Hey There!
This is my very first fanfic, and i'd love your reviews and comments. I have added a few of my original characters into the mix. The chipmunks and Chipettes are in their original cartoon form, and are coupled as normal. The Munks and Ettes live in the human world with the boys with Dave and girls at Miss Millers. Forgive me if some of the context is weird, I'm from Australia and trying to write as if the Chipmunks live in the USA...so i'm a little sketchy on schooling and such...any reviews to help this would also be great :) Anyways i hope you all enjoy xx
I do not own Alvin and the Chipmunks or Chipettes. they are and always will be the rightful ownership and property of the BAgdasarian co.
Teenage Dramas...
Chapter 1
"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BE-"a hand slapped down on the snooze button on the alarm clock, "Damn alarm" Steph rolled over onto her stomach and flicked a leg out of the bed. Her room felt like a sauna with the morning sun sweltering through the blinds. It was nearing spring break; there were only three weeks left of school. But school or not, Steph was in no hurry to get up. She had three exams today, (really, who puts tests in the last few weeks of school?), and it was a Monday, which meant five more days until the beloved weekend; Steph buried her face into her pillow and tried to get back to sleep.
"Stephanie! Steph?" her dad, Ron, poked his head through the door, there he found Steph, underwear riding up her butt, sprawled out over her bed. Her wavy burgundy hair matted against her face from sweat. Ron smiled at his 17 year old, reminiscing the days when his little girl really was littler, and how he'd tiptoe into her room to wake her, only to be surprised with a "Boo!" He knew there was no way that would happen now; Steph was likely to sleep through an air horn. He tiptoed over to her bed and brushed his daughter's hair back. Steph blinked her eyes before she shot up in a flash, sending Ron backwards, "Whoa Stephi Bear, it's just me"
Steph rolled her eyes and began fell back onto her pillow "Daddy you scared me"
He smiled as he began toward the door, "Sorry Stephanie, but it's time to get up"
Steph tried to interrupt, "But daddy, it's too hot and-"
Ron shook his head, "Yes sweety it is, now get up"
She pouted, but Ron frowned, "Stephanie I mean it, get up, if you get up in time, I'll let you drive, deal?"
Steph's eyes lit up, "Huh? Oh I am up and out the door!"
Ron smiled and closed the door. Steph began undressing, she pulled her shirt up, but they got stuck at her breasts, "Ah crap, stupid boobs" she tugged harder, "I guess it's my own fault for trying to fit into a smaller size". Still struggling she managed to pull the shirt over her D size cups and was in the process of getting it over her mass of tangled hair when her phone started ringing. "Aargh!" She pulled the shirt off and hurled it into the corner, where a pile of forever growing dirty laundry was accumulating. Standing in nothing but her underwear, she answered the phone, "Hello?"
A distinctly squeaky male voice answered on the other end, "Steph? Its Alvin...did you study for English today?"
Steph picked the underwear out of her butt while rummaging around her drawers for a clean bra, "You ask me this the morning of the test, and while I'm half naked?"
There was a crash, a fumble and a cough from Alvin, "Ahem, sorry I thought you just said you were half naked?"
Steph laughed, "I did Alvin? And I am, geez I only got up what'd you expect? and no I haven't studied, just figured I'd wing it is all"
Alvin gave a sigh of relief, "Phew, glad to know, uh that I'm not gonna be last in the class then, not the thing about you being half naked"
Steph smirked and tucked the phone in the crook of her shoulder, she looped her arms through her bra straps and attempted to clasp it at the back, "Glad to know my service was helpful to you, and I'll bet you're sitting there right now trying hard not to imagine me topless" there was a silence, then Steph started laughing, "You WERE imagining me! Ha wait till I tell Brittany"
Alvin pleaded on the other end, "Aww Steph, be a pal"
Steph laughed again, "Ok, ok, I won't say a word, oh and hey I got daddy's car today, you guys need a ride?" She could hear Dave in the background yelling something, Alvin spoke again, "Uh yeah that'd be great, Dave just found my last assignment, not the greatest of results..." there was a short pause "And now I'm banned from the car...so yeah a ride would help us all out..." another pause "Ok me out, Simon still has use of the car...But he won't take me, something about 'the principle of the matter'...stupid Simon"
Steph laughed and pulled a pair of denim shorts on, "Ok I'll be there in like...10 minutes" Alvin agreed and hung up. Steph pulled on a fluoro orange singlet and purple oversized tank top, grabbed her school bag and ran down stairs. She grabbed a muffin from the counter and hooked her dad's car keys on her pinkie. Giving him a kiss on the cheek she left to start the car. Well it was more of a pickup, ok yes it was a pickup. One of those old fashioned red pickup trucks. Scooting into the driver's seat she flung her bag in the back and put the key into the ignition. Steph turned up the music, and headed toward the Seville's place.