Author has written 22 stories for Land Before Time, Godzilla: The Series, Star Wars, X-overs, Lion King, Swan Princess, Terminator, Lord of the Rings, and Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Hi there! My name is Anthony, age 20. For many years now, writing's been one of my many passions, especially when it comes to fanfiction. I've been writing it as far back as the fifth grade when I gained an interest in Bakugan and Land Before Time fanfiction, which started it all for me. But it wasn't until I was 11 that I signed up here on this site. I'll admit that most of my older bullshit sucks a lot of ass, since I didn't have the same writing sensibilities that I do now. In fact, a certain incident that I got myself into in early May of 2011 almost ended my fanfiction career as soon as it started. I don't want to go into detail, since it's difficult for me to talk or think about these days, but let's just say I was a stupid, stupid boy at the time it happened. Thankfully I've grown and matured since then, and I feel like my writing has gotten a lot better with time. Mostly. Maybe. In theory.
Initially, most of my fanfiction revolved around The Land Before Time and crossovers with it, especially with Godzilla: The Series. But then when I was introduced to The Lion King in 7th or 8th grade, that was when my experience with fandoms truly took off, and to this day, I'm still heavily involved in the TLK fandom. Starting in early 2014, another author here by the name of Autobot00001 has been my main writing partner, and in a lot of ways, he's the reason my writing skills improved over time. Rarely have I ever planned out a TLK fanfic without him, and I couldn't be more thankful that we work/write together the way we do. For the moment, writing fanfiction for The Lion King is where my passions lie, and I have countless ideas and concepts that we're getting ready to execute. So be on the lookout for those soon!
My DeviantArt: Darthmaul1999
My FurAffinity: TLKfan19941998 (No, I wouldn't have used that name if I knew you couldn't change it.)
My iFunny/Reddit: Simba_Lennon
My Twitter: @Rat_Tail_Tony
The Lion King Meme
Favorite characters?
I love (or at least like) most of the characters from the films, even if I like some more than others. But if I absolutely had to narrow it down, I would say Simba, Nala, Kovu, Kiara, Kion, Jasiri, and Fuli. (In no specific order).
Least favorite character?
Those dumbass gorillas from The Lion Guard that Dan and Phil voiced. They were annoying, unlikable, and every line they had made me want to break something.
Characters who never met but you wish had?
I want to see Janja, Cheezi and Chungu meet the original hyena trio, just so we can know for sure if they're related or not. I'm a firm believer that they're the descendants of Shenzi, Banza, and/or Ed, so having them come in contact with one another would be a great way to confirm or deny. I also wish we'd been able to see Scar and Zira meet on-screen. With how much Zira idolizes the guy, and how similar their personalities seem to be, you'd think it'd be a no brainer.
Most likable characters?
Most of them are very likable, as I mentioned previously. But I would have to say Mufasa, Kovu, Simba, Kion, Kiara, and Nala.
Character you wish got more development?
Sarafina comes to mind first, since she got a grand total of one line in the entire movie. Thrilling. No insight on who Nala's dad was? Nothing about Simba being betrothed to your daughter? Nothing? Fine, just lay down, act pretty and do nothing while your daughter does all the work.
But all joking aside, I wish Sarabi could've been given more to do as well. They could've done so much more with her. Maybe there could be a scene or two showing how bad she felt about Mufasa's death and Simba's disappearance happening all in one day. Think about it: Sarabi was told by Scar himself that her entire family was killed in a stampede, and not even getting the chance to say goodbye. That had to have had a huge psychological impact on her, and it would've been so great to see that explored. But instead, her feelings on the whole thing were barely touched upon, and even that would be exaggerating how it was handled. Just one scene would've done the trick, maybe one showing a usually composed queen like her finally snapping from the trauma. There was so much potential for emotional moments from her.
Besides Sarabi, it would've also been nice to see Vitani have another scene or two. She was the first one of the Outsiders to unite with Simba's pride, so I think there should've been a moment or two where she questioned Zira's ways, maybe have her morals and loyalties clash at times. Like Sarabi, Vitani did have an okay personality and character, but it could've been explored so much more in-depth. They should've had a moment where Vitani starts to wonder exactly why Zira loved Scar the way she did, and what he did to win her over even in death. It would've given her more depth and made her dynamic happen over a longer period of time, therefore making it more believable. That, and I wish there could've been more parts where she interacted with Kovu, maybe expressing her own feelings on the whole matter or angrily confronting him about falling in love with Kiara. Fuckin' anything would've done it for me.
