I thoroughly enjoyed writing this one at 2 in the morning with 5 cups of coffee in me. XD
Just a little lovely piece to tie up the story.
Epilogue: Craig
The air had such a harsh bite to it. It was always so fucking cold in Colorado. Ugh. I sat on the bench in front of the campus building looking up at the cloudy sky. It was going to snow. Just a matter of time. I lifted my hands to breathe on them. Even while wearing gloves, my fingers still froze.
So, what's happen so far? Well, after Kenny and Butters recovered, everything sort of went back to normal. They continued to date out in the open for everyone to see. It was…sweet…and a bit disturbing sometimes. Man, they could both get handsy. We all graduated and all had the next step planned out. Butters, Tweek, and I were going to school in Denver. Kyle and Stan went to a different school. They weren't far but far enough that we only saw them during vacation days. Kenny moved to Denver with Butters but didn't apply for school. Everyone believed it was funds but he confessed to me he still didn't know what he wanted to do. He was worried he was going to be a burden so he expected to stay in South Park and visit Denver but Butters refused. He wasn't going anywhere without Kenny.
We were in the middle of our second year. The first year was, needless to say, rough. Tweek and I were living together and it took a bit of time to figure it out. We had spent all our time together during high school but when you finally move in together, heavy baggage moves in with you. His constant messiness was an issue to my neat freak personality. My constant need to use our office space as a workout room was an incredibly annoying distraction for him. Especially when I wore baggy gym shorts and a tight t-shirt. Nothing much got done that wasn't in a horizontal position with lots of noises. And yes, after I realized that was a thing, I started to do it a lot more and definitely on purpose. After a lot of fights though, we managed to get down a system that worked for both of us.
Everything was great. It was fantastic! But I couldn't help feeling a bit of an emptiness in me. I wasn't sure what was causing it, but it was there. It had been there for a while, since before college.
Footsteps shuffled nearby and suddenly hands moved into my hair, a dark shadow passed over me, and lips pressed to mine. I would have been startled straight into a frenzy of flying fists if I didn't know those cracked lips so well. I lifted my hands to cup soft cheeks as we kissed upside down. He pulled away and I smiled.
"Good day?" I asked.
Tweek chuckled lightly and moved around the bench to sit next to me. I lifted my head and stretched an arm behind him to put my hand on his shoulder and run my finger against the side of his neck. "Slow. Boring classes, so I got to think about you all day," he explained and turned his head to grin at me.
I rolled my eyes. "Gross," I said and he chuckled as he lightly bumped against me. "So, are you ready for drinks with Kenny and Butters tonight?" His eyes widened and he threw his head back with a loud groan. "What?" I snapped in a low voice.
"I forgot," he said as he lifted his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I picked up a shift at work."
I leaned forward slightly and frowned. "You're kidding! We're supposed to be celebrating Kenny's promotion!" I said loudly.
"I know," Tweek whined. "He's gonna be mad at me."
"He's gonna be so mad at you," I grumbled as I sat back with my arms crossed over my chest.
Tweek snorted. "Not the first time. Probably not the last," he said and I chuckled lightly.
We could hear the truck before we could see it. The loud rumble of the engine and blaring rock music echoed over the quad. Tweek stood first and turned to hold his hand out to me. I took it and let him pull me off the bench before my arm went around his shoulders. We walked across the quad to where the old pickup truck came to a screeching halt. Kenny threw it in park, didn't shut it off, and opened the door to stand so he was looking over the cab at us. The loud music was attracting attention all around.
"Who's ready to get drink, drank, drunk!" he shouted over his loud music.
"Not Tweek," I answered and Tweek wiggled from my hold to turn to face me.
"Thanks a lot," he said sarcastically with the side of his mouth turned up slightly into a smile.
I smiled back. "You're welcome."
"Wait, wait, wait, what?" Kenny said quickly. "Tweek?"
Tweek sighed as he rolled his eyes before he looked up with a sheepish expression. "I forgot about drinks tonight so I picked up a shift at work and can't get out of it," he explained.
Kenny frowned as he tapped his fingers against the top of his cab. He stared down at Tweek and then smiled. "Okay. No biggie," he said and lowered himself back into his truck.
"No…biggie?" I asked. I was expecting a way bigger fight.
I turned my head and Tweek shrugged his shoulders. A flash of yellow passed by behind him and suddenly the passenger side door of Kenny's truck groaned open. "Oh!" Kenny shouted happily above his music that he lowered as Butters flung himself inside the truck. There was a loud bang followed by Kenny yelling, "Ouch! Fuck! Leo, bang me, not my head!"
