Far In The Future
Spinoff to "Tying the Knot"
Chapter 1: The Asking
Today was the day.
That one thought dominated Tails' normally scattered and full mind as he made his way through a large, open meadow, stopping only to add some colorful objects to his growing collection. Fresh and healthy blades of grass wilted in protest to his red and white shoes crushing them as he strolled through. His baby blue eyes were busy scanning the multi-colored flowers, trying to decide if a yellow tulip would brighten up his bouquet or ruin it. But unfortunately the only thing Tails knew about flowers was that a certain beautiful rabbit loved them, and so he decided to add it.
Yes, today was the day when he was going to suck it up, swallow his nervousness, and finally ask his long-time crush, Cream the Rabbit, out on a date.
No biggie, right? After all, he'd known her for... was it seven years now? So it wasn't like they were complete strangers, as Cream had come with him and Sonic on their adventures in the old days. And she'd even lived with him for six months, once the cottage, which she shared with her mother Vanilla, had been destroyed by Eggman. At the very least, Cream was a very good friend... and Tails had had feelings for her for a long time. How could he not? Cream was quite simply the most beautiful, sweetest, kindest girl he had ever met.
But she wasn't so close of a friend that she was practically family (like his big brother Sonic and sister-in-law Amy). No, him and Cream becoming family was something that would happen much, much later... far in the future, certainly.
Tails felt heat come to his face as he pictured himself and Cream married with children, little foxes and rabbits running around...
He shook the image out of his head vigorously and turned his thoughts back to the situation at hand, hoping his blush would fade. Why, he could barely work up the nerve to ask the girl out, and he was already dreaming of them being married? Getting ahead of yourself, there, Tails... Right now he just needed to make his way over to her new house, and finally cure the curiosity that was killing him. That was the first step.
Looking down at his bouquet that held every type of flower Tails knew of - and some he didn't - the fox decided that he was ready. Since Cream's new house wasn't that far from his, there was no need to take the Tornado and waste gas. He would be able to get there just by flying himself.
I can do this, I know I can... Tails tried to encourage himself as his namesakes helicoptered him through the bright blue sky. It won't be that hard, I'll just knock on her door, hand her the flowers, and ask if she wants to go out with me... and then, she'll say yes... I hope...
He suddenly recalled the unprompted advice that Sonic had tried to give him (the hedgehog thought he was an expert on women now that he was married, apparently): "Don't worry, little bro, just be yourself, be calm, and Cream'll be happy you asked her. The girl obviously has the hots for you, she's just waiting for you to make the first move!"
Of course, that's what Sonic had said after he'd teased Tails mercilessly about his "cute little crush" and how he was "growing up". Which Tails didn't mind, he was used to it. In fact, he was coming to miss all the time he used to spend with his big bro, now that Sonic was married and lived away from him. At first, it'd been a big step and Tails had pined for the old days... but now, he was used to being independent and making it on his own. He was growing up and doing his own thing, no longer in Sonic's shadow anymore. And Tails was coming to love living like this much better.
A certain mahogany colored roof that Tails had memorized suddenly came into his line of sight, and the foxes heart caught in his throat. Oh man, he was really about to go and do this thing. His gloved hands gripped the clump of flowers in his hand tighter, and he winced as the thorns pricked through the cotton into his skin.
As soon as Tails' shoes hit the dirt, his twin tails stopped twirling and flowed behind him. He sized up the door, which looked larger than it ever had, before sighing again and making his way up the driveway to knock softly, just three times. The bouquet found its way around his back as Tails waited for his crush to open the door.
A few hopping-footsteps later, the wooden door swung open, revealing a pretty teenage rabbit. Tails blinked at her appearance, as she was even more beautiful in the flesh than in his memory. One of her dainty, slender ears was resting on her shoulder, looking so soft that Tails felt a sudden urge to reach over and caress it. But of course, he was too stunned by the rest of Cream's appearance to move: her face, which held light traces of makeup, even though she really didn't need it, her glowing and warm chocolate eyes, her body which had the not-so-subtle changes thanks to puberty.
"Hi Tails," Cream managed to say, even as a grin overtook her face.
She took in his cute face and giggled, noticing how nervous he looked. Cream had always found it adorable when Tails got all shy and blushed like he was now. Of course, he'd always had soft, boyish features, but now they were starting to become more firm. The fox was also getting taller (Cream was eye-level with his nose) and his honey and ivory fur was getting longer and softer. In short, the fox was just as cute as he'd always been.