Character you used to hate but now love?
I used to think Timon and Pumbaa were grossly overrated during elementary school (Even before I officially entered this fandom), but now I think they're alright. Still not great, but fine. It's kind of like Simba what said: You learn to love 'em.
Characters you used to love but now hate?
I don't know if I ever "loved" him, but I used to have such high hopes for Janja's character, and in The Lion Guard's earliest episodes, he was fun. But he just got stupider and stupider as it's gone on, and it left me so disappointed. I can only hope they turn it around with him sooner or later.
Which TLK character do you relate to?
At times, I can relate to Kiara. She's resentful about being overprotected by her father, and I would really be lying if I said it wasn't like that for me sometimes. I'm on the same page as Fuli when it comes to enjoying being alone while still liking my friends, and I really identify with Bunga's "ambitiousness" and his tendency to jump into shit he's not prepared for. Lord only knows I'm no stranger to that. I can also kind of identify Ono, mostly in Return of the Roar, seemed to be the kind of person who thinks out loud and tends to correct people in a bit of a nerdy way. That shit really hit close to home for me, but in a good way. I think.
Favorite outside-the-movies character?
Definitely Kopa. I personally consider him to be canon without a doubt, as much as that'll probably trigger those who have a 2x4 up their ass about what is and isn't canon. He isn't nearly as great as many make him out to be (goddamned Kopatards over on DeviantArt and Tumblr...), but he's nonetheless a good sandbox-type of character to experiment with in the realm of fanfiction as such. Besides him, I also adore Kion in The Lion Guard, I admire his bravery, his willingness to put himself in harm's way for the sake of others, his intelligence, and his leadership skills for the rest of the guard. I dare say he'd even make a good role model for the younger fans of the series. I hope we get to see him out through bigger and bigger challenges as the series goes on.
Favorite deleted character?
I'd say for me personally, it's a tie between Timon's father and Binti. Timon's father could've had an interesting role, plus taken Timon off the (weirdly) long list of Disney characters who have an unexplained missing parent. I mean fucking really; Timon, Nala, Kovu, Anakin Skywalker, Quasimodo, and Andy from Toy Story all never mentioned their fathers at all, or even asked if they were alive. So keeping Timon's father in the film(s) could've eliminated this problem for him. What little we have of him in TLK 1 1/2's cut storyboards seemed promising enough, so it would've been neat to see him fully realized.
Binti, who was supposed to be Zazu's girlfriend and/or mate, would've been nice to see done in the final film(s). I'm not sure how she would've fit into the grand scheme of things plot-wise, but I can't bring myself to deny that it would've been cute to see Zazu find a lover like her. As long as she was designed nice, was written well and had good chemistry with Zazu, I would've loved to see her get together with him in the end, and maybe help him to lighten up his stiff-ass mood a little.
Favorite deleted scene?
I would have to say Zira's suicide, I almost wish they'd kept it in the final movie. When she says "No... never", it truly sends chills up my spine every time. I get why they axed it, but fuck man, it would've gotten so many more people talking about Simba's Pride for sure.
Favorite area in the movie?
Pride Rock.
Favorite score?
Plenty of moments in the score stand out to me, even if I don't know the names of some of the tracks. (Particularly in Simba's Pride, since that score was never officially released.) I like the score the best when there's powerful or bombastic choir movements going on in the background, like when Simba was ascending to Pride Rock in the rain, or when Kovu/Kiara get their first look at the war between the prides. I also really like the sections where the music would get quiet or personal sounding, like when Timon and his mother were having their heart-to-heart in TLK 1 1/2.
Favorite songs?
-The Circle of Life
-Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Elton John version)
-He Lives in You
-Love Will Find a Way
-Call of the Guard (full version)
-Sisi Ni Sawa
Favorite quote?
I have a few.
"Long live the king..."
"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king."
"De past can hurt. But de way I see it you can either run from it... or learn from it!"
"Sarcasm is a foreign language to you, isn't it?"
"We're gonna get old walking across this thing..."
"Sometimes what's left behind can grow better than the generation before… if given the chance."
"A wise king once told me 'we are one'. I didn't understand him then... now I do."
