Author has written 10 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog.
Hey guys! I am 01SonAmy01! :D
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Latest news/progress in stories...
- Ah... I haven't uploaded anything to this site in quite a while... All I can say is that it's just not such a big part of my life anymore, which is... important, but also a bit sad. Anyway, I just wanted to say, thank you to everyone who still reads my stories. It makes me smile every time I get an e-mail saying that someone has favourited or reviewed a story of mine. I can hardly believe people are still finding them, or re-reading them, that's even nicer! :') I love you guys for taking the time to appreciate my writing. Thank you.
- Unfortunately, college takes up so much more of time that I'd expected and if I'm honest, I can't see myself attempting another chaptered story on here. That makes me sad but I can't take so long to update - it makes me lose the flow and it's not fair on you guys. Nothing is final, and maybe one day I will, but for now, there won't be much at all apart from (possibly) the occasional one shot. But thank you for taking the time to appreciate my writing. I'm so grateful. :')
I can't express how amazing it feels to have people appreciating what I write. Don't think that I don't realise how lucky I am! :)
I am a huge SonAmy fan (obviously) so I'll probably upload stories about them every now and again.
I have a few ideas for stories that I was really excited about, I don't know that I'd ever write them..
Interests: reading, writing, gaming, drawing terrible Sonic comics (I've done about 7) and drawing Sonic stuff in general, and playing the electric guitar. :)
My favourite music artists: Taylor Swift, Three Days Grace, Crush 40 (ooh yeah! :D), Bowling For Soup... stuff like that? :)
My favourite books: Night World volumes 1, 2 & 3 by L.J. Smith, The Stuff of Nightmares by Malorie Blackman, Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman, Dark Visions by L.J.Smith, erm just basically anything romancey or advernturey xD
I support/like the following Sonic couples:
Sonic/Amy (SonAmy):
My favourite couple, of course. They are BLATENTLY meant for each other, and the evidence is so obvious it hits you in the face! I don't undersand how anyone cannot see these two together, but I guess that's just my opinion. SonAmy rocks!! :D
Tails/Cosmo (Taismo):
Like SonAmy, these two are obvious as well, if you've seen Sonic X. These two are really sweet, both shy but they're cute together. I guess she's not in the games, and she diddie as well, so it might not work, I know. :( But in my stories, she's still alive :)
Knuckles/Rouge (Knouge):
Again with the obviousness. These two are like chalk and cheese, but they go perfectly together (unlike chalk and cheese :P ew) The evidence is there, and they're an entertaining but perfect couple. Their banter is awesome.
Silver/Blaze (Silvaze):
Maybe they're seen as friends more than lovers but there's definitely something there. They quite different but still go together well. :)
Vector/Vanilla (Vectilla):
It's clear that Vector likes Vanilla and there's a japanese deleted scene on youtube somewhere that shows them walking together. They may be an older couple compared to the rest, but they're quite sweet _
Charmy/Cream (Chaream)
Okay, I know that there isn't solid proof that these two like each other, but they're the right ages and I thought it was really cute when Charmy took a picture of her (can't remember which Sonic X episode that was) But anyway, they'd be cute. :)
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes."
My Story List
Sonic's Valentine's Carol - This is my first ever story on this site. It came out quite well though it's kinda short. SonAmy.
The Truth, If You Dare - This is a short story, for SilverDawn2010's contest. It's simple but sweet. :) Knouge.
Surrogate of Seduction - One of my longer stories. I had the idea for a while before writing it and I even drew a comic of some of it, but a story is definitely better. SonAmy.
Sinister Soulmates - my first, one and only OC story. All other stories feature canon characters. It's a sequel to Surrogate of Seduction and it's an old idea that I had... but hey I wrote it and people liked it! :)
Chocolate Cake Chaos - haha, a story about cake :P It was a random idea that blossomed into a humorous one-shot... SonAmy.
The Speed of Snow - this was for Jonman14's contest. Another one-shot that's mainly fluffiness... SonAmy again :D
Me, Myself and Andy - My longest and possibly greatest story? :) It was hardly planned at all and most of time I was just letting it come out of mind wihtout much control, but.. it worked out better than I thought it would ... SonAmy.