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Author has written 102 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sly Cooper, Star Fox, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Radiant Historia, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Zootopia, Ed, Edd n Eddy, and Gravity Falls. 07/05/2020 - Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well. So we have some good and bad news. Good news is that, thankfully, we were able to find another job recently even with all this stuff going on lately in the world. Bad news is, we won't be making as much as we hoped and in order to make ends meet, we'll be working a lot of overtime, meaning you'll likely see less and less of anything posted here and we'll more or less be in a sort of hiatus. Can't say for how long this will last, as with some recent bills and such increasing, we'll need to do everything we can to pay them. For those of you with commissions, please don't worry, as we will definitely get those out on time, even if it means no sleep for a week. But for any future stories and artwork outside of commissions, I'm sorry, but there won't be much. However, there is a way that you can help if you'd like. We recently announced we had set up a here: https :// www. pat reon . com/ PaintingStrokes?fan_ landing=true . I hate to do this, as normally in the past, when anything like this came up, we were able to find some other way on our side to make ends meet so we could continue to provide all you lovely people with stories and artwork that, we hope, you enjoyed and entertained you. But this time, we've exhausted all other options and I don't see any other way forward. Oh, in case you're not able to see it on the link above though, the tiers are: $1 - The donation tier to help keep the lights on $5 - This gives full access to any and all stories, artwork, rough sketches, alternatives, etc. $10 - Gives the same as above, but includes discounts on any commissions you order as well. We're asking you to please provide any help you can give, even if it's the lowest tier. If you're not able, we'd gladly welcome any commissions you want to order. If you're not able to do either of those, then please spread the word to any friends, groups, or anyone else you know on here or otherwise who may be able to help. And if not, then please at least pray that some solution comes along, as we would really hate to not be able to have to go on this hiatus. Thank you for any support and I hope you all and your family, friends, and loved ones are staying safe with everything going on out there. We wish you all the best and pray you're doing well. Take care. Name: Same as account name Gender: Male Birthday and birth place: March 27. Red Lobster...No, seriously, behind a Red Lobster at a midwife's place. Location: United States, Florida. If you mean specifically, take a guess. Religion: Christian. I will respect your beliefs as your own. I just ask that you please do the same. Status: Taken. Bio: I've pretty much been writing for a while, but never let many people read my stories. So I decided to start letting people on here read them and see how well I do. Personally, I don't believe I'm a good writer period. I would place myself in the bottom tier of writers on this site, as there are many who are much better than me (see below). However, people enjoy the stories so I keep writing and doing the same thing, trying to improve the quality and hopefully entertain everyone who reads them. And I thank God most of all for that. Also, I like reading some of the stories on here as well, so if you want me to read your story, just pm me. I usually like to write romance stories for this site and I like reading romance stories on here. Even though I read action stories in real life. Figure that out, cause I can't. I don't really like using other people's characters because I'm afraid of messing them up. However, if you want to use one of the characters that I've created in my stories, just ask for my permission and please try to keep them from being OOC. I'm a hopeless romantic and have an unhealthy obsession with video games. Also, just in case you couldn't tell by some of the stories, yes I am a Christian, hence why I've been trying to tone down the mature content in my stories a bit. However, that will not affect our approach to trying to present the highest quality we can. We are on fictionpress under the same name (where some of my more mature postings will be) and on DA (where we are still deliberating whether to post stories on there as well). If you want to message us on there or here about anything (examples in profile below), then go ahead. Any other sites using The Pen Vs The Sword name are not us. Our free book: ht tps:// www . smashwords . com/ books / view / 394860 DA Profile: ht tp:// thepenvsthesword . deviantart . com/ Fictionpress Profile: http://www.fictionpress.info/u/708343/ThePenVsTheSword Favorite Authors: Micheal Crichton, Stephen King, Charles Dickens, J.R.R. Tolkien, and James Patterson. Favorite Book/Story: The Hobbit. Favorite Movies: Back to the Future trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Incredibles, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, All Batman movies (Including the animated ones. Excluding Batman and Robin). Most Marvel and DC movies. Favorite Shows: Gravity Falls, Ducktales (2017), Sherlock, Stranger Things, 24, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Star Trek (all of them), History Channel Presents, Batman TAS, anything from the 90's or late 80's. Favorite Game(s): Too many to count. Usually anything by Bioware, Bethesda, Valve, Konami, Capcom, Sega, Atlus, Nintendo and a couple of others. A few notable ones would be the Mass Effect series, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Oblivion, Skyrim, Mario Kart, Pokemon, Crazy Taxi, Star Fox, KOTOR, Streets of Rage 2, Megaman X, Ratchet and Clank, Phantasy Star, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, etc. Like I said, too many to count on too many systems. I'd love to play online with anyone if they want to. Just pm me for my Friend Codes or PSN id. Friends (and people I consider friends even if they don't reciprocate it): Rufuszz, darkness wasted (mainly Sword's friend), Ziggy7332, Mike Prower the Fox, i88, Alyssacookie, silverdawn2010, Avalon the Assassin, Melody Moonlight, and all reviewers and collaborators. You guys make this worthwhile. People I don't care for: Flamers and anyone with a stuck-up attitude who believes they are better than everyone else. No one is perfect, so stop acting like you are. Also, stop flaming people who are trying their best. They pour their heart and soul into their stories and they do not deserve to have you squash them. Also, people who post horribly written or summary stories; the kind that are only 100 words long, everything is misspelled, etc. Put more effort into it like everyone else. And finally, people intolerant of others. This includes terrorists, racists, and anyone who hates someone purely because of their beliefs, creed, race, or way of life. Only exception is people who hate other haters, like people who hate terrorists, racists, etc. Favorite Bands/Singers: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thousand Foot Krutch, and others. Mostly 80's singers/bands though. Usually writes stories for or found hanging out at: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sly Cooper, Star Fox, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright, Mass Effect, Super Smash Bros. and any others I find. Characters I've created (all characters I've created and their likenesses belong to me. Please do not use any them without my consent): For those who keep wondering where I came up with the idea for Pen and Sword, the inspiration came from A. the pen name, B. comedy duos like Abbott and Costello, Pinky and the Brain, Sam and Max, Billy and Mandy, Angry Beavers, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, Prometheus and Bob, and Tom and Jerry, and C. Kal0-and-Summer. Those two left an impact that eventually, combined with all the other stuff, turned into Pen and Sword. So I'd like to thank them for that inspiration. Pen: One of the two characters that helps introduce stories, he's quite educated and brilliant. Usually found reading poetry or some famous literature, but also found fighting with Sword a lot as well. He doesn't care for fanfiction, but would rather be doing something than nothing. Is critical of most fics and likes to be alone, but will tolerate Sword's company. Currently dating Sword. Comes from a dank, out of the way mountain town high in the hills. Age: ? Characterstics: He's a pen. Sword: The happy-go-lucky, more dense of the Pen and Sword duo, Sword loves to have fun. She loves to read romantic fics, but cries for hours if anyone dies or she reads an angst fic. Loves to fight with Pen, but doesn't understand that Pen finds her annoying at times. Likes to mess with Pen and is dating him. Comes from the land of rainbow unicorns and sparkly bees. Age:? Characeristics: A very sharp sword...In physical features, not in intelligence. Sonic characters: Gauge the Hedgehog- (A.K.A. Blur) A common thief who steals what he needs, such as clothes and food. Has an unusual ability to always find a lead pipe lying around when he gets in a fight. After an accident where he tried to help Sonic defeat Eggman, Gauge now absorbs power from electrical devices. It can give him power, but if he goes too long without absorbing any, he can become weak and possibly go catatonic. He's grey, but has yellow stripes after his accident. His spines are in the shape of a mohawk and look a little like lightning bolts after the accident as well. He has orange eyes and is learning to play the guitar. Requests: Requests are not currently open. Collaborations: Willing to do collaborations. Just send a pm. Unless we specifically state in this section that we co-authoring a story with someone in any way, any story that someone claims we are a co-author to is lying. Stories collaborated on so far: the first five chapters of "Faded Shade" with i88, and we wrote a chapter for XxSanitariumxX's story "Star Fox: The Fanfiction SuperFriends". For those wondering why