The sound of footsteps in the quiet night made Perci sit up straight, hopping to her feet defensively when she heard a deep grunt follow. The noises were coming from behind her, so she stealthy rolled over to one of the columns and hid, her back pressed firmly against the hard brick. Over the years as a guardian of her village back home, she's had to learn how to do a lot of things at a young age. Being their protector, she not only had to learn how to fight, but how to handle conflict; to be patient; to be silent and sneaky when scoping out intruders; to take care of everyone in need; and to take note of who goes in and who goes out.
( Her village was small, in a remote location. Death rates were low. Birth rates? Even lower. )
When she let herself peer around the column, she saw the shadow first but couldn't make out what the shadow was. Hm. No matter. She'll take out the intruder before they have a chance to think. She can take on anyone, any size!
The bandicoot waited.
And she pounced.
"Don't struggle," Perci warned from her position on top of the intruder, trying to maintain a strong grip on his flailing wrists. "You'll only - make it - worse!"
"It's me, Perce, it's me!"
Oh. Oh, Perci thought as she now recognized familiar purple eyes staring up at her. Leaping off the echidna, she sighed in relief and let out a hand to help him up. "Knuckles, you almost gave me a heart attack! Why didn't you say something? I was about to pull a dagger out on you!"
"Last time I checked, this was my island," Knuckles grumbled, taking her hand and letting her pull him to his feet ( which was no difficulty on her end; Perci was a strong lil' thing ).
"You're back early." Perci crossed her arms over her chest. "What happened?"
"Don't worry about it," he told her, rubbing his sore wrists. Okay, so maybe she wasn't exactly little ( he was half a head taller than her yet she can still look him in the eyes without angling her chin up ). Now that he was here, despite the surprise attack, he was starting to feel a little better, yet regretting how he left so suddenly without telling his friends. Let alone where he was going... "I'm here now. You can go home."
Perci frowned a little in disappointment. Sure, she didn't have a problem with leaving ( this meant she'll get a good night's sleep after all ), but she didn't want to leave him alone either. Especially when he seemed to be in a bad mood. Knuckles was her best friend. She cared about him.
Probably more than she should, but that's besides the point.
"Hey." She punched his arm ( lightly ). "What's up?"
"What do you mean, what's up?" Knuckles rubbed his arm.
Oookay, maybe not so light. Gentle approach.
"You know you can tell me, right?" A soft, calloused hand curved over his shoulder and gripped, thumb caressing him a tad too affectionately. "I've got all night."
Knuckles squinted, his muzzle faintly pink. Jaw taut. He's so conflicted now. Half of him was screaming, "YES, I KNOW, BUT I DON'T WANT TO", and the other half was screaming, "YES, I KNOW, AND HERE'S MY LIST OF PROBLEMS ORGANIZED NUMERICALLY WITH ALPHABETICALLY SUBSECTIONS, STARTING FROM MY BIRTH".
But he sighed instead.
"It gets cold here at night. I'll get you some blankets and...stuff."
He made a brisk walk for the indoors ( a home he built for himself by the Master Emerald a few years back ), ignoring Perci's protests and holding his laughter in until the door closed behind him.
Emotions are weird. They go hand in hand with feelings and, in the badger's case, scents just as much. She didn't know how she's become so attuned to someone's scent, but ever since she was little she could always read a person based on their odor. Er, smell.
Which was why Sticks went for a walk after barely being able to stand being inside much longer. She decided to get some air, kick rocks, admire the nature around her - her home, kick this migraine in the butt because it was really killing her right now.
And Espio walked with her.
She faintly remembered him following her out the door and catching up within moments. He didn't say anything, she didn't say anything. His facial expression was unreadable and she couldn't get a specific scent on 'em. Maybe it was 'cause he's just that good at concealing his emotions, or maybe Sticks was losing her touch.
The badger finally broke the silence after feeling a lil' uneasy.
He grunted in response.
Huh. She wondered if he and Shadow got along well. They're almost just alike. "...Nothin'," she said, looking at her feet as she walked.
"In case you're wondering," he said finally after a long beat, "Vector and Charmy tend to get loud at this time of night and I...I'm not particularly a fan of noise. Opportunity struck, and I took it. Er, hope you don't mind, Sticks."
"Nah, man. You're good." Arms behind back. "'S nice not being alone."
His lips curved up and he made a humming sound before his gaze trailed back forward.
"What?" Sticks blinked.
She snorted, giving him a playful shove, and he laughed. It was a quiet, husky sound. Suited him.
"I heard you're going to Station Square tomorrow," he said.
"Have you never been there?"
"Not really."
"I'm not a fan of big cities. Too many people."
"You prefer small towns?"
"Yeah. I grew up in this." She lifted her arms to gesture around them. "The only time I left my home was to get food, and sometimes I had'ta go to the village near me. First time I went, I was scared."