Cream had been hoping that Tails would come and see her today, as her mom was at work, and Cream had been bored to tears. Everything that she owned was just seeming so... old and babyish. The girl was thirteen and growing up, and she was dying for more excitement in her life. Now that her best friend had become a mother, Cream hadn't seen too much of Amy, as the older girl was busy taking care of three-year-old twins. And so when Eggman wasn't attacking, Cream was left with nothing to do.
So Tails, with Cream's huge crush on him, was really all that she had for entertainment right now. She would have asked him out herself if her mom wasn't so darn strict about these things...
"Come in," Cream implored and reached to take his arm, even though she noticed both of his hands were behind his back. Oh, what could he be hiding?
Tails blushed at her forwardness, and struggled to keep the bouquet hidden from view as he stepped inside.
"Chao chao?" A baby blue chao asked as he flew in from the kitchen and hovered near the couple.
"Look who's here, Cheese!" Cream told her pet. "Tails!"
"Chao chao, chao chao chao!" Cheese giggled and zipped away, as he knew full well how Cream felt and that she wanted to be left alone with the boy.
The scent of an apple pie baking hit Tails' nostrils, but before he had time to ask, he had to turn as Cream kept trying to peek behind him.
"What did you bring?" Cream asked, her chocolate eyes wide with hope and wonder.
"Um, well..." Tails swallowed nervously, but knew there was no way out of it now. "I... picked you some flowers," he admitted softly, shyly, and slowly revealed the large bouquet.
"Oh Tails!" Cream exclaimed and reached for her mouth in surprised delight, happiness flooding her heart.
Tails blushed again as Cream's small, soft hands reached for his and brushed his during the transfer. He had to smile, though, at how joyful she looked, from such a simple gesture.
Cream continued to stare at the large bouquet of freshly picked flowers. Every color of the rainbow and then some was represented among the blossoms. "Did you pick them for me?"
"Yeah... do you like them?" Tails asked, kicking his shoe back and forth nervously.
Her head bobbed up and down vigorously, causing her ears to bounce. "Of course I do, you know how much I love flowers. Thank you so much!"
And with that, Cream broke the remaining space between them and gathered Tails into a warm, loving hug. Tails was wondering how much more he could blush, but he couldn't deny that he certainly liked to feel Cream's small but strong arms holding onto his back. Chuckling nervously, Tails raised his own arms up to pull the girl even closer against his body. He couldn't help but inhale her scent - she smelled like honeysuckle, but much sweeter than the bunch he'd picked as a gift.
A giggle escaped Cream as she noticed how Tails' namesakes were swishing back and forth... the movement had always made her heart do somersaults. She watched his tails in awe, wondering just how soft the fur on them was... maybe one day he'd let her touch and feel them. Just when she was about to reach for them, Tails broke the hug.
"Uh, Cream... I... didn't... just... come to give you flowers," he stumbled over his words, not able to meet her eyes. Why was this so hard?
Cream tilted her head in confusion. "Oh?"
"I... well, I was wondering... would you like to... um, well, er... go out sometime?"
Cream's eyes got so huge that Tails was immediately remorseful of his words. But the rabbit was not shocked in horror... but happiness. Oh my gosh, Miles Tails Prower the Fox did not just ask me out!
"I mean, you don't have to-"
"Oh Tails, I would love to go out with you, thank you for asking me!" Cream said, and pulled him back into a hug. She nuzzled against the soft, long fur on his chest, fully enjoying the velvety texture against her muzzle.
The fox wasn't sure that he'd heard her correctly, and had to blush at her loving contact. "You would?"
"Yes! You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me..." she admitted, and then blushed herself when she realized what she'd just confessed.
Relief flooded Tails' poor little anxious heart, and he sighed. "Good... so, um... what do you want to do?"
Cream bit her lip and looked back into Tails' lovely blue eyes. "Um... I dunno. What do you want to do?"
"I dunno... what do you want to do?" Tails continued to play, and the two of them burst into a giggle fit. "No, I'm just kidding... how does the park sound?"
"That sounds great," Cream said happily. Honestly, this girl would go anywhere, just to get out of this house and spend some time with Tails.
