold pillow at her.
"No! And I'm still thinking about it" I laid back, and stared at the curtain drapes that hung above my bed. I had never noticed how Victorian it looked till now, with the wooden and brass posts with gold silk material draped over them. This reminded me of how my life had changed, how I have made myself where I am today by not caring about what others think.
I stared blankly, realising what I had just discovered.
"Lucky, if I had cared about what others think, then I wouldn't be here today" I told her. She shrugged, gloomily, and uninterested. "So if I want to achieve my goal, I should just ask and see where I go?" my heart was pounding. I could not believe that I was deciding to actually go and see him. After all this time and I'm going back there. I smiled to myself. Maybe they have missed me? Or maybe they will just shoo me away. There was only one way to find out.
I was going to have to go.