Butters laughed loudly in response. Tweek rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go," he said as he grabbed my hand to lead me to the truck.
The ride was cramped but we all dealt. The truck was not built for four people, but we didn't mind the closeness. Tweel was stuck to me as I sat with my back pressed into the corner made by the seat and the door. Butters sat next to Kenny, a leg over Kenny's. Kenny's hand rubbed Butter's knee gently. It was the same knee that had been dislocated in the accident. It bothered Butters at times so Kenny took any opportunity he had to lovingly rub it. I had my arm back over Tweek's shoulders to drag my finger against the side of his neck as his hands rested in his lap. His fingers were tapping against his knees nervously. Something was on his mind. Probably school related. He had been a bit stressed out lately with assignments.
Kenny stopped the truck in front of the coffee shop where Tweek worked as a barista. Yes, I laughed at him a bit when he announced he got the job. He laughed too. It wasn't a glamorous job but it had flexible hours and good pay, especially when tips were earned. We both agreed that we would get part time jobs to cover the cost of the apartment, that way we wouldn't have to mooch so much money out of the government or his parents. I took a job as a busboy at a restaurant and Tweek snorted a bit when I told him. It was karma. I didn't mind seeing him smile like that.
"I'll be working late so don't wait up for me," Tweek said as he swung open the door and climbed over me.
"Wake me up when you get home if I'm asleep," I said as I leaned out of the truck.
Tweek's hands cupped my cheeks as he smiled. "Okay," he said and kissed me. It was tender and sweet. He only ever kissed me like that if we were in public. "Have fun."
He pushed the door shut and stood on the sidewalk waiting as the truck pulled away. "Good, now that we've disposed of the fuddy duddy, let's get some shots!" Kenny said loudly.
I rolled my eyes but I was smiling. We were at a bar a few blocks away from Tweek's work and our apartment buildings. Our apartment buildings were literally around the corner from each other and the restaurant was just a block away. The bar we decided to go to was our regular drinking spot. Whenever one of us needed a drink, we'd all head down. The bartenders were used to us. Well, mainly used to Kenny.
"Dennis!" Kenny shouted and the bartender looked up. "A round of shots!"
"Shots of what?" Dennis responded with.
"Alcohol, my good sir! That is what shots were made for!" Kenny yelled back.
The bartender rolled his eyes and went to work getting the shots. "He's gonna kick us out some day," I said and then lifted my beer to take a drink.
"Nah, they enjoy us. They'd get bored without us," Kenny explained, an arm wrapped around Butters who sipped at a fruity drink I could smell from across the table. "Right, Dennis!" The bartender had his back facing us and merely lifted his hand to flip Kenny off. "Exactly!" He laughed and then sighed loudly. "So, how's everything going?" he asked me and lifted his beer to take a drink.
I sighed as I gently spun my beer bottle. "Well, school's good. Stressful, but good. I'm falling a bit behind on assignments, but they're easy to catch up on. I just have to find the time and the will to want to do them," I explained without looking up from the brown bottle.
"Okay, good, school's down. What about your parents? Spoken to them much lately?" Kenny pressed.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Mom, a few times. Dad, no. He's still avoiding me. I think mom's thinking of leaving him. I'm not sure. She just doesn't sound happy," I explained and could feel my mood dropping by the second.
"Okay, no sad topic. Parents crossed off the list. How's work?" Kenny asked and took another sip of his beer.
I looked up through my eyelashes. Kenny was trying too hard at something. "I'm a busboy at a restaurant. I can tell you it is definitely not something to brag about," I explained.
"Fair enough," Kenny said with a small tilt of his head back and forth. "Let's see. What else can we talk about?"
"Why are you so interested in talking about me right now?" I asked with my arms crossed on the table.
"Ah! Tweek," he said and I felt my body tense. It must have been noticeable because Kenny and Butters both frowned slightly.
Dennis approached the table to set down three shot glasses full of brown liquid. Kenny and Butters were waiting patiently for me to speak. I sighed loudly. "Look, things are going great. There is nothing bad, it's just—," I paused to groan in frustration at the back of my throat. "It feels like Tweek's been hiding something from me for the past while. He's kind of distant and secretive. Anytime I ask him about it he just avoids talking about it entirely," I explained and tapped my finger against the side of the bottle. "Maybe the hallucinations are back. I know he said he hadn't had one since the end of high school, but he could be lying. Or maybe he's tired of me." Kenny and Butters both looked slightly shocked. "Maybe he's regretting living together. I know it hasn't been the easiest."
