Well...I guess this is it. I've been playing Sonic Unleashed again today and I forced myself to take a break and write this chapter. The last chapter of Timelock House.
Ah, hell, I'm gonna miss this story. I know I've got the sequel coming in...yikes, nineteen days...but I'll miss it :')
Don't forget to check out my facebook page for hints about the sequel! There are already some spoilers up there!
So, this chapter's entitled: Moving on. Pretty fitting and I guess it's time for the characters to move on. And it's time for me to move onto writing the first chapter of 'The Children of Lilliwell'
Just a friendly, author-to-reader question: what are you guys doing for Halloween?
Okay, I'm procrastinating. Thank you to everyone for reading, reviewing, favouriting and following! I would love to know whether you enjoyed the story and I really hope you liked it! I had a blast writing it!
Final disclaimer: I never have (and sadly, never will) own the Sonic characters or song that have been used in this story. All I own is the plot!
Well, it's time for me to wrap this up. Have a great weekend and I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
T.C xxx
Chapter 10 – Moving on
After another week of trying to uncover more information, Rouge was forced to accept that there was nothing else that she could do.
"Thanks, Cream," she whispered, tightening the lace bow around her neck. Cream had been promoted to Rouge's maid, after all the dramatic events. The bat was currently flattening her black dress and fiddling with the long sleeves. Her net black hat was discarded on the table, as she ran a comb through her ivory hair.
"That's alright, mistress Rouge," the rabbit bowed, lightly, as she lifted her own ebony dress to move around the room. Her dress was a lot less grand and not as mature as Rouge's, but it was Cream's best dress for mourning. She'd especially bought a small black headband for the occasion.
Rouge smiled, grimly but gratefully, as Cream stepped back. She still preferred for the maids to call her 'Rouge' but knowing that she'd had the exact same conversation with Amy on the night she died, the bat didn't feel like correcting Cream.
A knock came at the bedroom door and Rouge beckoned for Cream to open it. Shadow the hedgehog was standing on the other side, looking smart yet expressionless.
"Are you ready?" He asked, monotonously. Rouge nodded, knowing that he wasn't being heartless. She'd known him for years and she knew that he was trying to hide his true emotions by being cold.
"Yes...shall we go?" Rouge asked, stepping forward and linking arms with the black hedgehog. Cream followed behind them, quietly and thoughtfully.
"Maybe we'll find some peace today?" Rouge suggested, hopefully. Shadow shrugged, but raised his head to the sky in a silent prayer as they left the house. All the staff had all been given the day off to do what they wanted – but most of them had also decided to go to Amy's funeral and pay their respects, with the exception of Cream, who offered to help get Rouge ready.
The three of them strolled down the lane, towards the village, where there was the church. None of them were in a hurry to reach the church and be parted with their dear friend.
They would have to say a formal goodbye to Amy today.
"We are gathered here to bid farewell to Amelia Rose and to commit her to the hands of god. We shall spend this time by remembering her, fondly, with happy memories. We shall hear a eulogy read by Shadow the hedgehog and we shall also..."
Rouge turned to Shadow, raising her eyebrows. She knew that he wasn't a massive fan of public speaking.
"Did you put yourself forward for that?" She asked, with a tone of surprise in her voice.
He wore a small and shy smile, "Well...Knuckles nagged me into doing it. He said it would mean the world to Amy if it came from me. So, I offered and wrote out a speech,"
The bat smiled, wondering if Knuckles would do the same for her at her own funeral, "That's sweet of you,"
"Uh...thanks. Well, I suppose you should thank Knuckles. He suggested it. But, you'll thank him anyway,"
Rouge elbowed him in the ribs, causing a soft grunt to escape his lips. She wasn't entirely sure what he meant by that, but knowing Shadow, he was probably mocking her.
His cocky smile confirmed that suspicion.
"But first, we shall sing a hymn: 'All things bright and beautiful'. Please stand," The vicar continued, unaware of Rouge's unfocused attention.
Everyone stood up, flicking through their song book in a desperate rush to find the right page. Rouge gritted her teeth, scanning through endless lyrics of songs until Shadow snatched the book from her and replaced it with his own – which was on the right page.
"Thanks," She mumbled, turning a dark shade of red before opening her mouth to start singing.
