When Will He Marry Me?
Hey everyone. This is the newest addition to the "Does He Love Me?" series. Hope you like it. If there is anything you want to see with this story, let me know now while the story line is still flexible.
Brittany's POV
We were all getting older. There was no question about that. But we never seemed to change. Simon was still the nerdy boy who tried to keep Alvin in line when Dave wasn't around, with sometimes little success.
Jeanette was still the shy and timid one, always shy around everyone.
Theodore was still the caring, sweet and innocent one.
Eleanor was still fun one.
Alvin. Well, you probably already know. But he is still that self-centred, trouble making, and annoying self. But despite his flaws there, I still see that other side to him. The sweet, loving, most caring and gentle chipmunk that I always loved, and find so attractive with his kind of rebellious attitude and constant pranks and shenanigans.
And me. Well, I am perfect. I am beautiful, gorgeous would be the better term, talented, and world famous. I guess you can say I haven't changed a bit.
It amazed me though. We are all twenty one, yet we haven't changed.
They always say that with age comes wisdom and growth. With us, that doesn't seem true, especially for Alvin. Sure, he has his moments when he seems to have really matured. An example would be like last year, with Ally. But most of the time, he was still immature and irresponsible.
At least one or twice a day, I would hear Dave yelling out his name.
But I often wonder. Is his immaturity the reason why he hasn't asked me, 'The Question?'
You all know the question I am talking about. The one that we all dream of since we were little girls. Those Four little magical words that come with those incredible diamond rings.
No, I am not shallow. I don't want to get asked that question just for the ring.
I really do love Alvin. But we have now reached a point, where our relationship can go no further. We have been a couple for just over two years. It is time to take it to the next step. Every date we go on, every moment when we are alone. I hope to suddenly see him getting down on his knee, reaching into his soft and cuddly hoodie pocket, and pull out that small velvet box, saying those magical words, "Will you marry me?"
But every time, it only ends in disappointment. I often have dreams about him doing it. All in different ways. A romantic dinner, a spontaneous moment, stuff like that.
I can understand that maybe he is scared.
But the one thing I wonder, is how his brothers beat him too it.
That's right. Simon and Theodore, both proposed to my baby sisters.
Those two always took things so slowly and cautiously when it came to life decisions, while Alvin would always 'dive head first.' And they still proposed to my sisters, while he has yet to.
And how they did it too was sooooooo cute, in their own special way. And I'll tell you how.
About three months ago, Dave took us to a museum.
He though it would be fun for us to do something different.
We are out of school. Why do we need to go some place that is suppose to teach us more stuff. We served out time in school.
If Dave wanted us to do something different, why couldn't we have gone on a cruise or something. I always loved tropical locations.
Alvin tried making it interesting for me. When we'd reach a display, he would try to act like what ever display was. I especially liked it when we reached the cave man exhibit, because I though that suited him just fine when he acted like one.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, expect for Simon, who seemed very shaky and nervous. He was always a little nervous around Jeanette. But this time, he seemed a little more than usual.
Alvin was giving him a hard time about it too, teasing and joking him about it. But would quickly stop when Dave gave him one of his stern glances.
After a while, Simon quietly walked off on his own, without telling us anything. We all figured that maybe he went off to look at another display, or he had enough of Alvin.
But it wasn't long before we found him again.
He was standing in front of some sort of mirror display. It was hard to tell what it was he was looking at. He was either looking at himself really closely, or something on the mirror.
And of course, this sparked my sisters curiosity, as she went to his side.
Me and Alvin were only a few meters away, but we could see and hear everything being said by the two.
"What are you looking at Simon?"
He pulled away, giving Jeanette a small smile.
"I can see a smudge on the mirror. It looked like somebody drew a little picture on here."
Jeanette moved her face closer to the mirror, almost looking like she was in a staring match with herself.
"I can see something." She said.
She then opened her mouth, letting out a hot breath of air that quickly fogged up the mirror. As soon as she saw what was on the mirror, she stood straight up, stiff as a board. She didn't move a single muscle.