"No, he—," Butters suddenly squeaked but stopped when Kenny's hand grabbed his knee.
I looked up at them both with furrowed eyebrows. "He's not regretting living with you. Trust me. He's probably just stressed out because of school. Give him some time and I'm sure he'll come around," Kenny explained and grinned.
There was something agitating Butters and Kenny was fighting hard to keep it all down. I wanted to press but Kenny handed a shot to me and then raised his in the air, turning the attention away from our conversation. "To friends. To family. To school. To my promotion," he said and smiled proudly at the last one before it slowly faded a bit. "To being alive," he added with a soft tone that made Butters and I smile gently as silence lingered in the air a moment. "To love."
"Cheers," I said and we clinked our glasses together before downing the liquid.
We each made our own noise of disgust and Kenny banged his hand against the table. "Dennis! That was fantastic! Another!"
Butters groaned. He was not much of a drinker, especially the hard stuff. "Ugh, Kenny, I don't—," he said sadly.
"Don't worry Leo, I'll drink yours," Kenny said and leaned over to kiss Butters' temple. The blonde smiled and the tops of his cheeks pinked up.
I chugged what was remaining of my beer and Kenny watched. I don't know if he was impressed or worried but I didn't care. Dennis brought the shots over to the table and I reached out for one but Kenny quickly snatched it from my hand.
"Hey! Kenny, what—?" I snapped in a small whine.
"You should—uh—probably take it easy," Kenny said with a nervous tone.
I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Why?" I snapped.
Butters' body went rigid next to Kenny who tapped his finger against the table. My eyes shot back and forth between them. Butters lifted his glass as he slumped in his seat to sip loudly through his straw.
"I just mean—you know—you're not very good with your alcohol. You may think you're all big and tough, Tucker, but you're actually kind of a light weight. Especially with shots," Kenny explained in a quickened voice.
"I'm not a light weight," I replied, my eyebrows furrowed together.
"No?" Kenny asked and downed a shot. "Hmm," he hummed. Another shot. "That's strange," he added. Last shot. "Oh, wow."
Butters gently rubbed Kenny's shoulder and he hiccupped. I rolled my eyes and leaned out of the booth slightly. "Dennis, another beer please!" I called out and the man nodded.
By my fourth drink I was buzzed. They weren't particularly strong drinks which made me question whether I was a light weight or not. Butters was still sober but Kenny was drunk. He had three more shots after the first six and four beers on top of that. He was scooted in close to Butters and playing with his yellow hair as we talked. When Kenny's hands were becoming far too grabby, Butters sighed and gently patted his stubble covered cheek.
"Okay, let's go home," he said and Kenny hummed loudly.
"We can do stuff at home," he slurred in a low purr. "Butt stuff," he hissed in a low whisper.
"You are far too drunk for anything right now," Butters replied with a small grin.
"Why not? You could top for once if you wanna," Kenny drawled and Butters' face went bright red.
I chuckled and stood to grab Kenny's arm. "Come on, drunky," I said as I pulled him to his feet.
"Oh! Are ya gonna join, Mr. Craig Twe—Tucker?" Kenny asked as he leaned against me.
Butters slipped out of the booth to approach the bar to pay. "You do realize we're no longer in high school, right Kenny? I have no more strikes against me," I reminded him.
He hummed as he nodded his head. "Yes. No strikes mean bad," he said with realization in his tone.
"Yes, very bad," I replied and gently patted his chest.
When Butters was finished paying he grabbed Kenny's other arm and we walked him out of the bar. We left his truck sitting in the parking lot which was always alright with the owner since he'd rather not have people drink and drive. Kenny sang the entire walk home. I wasn't sure what the song was or if it even was a song, but he sang it with gusto. When we arrived at their apartment building, Butters let go to fish through his pockets for his keys.
"Craig," Kenny said and wrapped his arms around me as he rubbed his cheek against mine. "Craaaaaaaaig," he whined.
"Yes, Kenny?" I asked with a small laugh.
"Say yes," he said.
Butter's body went rigid as he pulled open the door. "What?" I asked confusingly.
"Say yeeeeees!" Kenny whined.
"Kenny, come on!" Butters called out like Kenny was a dog. "There's a nice warm, comfy bed waiting for you inside," he said as he held open the door.