"And now, we shall listen to a eulogy read by Shadow the hedgehog, a close friend and employer of Amy,"
Still looking more calm and composed than he felt, Shadow straightened up and made his way to the front of the church. He took the opportunity to glance at his audience, who were applauding him as he walked. Along the front row were a handful of maids who were close friends with Amy, Knuckles (who gave Shadow a warm smile as he passed) and some servants. The aisle then separated the rest of the front row, which consisted of Cream, Rouge and Shadow.
The rest of the rows were filled with yet more workers and a few people from the village. Right at the back, in the corner, (because she had arrived late) was Amy's mother. She looked remarkably similar to the pink hedgehog, except for lilac quills instead of pink. She still had the same bright jade eyes, but they were full of tears instead of joy. Everyone else had their heads bowed low; she was the only one who was crying and blowing her nose. However pretty she was (even whilst crying) she missed the thing that drew Shadow towards Amy. The sense of innocence and happiness.
The sound of his feet clacking against the floor was starting to unnerve him and making him feel even more nervous. He faced the crowd, watching Cream give him a blushing smile, Knuckles nodding at him and Rouge giving him a small wink.
"What...can I say...about Amy?" He started, wanting to stop and hit himself for such a lame opening, "Well, I know that I was just her employer, but my wife and I became close to her. She was...different. Special. Remarkable,"
This wasn't what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell them the truth – he wanted to give Amy the best send off possible by telling them how much he loved her. He didn't want to have to act cold and stiff. He was right: this eulogy felt like it was being given by someone's employer and not someone's lover.
"I...I guess this has made me realize that life is too short. We shouldn't be so worried about what other people think, within reason. We should live each day as if it's our last. We should learn to accept those who we love and spend more time with them. People sometimes ask what the meaning of life is. I think that one possibility is that we should enjoy our time on Earth and make other people happy. And, as sad as it is, I guess...we need to realise that some people can't stay in our life...but they can stay in our heart. And Amy will always stay in my heart because I...I..."
From her corner of the room, Rouge started clapping, loudly, and cutting off Shadow's speech. She stood up, smiling when Cream and Knuckles also did the same. In a matter of seconds, the whole room was clapping and smiling. Shadow shot a glance at Rouge before returning to his seat. Rouge gave him a nervous glance as the vicar thanked Shadow before carrying on with the proceedings.
"Why did you do that?" He asked, quietly, "Stop me from telling the truth? They have a right to know. I should be honest to myself and to Amy. If I had said something, you and Knuckles could have had a life together. I would be the one shamed. Not you. And don't you think that Amy's own mother deserves to know who her daughter was having a relationship with? It's not fair on her, it's not fair on them, it's not fair on you..."
"It's not fair that you'd let your life fall apart, given the chance," Rouge muttered, sadly smiling when the vicar glanced in their direction, "You can't let everything collapse around you because of her death. You need to move on, Shadow, in a sense. In ten years time, you'll have moved on from Amy and you'd regret it if you had ruined everything because you simply felt guilty. Amy wouldn't want you to torment yourself and destroy everything that you've created in your life,"
"Don't emotionally black mail me," He sighed, pressing the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes, "Listen, you're a good friend, Rouge. I trust you. I just wonder if you make the best decisions..."
"Trust me, Shadow. I'm helping you. You need to let her go. You don't need to forget her. Just let her go. Let her rest in peace..."
"Do you think she's okay?" The seriousness in Shadow's question was alarming, but Rouge tried to hide her shock and pondered about her answer, "Up there, I mean. Do you think she's okay?"
"It's Amy," Rouge replied, smiling as she took Shadow's hand as a friendly gesture, "She'll always be okay. She'll be waiting for you, Shadow. Don't ever forget that,"
"...I won't,"
He'd seen a lot of deaths over these last few years.
The thought of her death was still the one which made his blood run cold and tears form in his eyes.
"Shadow!" His comrade, Omega, was fighting alongside him. E-123 Omega, to be precise. He had been created to take the brunt of the dangerous attacks but Shadow had become close friends with him, over time. He'd managed to persuade the general to let E-123 Omega fight like a normal soldier instead of just letting him get pointlessly blown up, "This is useless! We must retreat!"
