So here's the first chapter to my story, Sinister Soulmates! It's a sequel to 'Surrogate of Seduction' so that explains why there's a lot of 'S's. This sequel won't make much sense unless you've read S.o.S, so I'd do that first ;)
This chapter will start with some SonAmy, to get your tastes buds tingling! So I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Sinister Soulmates!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters in this story except for Jecht and Rikku. Nor do I own any plot relations that may be associated with Sonic X or any of the Sonic the Hedgehog games.

Sinister Soulmates

Since Jecht the Hedgehog's first mission, Sonic and Amy have started dating, along with Knuckles and Rouge. The endless battle for the Chaos Emeralds continues and Sonic and friends are still fighting for them. But a new face joins their team and when Jecht meets them, chaos is unleashed! But how will Jecht handle these new feelings, and what do they mean? How will Sonic react to seeing his rival again, and what has become of his new relationship?

Chapter 1 – A New Friend

Amy Rose stared out of the window of the X-Tornado, smiling contentedly as the clouds passed her by. Her gaze drifted to a particular blue hedgehog crouched on the wing of the aircraft. Her smile grew as Sonic noticed her and winked, posing with his thumbs up. She giggled and waved to her new boyfriend, still somewhat giddy from his confession only days ago.

He's so perfect, she thought dreamily. And he's mine, too.
She finally pried her jade eyes away from the handsome hedgehog, trying to remind herself of what they were doing. She'd been so lost in her day dreaming that she'd briefly forgotten why she was in the X-Tornado with Tails, Cream and Sonic in the first place. Cream suddenly spoke, her high pitched voice reaching out to the fox seated in front of her.

"Tails, has the radar detected a Chaos Emerald yet?" she asked.

The young pilot kept his eyes on the screen. "Not yet, Cream," he answered.

Amy smiled to herself. Of course, she remembered now, they were on a search for the Chaos Emeralds, yet again.

I wonder how often we're going to have to do this; it could go on for years.

She looked at Sonic again, her spirits rising.

But I don't care! As long as Sonic's with me, I'll do anything!


The pink hedgehog dropped her gaze to examine the mountains below them, taking in the beauty of their planet. The grass that blanketed the valley was strong and lush. It was a lovely green colour, aside from the strange, lilac shape in one place. Amy squinted, focusing on the pale purple form. "What is that?" she murmured. She pulled out a pair of binoculars from under her seat, and held them to her eyes. She trained the binoculars onto the shape and gasped. It was a lilac cat lying in the grass, female it seemed. But the cat was resting in an awkward position, obviously not sleeping. "She's hurt," Amy realised quickly.

"What was that, Amy?" Tails asked.

Amy's ears perked up, alert. "There's somebody down there! They look unconscious!"

The other passengers glanced out of the window, excluding Sonic who – being outside – hadn't heard. Cream placed her small hand against the glass as Cheese fluttered beside her. "I hope she'll be alright," she said.


Amy stared at her two friends, who seemed to be doing nothing to try and land the plane. "Well? Are we flying down there or not?" she demanded to Tails.

"We've got too much altitude to land there. We could crash into a mountain!" the fox replied, knowing all too well of Amy's nature for rash decisions.

"She needs help, Tails!" Amy cried. "We have to try!"

The young boy said nothing and Amy frowned. Cream poked her head between the seats to face the pink hedgehog behind her, smiling supportively. "I'm sure someone will help her, Amy," he said helpfully.

Amy narrowed her eyes, her decision made. "Yeah? Well that someone's gonna be me!" she declared. With that final statement in the open, she unfastened her seatbelt and stood up on her seat.

Tails turned his head to face her, instantly sensing a replay of when Dr. Eggman had grabbed Sonic in the clutches of his robot, Octoron, and Amy had leaped out of the plane without thinking twice. "Amy," he said, but she'd already pushed up on the cover of the aircraft, stepping outside of the cabin. It was certainly looking like an action replay, because he found himself saying the same thing as he had done the last time. "Amy, wait!" he cried. Just as she had done before, Amy jumped out of the plane before anyone could stop her.