"Aw no, dad, we already had that talk! 'Can you feel the love tonight', I know all about that mushy stuff!"
"Leap to conclusions, and you lead to confusions."
Least Favorite Quote?
"Good, we don't want to hear about it!" Even for Timon, that was fucking rude, ignorant and kind of uncalled for. I mean shit, Simba was just emotionally crippled for the rest of his life, chased out of his own home, and nearly died in a desert all while he's still a young child; And that's what Timon has to say for it? I'm aware that he had no idea what Simba went through or why he was there, but still, that was harsh. He even made it clear that he knew the poor cub was depressed about something. It could've been saved if Timon maybe apologized for that remark later on, but he never did.
Favorite species?
The lions, obviously.
Favorite group? (Pride Landers, Outsiders, etc.)
Both the Pride Landers and the Outsiders.
Favorite TLK video game? (besides the Pride Lands levels of KH)
I've never played any, so I can't say just yet.
Funniest moment?
I suck at picking anything specific, but a lot of the lines in The Lion Guard have gotten some hardy laughs out of me before.
Saddest moment?
Mufasa's death. Does any scene in this franchise need less of an introduction? Everything's already been said about it before. I don't think it's even his death itself that gets people so emotional as much as it is Simba's reaction to it. Trying in vein to revive his dead body after the stampede ends? Fuck, what was this movie rated again?
Scariest moment?
I don't think there's any moments in any of the films that necessarily scared me, but I did feel unsettled during some of Zira's scenes, in no small part due to her hoarse voice and sadistic intentions.
Happiest moment?
The Hakuna Matata scene, as much of a total whiplash as it was. "Oh, Simba's just been emotionally crippled, his dad died and now the Pride Lands are run by an evil fascist where everyone's probably gonna die? FUCK THAT, WE'VE GOTTA HAKUNA MATATA THIS BITCH, WE'VE BARELY GOT THAT G RATING AS IT IS."
Which of the trilogy is your favorite?
It's way too cliché to say the first movie at this point, so I'm going to say the first two movies. (TLK and TLKII.)
Do you consider the sequels and/or TLK6NA canon?
Yes and no. Yes because I consider Simba's Pride canon, and no because I don't think TLK 1 1/2 is. Not entirely, anyway. Simba's Pride was an effective sequel for what it was, I still get tons of enjoyment out of it, and I love the new characters in it. The story was nicely told, the animation was great for a straight-to-video affair, and the songs were worthy successors to the original as well. While the movie definitely could've used some tweaking here and there (Those fucking colors, man...), I'm glad we got what we did with it. It felt like it actually had a reason to exist beyond just profit, unlike most other Disney sequels out there.
The Lion King 1 1/2, on the other hand, is more of a mixed bag for me. On one hand, the production values were astounding; Better than SP's. It made Timon and Pumbaa far more three-dimensional, a lot of the humor worked for me, the score was impressive, and it's clear that a lot of effort went into the film. But on the other hand, the framing device with the movie theatre didn't make much sense (especially at the end), the fart joke with Pumbaa at Simba's presentation was annoying, and the story was a tad cliché at times. Plus, there's a lot of inconsistencies between it and the first movie, so I do strongly doubt the canonicity of it. I like to think of TLK 1 1/2 as more of a bonus movie than a serious effort to add to the overall TLK lore. And while that's all fine and good, I can't help but feel it really wasted an opportunity to create a true TLKIII to pick up where the second movie left off.
The Lion Guard is a different beast entirely. It was already pushing the limits with the concept of the roar and the guard and all that, but it feels like every episode just keeps on jamming in as much as it possibly can into Simba's Pride's time gap. Something's gotta give eventually. The reason I don't write it off as non canon completely (aside from a non canon show being an utter waste of time at this point), is because there's still just enough connecting it with the movies for it to be considered. Some light is shed on Scar's past, we had the Outsiders appear, and Kovu's first meeting with Kiara was even mentioned directly. Despite all the show's contradictions, there's clearly some effort being made to connect it to the movies, and for that, I say it's worth adding to canon. The hard part is trying to figure out how.
As for the books, I've only read Nala's Dare so far. It's decent, and I don't see it raising any problems that are too serious by adding that much to canon. So that one's good. I still have to read the other five books, though, so I can't say anything about them just yet.
