Reviews for Secrets of the Heart
Guest chapter 34 . 3/25/2016
I read your stories I loved them all Please write one for Leonardo can't wait
tealana chapter 37 . 6/7/2015
I have enjoyed all three stories. Couldn't put them down even though it took two weeks to read all three in between my own fictions, drawings and parental duties with beginning a new chapter in my life as well. I understand how hard it would be for you to leave your supposed husband to be, I'm having similar as I'm trying the best I can to keep my children safe as I left a toxic domestic violent relationship myself as the first one I can relate quite well. Long story short, my relationship with my ex husband was bad but most emotionally and psychological which I left just in time before the physical begun due a neighbour had entered and created more problems in making him more sinister then he already was. Due to this woman had been looking for someone to divorce her own husband only to take him back and surrendered her two young sons that she abused frequently. It has almost been three years since I've been physically separated from him as I had to request authorities to force him from my home and in four weeks I'll be officially a free woman. But the battle for children is only the beginning due to the neighbour seeks my ex when has my children and don't care for their safety as they fear her and I loose my temper when I find them quivering on the front door step as they run home to me. And yes I will be seeking legal action for my children's safety due to my rights of been moved to another location has been taken from me due to this woman created malicious lies about me in front of my children. I can understand how you're going through even my situation is very similar. You have talent in writing, and it keeps you balanced just like it does for me. I'm going to tell you this as I had other people say to me and all been mostly men, as they've been trying to hopefully see we may become serious but understood friendship is all I can give due to I fear we'd end up the same as my last and with a envious insane young 26 year old trying to get her clutches on my children after surrendering her own to the welfare system due to they were boys, mind you. I have one of each a son and daughter. It's because I take pride and treasure my children as why she desires them.

Don't give up hope. Keep doing whatever you are doing, and hopefully when the time is right. The right energy will come find you. :-) love yourself more and you cant go wrong. It is hard I know, we all experience a bad scarring even we don't deserve it. It is just because those fear, hate even envy others of what they can't have or control. You're a strong woman, I know this as I can tell through your writing as I am also strong too. We both faced hardship, and we will have what we truly deserve. Stay strong love. Blessed be angel. Tealana xo
5seedapple chapter 37 . 12/22/2014
I first want apolapologize for not reviewing before. That said it is your fault. Your stories were amazing. I would have never even looked at this site if not for my sister having it on her phone when I tried to Google something. It was halfway through the first story in this series and I just started to read, curious. I then went out and got my first smart phone so I could read your stories and my sister would stop yelling at me for using her phone. You are an amazing writer and you channel your characters well. I can't wait to see more from you. Thank you for the time and energy you put into satisfying your fans. 20 Out of 10
dondena chapter 37 . 11/24/2014
Sorry about the breakup.
the potatoe one chapter 36 . 11/24/2014
Congratulations! - I look forward to when you begin Leo's story. In the meantime: hope the rest of your year is amazing! :)
ManyGamePlayer chapter 37 . 11/24/2014
I'm sorry that you aren't getting married. But you know what? I am sure you will find the right guy eventually. And I can't wait for the new story! ;)
Panic chapter 36 . 11/2/2014
Another amazing story. They get better each time I read them. I really enjoyed the intimate moments that the couples shared and I'm happy that Mikey and Melinda had some sweet moments together. Elizabeth and Raph were wonderful, as always, and I adored Donnie and Sabrina. They were so perfect for each other!

I'm just wondering what's going to happen with Graham and Karai . . . I can't imagine that him being out of jail is a good thing for Elizabeth and Raph. I also am wondering how Akemi is going to deal with having a younger sister. Will she be jealous that her sibling looks like Raph and she doesn't? I thought that Sabrina was a bit too okay with Donnie going out on patrols. I know she would never expect him to give up fighting, but she did loose a brother in a war, so I think that she would have had some post-traumatic stress to get through before she could be totally okay with Donnie going out and fighting. Also, I would have loved to see some one-on-one family bonding between Melinda or Sabrina and the turtles (not their boyfriends).

I adore your stories, and I can't wait to see the next one. I hope that you would even consider continuing beyond Leo's story, because I can't get enough of your wonderful writing and these great characters.

Oh, and congrats on your upcoming wedding. All the best wishes for the future!
sophie16 chapter 36 . 10/21/2014
Great stories, I read all three. I look forward to reading Leonardo's :-)
TimidBookworm chapter 36 . 10/20/2014
Another story well done and I'll be looking forward to the next. Congrats by the way and many happy tomorrows!
TimidBookworm chapter 35 . 10/20/2014
Hello Keiko! XD
TimidBookworm chapter 34 . 10/20/2014
They're so cute. :)
TimidBookworm chapter 33 . 10/20/2014
Awwwww! Yaaaay! :)
TimidBookworm chapter 32 . 10/20/2014
Donny :(
TimidBookworm chapter 31 . 10/20/2014
Aw Donny...
(and still poor Sabrina)
TimidBookworm chapter 30 . 10/19/2014
Ah my feels, so much cuteness and yet so much sadness all at the same time! Xo
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