Kenny let go of me and stumbled forward into Butters who just barely caught him. "Are you okay to handle him on your own from here on out?" I asked with a grin.
Butters nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Good night, Craig," he said and smiled sweetly before turning to lead Kenny inside.
I turned but stopped when Kenny suddenly shouted. "You did kiss on my forehead, Craig Tucker!" he yelled and I quickly spun around. The drunk idiot was grinning wide from ear to ear. "I'm not going anywhere, man."
I grinned slightly and turned to keep walking away with a small shake of my head. "What an idiot," I muttered. "But what the hell was all that about? Say yes to what?" I muttered quietly as I walked away towards home, my hands shoved into the pockets of my sweater.
I turned my key into the lock of the main door to the apartment building and stepped inside. Warmth wrapped around me. We lived on the fifth floor and though there was an elevator, I always climbed the stairs when I was alone and not in a hurry. I liked the exercise and it made my small buzz wear off slightly. I reached the door to our apartment and slid my key into the lock. I swung it open and immediately stopped. I had expected to walk into an empty apartment and go straight to bed but it was dark except for the glow of candlelight in the living room that poured into the hallway. I gently shut the door behind me and kicked off my shoes. I thought about calling out but decided against it for some strange reason. I hung up my coat and slowly made my way to the large archway to the living room. I froze. Candles were scattered all around the room and a vase of red roses sat on the coffee table. Cold air passed over my body from the open patio door. Just outside stood a dark figure I couldn't quite see.
"Tweek?" I called out.
"Ah!" he shouted.
Definitely Tweek.
He made a low noise and then quickly shuffled inside to slide the patio door closed behind him. He didn't move from his spot at the balcony door as he fidgeted with his fingers. My eyes widened slightly. He wore a white collared shirt with his favourite pair of jeans and his hair was clean and pushed back.
My eyes widened. "Tweek, don't tell me I forgot an anniversary or something," I said in a panic.
Tweek quickly shook his head and took a small step. "No! No, you didn't forget anything," he said and moved his hands behind his back to clasp them together.
"So, what's going on then?" I asked and my eyebrows furrowed together. "I thought you had to work late."
He hummed and rocked from his heels to his toes. "No. I lied. I didn't have to work at all," he said and looked around the room at his handy work. "I lied so Kenny and Butters could take you out and keep you busy while I made sure to do all this."
"Kenny and Butters was distracting me?" I asked though it wasn't such a crazy thing. It did explain their odd behaviour a bit. "Okay, but why? What's all this about?"
Tweek shook a bit. He was nervous. Something was making him nervous. I took a few steps into the room and his eyes shifted to look at me. "Wait!" he shouted and I stopped moving. "Don't—Don't take another step. Don't move."
"Okay," I said with a confused tone. "Not moving. Now, tell me what's going on?"
"Okay," he said and inhaled slowly through his nose. "I love you, Craig Tucker."
"I lo—," I started to say but Tweek waved his hands as he made noises from his throat.
"Wait, wait, don't say anything. Not yet," he said so I snapped my mouth shut. "I love you, and I have for a very long time. You make me…unbelievably happy. I—I couldn't imagine my life without you, even though you're kind of a pain in the ass and a total control freak. Despite that, I have a vision in my head of you and I together…forever."
"I know we've been through a lot of rough shit, most of it done by me, but it's nothing compared to how happy you make me. So…unbelievably happy."
Holy shit…hold on!
I had to pinch my lips with my teeth. My body was growing anxious.
"You're possibly the love of my life. My—My soulmate, which is odd to say because I've never really believed in that sort of stuff. B—But it makes sense. I mean, there's no other way to explain how we found each other. It had to be some sort of destiny or fate or some weird shit like that."
I'm not ready for this! Fuck, Tweek!
"And there's still a lot of uncertainty in me, but I'm really trying hard to get better. You're making me better with every passing day, and—Craig, are you okay?"
"You're killing me," I blurted out, my body shaking uncontrollably.
Tweek looked confused. "What?" he asked slowly.
"You are very slowly and very painfully killing me right now," I explained desperately.
Tweek's eyes were wide. "I don't—what?" he asked again.
I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Say yes."
"He's not regretting living with you. Trust me."
"Ask me, you asshole!" I shouted unexpectedly. My nerves were getting the better of me.
"The fuck Craig, I had this all planned and ready and I got the damn flowers and—!" Tweek started to yell back at me as he gestured wildly in all directions.