"'Cause I've never been around anyone that wasn't my Ma."
"What happened to her?"
"One day she went out huntin'' she never came back. Been alone ever since."
"I'm sorry."
"'S cool."
"Really. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked - forgive me -"
He did.
"I do understand where you're coming from," he continued slowly. "About preferring the smaller towns, I mean. I grew up in temples."
"Whoa, really?" To think this guy can't get any cooler…
"Yes. It's where I trained to be a ninja. I don't remember my parents."
"Not even your ma?"
"Not even my mother."
"I know. I'm sure they were amazing ninjas."
"Where were they all this time then? Did they just leave ya hangin'?"
"I'm not sure. It's…"
"Complicated," they both said at the same time.
"Precisely," Espio chuckled and Sticks wrinkled her nose.
"Do ya usually talk this much? You're always quiet and stuff."
He frowned. "Do you...wish for me to stop talking?"
"Am I annoying you?"
"What? No! That's not what I'm sayin'! I meant that - uh -" She scratched the back of her ear, gazing over at him sheepishly. "Why are you talkin' to me?" WAIT THAT DIDN'T COME OUT RIGHT -
He smirked. "You talked to me first."
"I -"
Ooohh he's good.
But she ain't tellin' him that.
By then, they had rounded back to the house and walked in together, Espio letting Sticks go in first before he followed suit. They discovered that the majority of their friends were either fast asleep or on their way to Snoozeville.
"Well, um…" Espio murmured, mostly looking at his feet. "Goodnight, Sticks."
"G'night," she whispered back, subconsciously doing the same thing.
"It was good talking to you."
"Yeah. You too."
More silence.
"See you in the morning."
"Yeah. See ya."
She offered him a lame wave before heading upstairs, almost tripping on the last one, and slipped inside Tails' room without waking Cream up. Once beneath the sheets, she pulled the comforter up to her chin and rolled over on her side, back facing the sleeping rabbit. Eyes wide open.
The morning could not come faster.
He's kissing her again.
Why? WHY? Don't ask him why! He just tripped and fell on her lips!
Okay, he's lyin'.
Sonic and Amy just so happened to be laying in the same area, face to face, cocooned in their sleeping bags (since SOMEONE obviously wanted to sleep downstairs). He didn't remember who leaned in first, but all he could think about was how pretty her eyes looked in the moonlight and how her lips felt when he kissed them for the first time and he wanted it to happen again and now it's happening and he's freaking. out.
They're careful about it. Quiet. They don't let their mouths make too much noise as they part, they keep the pace slow and steady because, hey, slow and steady is nice sometimes and Sonic can definitely get used to this. He can hear rather well, however, and he easily picked up every hitch, every stutter Amy made when he kissed her a certain way, or when he freed a hand to cup her face.
Every once in a while, he'd hear shuffling around him, and they'd break apart so he could look over his shoulder; the tips of her fingers still brushing against his neck and cheek from their previous hold on him.
But then as soon as he's confident that no one was watching them, that no one could see them in their dark little corner, he'd turn back to her and find her lips in the darkness. Sometimes they'd bump noses. Then Amy would giggle. Then Sonic would grin and shush her and kiss her again. Rinse, repeat.
He kept telling himself that he should stop, that as soon as they wake up in the morning she's gonna ask the big question ( "what are we?" ) and he's gonna say the wrong thing and hurt her AGAIN and he'll never forgive himself.
The truth is?
He liked her. A lot. Maybe even more than he knew. He didn't usually go with the flow, but with her, he can do that.
And he's not exactly complaining when she unzipped his sleeping bag and slipped in with him. Their bodies were fully pressed against each other now ( not that they can do anything about it because the sleeping bag ain't that large in the first place ), but he quickly finds it to be a very good thing. He can touch her. Really wrap his arms around her without restrictions. Feel the warmth of her body heat. Caress her quills, her adorable cheeks -
- and stop. her. from. giggling. so. freakin'. much.
"Sh - ch - ch," he shushed her again.
Her response was, yet, another cute giggle that made him smile stupidly.
"You're not that good at being quiet."
"Shut. Up." It's mouthed against his lips.
"Make. Me." He mocked her.
And, well, she did.
By, literally, taking his breath away with a mind-blowing kiss that left him dizzy and the sound that came out of his mouth was actually pathetic.
They both freeze.
Sonic cleared his throat. "Yeah, man?"
"You okay over there?" Silver's loud whisper traveled across the room.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good." Although he'd really appreciate it if Amy would stop doing the caressing thing to his face and quills because it's feeling really really really awesome like wow.
"Ya suuure?"
"Go back to sleep, bro."
"Kay. 'Night."
He didn't breathe until Silver's snores rose in volume once more, releasing the breath he had been holding, only to curl into the soft girl curled against him, sighing into her shoulder and nuzzling her there.