What do you think of the Kimba controversy?
To me, The Lion King has as much to do with Kimba as The Matrix has to do with fucking Doritos.
Pet peeves you have? (one for each movie)
The Lion King:
When Simba "admits" Mufasa's death was "his" fault, Scar's got him hanging off Pride Rock, the fire starts; you know the drill. I wish one of the lionesses (preferably either Nala or Sarabi) could've stood up for Simba and said something about it instead of just standing there watching. They should've said something like "Wait, maybe he should explain himself, maybe this isn't what it looks like". I mean shit, imagine what could've happened if Scar didn't reveal he killed Mufasa right there, and Simba had died because no one stood up for him or so much as asked him about the details of the event. You all cry and mope about him being gone for years, but then when he's actually about to die right in front of you, not a fuckin' damn was given. Way to stick up for your own king. A second peeve here, but I also really wish the film had given an explanation to who Nala's father was. Not because I think she's related to Simba (Because I know she's not), but because it'd be easily be able to put those bullcrap accusations to rest and clear up that there was no incest involved with her. I mean really, all they needed was one sentence, like "He died trying to save us" or something like that. The whole "Simba and Nala are related" issue could've been totally cleared up with just a few words. I wish we'd at least gotten an idea of who he was. The Lion Guard episode Paintings and Predictions was a huge step in the right direction for that, but I still want more information than a vaguely drawn cave painting.
The Lion King 1 1/2:
Just the fact that it wasted the potential that there was for a real third Lion King. TLK 1 1/2 already has the most amount of problems out of all three films in my opinion, but I just wish they had gone for a more sincere addition to the story than this. Timon and Pumbaa revisiting the original movie for the fun of it is fine, and I do enjoy their antics on many levels, but I'm disappointed that Disney opted to go for something like that as opposed to following up on the second film. The ending to Simba's Pride practically gift-wrapped the setup to a third film perfectly, so I'm honestly kind of confused why that was never taken advantage of. I guess more fart jokes with Pumbaa just sells better...
The Lion King II:
It was a toss-up between Kovu doing nothing while Kiara and Zira went down the cliff, and the overall color scheme of the movie. But I already ranted about a similar issue in the first movie, so it'd just be redundant. The color palette throughout most of the film is so distracting, everything has a weird magenta/purple hue to it, many scenes look undersaturated, and the lighting in a lot of scenes was dull. The part that bothers me the most is how purple Kovu looks in many scenes. I know for sure that that wasn't his intended look color-wise, but holy fuck is it distracting. I think this even bothers me more than Kovu doing nothing at the end, because at least that was only one scene. The back-ass color scheme is present through the entire film to some degree. If they ever remaster the film one of these days (which I doubt they really will…), I hope the colors get their much-needed overhaul.
Crack pairings you've heard of?
(You only have yourself to blame for this one, Disney.)
(A yaoi fangirl's wet dream, I'm sure.)
(How would that even...?)
(I know they should've had more interaction on-screen, but… really?)
(As much as I want Nuka to find love, thiiiiiis isn't what I had in mind.)
(They do realize the age difference makes this one fucking creepy, right?… Right?...)
(Because who doesn't love a good incest ship, am I right?)
(Hakuna the fuck not.)
(Refer to my comment on Nuka/Kiara.)
Do you want another sequel? (if so, involving what?)
Yes, I'd absolutely love to see another sequel made. We've already got The Lion Guard to show the franchise is still relevant, so I'm still hoping that one more movie could come after it. I already mentioned how the ending to Simba's Pride pretty much gift-wrapped a third movie's setup, so it'd make the most sense if the next sequel followed the story of Kovu and Kiara's cub(s). The rest of the story could be almost anything, so there would be plenty to free reign Of course, the cubs wouldn't have to happen right away, there's always room for more to occur before their birth. Other things I'd love to see in a future sequel are how Vitani and the Outsiders are able to adjust to their new life in the Pride Lands, see how Simba adapts to the change, find out how they all look back on Zira and Scar, etc. Things like that would be so great to see. Of course, with the remake coming in soon, it's pretty unreasonable to realistically expect another animated sequel to Simba's Pride anymore, which is sad. Unless they can get a new post-SP book series going or something, ala 6NA, it's up to the fandom to decide where the story goes.
Could Scar really be Kovu's father?