Sonic's eyes snapped open as he suddenly saw Amy heading for the ground. He crouched before springing off of the plane wing, catapulting downwards towards her. He felt his stomach lurch as he flew through the air. In seconds he was beside her, and he quickly wrapped his arms around her tightly, protecting her. "Hang on tight!" he yelled over the winds that rushed past them.

She did as he said and returned his grip, burying her face in his chest. She was beginning to realise that perhaps leaping off the plane wasn't a very good idea, as she couldn't use her hammer and there was no robot to break their fall this time. She held him tighter, preparing herself for when they hit the ground. Sonic tensed his body, holding Amy against him so that she wouldn't get hurt. The ground appeared to be rushing up to them now, although they were the ones rushing down to meet it. It grew closer and closer. Sonic clamped his eyes shut, steeling himself.


In seconds, they crashed into the earth below them, bouncing off slightly. They rolled to the side before finally stopping. Sonic kept Amy tucked in his arms, and he cautiously opened his eyes. She was unscathed, thankfully. She looked up at him, both of them aware of how close their faces were. He smiled, released his hold on her and sat up. "What is it with you and jumping off planes?" he joked, noticing a stray blade of grass on his head. He struggled to look at it and protruded his lower lip, blowing it off with a short puff.

Amy giggled, but seriousness invaded her expression as she remembered the reason for exiting the plane. She and Sonic spotted the fallen cat and ran over to her, examining her in wonder for a moment. She looked about the same age as Sonic, with three bangs like Amy and a long, furry tail with a white tip. She wore a cream coloured top with a mauve strip across the middle that tied into a large bow at the back, and narrow, short sleeves that hung loosely across her shoulders. From her waist downwards was a dark violet skirt, almost black, and on her feet were short black boots, similar to Amy's. Her gloves were also alike to Amy's, but with a dark purple bracelet instead of golden. She was pretty, Amy mused, but her lilac face was drawn with a troubled expression as she lay still. The pink hedgehog cocked her head in interest, before her own expression faded into concern.


She noticed Sonic crouched beside her, equally inquisitive about the cat. The quiet atmosphere was broken and a sudden wind tugged at their quills as the X-Tornado noisily landed several metres behind them. Tails and Cream hopped out, running over to them. "Are you guys alright?" Tails asked, catching his breath.

"We're fine," Sonic said firmly, "Not so sure about her, though." His voice lowered as he gestured to the unknown cat.

Amy gently touched the cat's arm, calling to her. "Hello? Can you hear me?" She waited for a moment, receiving not even the slightest of movement.

Cream spoke up timidly. "Maybe she's just having a long nap," she suggested.

Tails shook his head, about to make his own diagnosis probably consisting of several technical terms and philosophies. Amy whipped round, addressing him before he had the chance to speak. "Tails," she said, in her commanding tone, "We need the water supply from the X-Tornado."

"But, Amy-"
"Just get me a bottle!" she ordered.


Tails sighed, used to Amy's bossiness by now, and ran to the plane to retrieve a bottle of still water. He ran back, quickly handing it to her before she could make any complaints. Amy held it in her hand, wondering what to do for a moment. Then she directed it above the girl's face and squeezed. A thin stream of water jetted out, spraying the cat and wetting her head completely. The four friends leaned closer, watching the purple feline. She stirred. Her eyelids fluttered before opening fully, revealing lime green orbs. She sat up and regarded the people around her in wonder, her hands supporting her. Sonic gave a thumbs-up gesture and smiled warmly. "Hey, are you okay? Sorry you're a little wet" he laughed.

She nodded, still dazed. She glanced at her surroundings, confused. "Wha- where am I?" she asked finally.

"You're in Silver Valley," Tails announced. "But what happened to you?"