"That was close," he whispered.
"I know," she whispered back, clinging to his shoulders. He could hear her heart, surprised that it was beating as fast as his.
"You okay?" he asked, running a soothing hand up her spine and down again.
"Yeah," she sighed, shifting so she can drape her arms around his neck.
He wanted to kiss her again, but he liked this too. Just laying there, with her, rubbing her back while she strokes his quills. He could go to sleep, just like this.
Yeeah he fell asleep.
Woke up with Amy in his arms ( and honestly? He still ain't complainin'! ), intertwined with each other so tightly - and intimately - he didn't have to look down to see that he was sweating. Or maybe that was her sweat. Or maybe that was their sweat mixed together and - naah. Don't get weird, Sonic, don't get weird.
When he moved to sit up, she slipped her arms around his torso, mumbling something in her sleep. Smiling down at her, he gently pried her fingers off of him and slipped out of his sleeping bag.
A sudden strong impulse, always the impulsive, Sonic, had him lean forward and steal a kiss. For whatever reason, he wanted to. He - he needed to.
And when he pulled back, she was smiling. Her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling.
I'll be back, Ames, he thought at her, cupping the back of her head briefly before getting to his feet and examining his surroundings. Looks like I'm the first one up. Good.
Sonic jumped and turned.
Shadow was standing against the wall, arms crossed with a knowing look on his face that made Sonic's heartbeat skyrocket. From the way Shadow was looking at Amy, then back up at him, the smirk that curved his lips, Sonic knew that he knew.
"What," Sonic deadpanned.
"Am I...interrupting something?"
"Are you s -"
The smirk widened. "I don't know, Sonic. It looked like I was interrupting you and R -"
"Shadow, can I talk to you for a sec?" Sonic was already stalking over to him, grabbing the dark hedgehog by the shoulder and dragging him outside at a quick pace. Shadow would have thrown him off of him if he wasn't having fun with this.
"What?" Shadow feigned innocence, folding his arms across his chest again.
"Dude, can you not?" Sonic hissed through gritted teeth.
"Do what?"
"You know what! You don't even know what's goin' on!"
"Do you even know what's going on?" Shadow's eyes narrowed.
"That's what I thought." He stepped up to Sonic and continued, "Listen up, Faker, because I'm only going to say this once. I know you're not taking advantage of Rose because you know how she feels about you. That girl actually gives a damn about you - for whatever reason, I will never understand -" thanks, Shads "Whatever is going on between you two, figure it out before she asks you. If she comes crying to me over something you've done, I will personally kick your ass to hell and back. Are we clear?"
Sonic gulped. "Crystal. I won't hurt her."
"Good. Then we've come to an understanding."
"Can I tell you somethin'?"
Shadow looked around them, and once again, the tables were turned as he gripped Sonic's shoulder and pulled him along. "Let's go for a walk."
Amy wasn't the only one who looked at Sonic and Shadow weird when they walked in together with unreadable expressions on their faces. Then, Sonic looked over at Shadow and gave him a tight-lipped smile. Shadow nodded in response, grasping the hedgehog's shoulder and giving him a little shake.
"Am I crazy, or are Sonic and Shadow getting along?" Silver spoke what the group was thinking, putting down his fork.
"No," Shadow said.
"You're crazy," Sonic added.
And they both laughed.
Okay, we're all crazy! Amy thought. Her eyes met Sonic's, and she felt the heat return to her cheeks, remembering what happened last night and the kiss this morning. Wait a minute...were they talking about her? Did Sonic tell Shadow what happened?
Her gaze flickered from one to the other, pulse racing. Catching her gaze, Sonic started smiling at her and winked in her direction, making her blush even redder and his grin widened.
"Hey guys, I hope ya don't mind, but..." Sonic stepped aside, jerking his head towards the door. "I invited an old friend."
And Knuckles the Echidna walked in the room, causing Cream to squeal with glee and Sticks, Amy, and Tails to beam at him.
"You left the part out where I brought a friend too," Knuckles said, pointing behind with his thumb as a pretty purple bandicoot walked in next.
"Hey, everyone." She gave a halfhearted wave.
Amy's eyes automatically went from the stranger to Rouge, and back again. Rouge's gaze was doing the same fashion, but from Knuckles to the stranger and back again. She couldn't tell if Rouge was angry or uneasy ( that bat has mastered control of her emotions and was an awesome actress ).
"And what do they call you?" Rouge folded her fingers together, elbows on the table.
"Perci." The other said. "You're...Rouge?" She looked over at Knuckles, who nodded once, then back over at the spy.
Smirk. "The one and only." Rouge patted the chair near her. "Why don't you sit next to me, honey? There's much to be discussed."
"Is there?" Perci did move, however, and took the seat next to Rouge.
"Of course. After all," the smirk widened, "we're just getting started."
Feedback is greatly appreciated ;)