I don't have any fucking clue why this is an issue at all, I really don't. No, Kovu isn't Scar's son. Not only would that make him and Kiara related (Something Disney would never do or allow), but they outright stated in the movie he wasn't the father not once, but twice. (Three times if you count one of the deleted scenes!) You know, I've heard people say that Simba's Pride in general didn't explain enough about a multitude of things. While there's certainly some merit to that argument, it's pretty damn hard to take it as seriously when some of them are the same people who blatantly ignore the one thing they could not have possibly explained any more clearly. Why this is even a thing is beyond me.
Could Vitani or Nuka be Scar's?
I don't doubt for a moment that Nuka is Scar's son. Some claim that Kovu looks too much like Scar for it to be a coincidence, but I say Nuka resembles him a lot more accurately than Kovu does; right down to his orange-brown fur color in the beginning. As for Vitani on the other hand, I don't think the same. I'm a strong supporter of the Kopa/Vitani pairing, and if Vitani were Scar's biological daughter, well, we'd have another Kovu situation on our hands, wouldn't we? Besides, Vitani has blueish-purple eyes, and neither Scar nor Zira had that. (And before you ask, no, I don't believe that she was Nala's daughter either. I hate that theory. A lot.)
Is Kovu emo?
Unless there was a deleted scene of Kovu listening to My Chemical Romance or Black Veil Brides, I don't think so.
Do you think Zazu is obnoxious?
Not really. I can see how others would think he is, but I don't think he really did anything worth getting annoyed over.
Do you believe the Timon/Pumbaa thing?
Does 2 plus 2 equal 579?
Was Simba too overprotective in the sequel?
At times, yeah, maybe he was. But I don't think his overprotectiveness was necessarily senseless or contrived like some fans have stated. For one thing, he was traumatized preeeetty fucking badly as a child, having to see his father die and thinking he was responsible and whatnot. That'd probably fuck anyone up for life. As mentioned before, I do support the theory of Kopa and how Zira "killed" him shortly before Kiara's birth. But just to avoid any potential fan wars with Kopatards who think he's lion Jesus, I'll leave that out of my reasoning entirely. Simba knew there was a pack of "backstabbing, murderous Outsiders" just outside his borders that could strike at any moment, obviously posing a pretty serious threat to Kiara right off the bat.
In addition, it kind of seems to me like Simba showed a lot of signs of legitimate PTSD thanks to all that bullshit from before; He relives the stampede in his dreams (as seen in the nightmare scene), his beliefs and feelings changed pretty drastically (this one should be self-explanitory with his view on the Outsiders), he seems jittery, constantly alert to danger, and appears very hyper-sensitive at times. He also seems extremely emotionally distressed over things that remind him of the event, most notably Kovu and his resemblance/affiliation to Scar. The signs are all there. I believe Simba had a legitimate case of PTSD in the second film, which would absolutely explain why he was so uptight all the time. Whether that justifies his actions/beliefs is debatable, but his change in character does make sense with what he experienced in the first film. I guess it goes to show that Disney "happily ever afters" aren't always what they're cracked up to be if you go through enough shit to get to it.
Is Kiara truly a ditz?
No, not at all. I'll never fully understand how so many people could think Kiara is a moron or a brat or anything like that, to me she never ever did anything that could warrant as much hate as she gets. What exactly did she do that makes so many people dislike her or call her a ditz? It just doesn't make sense to me. I think Kiara is a very kind, caring and friendly person who was an independent thinker that didn't just blindly hate the Outsiders like Simba wanted her to. She was smart enough to think for herself, look past her father's prejudices and see the Outsiders for who they were: Misguided lions/lionesses who were being inculcated by Zira and deserved a second chance. She was even willing to act on her beliefs and bring an end to the entire conflict, based on her experiences with Kovu after seeing another side to him. I think it's extremely admirable of her to do what she did, even right down to persuading Kovu to go back with her to get things done to end the feud, instead of just running off with him to go have their crazy lion sex and God only knows what else. I could (and did) go on and on about why I don't think Kiara deserves the hate she gets, but I'd just like to keep it simple this time around. In short, I think she's a smart and playful person, and I think she's by far the most underrated character in the franchise.
What do you think happened to the hyenas after the first film?