"Dammit Tweek, just say the damn question!" I shouted but I was grinning wide across my face.
"Fine!" Tweek yelled in frustration and reached into his back pocket. When his hand came forward he was holding onto a gold ring that shined in the candlelight. My heart slammed against my rib cage. "Will you fucking marry me, you jerk?"
He barely had the question out before I launched myself across the room to grab him by the cheeks and kiss him. It was a bit painful at first as we bumped together but all sense was gone. There was only joy. Only happiness. Only him and I. His hands were on my sides as he sunk into the kiss. Tongues reached out to sweep over warm lips that parted to allow entrance. Tweek moaned lightly at the touch and I swallowed it. Swallowed his sweet sound. He pulled away first and his gaze lingered on my mouth before he looked up into my eyes.
"Craig? You didn't answer," he said in a low, growling tone.
I shrugged my shoulders sharply. "I don't know," I muttered.
Tweek pulled away so he could punch my chest. "You dickhead! I'm being serious!" he shouted.
"Tweek," I said with a small chuckle and moved my hands slightly so they were on the sides of his neck, my fingers pushed into his hair above the nape of his neck. "Yes. My answer is yes." Tweek blinked and his cheeks reddened. I lifted an eyebrow quizzically. "Are—Are you blushing?"
"I was almost kind of expecting you to say no," Tweek said and blinked again. "That kind of threw me off."
"Fucking dammit Tweek," I muttered as I grinned and reached out to take the gold ring from between his fingers. It fit perfectly over the ring finger of my left hand and Tweek smiled.
My hands were back on his neck as I kissed him again. His hands pressed to my stomach before sliding up to my chest. I let my hands trail over his shoulders, down his sides that made his body shake, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I pulled him tight against me and continued until he was lifted off the floor. His legs wrapped around my waist as he arm moved around my neck. Our kiss disconnected and I smiled.
"Can I give you mine now?" I asked.
Tweek's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion with a slight tilt of his head. "What?" he asked.
I didn't reply. I moved to walk over to carefully set him down on the couch and kissed his forehead. "Wait here," I whispered before quickly stepping out of the room.
I raced down the hall to the bedroom to head over to my dresser. Bottom drawer, behind the jeans. A small fabric pouch was taped to the wood. I reached inside and then raced back down the hall. Tweek was still sitting on the couch, his fingers tapping nervously against his knees. He looked up at me when I entered the room and walked over to kneel in front of him. I hadn't even realized the position I took until Tweek's face brightened in red. I lifted the white gold ring and chuckled lightly.
"They don't match, but I thought this one would look better on you. Skin complexions and shit," I explained. It had been a strenuous hour of my life trying to find one but the sales girl did have a point.
"How—How long have you had that?" Tweek asked in a small voice.
I sighed lightly. "Well, after one of our fights last year when I walked out to go for a walk, I ended up at the mall. I wandered around until I was suddenly standing in a jewellery store. I don't know why I was there, I think my body was just moving on its own. Then I was in there for an hour. And then I was walking out with this. I couldn't bring myself to return it because I knew some day I'd want to do this. It would come out of left field and I'd just want to do it."
"Because you're an impulsive idiot," Tweek said with a mildly amused tone.
"That hurts," I replied jokingly, "but not inaccurate. I am impulsive, but not about this."
I grabbed Tweek's hand and held the ring between my fingertips. I looked up at Tweek, silently asking for permission that he gave with a small nod. The ring fit over his finger, though a little loose. We could always get it fitted. The sudden sight of him wearing it made a rock form in my chest and fall into my stomach.
"Is—Is this really happening?" Tweek asked as he stared at his hand. "Or am I hallucinating? I can't tell. My heart's beating too fast."
"It's really happening," I said as I lifted myself to kiss him. He threw his arms around my neck and pressed hard into the kiss.
And that was it. The final piece that snapped together inside me. The empty space that had been lingering inside me was full. There was no more doubt. No more worry. No more tension. He was mine. I was his. We were fitted together like two unique pieces that were made for each other. He was right, we were soulmates. There's no other way we could have found each other the way we did. Started out enemies, forced to be acquaintances, turned into friendship, and then fell in love blindly like idiots. Everything that had come between us before, his demons, the beast inside me, they were nothing. They would never amount to what Tweek and I had in that moment. Forever. We had the rest of our lives together.
That was it. We were both finally complete.
Thank you so much everyone for reading!
I hope you enjoyed. Please, let me know if you did!