Chapter 11 – It's Never Too Late

The proclamation was now finalised, shimmering with magnificence, a perfect contrast to the inky blackness. Her gaze was fixated on each word. It literally took her breath away. Anybody who had looked up to observe the display would have seen 'I LOVE YOU, AMY' in sparkling letters, suspended in the twilight. Her eyes shone with delight as she felt the sensation of giddy happiness quivering in her stomach. Her smile was stretched even further across her face; the picture of joy. While she stood there gaping, she sensed somebody next to her. She hadn't even heard the crack of a twig as the figure walked to stand beside her. She slowly craned her neck around to face them, and her smile grew even wider.


Sonic returned her grin, each of his striking features stirring her emotions until they were a blur. There was a distinct mixture of feelings in his eyes: hope, relief, and something that she'd never read before. Although, the sentence in the sky was all she needed to understand it. For a moment, they were both still, exchanging glances, each one trying to analyse the other's reactions. She felt her eyes fill up as her vision became blurry. She threw her arms around him, trying to contain her shivers. He laughed, holding her softly. He felt relieved to know that she was crying tears of happiness, shaking lightly, her head on his shoulder.


"You okay?" he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. She pulled back to look at him, giggling breathlessly. She pointed at the sky, unable to speak. Her dizzy smile was keeping back any words that she'd managed to think of. He chuckled modestly; knowing what she meant. "Yeah…I er… I did that," he said with a nervous smile.

She tried to organise her thoughts, though her mind was a tornado of ecstasy. She slowly gathered herself, mustering every piece of stability left in her just to speak.

"D-do you mean it?" she breathed.

His gaze intensified, focusing on her eyes. He'd spelt it in the sky, and she wanted to know if he'd meant it? She wants me to say it to her, doesn't she? He gulped. He hadn't actually considered saying it, but of course he was more than willing. He took a long, deep breath and let the words flow.


"Ames, I am so sorry for…well, for everything. The way I've treated you was completely out of order, and I know that I wasn't the most agreeable guy. But I've been - thinking – about what happened in the past, and I saw how much I must have hurt you. You have no idea how bad I felt, I mean I… I never ever wanted to upset you in any way because I care about you so much. I know I've been a complete jerk, and I would understand if you hated me, but you don't. You never did, and that's made me realise how amazing you are. Me…I'm not a hero. I'm just a guy who saves people, but you…you're astounding.


"You put up with so much from me and yet you always stick by me. You stayed by my side through everything and I'll never forget that. So, I think that you're the real hero. But you shouldn't have to deal with me acting like that, and you'll never have to again; because this is my promise to you that everything will change. I'm always going to be there, no matter what, you can count on it." He paused, allowing his mind to catch up. He wasn't even sure how that had all come out, it was just natural.


"I guess what I mean is, can you forgive me for earning the title of 'official idiot of the century'? I'll do whatever it takes. I don't care what other people think or what they say is impossible, because I'll honestly do anything for you, Amy." He studied her expression, unsure if the silent ambience was good or not. "I-I don't even know how I'm managing to say all of this; you know that I'm not one for romance movies so it's not that. I guess… actually I know … that it's coming from in here," he said, holding his hand over his heart. His blush deepened as he realised how cheesy that had sounded. Cheesy is good, Sonic, he thought to himself. There's nothing wrong with a bit of cheesiness here and there. He chortled timidly before continuing. "If I really listen to it, it's sort of…singing. It's saying three words over and over again and I can't ignore them forever." His hands were resting on her shoulders, his expression full of sincerity. Hers was similar, but the sparkles of excitement were unmistakable.


He was going to say it. Amy felt her heart beating so fast it was humming. Of course she didn't know it, but his was exactly the same. His pulse was zipping around his body at incredible speeds, faster than even he was used to. He was sure that he could feel the tension building up, hindering his speech. Suddenly, he felt a strange aura of calm. This wasn't going to faze him. Confessions weren't a regular occurrence but this one would probably be one of the greatest things he'd ever do in his life. His pulse slowed a little, and he knew he was ready. "I love you, Amy."


The words rolled off his tongue; it felt so perfect to finally release them, and for nobody else but her. They sounded so right, and once he'd said them he was able to speak again. "Perhaps it's a belated confession, but I figure that it's never too late to say I love you. And I can't offer you castles, kingdoms or Prince Charming, I'm just plain old Sonic. But I can give you my heart, and I hope that it's enough." He grinned, letting the reality of what he'd said sink in. How's that for a confession? He couldn't help feeling pleased with his speech, and her expression just made him even happier.