"No," He growled, "I'm sick of seeing more people die. I need to stop this. If I can get to the Chaos cannon and remove the Chaos Emeralds – the war will be over,"
"The cannon is surrounded by the enemy's robots," Omega stated, using his electronic eyes to zoom in on the cannon, "You'll never make it. Even if you do, you will die,"
"That's a risk that I'll have to take," Not waiting for Omega's approval, the ebony hedgehog dashed out of the forest's safety and skated towards the enemy. Rouge had managed to pull some strings before he left home – and he was now sporting the latest footwear design for soldiers and agents. His skates allowed him to reach high speeds and to escape the paths of bullets. It was only thanks to these skates and Rouge that Shadow was still alive.
With his machine gun slung on his back, the ultimate life form dashed, headlong, at the cannon. More bullets whirled past his fur as he leapt into the air and let out a roar – grabbing his gun and letting the bullets fly. They cut down most of the robots and it gave Shadow the chance to land in front of the cannon.
More robots came to replace their comrades and Shadow was now limited to dodging and firing the occasional bullet. A couple of attacks later, Shadow was left with a huge bruise on his jaw, a broken rib and a sprained wrist. That was the price to pay for the destruction of a measly few robots.
He could see that more soldiers and robots were approaching him. With a sense of panic, he frantically searched the cannon for an opening panel. He located it on the right – slamming his fist through the metal and wrenching the Chaos Emeralds out of their hiding place. The cannon powered down with a low hum once the emeralds had been removed.
Shadow sighed in relief. His army could now attack – without the fear of being blown to pieces. The cannon was effective for destroying masses of people, but, it had been useless against one fast hedgehog with rocket powered skates. He had been the one to save them. The war between the mobians had been going on for year – it was finally at an end. It had been stopped. Only he could have done it.
Shadow's breath became staggered, as he fell to his knees. His eyes had widened and his hands immediately clutched the hole in his stomach which was leaking with blood. His gloves became a crimson red as they fumbled around his wound. The Chaos emeralds were lying in front of him and he forced himself to leave his wound and protect the Chaos Emeralds.
The aching pain became too much and Shadow rocked backwards, nearly smashing into the floor – only to be caught by Omega. The robot had charged after his friend as soon as Shadow left, dealing with other robots, and saw the deadly robot which had fired the bullet into Shadow's lower back. Omega had dealt with the robot – making sure that it would never fire another bullet, ever again.
"Stay still," Omega commanded, as he laid Shadow down onto the ground. The hedgehog was hissing in pure pain as he started to die, "The medics will come. You saved them. You saved us,"
"I know..." Shadow whispered, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. If they didn't go now, Shadow wasn't going to make it, "Listen. You need to take the emeralds and go,"
"No," The loyal robot didn't move or show any emotion – but Shadow could tell that he was determined, "No,"
"You need...to..." Shadow ground his teeth together, summoning the rest of his energy to tell Omega what he had to do, "People will die if you don't. My death will have been for nothing if the enemy get their hands on the Chaos Emerald again. More people will die if you don't,"
"You'll die if I do," Omega may have been metal from outside to inside – but he definitely had the heart and persistence of any living creature.
"Yeah, I know," Shadow joked, wincing as he laughed, dryly, "Listen. I don't mind...dying...just promise me that you'll...take...the Chaos...Emeralds and...don't let them...fall into the wrong...hands! ARGH!"
"Do it!" He barked, noticing that more enemy reinforcements were charging towards them, "Omega! I haven't got the time to argue! I'm dying, for damn's sake! Now go! Go! GO!"
'I love you, Amy...'
She'd been pacing up and down the room all day. Today was the day that Shadow was due to come home. He hadn't written back to her – even though it had been announced that the war was over. Some poor soul had sacrificed himself to stop the Chaos cannon. Rouge pitied the family, immensely.
The doorbell rang and Rouge's ears perked up. She dashed downstairs to see Knuckles talking to someone at the door. His face looked grim – but the bat couldn't see who was at the door. Cream the rabbit was passing with a basket of laundry and her face lit up when she saw Knuckles. However, her eyes focused on the visitor before she burst into tears. The basket fell out of her hands, slamming against the floor as the rabbit dashed off.
Rouge ran down the stairs, not caring about her heels or the floor, "What's happened? Where's Shadow? He's meant to be back! What's going on?! Knuckles?!"
