Hello everyone! Wow! It's been a really, really, long time. 4 months. And in a few hours, it will be January 1, 2013. (well, where I am. Some of you are already in 2013). Even though I've been PIing (not pies, like lemon meringue or blueberry; not Pi like 3.14159265...; but P.I. like private investigating) FanFiction, I've noticed a lot of people haven't been writing. I hope it's just a "school is keeping me busy and that's why I haven't been able to write/update" which is what happened to me. So, I decided to post this last chapter on the last day of the year! So, enjoy! And please review! And dun, dun, dun! It is time for...the LAST...CHAPTER...of EARTHQUAKE!
Xx Special thanks to "cutiepiex2" and "I'm Only Human Dude" (sorry, they thought it was a URL and wouldn't let me post your real name) who suggested the title! Thanks guys! Xx
Free-falling. That's what the shaking felt like after a few hours. It had been non-stop. Things falling and breaking, and a lot of loud noises. Morning seemed to be a lifetime away. When daylight finally broke, the shaking stopped, and was replaced by a strange force-field floating over the Earth. And then something changed.
An alarm went off. A 6:30 A.M. wake-up call. It was sunny and beautiful outside, as if to make up for the non-stop rumbling from just a few hours before. The birds were chirping, and cars whirred by. Was this really happening? Was this real life, or just a dream? It seemed like a fantasy. Mass-confusion.
She got up, and checked the calendar. Friday. The last day of the week. Was it Thursday when she had fallen asleep? It felt like she had slept a lot more than eight hours. It felt like she had slept for days, weeks, months...and yet she wasn't well-rested. Every noise made her jump. Was this normal? She didn't think so. It didn't feel normal.
A doorbell rang. Her doorbell. Their doorbell. Who was here? She wondered. She hazily walked to the window, and saw a crowd of four standing outside her door. She looked next door, and saw that the "For Sale" sign had now been replaced with a "Sold" sign. She changed out of her pajamas, and crept down the stairs to where her sisters were entertaining the people.
"Oh, Jeanette. These are our new neighbors, the Heffasee's." Eleanor said.
"Hi, I'm Debra," a brunette woman said. "And this is my husband, Mark, and our daughters, Giselle and Isabella." She pointed to the two girls, one blond and one brunette.
"Nice names." Jeanette thought to herself. They sounded familiar, but she didn't know where from.
"Nice to meet you," she said, just to be polite. She threw in a smile, and then stalked away. More confusion. Giselle and Isabella. Why did they sound so familiar? They must've been in that weird dream last night. And all that shaking. It had all felt so real. But it wasn't. Was it?
More ringing. This time a phone. She was too dazed to even look at the Caller ID before answering.
"He-hello?" she asked.
"Yeah. Did you feel all that shaking last night?"
"Uh, yeah. We must've had an earthquake. We always have them."
"I know, but they normally stop after a few minutes. This went on all night."
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing," she said, shutting her eyes. "I'm just a little confused."
"Me too. This doesn't feel real."
"I know, right? And the house next door to me got sold. A family of four bought it."
"Oh, that's nice."
"They're really familiar, though. Their names and faces. The daughters were Giselle and Isabella."
"Hmm, sounds a tad familiar, but doesn't ring a bell."
"Same here."
"All right, I've got to go now, I'll see you in school,"
"Ok, bye."
She hung up the phone, and then proceeded to get ready for school. What she really wanted to do was get back into bed, and go back to sleep. Instead, she turned the TV on.
"Apparently, there was an earthquake last night lasting for around 7 hours. Despite the length of the earthquake, scientists were not able to find out the magnitude. The hurricane that was on its way, due in just a few hours, has also been sidetracked and started heading back East. And despite the numerous tornado warnings, there is no longer any signs of that, either. Very strange, wouldn't you say, Tim?" the news reporter asked a co-anchor.
Jeanette shut the TV off before Tim could respond. Tornado? Hurricane? Not in Los Angeles, she thought with a chuckle. Checking the time, she decided it was best to get a move on. She had to get to school, and there was a certain someone she had to see.
I've been waiting forever to do this...
THE END! (yup, no more "to be continued")
This moment is really bittersweet. I'm happy, because my stories were really successful, but I'm sad, because it's ending :(
Thanks to everyone who reviewed. I really appreciate everyone's patience with me. And for following me through all 3 stories.
Now, if you have any questions for me, go ahead and ask. Why? Because even though there won't be another chapter to the story, there will be an Q & A.
So ask away and stay posted.
See you all in 2013!
And for the last time for this story... (well almost the last time)
Peace, Love, and Chipmunks :')