We all looked back to Simon, who was getting down on his knee, grabbing her paw, turning her towards him.
Me and Alvin's jaw dropped.
I was at that moment, feeling so happy for my sister, while at the same time, in complete shock at what we were seeing.
People in the room too were also catching a glimpse, as they all soon stopped and stared at the two.
"J….J….Jeanette. I l…l…love you. Will you marry me?"
Jeanette's shaking left paw was over her mouth. It was taking everything I had not to run to my sister.
A few seconds pass. Simon was more of a nervous wreck then we have ever seen him.
We all held our breaths, waiting to see what she would say.
She gazed into his eyes, and quickly nodded.
"Yes. Yes I will Simon."
Me and Eleanor almost screamed. Simon stood up, reaching into his hoodie pocket, and pulled out a purple velvet box. He opened it up, were we could clearly see a purple diamond ring inside. He pulled it out, as she extended her paw, allowing him to slip it onto her finger. As soon as we knew they had their minute, me and Eleanor went running to our sister, throwing our arms around her, while still screaming with excitement.
But that wasn't the end of it.
I guess Theodore was inspired by what Simon did, because he did something very similar.
Probably two weeks later, Theodore was in the kitchen, making a cake by himself. It was a rainy day, so we all just sat around inside, watching TV with Dave on his chair, reading the paper. We were all hoping to get a slice of his cake when he was done. It was suppose to be a kind of cherry and strawberry mix.
One thing we did notice was that it was taking him longer than usual. We could smell the aroma of fresh batter, mixed with the strawberries and cherries. We were all starting to get very hungry.
After about a hour, he called us all to the kitchen.
We all went rushing in, smelling the sweet aroma of fresh cake as we walked in. Theodore had the cake sitting on the extending rack of the oven, with the white frosting already covering it.
Dave reached in, grabbing it as he set it on the table, and pulled out a knife. Before he had a chance to cut, Theodore stopped him, asking him to cut a certain spot, and give it to Eleanor.
I could see my sister looking down, looking flattered.
Dave soon cut the piece, setting it on a small plate, and handed it to Eleanor.
As she approached her piece, she suddenly paused, her eyes bulging wide open. Her head then began to spin, as she suddenly fainted. Luckily, Theodore was close enough to catch her, as she fell into his arms.
We all look to the piece, and see why my sister fainted. The red filling of the cake, spelled out 'Marry Me' on the inside.
At that point, I was happy for Eleanor. But I was also beginning to wonder 'What the hell!'
Jeanette was engaged, and now was Eleanor. How come Alvin hasn't proposed to me yet?
It took a little time, but Eleanor eventually came around. At first, it was just a small stir, as Theodore stood worryingly over top of her. But soon, we could hear something whisper out of her mouth.
"What did you say Ellie?" Theodore asked, moving closer to Eleanor's face.
As he came close, she suddenly opened her eyes, and grabbed his collar.
"I said yes." She replied, before pulling him into a kiss.
We could see they were both ecstatic. We were all ecstatic.
But by now, I was feeling a little angry towards Alvin. Why hasn't he asked me the question. But I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I decided to wait a while.
I thought that maybe since his brothers now proposed, he would soon be asking me.
I waited one week. Soon, that week turned into 2, into a month, then three. And now, here I am. Helping my sisters plan their wedding, while that question keeping burning through my brain.
When will he ask me? When will I see him get down on his knee, and ask me?
After a few years of knowing each other, you'd think the time would be right.
Is he scared of commitment? I know he is sometimes scared that he might ruin our relationship. But how could asking me the question ruin it. To me, it will only make it stronger.
I love him. And want to be with him forever. He is the only one I want to be with. He may get on my nerves, he may make me angry. Like right now. But my heart still beats for him.
So, when will it be mine turn.
When will he marry me?
Hope you like it. Again, tell me if there is anything you'd like to see for the future chapters.
And lot have given me PM's, saying they'd like to see Tyler's life quotes. Some are funny, some are serious. I just hope you'll find them useful. They helped me a lot when he told them to me.
I'll start posting on the next chapter.
Later :)