we tend to stray away from the angst stuff and write more happy stories, our answer is two-fold. One: there are already enough sad and depressing fics on here to make anyone cry for days on end and we'd rather not oversaturate or even add to it much except on rare occasions. Two: life itself is something to be treasured and happy about, during the good times and the bad. So we try to reflect that in the stories. Sure there will be struggles, hardships, and conflicts, but anyone can overcome them. Favorite Couples:Not any in particular. If its a plausible couple and written as such, then chances are that we'll like it. But a some of the ones we usually read about are Sonic/Amy, Knuckles/Rouge, Tails/Cream, Silver/Blaze, Phoenix/Maya, Sly/Carmelita, Fox/Krystal, Shepard/Talia, Dipper/Pacifica, Edd/Marie. We will read others though. Reviews for your stories: We never review anything without signing in. So, if someone hasn't signed in and puts our name in a review, it is not us PM: Feel free to pm anytime. We like hearing from others on this site, whether you want to swap writing techniques or just want to chat in general. Favorite stories and authors: Most of the stories we add are either full of fluff and romance or are good. Really good. Really and truly good. And the authors are great as well and we use some of them as a template to aspire to when it comes to writing. In our honest opinion, most of these people have far superior writing skills to many others, and us especially, and are worth looking into. And sometimes their stories give us an idea or a word to use in ours. We would suggest checking them out because, well, like I said: they're great. For more details on each, and other authors on here you should look into, see below: Silverdawn2010- We cannot praise her work enough. Every one of her stories absolutely captures the characters in the Sonic universe and usually involves a unique plot or idea. Put simply, if you have not read her stories, do so now. Not only will you enjoy the romance in them, but you can draw inspiration solely from her work. darknesswasted- Funny, but sweet stories that range from a decent length to quick stories that can give you your daily dose of fluff to start the day off. pantedgieQueen13- A well-known author in several sections we would say and odds are you have read a story or two by her. Nonetheless, her work deserves merit and covers a wide spectrum of types and other stories. Even if you've read a story by her already, try another one. Extra and Random Stuff No One Cares to Read: "Love is never wrong. People everyday point and declare one love or another is against a rule, a law, a doctrine, or some belief. But what they point to is not love. They point to lust, infatuation, and disguised hate. Lust and casual, or loose, morals I do believe are wrong. While others may revel in its pleasures, I shake my head and turn away, and agree that the casual promiscuity of it is revolting. But all we can do is keep ourselves from turning something intimate that should be shared between lovers into something as normal as a handshake, and preserve ourselves for only those we truly care for. Infatuation is not wrong and there is no reason to bash others for it. In time it will pass and fade away like all other habits. Then those people will realize how silly they acted and how much better they have become. Disguised hate is a form of hate disguised as love for something else. An example is love for one's country or people. While neither of these are wrong, if they are taken to the extremes of xenophobia or ethnocentrism under the reasoning of doing it for their "love", that is when it becomes a problem. And that is when it shouldn't be condoned. But true, honest-to-God love should never be shunned. Such a pure love between a husband and wife, family members, two friends is the most beautiful thing one can ever witness or experience. Or even love and caring shown from one person to another, even if it is not reciprocated. Whether romantic, platonic, or something close to either, we should never fight against it or stifle it, but embrace it. Hold it near and dear to our hearts and share it with others everywhere. We should pass it on in the hopes of brightening someone's life and enriching both our lives in the process. And maybe, just maybe, in adding even a smidgen of this love to our interactions with others we care for, and letting them know how much we love them, we can make this world a wonderful place to live, for us and the future generations."- The Pen vs The Sword. If you agree, please pass it on and copy/paste it to your profile. Being a Christian does not mean judging others based on their race, culture, or beliefs. It means loving your brothers and sisters in this world, embracing them, and accepting them just like God would accept anyone. After all, we're all part of this world and in it together. And our differences are what makes it so great.- The Pen vs The Sword. Please copy and paste if you feel the same. |
01SonAmy01 (10) darkness wasted (121) | HisSweetestHoney (23) pantedgieQueen13 (90) | SilverDawn2010 (36) |