For now, the presence of the new hyenas in The Lion Guard pretty much leaves this question up in the air unless it's explained somewhere in the show. But until then, here's my take on it: For those that didn't burn to death or get mauled in the battle, I'd like to think that they ran off to find a new habitat after the death of Scar, and perhaps tried to start things over from there. They didn't stick with the Elephant Graveyard as Nuka pointed out, and I doubt they'd want to settle anywhere in the Outlands again. They had to have found a new, more suitable home beyond their boundaries. The Pride Lands can't be the only place in all of Africa that can support them, so the hyenas could've easily found a new stretch of grassy savannah to save their pack.
What did you think of the Timon and Pumbaa series?
It was just okay. I was never super into it though, and there were a lot of over the top ridiculous moments in it that weren't to my liking. I don't know why, but it was kind of alienating. That, and the animation was less than impressive to me. But the show wasn't awful, just nothing special.
Do you believe in the Shenzi/Banzai theory?
Yes I do, in fact. I think they would look very nice together as a couple, and I ship them 100%. (Not entirely sure why it's called a "theory", though. It's more of a ship than a theory.)
Do you think it could ever tie into other Disney movies (if so, which ones)?
Well Disney has the whole "cinematic universe" thing down by now, so...
What's up with Nala's eye color?
Animators who apparently don't know what they're doing. Even in the first movie they were inconsistent.
Thing the makers changed that you wish they hadn't?
I kind of wish they kept the scene with Scar trying to seduce Nala before she left. It would've been fucked up for sure, but it also would've given more insight on just how horrible things were going in the Pride Lands, how sadistic and unstable Scar is, and it would have been overall supportive to the film. It wasn't a critical keystone to the story or anything, but it would've been nice to see it fully animated. So I consider it fate that someone on YouTube actually went ahead and did just that, in the best fan-made animation I've ever seen, hands down.
Have you seen TLKoB (if so, did you like it?)
No, but I'd really like to some day.
Do you like anthro/human/AU's?
Oh yes, I love anthro versions of TLK characters! It used to weird me out a lot (like, a LOT), but the idea grew on me more and more. Now, I draw anthro versions of the characters myself all the time. Making them anthro opens up a lot of new possibilities for stories that can be told and new character traits for everyone. What would Zira do if she could use human-like weapons? How would Scar have killed Mufasa if they could do what we do? How could the Lion Guard be organized in a setting closer to ours? What would everyone's interests be? What of their religious beliefs? What about their occupations? Art/music tastes? There's so much more to be explored with anthro stories, and it opens the door to expanding on everyone's characteristics and personalities tenfold. I also love how many settings and time periods that anthro concepts can be put in. Anything from ancient tribal scenarios (which I use on DA a lot) to modern times, there's no real limit for how many ways there are to do character studies and stories by giving them so many more options for what can be done with them.
As for humanized AUs, a lot of the same can be said for those too, but to me personally, I don't see as much of a point. By making the TLK characters human, they lose a big part of their original identity by abandoning the lion/lioness sides of them entirely. They might as well just be any characters at all if they're going to be humans, as opposed to anthros where the lion sides are preserved. Not to say humanized stuff is bad, I find some of that kind of interesting too. I just prefer anthros is all.
Voice actors you loved?
A lot all of them were great, but I'd say the highlights were James Earl Jones, Matthew Broderick (For a change!), Jeramy Irons, Neve Campbell, Jason Marsden, and most of all, Suzanne Pleshette.
Did you know Jim Cummings (voice of Ed) covered for Jeremy Irons (voice of Scar) at the end of "Be Prepared"?
The Nostalgia Critic had to point that one out for me.
Do you consider Scar/Zira to be an official pairing?
Without a shred of doubt. Those two were absolutely made for each other, right down to their desire for murder. If I may say so, it's a match made in heaven. (Or hell, should I say for them?)
What do you think happened to Sarabi in the second movie?
I think she just died of old age in between films, nothing more. After all, she didn't exactly look young when she had Simba in the first place. (Come to think of it, she doesn't really age at all in the movie, does she?) Not to mention, if she really were in Simba's Pride like some believe, you'd think she would've said or done something to help things out with her own granddaughter's business. She's not one to just stay in the background like that. I also believe the same thing happened with Sarafina; It was just her time, simple as that.
Do you think Scar is Nala's father?