And with that, the fox and rabbit left to go on their first official date, holding hands and smiling sweetly at the other.
... & ...
It had been such a long time since Cream had had this much fun. Instead of being cooped up and bored, she felt like she was alive again, just by spending time with Tails at both the park and later at the movies. The two had fun, laughing and joking and holding hands. It really wasn't much, but it was a start. But at the end of the day, just as the sun was setting, Tails knew it'd be time to bring Cream home. As much as he wanted to stay out with her, he knew he didn't want to push his luck any more than he already had.
"Good bye, Tails, thanks. I had a great night," Cream said at the end of the evening, but remained planted on her porch with no sign that she was about to go inside, hoping that Tails was thinking what she was.
One look at the way he kept staring down at his feet, though, confirmed her suspicions that he was. Please kiss me, Tails... I want to know how that feels so badly...
Shyly, Tails lifted his eyes to meet hers. Oh man, look at her, she's so pretty... I want to kiss her so badly... but what if I miss or...
Seeing he needed a little bit of encouragement, Cream started leaning forward herself. Oh, his lips looked so soft, and all the girl wanted right then was to feel them sweetly pressed against hers...
Seeing her desire matched his, Tails took a deep breath to try and calm his rapidly beating heart, and extended his neck out. He gave her hands a squeeze to try and steady both of them. His nose brushed against hers, and was rewarded with not only the soft touch but her heavenly floral scent. Tails blue eyes were now only a few inches from Cream's brown ones, until the girl veiled them and puckered her lips, fully expecting the best moment of her life in the next second -
The door suddenly swung open.
"Cream the Rabbit!"
Both teens immediately broke contact and blushed profusely as Vanilla regarded them sternly.
"M-mom!" Cream stuttered as Tails let go of her hands and took a few steps back, refusing to look at her. She could feel her heart hammering even louder, though not from anticipation but from fear...
"Where have you been young lady?" The mother asked fiercely.
Cream blushed even more as she remembered that she hadn't left a note. Oh, darn, how had she been so stupid? She'd just been so excited when Tails had asked her out, she hadn't even thought of what her mom would think...
"I was just with Tails," she said defensively, but shrunk a little from Vanilla's anger. She really hated to be in trouble, and it wasn't something she was used to.
Vanilla's eyes drifted from her daughter to Tails, who was still blushing and looking away. With Tails? A boy? Oh... were they on a date? Vanilla bit into her lip, but at the look of obvious remorse on Cream's face, she remembered how worried she'd been, and was just glad to see her daughter safe and sound.
"Oh, Cream..." she said much more tenderly and wrapped the rabbit in an unsuspecting hug. "I'm just glad you're okay... I was so worried when you weren't home when I got here, and I was afraid I'd have to call someone..." Vanilla patted her daughter's back and stroked her ears, relived that she wasn't hurt. Her eyes opened after a second, and then fell on Tails. Her heart sped up again in worry as she wondered what else they may have been doing... or might have done...
"Good night, Tails... please make it home safely, dear," she told the boy, and he immediately nodded and left, feeling embarrassed and like he'd just dodged a bullet.
Cream wanted to turn and thank him for the date again, but Vanilla was holding her too tightly. "I'm sorry, Mom..." she apologized, and meant it. "I didn't mean to worry you... I'll tell you next time I go out..."
"It's alright Creamy, but honey... you and I need to have a talk."
Cream's stomach dropped down to her feet at that word, and braced herself for a lecture as she walked back inside...
Author's Notes - Yeah~, so I know I said that I wasn't going to write this next, but inspiration has it's own mind. None of my other ideas were as clear as this one was. So here we are! The spinoff to Tying the Knot (which, if you haven't read, don't sweat it, but know there will be quite a few references to that story, and Passion, which is the original.) This story is, what happens to Tails and Cream in the aftermath of those two stories. I feel it was just begging to be written. This takes place 7 years after the games, and so about 2 years after the end of Tying the Knot.
As far as couples go, this story will be mainly Taiream (my first time doing a story mostly about them... but I've written about them so much I think I can pull it off), but there will also be some SonAmy (oh c'mon, it's ME... and I don't get to write those two married, like ever!) and one more minor couple that will be a surprise. :3 There will also be too much Sonic/Tails brotherly and some Amy/Cream sisterly and Amy/Vanilla friendship.
That's all for the intro, stay tuned...