Amy was completely stunned. If her legs felt any weaker she was sure that she'd faint. It was hard enough trying to see through the liquid blur forming at her eyes, but her stomach was somersaulting violently. She could only think of one thing to do. She threw herself at him, letting her arms cling around his neck. She inhaled his scent, it was indescribable; a fusion of spice and the outdoors and home. Her head was spinning madly, and it was almost impossible to catch hold of any thought. It was amazing that he'd go to so much trouble, and even more unbelievable that he'd managed to say all of that and really mean it. It was almost funny; she'd been waiting to hear him say that ever since she could remember and now that she'd finally heard it, she wasn't sure how to react.


"Oh, Sonic," she choked. The only thing that was keeping her upright was his strong arms around her, supporting her. Her sobs were obstructing what little breath she had. "I am so completely and utterly in love with you, it's crazy!" she giggled, her voice barely above a whisper. Her quills swayed gently as her tears dampened his shoulder. "Of course I'll forgive you!" She leaned back a little, to gaze into his eyes. "And I never wanted a Prince or anything like that; you're all I need for my happy ending." His face reflected hers, a sweet smile upon his lips. He lifted his hand to gently wipe away her tear with his thumb, while the first chimes of midnight began to strike. Dong! The tower clock echoed about the landscape, but Sonic was unfazed.


She leaned in closer to him, until their heads touched. She could feel the tingly warmth of his breath on her cheeks. His eyes were glowing intensely, full of nothing but pure devotion to her. They sent ripples of passionate affection that took her breath away. She was so overwhelmed by his love and her own that she started to wonder if it was a dream. But his gorgeous face blew away the doubt with so much force that she had to gasp in effort to regain air. Her nerves were jumping in every place that she came into contact with him. She felt her face become hotter at his touch. The town clock continued to chime relentlessly, reminding Sonic of the remaining time. The eleventh strike resounded in the open air. Their lips were centimetres apart. He tilted his head downwards and closed the gap between them, just before the final chime ricocheted.


Everything around them suddenly seeped away as the twelfth strike of midnight boomed through the city. It was silenced; unheard by the hedgehogs. It was just the two of them, dancing in the waves of happiness. Amy's mind was exploding with passion, and love that she'd held back for years. It pulsed through them both, in enigmatic waves that grew stronger with every passing second. She hooked her arms around his neck as he placed his on her waist. Shudders of pleasure vaulted down their spines, tingling their senses. The intensity of it was like a blaze, raging around them, bounding them together. The fireworks may have finished but crackles of ecstasy were still blasting through them. Each of their senses was bombarded.


All of a sudden, tiny glimmers of light emerged from under their feet. They began to flow even more rapidly, hundreds of sparkles flying around them. In seconds, they were completely surrounded by a whirlwind of sparkles. They danced around the two, whizzing in delicate trails, gently blowing their quills. It was breath-taking, but they barely noticed the gentle breezes. Any thoughts had been cut off, focusing all energy into that one moment. It was as if the final piece had been added to the jigsaw, after being left out for what had seemed like a lifetime. Both were reeling in amazement from the sheer force of their adoration for each other. They finally broke apart, breathless from the passion.


Amy kept her head on his shoulder, their fingers still entwined. Her eyes met with his, taking in every detail; she wanted to remember that moment forever. My first kiss, she thought dizzily. It was even more amazing that she had pictured it.

Sonic suddenly felt the quills on his back rise a little. He was sure that he'd sensed somebody watching them. He glanced to the side, and his eyes widened slightly. Dessovelle was floating by the willow tree, admiring the couple. She saw him looking at her and winked. He felt his smile break into a grin. She didn't have to say anything; he knew that everything was resolved. With a final wave goodbye, she twirled around and was instantly gone, leaving a small, glittering cloud.


Thank you, Dessovelle, he thought. He turned back to Amy, and she looked up at him happily. They stood together - her head on his shoulder – just gazing up into the night. With the promise of a better future, the stars were shining brighter than ever before.

Fin! Meh... I'm not sure about the ending but I tried my best.

In case you didn't know, the sparkles when they kissed was the magic to show that the future had been corrected. I should've been clearer on that but I wasn't sure on how to do it.

Anyway, a huge thank you for taking the time to read my story. Reviews are greatly appreciated. :)