She looked down, frowning in concentration. "I don't know," she said quietly. "All I remember is running. I had to get away, so I ran. And I guess... I guess I ended up here," she concluded.

Cream piped up. "What were you running from?"

"I don't remember exactly," said the lilac girl. "But I needed to leave my village." Her brow was furrowed as she strained her memory, but nothing more came to her.

Amy held out her hand to the cat, beaming. "I'm Amy Rose," she said. "What's your name?"


The cat took it gratefully, and was helped to her feet. She kept her gaze on the pink hedgehog and finally returned her smile. "Rikku," she replied, feeling somewhat comforted by the four companions.

Sonic moved to stand beside his girlfriend. "Bet you know my name," he grinned.

Rikku's face suddenly lit up with recognition. "Of course I know you, Sonic." She glanced around the rest of his friends. "Yes, I know all of you. You're heroes!"

Sonic grinned again. "Amy was the one who saved you," he said. "She even jumped out of a plane to see if you were okay," he laughed, pointing to the aircraft behind them.

Rikku's eyes widened and she turned to Amy. "Thank you so much," she said.

Amy nodded, linking her arm with Sonic's. "Well Sonic can't always be the hero," she declared, earning a raised eyebrow and a playful grin from her boyfriend.


Rikku regarded the two hedgehogs, realising that they were obviously together. Sonic laughed. "What next, Eggman can't always be the villain?" he teased.

Rikku suddenly perked up her ears at the mention of the evil scientist and her eyes widened in remembrance. "Eggman..." she breathed. Her new acquaintances turned to her. "That's why I ran from my home! Eggman was there!"

Sonic narrowed his eyes. "What was that clown doing there?"

"He said he wanted a Chaos Emerald. He knew that my town had one hidden somewhere and he threatened to destroy it if we didn't give him the emerald."

"Where is your town? Do you want us to take you there?" volunteered Tails.

She shook her head. "There's no point. Eggman completely wrecked it and took the emerald with him." Her ears lowered, her voice taking on a distressed tone. "There's nothing left. Everyone was wiped out except me."

Amy placed a hand on her arm comfortingly.


Sonic looked at her. "What do you want to do?" he asked. "Is there anything we can do to help you?"

Rikku felt her eyes fill with tears. "I- I don't know. I mean... I guess I'll have to stay in a hotel somewhere, but I don't have-"
Amy cut her off. "Don't be silly! You're staying with me," she said firmly.

Rikku stared at her. "R- really?"

"Of course! Where else would you go? Besides, if I saved you then I'll be the one to look after you."

Rikku sent her a watery smile. "Thank you, Amy," she said.

"It's no problem," Amy said, returning the smile compassionately.

"Isn't there any way that I could repay you?"

Sonic grinned. "You could always help us deal with Egghead," he said. "Maybe we'll try and get that Chaos Emerald back!"

Rikku wiped her eyes and smiled again, determination settling within her. "I'll definitely help with that! I'm not a very good fighter but I'll do the best I can!" Her new friends nodded approvingly and showed her to the X-Tornado.

Rikku would turn out to be a good friend, they thought. And as they flew her to Amy's house to get settled in, they were all wondering what kind of ally she would be.

So that was chapter 1! I hope you enjoyed it, but unfortunately there are people on this site who insist on annoying comments so I must point out a few things.
Firstly, people have asked me to do a sequel and you don't like it, tough. I don't want to hear rubbish about using my OCs or anything about 'Mary-Sues' so if you're going to spam me with stupid nonsense I'd think twice if I were you.
Secondly, think about it, if people didn't create characters then we wouldn't have Sonic in the first place, duhh! Some people somewhere out there create characters so why can't we? Plenty of people make OCs for their work and many do appreciate them so don't bother flaming or anything rudely critical like that. Thank you.
If you are one of my friendly readers (you know who you are, I luv you guys ;)) or if you're actually going to review properly, then please feel free! Reviews are welcome! Thanks. :)