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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Spirited Away, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Danny Phantom. REASON FOR NAME: Now, some people may wonder why I changed my name ( RULES OF PROFILE (not a lot) Don't judge! Don't pester me; it's not going to make me write any faster. I offer services of assistance in writing a story! If you're stuck, have a nasty case of writer's block, or need help finding a good idea for the whole story plot, maybe I can help! I DON'T like doing role-play! I've tried it before (twice), and I ended up in a lemon role-play (both times, one was a yuri *shudder, the first was a yaoi *double-shudder*)! So I've just given up! LIKES: Writing, reading, drawing, swimming, martial arts, music, singing, gardening, plants, horseback riding, water, listening to music, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, Studio Ghibli, Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonamy especially), Danny Phantom, InuYasha, Disney stuff, Hot Topic, sarcasm, DeviantART, Dork Diaries, Harry Potter, Jelsa stuff, Rurouni Kenshin, TMNT, Cartoons, anime, thinking about possible stories or senarios to write while listening to music, escapism, nighttime, the moon, witchcraft, mythology, mystical arts, astrology, fortune telling, Halloween, hanging out with my friends and family, being alone when needing it, literature, poetry, going for peaceful walks, meditating, nature, animals (they're much better to get along with than people), sleeping, eating, learning new things, old shows like The Nanny, Golden Girls, Friends, George Lopez, and That 70's Show (Leo's my fave!), spaghetti and meatballs (or Italian food in general), food, being lazy on the weekends, my freedom, being myself DISLIKES: Humans, sunlight (*hiss* it burns), deforestation, pollution, ignorance, teenagers, zombies (those things are freakin' scary!), horror movies (my mind is twisted enough as it is), being interrupted from my reading, writing or drawing, limitations, being under pressure, being the center of attention, math (it needs to die), anyone who disses Amy Rose (she is an awesome bad-ass), people who disrespect me or the people I care about, war, rapists, people who try to judge me because of my beliefs and interests, annoying people, when people stop listening to me or just don't in general, homework, suicide (it's the worse way to go in my book), people who laugh about serious things like cancer or Ebola or rape, people who think smoking is "cool", people who try to be cool while making others feel bad, that a friend of mine doesn't seem to try to be my friend anymore, losing my temper (it tires me out), when people judge others for their sexual orientation, religion, political views, nationality, or style, getting up in front of my class, (This list is getting dangerously long, I should stop.) DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT: Gossip, trivial politics ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer ABOUT ME: I'll admit it, I'm a little on the odd side with my interests in, well, a lot of things. Like a lot of people on here, I write way better than I speak. I don't know why; maybe it's because I'm not really used to actually socializing with other people my age. And whenever I try to strike up a conversation, I sometimes stutter or say the wrong thing, but mostly it seems like they just stop listening to me. But, I've gotten used to it by now. I've got a good group of friend who do listen to me, and that's all I could ask for, since I'm terrible at making new friends. I do like parties, because they make me hyper and crazy, but sometimes they just don't seem to work for me. I've only been asked out once in my life (and I didn't even know the guy). The closest to alcohol I've ever gotten was when I drank some of my mom's wine when I was 5 (I though it was juice!) I don't smoke, or do drugs. That stuff'll mess with your mind, man. (If you've seen That 70's Show, you will recognize that sentence.) I love ALL different kinds of music. It can be the latest pop song or the oldest ethereal songs of any country for all I care. My favorite book genres are romance, comedy, fantasy, fiction, mystery, a bit of horror on the side, and some action. One of my favorite books is Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. My favorite movie genres are no different. I don't really have a favorite movie, though. (Too many to choose from.) I'm basically just a weird, laid back, shy, fantasy loving girl, who would prefer to spend most of her time writing stories, drawing, practice her own religion and in her own little world with all sorts of creatures than figure out polynomials or the scientific equation for mass or weight, or whatever. I also have ADHD, so don't be disappointed if my stories take FOREVER! |