Reviews for Cruise
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2015
wtf? is this why can't they make amy avoid sonic after he did something that made her heart break?
Hannah Granger chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
Hehe, good call, changing the Sonic x plot.
winter the hedgehog 2001 chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
I don't really like shadamy that much for two reasons:
1.) He is always comparing her to Maria, I not saying that I don't like Maria it's just he won't let the girl r.i.p like come on dude she's DEAD!,leave her alone!
2.)sonic is always a big butthole or tries to take Amy like an obsessed man his be way ooc he's nothing like that!
TTSonicanimal chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
I think I've read another one of your stories, but I can't remamber what it is called because I've read ALOT of stories on this sight(I didn't put anything like TT/Sonic/animal. My comment was a no-name).
1111111111111111111 chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
I remember that episode on Sonic X!
Man, that episode was hilarious!
Do you know how hard I laughed on that part of the episode? I couldn't stop smiling reading this story because of the memories!
Oh god XD
Chaotic Reflections chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Not bad, not bad at all. I especially liked the ending, and I agree with you. Yes, I'm in love with the Sonic/Amy pairing, always have been and always will be, and while I don't care for Sonic/Sally, I don't dislike Sally. Anyways, kudos to you for this cute story.
kasysweetgirl173 chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
WOW! I like it , but you are wright, sonally (sonic x sally) sucks! I mean have you seen sally she doesn't were anything just boots and a jacket!
JazzGirl123 chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
That was really sweet. I can see Amy doing that.
Blade100 chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
Great story. I thought it was amazing. It was both sweet and actually pretty funny. That's rare in quite a few romance/humor stories, I think. Fantastic job.
ghostdolly chapter 1 . 12/7/2009

Wow. I enjoyed so much how you turned the episode, although I would have enjoyed to see the scene with Tails as well. Sonic is trully evil in SonicX (my fav Sonic cartoon ever). Thanks for sharing this story with the rabid SonAmy fans.
RaeRaethehedgehog chapter 1 . 8/5/2009

I really liked this story.

I first I thought it was gonna be a re-telling of the episode with a little twist.

But you explained Sonic's feelings so perfectly!

I had to cover my mouth when they started kissing, and he kissed back.

Wowee! XD

Can you say favorite?
Crysal1010 chapter 1 . 7/23/2009

This was really, really cute and well-written. :) I expected Tails to pop up at the last second and say "Well well well...".
Fullmetal224 chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
I LOVED this!It reminded me of Cruise Blues.(from Sonic X) I loved the part where sonic had to say sorry! !:D SO adding to faves! Email me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI'!
Mijumaruwott chapter 1 . 8/7/2008
Ah yes, a Sonic X fanfic. Gadoink is corect, yeah, unfortunately, but it was for a great cause! Sonamy forever! I loved reading this, ever since this fanfic was published. Perfect grammar, perfect scenario, etc. Well, your grammar wasn't perfect, but it seemed that way. It seemed like this fanfic was based on episode 20 of Sonic X, except more centered on Sonic and Amy, with a little twist. But... I can't but help feel that something is wrong in the dialogue. Don't get me wrong, my dialogue-writing skills are about 20% as good as yours, but yeah.
Jorb chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
It seems to me like this is loosly based on episode 20 of sonic x, am i right?

theres just one tiny problem i noticed: you mentiod the helecoptor. however, the helecoptor arrived AFTER sonics escape attempt involving amy and her hammer.

chronological order FAIL!

lol, sorry, i just like handing out fails. its fun!
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