"Rouge..." The echidna grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. She scrambled away from him, desperate to find out what was going on.
She laid eyes on the visitor. It was E-123 Omega. Shadow's army friend. The black hedgehog had written about him a lot in his letters to Rouge.
"Omega? W-where's Shadow?"
"Ms Rouge...I'm sorry for your loss,"
"N-no. No...no...no!"
"Shadow the hedgehog was killed in action. He saved the lives of millions of people. He will never be forgotten and..."
Rouge tuned out the rest of Omega's speech, drowning in tears which wouldn't stop falling. Knuckles pulled her close to him but she felt empty inside.
Shadow was dead.
The last time they saw Amy was while Blaze was giving birth.
"Blaze? Blaze! Stay with me! Don't fall asleep!"
"She's losing too much blood..."
"She's stable," The first nurse informed them, wiping Blaze's brow with a cloth, "But we need to get the baby out...now,"
"Push, Blaze!" Silver urged, grunting with pain as his wife squeezed his hand as hard as she could. Her face was red and she was wheezing and screeching in frustration, pain and panic.
"You try giving birth and then you can tell me to push-HHHHHHHH! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! SILVER! UGHHHH!"
"I'm here!" He reassured her, patting her should with his free hand. He glanced down at the other end of the bed before snapping his head in the other direction. The end of the bed didn't look pretty and he would be no use to Blaze if he was chucking up all over the clean hospital floor because of the blood.
He had been prepared for this. Hundreds of visits to the clinic during the 39 weeks of Blaze's pregnancy. He'd read at least 20 baby books and had even practiced changing a diaper. But he hadn't been prepared for how quickly it would all happen, despite being ready for nine months.
After Amy had visited to thank Knuckles for finally admitting the truth, several weeks had passed. Blaze had gone from 28 weeks to 30 whilst Amy had been haunting them. They had spent the last 9 weeks in peace; preparing, panicking and celebrating.
There had been several times when Silver had worried that Blaze might be going into labour. She'd only have to have a slight pain in her abdomen and he'd been demanding that they raced to the hospital to check if the baby was okay. Ironically, when Blaze's water finally did break, Knuckles was the one who took charge.
He hadn't even had any kids himself; yet, he remained calm and took control of the situation when Blaze noticed that she was sitting in a puddle of water. Unfortunately for Knuckles, she may have ruined his arm chair, but the echidna calmly stated that it was a small price to pay for a new child in the world.
Silver had driven them to the hospital as soon as the pain started and Knuckles sat in the back with Blaze, telling her to breathe deeply. He gave her a small herbal medicine which had been passed down through his tribal family to ease the pain and it seemed to calm the lavender cat down.
However, the effects had worn off by now and Blaze was screaming, swearing and sweating.
Her vision was blurring in and out of focus. She could feel Silver's warm hand against hers and an immensely terrible burning pain at her torso as she pushed and struggled. She had been squeezing her eyes shut, but as she let out another scream, her eyelids flickered open. A figure was standing in the corner of the room.
She looked better. Healthier. Cleaner. Her black and white dress was sewed back together and it was no longer smudged with blood. Her hair looked neater and the cuts looked like they were healing. Her emerald eyes were finally shining.
"You're doing great, Blaze," She whispered. The cat's hearing seemed to have disconnected from the world. She couldn't hear the praises of the nurses or Silver's encouragements. She could only hear Amy Rose, "You're nearly there. One more big push. Then you'll have a baby girl. Do it for her. Do it for Silver. Do it for me,"
"Am...ose...ARGHHHH!" With one final push, Blaze followed Amy's instructions without complaint. She heard the faint cry of an infant through her muffled hearing.
"Well done," Amy congratulated, smiling with warmth and love. Silver's hand tightened around Blaze's own hand.
"You did it," He breathed, almost exhausted, "I'm so proud of you. I thought I might lose you. I love you,"
"You look more worn out than I do," Blaze joked, weakly, as Silver kissed her forehead. The nurses stepped towards them, wearing huge grins.
"Congrats! It's a girl!" The first one announced, handing a bundle of wriggling blankets over to Silver. Blaze longed to see her daughter, but was told to rest for a moment as they cleaned her up.