Thank Christ this one was addressed in The Lion Guard. No, Scar obviously wasn't the father. That cave painting of Nala's real father that we saw looked absolutely nothing like him, not even having anything close to the same color scheme. So if there's anything you can say for The Lion Guard, regardless of your opinion on it, it's that it finally put an absolute bullshit fan theory to rest. Rest in hell!
Do you think Ed is mentally challenged?
Well, at least he still has more personality than Bella Swan...
Own any TLK merchandise?
I own the three films on VHS, DVD, and Blu Ray. Other than that, all I have is a small plush toy of Zira that I got at a flea market for 50 cents, and a TLK/Abbey Road parody T-shirt I got off eBay. Outside the movies themselves, I'm not too crazy about most of the merchandise as it is, I'm just not interested in collecting it.
Were the hyenas' actions justified?
If it means killing Scar in the end, then yes, I would say they were justified fairly well. Scar did nearly starve them and the rest of the Pride Landers to death after promising them otherwise, so you know what? I would've been happy to rip his entrails out at the end too.
Were Scar's actions justified?
Obviously not. Being jealous of your own brother for being more powerful than you is never a reason to murder him, let alone openly blame it on your nephew who hasn't even hit puberty yet. Even with Scar's backstory of him being a previous Lion Guard who abused his power, it still does little to change the fact that he was nothing short of evil to do what he did.
Were Zira's actions justified?
Maaaaybe a bit moreso than Scar, but it's tough to say. Even if she didn't "kill" Kopa, she was banished from the Pride Lands because of her loyalty to Scar, plus physically attacking Simba at some point. Unless The Lion Guard goes into more detail later on (which I doubt), Zira's actions are pretty hard to defend too. Factor in the axe-crazy, psychopathic part of her too, and, well...
Why do you think the Outsiders were still loyal to Scar?
I guess it largely depends on what their history with Scar was. We were never told exactly what happened, so unless The Lion Guard is willing to reveal something in a future episode, I suppose we'll have to rely on theories and headcanons until then. My personal take is that at first, Zira was just a lone lioness who stumbled upon the Pride Lands during Scar's reign, and Scar took her in as his queen. Once Simba came back, the Kopa ordeal happened and Zira was exiled, she realized that she wouldn't be able to avenge Scar on her own. So she rallied together a group of rogue lionesses in the Outlands, manipulating them and lying to them by saying Scar was a great king that Simba killed in cold blood. She promised them access to the Pride Lands if they helped her, which is what made them agree. Zira deliberately left out the parts about Scar killing Mufasa or Kopa's "death" so it'd be easier to put herself in a positive light for them. The Outsider pride was formed, and the rest is history.
Crossovers you like?
I haven't really read that many, so I can't say just yet.
Do you find Timon and Pumbaa enjoyable or annoying?
In the middle. Sometimes they're funny, other times they're annoying, so it's a bit of a toss-up with them. I can tell you right the fuck now that they're way too over-marketed though, which is annoying as shit.
The best king or king-to-be?
Probably Mufasa, Kovu and Simba. Mufasa goes without saying, he was definitely THE king of Pride Rock. Simba did a fine job as king from what was shown, and Kovu seems like the kind of person who would do just as well, given the right training from Simba.
The best queen or queen-to-be?
I would say either Sarabi or Kiara. Sarabi was a gentle, merciful queen who knew what was best for herself and others, and Kiara was an intelligent, compassionate lioness who was brave and strong enough to fight for herself. I can see her becoming a very admirable queen someday.
Timon or Pumbaa?
Kiara or Kopa?
Scar or Mufasa?
Simba or Kovu?
Scar or Zira?
Pretty close tie, but for me, Zira just barely wins.
Simba or Zira?
Simba or Scar?
Kiara or Nala?
Mufasa or Simba?
Zazu or Gopher?
Zazu. (How is this even a choice?)
Shenzi, Banzai or Ed?
Ma or Uncle Max?
Sarabi or Sarafina?
Rafiki or Zazu?
Simba/Nala or Mufasa/Sarabi?
Shenzi/Banzai or Shenzi/Ed?
Scar/Zira or Scar/Nala?
Sarafina/Scar or Shenzi/Scar?
Sarafina/Scar (I'm really not a fan of either one, though).
Kovu/Kiara or Vitani/Kopa?
Kovu/Kiara, but both of them are great.
Describe the movies in three words.
Works of art.