Important Author's Note:

Hello, dear readers. You're probably wondering why it took me so goddamn long to finally get around to this and for that I'm sincerely sorry. I know it's not much of an excuse, but writer's block and denial are a powerful cocktail for procrastination. I got stuck writing the next chapter of this story and then life really got in the way. The aforementioned next chapter is 90% done and I'd be willing to sit down and finish it if you are absolutely dying to read what happens next. I chose not to post it yet though because I feel like it opens more doors than it closes and I'm not going to be closing them any time soon.

As you may have guessed, I'm abandoning this story. I really had been trying to avoid it as much as possible because I don't like giving up on things, but I need to face the music and say that I've lost where my characters are going. Lost Time Memory was my very first story and while I learned a lot of really important lessons about writing and myself by writing it, I also made a lot of mistakes. The plot lacks a clear direction and the story is littered with inconsistencies. I also realize now that the ending I have planned for it, the ending I had in mind since almost the very beginning, is going to be unsatisfying. If you all really want me to, I'll try to write and publish the end, but I sincerely doubt it's going to be what you want it to be. My only hint is that history repeats itself.

Once again, I'm really sorry for taking to long to get around to posting this message. I've gotten a number of comments since my last update approximately twenty months ago (yes, I noticed how long it has been) asking where I am and I'm very sorry for not replying to them sooner. Your support has meant a lot to me and so I feel like I owe it to you to give some sort of brief explanation to what happened to me. I had learned while writing Lost Time Memory that my feelings are often reflected in what I write and if you go back and re-read this story… Most of it isn't happy. Lost Time Memory ended up reflecting a lot of mental anguish that I straight-up didn't realize wasn't normal. The six weeks or so that immediately followed the last update were really stressful for me and things only kept getting worse and worse. In the months that followed, I burned out hard and was forced to face a really ugly and negative part of myself that I hadn't realized was a problem. By around August/September, it was finally clear how bad things I had gotten and I sought out help. In the months that followed, I attended regular counseling and started tearing down a lot of the negative infrastructure that I had built up over the past several years of my life. It's an ongoing battle, but now, approximately one year after I started getting help, my life is a lot better. I'm a lot more stable and while I still have my ups and downs, I'm a lot happier. I would like to think I'm a better person too, for what I've gone through and what I have learned. I apologize for being so vague, but talking about it in more detail would be long and perhaps upsetting for some readers. Either way, I wanted you all to know that I am okay and that I never forgot about Lost Time Memory altogether. I am sad to be ending it this way, but I really think it is for the best.

That being said, I haven't stopped writing. If you are so inclined, I have another account on AO3 under the same username. Some of the stories are the same ("How Far I'll Go" and "You Can Burst My Bubble Anytime") but there are some that I posted over there that I never posted on here. Feel free to read those stories if you want. If you do, I hope you will enjoy them. I still plan on publishing to that account, but it may be awhile until I publish again. Currently, I am working on a story that has yet to be named that I hope to finish before I start publishing it. The idea had come to me quite a while ago and upon reviewing it, I decided that I liked the idea but that it really needed to change, so I'm rewriting it. It's for the Yuri! On Ice fandom and it's a story not entirely unlike my own — it's a story of overcoming and rebuilding what's been broken and lost. It's not exactly a light-hearted story, but it contains a lot of the things I needed to hear when I was struggling. It's cathartic to write both sides, the hurt and the heal, and if there's anyone out there who thinks that they've gone through something similar, I hope you read it when I finally do publish it.

Once again, I apologize for taking this long to update you on what has been going on. Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed Lost Time Memory — it was because of you that I got this far in my writing and that I learned this much. Special thanks to BlackNecko, YokaiAngel, Flamebiter, Hibiki Loke, Tessa the ciclopse, Quinn (guest), Abbyjohnson13, Iris Patton, Stranger (guest), AnimeWolf2000, xxtrashie, Cassmac336, DevvonFox, and 11wave11 for leaving comments on the last update — I'm sorry for not getting back to you until now. Your reviews were seen and appreciated, especially those that expressed concern or warm wishes for me personally. I'm sorry that things are ending this way and hope that you can all forgive me. Regardless, I wish you all the best, both in fanfiction and in your real life endeavors.