"She's beautiful," Silver whispered, proudly, "Amy was right. A girl. We have a daughter, Blaze,"
"I kind of gathered that," Blaze chuckled, gazing at them with longing, "But you're right. She's our gorgeous daughter,"
"Sir! Stop! You can't go in there! Blaze isn't ready yet!"
Knuckles bounded through the doorway, ignoring the receptionist's cries. He paused in front of them, wearing a huge smile.
"Well?" He asked, hardly keeping the excitement off his face.
"Meet our baby girl, Knuckles," Blaze introduced them, as Silver showed the echidna their child.
"She's beautiful. What are you going to call her?" Knuckles rolled his eyes at the couple's expressions, "Don't tell me you haven't thought of a name for her!"
"We thought about it, but never got round to actually deciding," Silver admitted, grudgingly.
Knuckles chuckled at the three of them, fondly, "Well, any ideas?"
"Something special," Blaze added, starting to feel less dead and weary, "Something that means a lot to us,"
"A name which holds a memory," Silver agreed, pacing up and down the room in thought, with his daughter cradled in his arms.
As the three of them pondered, Blaze found herself staring into the corner, where Amy had been encouraging her. The girl had gone, vanished into thin air, but Blaze knew that Amy Rose would never disappear from their hearts.
"Hey," Blaze called out, grabbing the males' attention as she wore a nostalgic smile, "What about...'Rose'?"
"Amy's last name?" Knuckles nodded, as his grin spread to the cat and the hedgehog, "I love it. Amy would be over the moon to know that you named your daughter after her,"
"It's perfect," Silver agreed, handing the newly named 'Rose' into her mother's arms.
"Well then," Blaze couldn't stop smiling, as she stared at Rose's eyes. Silver and Blaze had been gifted with beautiful golden eyes – but together, they made Rose's eyes shine like golden sunlight, "Rose it is,"
Knock knock
Knock knock knock
"Bro, we need to hurry. I need to pack away your bed,"
Despite the no answer from Sonic, Tails the fox pushed the door open and stuck his head round it. Sonic was lying on the bed, arms behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. He'd been doing this for several days, but Tails had just started to become concerned about him.
"Dude, you're not still acting like this, are you?" The kitsune tiptoed into the room before perching on the edge of the bed. Sonic raised his head a little, realised that it was Tails and sunk his head back into the pillow, "Is this about Amy?"
"I dunno. I've just felt down ever since she went," Sonic confessed, sighing and shifting against the warm duvet. His bed was the last thing to be slotted down and packed back into the Blue Typhoon. The duo was returning to Mystic Ruins to move back into the newly repaired workshop and Sonic had been looking forward to coming home. But he felt reluctant to leave. Something felt uncompleted, "It's like we've missed something,"
"We haven't. Honest. Amy told us. We've solved it," Tails frowned, scratching the back of his head in innocence. This was true, granted, but it still felt different to Sonic.
The blue blur sat up, ruffling his messed up quills, "Nah, I know. It's just...I dunno. I feel like I've failed. In a way. As a hero, I mean,"
"Maybe it's because Amy's still searching for Shadow," The fox suggested, blinking at his speedy friend, "Maybe your inner hero thinks that you should have found him for her,"
"Yeah...that could be it," Sonic muttered, nodding as he thought it over in his head. Tails could be right. It would make sense, "Maybe that's it,"
"If so, I wouldn't worry about it. We did all that we could and Amy was grateful that we told Cream. I'm sure she'll find Shadow. And, if she can't, maybe there'll be another set of heroes who can help her, like we did,"
"I hope you're right, Tails," Sonic smirked, leaping off the bed and winking in the direction of the fox – wearing his trade mark grin, "I guess we're heroes after all!"
"Was there ever any doubt?" Tails remarked, sending a chuckle to Sonic. The blue hedgehog nodded, slinging his arm around his best friend.
"Come on. Let's get the toolbox and let's dismantle all this stuff..."
"I'm going to miss you," Cream admitted, brushing a stray tear from her eyes, "It won't be the same without you,"
"We haven't known each other that long..." Sonic muttered, but coughed after seeing Tails' expression, "But we'll visit! We'll be back in no time! You won't even know that we were gone!"
Cream nodded, gratefully, "I guess so. Couldn't you stay here for a bit longer, though?"
