AN: Sequel is Up finally!
AN: Because of the whole deleting stories issue, I am posting this little reminder. If this story is deleted, I will still be writing a sequel. It is in story form, but i will not be telling you what it is about. Just know this: There will be a sequel, plus, if this is deleted, i'm sorry.
AN: I'm sorry this is so short, but-
Luke: No you're not
Meg: Fine! I'm GLAD to finally have something that says COMPLETE!
Harry: Hey, admitting is the first step to recovery.
Ann: And just what are we admitting Harry?
Harry: That Harry Potter is better than Star Wars!
Luke: LIAR!
Meg: Whoa there! Calm yourselves!
Ann: Yeah, I wuv each of yous equally
Luke: LAME!
Harry: Just pick one! *coughHarryPottercough*
Luke: That was sooooo not a cough
Ann: You two are sooooo getting on my nerves!
Harry: Sorry Megan! *pouts*
Meg: It's okay :) *ruffles hair*
Harry: HAH! She likes ME better!
Luke: *tackles*
Luke: But, he started it!
Harry: Well, you escalated it!
Luke: Huh?
Ann: You guys better run.
Harry: Got it *runs*
Luke: Wimp! *looks at Meg* On second thought, *runs*
Meg: I need a massage! *rubs temples*
Ann: Don't look at me, I'm you.
PalominoMajic: Thanks!
Cloverheart609: I have plans for a sequel. That line was funny, my brother wrote it though, so here is his credit.
Ayy Kaim: I've never had cookies with dates in them. *dodges date* HAH! *gets hit in head and cannot update for has passed out* Luke: YAY, WE IS FREE!
xxxRavensClawxxx: They will exist in non-existence. You'll get it later.
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxxxxx: Are you the same people, hope I got all the X's. Ahhh! Wait, YOU CAN'T KILL ME CUZ I GOT HOIT WITH A DATE! That doesn't even make any sense, but you (hopefully) get the just. And yes, space space space cookie space!
Dextra2: Oh NO *calls ambulance* Don't worry, I'll save you!
Master Esso Antos: Great review ;D (hahahahahahahahahahaha) (Why do I find that so funny?)
Vulcanblood: That's not why he is insane, just keep reading and you'll get it. WE ARE ALL SANE, well, except for a select few. Like YOU and ME and WOLFSKATER and ME and AYY KAIM and AAYLAKIT and ME and ASTREICH689 and EMERALDEYEDJEDI and ME and KATSUMI HATAKE and MEand…. Um… SVERAL WHOM I CANNOT REMEMBER, BUT THIS IS THEIR PART SO THEY CAN NOT KILL ME FOR FORGETTING THEM! MWA HA HA HA! (no offense to those I call crazy, blame Luke and Harry, they giving me a headache) Yes! *gives purple coconut, sticker with potato and spaghetti, purple balloon, and piece of stale coffee cake* Wow, you are so demanding. NO, SPACEBOOK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY! NO JOIN! IT MINE! MY PRECIOUS!
Pergjithshme: Don't I know it!
AaylaKit: NO, the pretty light shall not wait, so HURRY UP AND DON"T FORGET THE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS! Nope, you got the reason Luke is crazy wrong. Just keep reading…...…..(dun dun dunnnnnn)
Astriech689: Of course you may have a lightsaber and a shiny light, as you asked so nicely! They come in a WIDE variety of colors. Any color in the visible (and invisible) Light spectrum! *high fives back* cuz it is rude not too. Hope this is a 'BANG'
EmeraldEyedJedi: Don't worry, your reputation is fine! And, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT HYPHENS! If you are going to use them, review my HP fics. Harry: Cuz they are that much better! Luke: Go AWAY Harry, this is my ME time!
Katsumi Hatake: No, it's the guys in rainbow you have to watch out for, they are sne- NO, I didn't mean it, NOOOOOOOO! HELp MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *screaming fades* . I'M SORRY, THE PERSON WHO IS WRITING IS NOT AVAILIBLE NOW, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AFTER THE TONE!
Monkeygirl98: COOL! Send me a postcard!
ZandaraSmith17: Glob? I don't get it. I don't mean to offend you, but- OH MY GUMMY BEAR DON'T KILL ME! Explain (like on those really annoying math problems when you just want to say: I ADDED 2 AND 2, THAT'S IT! WHY MUST I EXPLAIN EACH STEP?)
Lady Firewing: Oh, don't worry. I'm completely harmless *smiles innocently*
Wolf skater: Of course it did, why wouldn't it? ;)
I don't own Star Wars.
And so, Skyguy went off on a psychotic rampage and destroyed Palpitine. Then Padme went into labor and her husband was by her side the whole time. The Jedi council did not approve of this and kicked the Skywalkers out. Anakin then went into politics and became the new leader. Luke grew up completely sane, for he did not breathe in the Tatooine dust his whole childhood like he did in the other timeline. Many scientists realized the dust on Tatooine was toxic to humans, so they all left. Leia became an illegal Jedi alongside her brother. Leia and Han had a double wedding with Luke and Mara. Their dad discovered how corrupt their universe was, so he brought the human race together and set ship for a new beginning. Eventually they landed on a habitable planet, called it Earth, and went back to the times of old, becoming Indians on North America. Generations later, Columbus came. You know the story after that. Luke Skywalker changed his name to George Lucas after finding the everlasting life Palpatine kept talking about. Turns out it was on the magenta side of the Force, not the Dark or Light. He sat down one day and wrote 6 books about what his father said would have happened if Ahsoka had not forced him to join that chat room that one day. It had been his favorite bedtime story as a kid. Luke, now George, became very rich off these books and movies and is set to live the rest of his days in a hidden paradise. And this all began a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
The End
AN: There is a good chance I will do a sequel. I've set up a poll on my page for it. Just a yes or no question. If I do have a sequel it would involve all the characters from the future appearing in non-existence. They would fight with each other, meet each other, kill each other, Han would still stalk Leia, and they will be searching for a way out. And along the way they will discover love, tragedy, and how different their life would have been had there never been a Vader (by watching it all).