"The world needs us too, Cream," The kitsune reminded her, gently, "We've got Eggman to deal with,"
"Of course, of course. Sorry. I suppose I'm distracting you. I'll let you get on with packing up," The rabbit smiled, brightly, before straightening up and addressing the pair, formally.
"Thank you so much, you two. You have no idea how much you've helped me. Sonic, seeing you...it's helped me with Shadow. And Tails, you've reminded me what's important. The two of you have completed my life. I could happily die tomorrow, knowing everything about Amy. It's been haunting me, ever since. It's good to know that Amy is happy. Both of you are kind, brave and good hearted souls,"
"Aw, shucks..." Sonic blushed, happily, "No worries! To be honest, we didn't really have a choice. But if we did, we definitely would have helped you. If you ever need us, you've got our number. Don't hesitate to call us,"
"I won't," With a small sniff, she wrapped her arms around Sonic and Tails, hugging them; "I'll miss you. I won't ever forget you,"
"Neither will we," Tails replied, grinning as they stepped out of the hug, before turning to Sonic, "Well, bro, I guess we should start heading out. You never know, Eggman might've pulled another trick out of his sleeve by now!"
"Well then! We better get going! Egghead won't wait forever and he wouldn't want to miss his defeat! Let's go!"
"Hey!" Tails yelled, calling out to the hedgehog who was now a streak of blue speed, "You gotta help me take your stuff to the plane! Sonic? Get back here! Sonic! SONIC!"
Amelia Rose is still searching for her soul mate. He's out there, somewhere, and she's not going to rest until she finds him.
You never know, the next person she asks for help, could be...
Xoxoxoxox THE END xoxoxoxoxoX
SONG: Where have you been my whole after life by Andrea Perry
(With massive thanks to):
Where have you been my whole after life?
I've waited ions or more
MelonLordXD, Savvy0417, ShadowsAngel1, Poetic Gamer, Quillink14, loves-sonamy, Magical-SandCastle, bearvalley3365!
Above the clouds though I soar
I haven't felt this before you swung open the door
Savvy0417, Poetic Gamer, Guest, ShadowsAngel1, Sara lovelymusic, Quillink14, bearvalley3365!
All through the ages I've carried on
Knowing something was amiss
Pinning for something like this
What I see in your eyes
What I feel in your kiss
Savvy0417, Dunamic, Quillink14, Guest, ShadowsAngel1, The High School Hero, bearvalley3365!
And I know that I'll never let you go
A brand new forever is starting and though
The High School Hero, ShadowsAngel1, DeLuna The Cat, Scourge's number one stalker, Savvy0417, SonicCrazyGal, Magical-SandCastle, Quillink14, bearvalley3365!
I know that I'll never let you go
Now that I've found you
Nitro13, ShadowsAngel1, Guest, The High School Hero, SonicCrazyGal, epicn00b, DeLuna The Cat, Quillink14, reallyproud458, bearvalley3365, SonadowStories!
Where have you been my whole afterlife?
I've waited ions for this
ShadowsAngel1, Savvy0417, Drifting Guest, Guest, The High School Hero, ToxicWolf1132, Sara lovelymusic, waveandcipher, SonadowStories, Guest, TMNT15, bearvalley3365, Guest!
Above the clouds for the bliss
That I find in your kiss
That I find in your kiss
Savvy0417, ShadowsAngel1, DeLuna The Cat, Nitro13, SonadowStories, GhostKitty12, bearvalley3365, The High School Hero, ToxicWolf1132, Guest, Guest, Quillink14, AHeartForStories
And I know that I'll never let you go
A brand new forever has started you know
Poetic Gamer, SonadowStories, DeLuna The Cat, KumarKitty24, The High School Hero, AHeartForStories, Savvy0417, bearvalley3365, fairlyoddme, sheccidlarios500, SugarhogRose, guest!
I know that I'll never let you go
Now that I've found you
The High School Hero, DeLuna The Cat, KumarKitty24, fairlyoddme, Savvy0417, werewolf lover99, AHeartForStories, Sara lovelymusic, waveandcipher!
Where have you been my whole after life?
Where have you been my whole after life?
Where have you been my whole afterlife?
Where have you been my whole after life?
Where have you been my whole after life...?